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View Full Version : Swingers Clubs

07-20-2007, 01:22 AM
I've got a question for all of the guys (or gals) here to ponder. This is a situation in which I currently find myself, and it's unique to me. I have this woman who has been a friend of mine for some time, and we have been carrying on a purely physical relationship for a few months. She's what you would call an exhibitionist, and one of her girlfriends (who swings with her husband) has been telling her all about this swingers club at which they enjoy attending monthly parties on occassion. She has recently taken an interest in this as it presents her an opportunity to satisfy her exhibitionist desires. She wants me to go with her to the party, and says she wants me to go so she can fulfill her fantasy and still be with someone that she knows and trusts. It's an enticing offer - what would you do?

07-20-2007, 01:30 AM
Double bag it.

07-20-2007, 01:34 AM
go for it dude:lol

07-20-2007, 09:51 AM
Be careful. It's a whole other world down there.

You are gonna see some shit.


07-20-2007, 09:53 AM
Triple Bag It

07-20-2007, 09:53 AM
why are you still here?

07-20-2007, 10:00 AM
This whole thing is fucking worthless unless you tell me the name of the club.

07-20-2007, 10:02 AM
Go with your urologist so he can examine you immediately after.

Ed Helicopter Jones
07-20-2007, 10:30 AM
Double bag it. :lmao

07-20-2007, 10:34 AM

07-20-2007, 11:42 AM
I think its one of those things you'll have to actually try out before deciding whether or not you like it. I watched a documentary on a swinging couple and the guy who convinced his wife to go with him ended up hating it. He sat in the corner sulking while his wife was off sucking dick.

07-20-2007, 11:44 AM
I think its one of those things you'll have to actually try out before deciding whether or not you like it. I watched a documentary on a swinging couple and the guy who convinced his wife to go with him ended up hating it. He sat in the corner sulking while his wife was off sucking dick.

peewee's lovechild
07-20-2007, 12:06 PM
Fuck yea, do it!!!

But tell us where this place is.
I've always wanted to go to one of these things.

07-20-2007, 12:36 PM
I think its one of those things you'll have to actually try out before deciding whether or not you like it. I watched a documentary on a swinging couple and the guy who convinced his wife to go with him ended up hating it. He sat in the corner sulking while his wife was off sucking dick.Was that the "documentary" on VH1? That was hilarious.

Only advice I can offer is if you go, be prepared to see some ugly things being done by some ugly people.

07-20-2007, 12:41 PM


07-20-2007, 12:59 PM
What would be worse? -

A)to be a swinger in America, where everybody is fat.


B) be a swinger in Europe, where everyone smokes and has herpes.

07-20-2007, 02:16 PM

07-20-2007, 02:21 PM
don't do it bro!!!

just get her to get her girlfriend to join you two and then videotape it.


07-20-2007, 02:31 PM
Maybe you'll see GiG???

peewee's lovechild
07-20-2007, 03:54 PM
Was that the "documentary" on VH1? That was hilarious.

Only advice I can offer is if you go, be prepared to see some ugly things being done by some ugly people.

Hmmmm, the mystery remains . . .

07-20-2007, 03:54 PM
I think its one of those things you'll have to actually try out before deciding whether or not you like it. I watched a documentary on a swinging couple and the guy who convinced his wife to go with him ended up hating it. He sat in the corner sulking while his wife was off sucking dick.

I have a friend who did this. They did a complete swap though, not the club scene. Her husband pushed her into it and she ended up enjoying it. He ended up jealous as hell cause she had so much fun. :lol

07-20-2007, 04:06 PM
i wonder if shes really talking about her friend:lol

07-20-2007, 05:17 PM
i wonder if shes really talking about her friend:lol


Yes, I am! They were going through a divorce because of this......but are attempting to reconcile. She told me you needed to have a really strong marriage and it should never be used to "save" a marriage which is what she was trying to do.

07-20-2007, 05:38 PM
LOL dumbasses

I bet it would be fun but Id be afraid to make actual physical contact at all with anyone there without some sort of protective layer between my skin and theirs.

Rememba det movie Bootie Call? :lol

07-20-2007, 07:19 PM
I've decided to go along and enjoy the ride. Party's tomorrow night. Just to clarify, there's no way in hell that either of us are hooking up with anyone there - this is basically just a way for her to get her public sex fantasy fulfilled with me going along for the ride. If anyone's interested I'll post a synopsis of the goings on in a few days...

07-20-2007, 07:24 PM
You don't care what anyone else here would do, and you didn't need any advice. You were always going. You just started this thread to brag.

07-20-2007, 07:37 PM
I remember that documentary. If I had a hot wife I couldn't see myself going to a swinger's club.

07-21-2007, 09:00 AM
I still want to know where this place is.

07-21-2007, 09:13 AM
I used to work at the UTSA student newspaper the Paisano who's office is located on UTSA Blvd...and right next door was a Swinger's club..NO JOKE...they closed their doors in January this year...but we used to find all kinds of things like condoms on the doors and we could hear the music right through the walls

07-21-2007, 10:07 AM
Good luck bud...I actually am invited to "this place" this coming Saturday (and those of you who know the name of it DON'T FUCKIN BLURT IT OUT, there's an unbreakable code.

I probably won't go...been there done that and sure it was fun, but my life has changed for the better----------and yes, careful with exchange of fluids. One time when we went we were having our fun and there was just this guy who came with someone but was just walking aroudn sucking on all the girls t!tt!es and one girl punched him in the face. Some girls might just wanna come slob on the knob if they like what they see...but you have the right to say no dude, remember saliva can carry the hi five too! Other than that, rock out witcher cock out and hang out witcher wang out bro...have fun!

07-21-2007, 10:26 AM
Good luck bud...I actually am invited to "this place" this coming Saturday (and those of you who know the name of it DON'T FUCKIN BLURT IT OUT, there's an unbreakable code.Thats some backass pussy shit right there. Let me raid this fat fest.

07-21-2007, 10:34 AM
if it's such an unbreakable code, why would you even mention it? i call bullshit. shit sounds fucking disgusting.

07-21-2007, 10:35 AM
Ya know there is such a thing as a search engine.

07-21-2007, 10:39 AM
=brah, drop off a sixpack on the way=

07-21-2007, 10:41 AM
Ya know there is such a thing as a search engine.Let me know what you find and we go together :lol .

Seriously why bring it up if its soooo fucking exclusive, isn't that jepordizing FatFuckClub from the get go. Be sure to not walk around barefoot.....Pedalherpes run rampant at these houty touty parties.

07-21-2007, 10:42 AM
I've decided to go along and enjoy the ride. Party's tomorrow night. Just to clarify, there's no way in hell that either of us are hooking up with anyone there - this is basically just a way for her to get her public sex fantasy fulfilled with me going along for the ride. If anyone's interested I'll post a synopsis of the goings on in a few days...

so she said she was going with or without you huh? :lmao

07-21-2007, 11:39 AM
Let me know what you find and we go together :lol .

Seriously why bring it up if its soooo fucking exclusive, isn't that jepordizing FatFuckClub from the get go. Be sure to not walk around barefoot.....Pedalherpes run rampant at these houty touty parties.

1stRofFFC. DTaboutFFC. :oink

peewee's lovechild
07-21-2007, 02:41 PM
I still want to know where this place is at.

07-21-2007, 03:11 PM
I still want to know where this place is at.You can't its very exclusive and there are very strict codes to follow.

This thread is fucking worthless.

07-21-2007, 03:23 PM
If I was you I'd beware of the golden showers.

peewee's lovechild
07-21-2007, 03:24 PM
I now deem this thread a piece of shit because I haven't gotten the information I need . . . that being the name of the place so I can go and have some fun.

This thread should have never been started.

07-21-2007, 03:42 PM






peewee's lovechild
07-21-2007, 03:45 PM






SpursWoman, sometimes I think you are a figment of my imagination.

Women like you make this life worthwhile.

07-21-2007, 03:49 PM

I think this is located where the olllllld Galaxy Billiards was many years ago across from the Galaxy movie theater (now the Rialto) ... if so, I can say I've been in there a few times. :lol

peewee's lovechild
07-21-2007, 03:54 PM
I think this is located where the olllllld Galaxy Billiards was many years ago across from the Galaxy movie theater (now the Rialto) ... if so, I can say I've been in there a few times. :lol


I live close by from there.

I hope to see you there some time.

P0rch /\/\on|<ey
07-21-2007, 04:05 PM
I'm Jersey's biggest swinger!

07-21-2007, 04:11 PM
I hope to see you there some time.

That's not really my thing ... I may be a lot of things, but not-stingy-with-my-man is not one of them. :lol

07-21-2007, 04:42 PM

I live close by from there.

I hope to see you there some time.

They don't usually allow single men, from what I have read. :)

07-21-2007, 04:44 PM






LOL, that took all of, what 5 minutes?

07-21-2007, 04:44 PM
Pretty much. :lol

07-21-2007, 04:50 PM
I think this is located where the olllllld Galaxy Billiards was many years ago across from the Galaxy movie theater (now the Rialto) ... if so, I can say I've been in there a few times. :lol
damn all this time and i didn't even know that was there :lol thats krazy

07-21-2007, 05:00 PM
speaking of swingers, i have a cousin who works in a retail store that has a married couple always hitting on him. the husband came to watch a fight with us and acted really weird the whole night. trying to get my cousin super intoxicated and inviting him over for "poker" afterwards. they recently solicited him to go dancing or to a concert with the wife. i just wonder whether its the husband or wife that want a him to score. my guess is on the husband.

peewee's lovechild
07-21-2007, 05:12 PM
That's not really my thing ... I may be a lot of things, but not-stingy-with-my-man is not one of them. :lol

This disappoints me.

07-21-2007, 11:31 PM
I've decided to go along and enjoy the ride. Party's tomorrow night. Just to clarify, there's no way in hell that either of us are hooking up with anyone there - this is basically just a way for her to get her public sex fantasy fulfilled with me going along for the ride. If anyone's interested I'll post a synopsis of the goings on in a few days...


Isn't couple swapping the very essence of swinging? Why would they let you in if no-one else can touch either of you?

Sounds bloody horrible to me. Sex, if I ever have it again, is between me and her and there's something wrong if we aren't taking up 100% of each other's attention...

07-21-2007, 11:35 PM
Looking forward to beerisgood's report back on this one.

peewee's lovechild
07-22-2007, 01:50 PM

Isn't couple swapping the very essence of swinging? Why would they let you in if no-one else can touch either of you?

Sounds bloody horrible to me. Sex, if I ever have it again, is between me and her and there's something wrong if we aren't taking up 100% of each other's attention...

I just like the idea or an orgy.

It's so "Je non se qua", as the French say.

07-25-2007, 04:38 AM
For those who wanted to know - it isn't a secret society or anything in the nature of "Eyes Wide Shut". The one we went to is called the Velvet Curtain and it's located in a huge flat on Ervay street just off of downtown Dallas. It's a private party held once a month for couples or single women only - and you have to secure an invitation before showing up.

All in all, it was a pretty interesting night. I have to admit I was nervous going in, but it was basically a big party with dancing and drinking on the floor level and the crazy sex stuff going on in a couple of rooms on the bottom level and in the balcony. The people were pretty nice and not pushy at all, and there were some pretty hot women there - more than I thought going in. Most of the people seemed to be in the late 20's and 30's with most being white but several mixed, hispanic, and black couples as well. It's definitely a different kind of experience, but I'd do it again. Any questions feel free to ask...

07-25-2007, 04:55 AM
Were there any fat bald dudes walking around naked?

07-25-2007, 04:56 AM
And what kind of "crazy sex stuff" are we talking about here?

07-25-2007, 04:57 AM
Were there any fat bald dudes walking around naked?

No. Thank God.

07-25-2007, 04:58 AM
And what kind of "crazy sex stuff" are we talking about here?

I don't want to get graphic, just think of the normal, run of the mill techniques that just about everyone does.

07-25-2007, 05:44 AM
I just like the idea or an orgy.

It's so "Je non se qua", as the French say.

Orgies? Bah, I only need one woman at a time. I like to concentrate my efforts!

And then there's the venereal diseases. Surely an orgy is a bit of a risk on that front.

07-25-2007, 05:47 AM
For those who wanted to know - it isn't a secret society or anything in the nature of "Eyes Wide Shut". The one we went to is called the Velvet Curtain and it's located in a huge flat on Ervay street just off of downtown Dallas. It's a private party held once a month for couples or single women only - and you have to secure an invitation before showing up.

All in all, it was a pretty interesting night. I have to admit I was nervous going in, but it was basically a big party with dancing and drinking on the floor level and the crazy sex stuff going on in a couple of rooms on the bottom level and in the balcony. The people were pretty nice and not pushy at all, and there were some pretty hot women there - more than I thought going in. Most of the people seemed to be in the late 20's and 30's with most being white but several mixed, hispanic, and black couples as well. It's definitely a different kind of experience, but I'd do it again. Any questions feel free to ask...

Don't need any detail, but did you and the woman you went with participate? If so, how did that work? Would couples approach couples, or people just go their own way, or what?

07-25-2007, 08:45 AM
Nike Slingshots are my favorite clubs to swing.

07-25-2007, 09:02 AM
Don't need any detail, but did you and the woman you went with participate? If so, how did that work? Would couples approach couples, or people just go their own way, or what?

For someone not interested you sure have a lot of questions. :lol
Fess up Ruff, you know you want to be a part of it.

07-25-2007, 09:24 AM
any boston pancaking?

07-25-2007, 09:25 AM
seriously though beer, did you guys swap at all? want to?

07-25-2007, 10:06 AM
Glad you enjoyed it. Now go get tested for a STD.

07-25-2007, 10:06 AM
any boston pancaking?


07-25-2007, 10:58 AM
I hope you wore protection...

http://www.cls.yale.edu/lexis/PD/content/raincoat.jpg http://www.funky-wellington-boots.co.uk/images/welly-boots-300.jpg http://images.jupiterimages.com/common/detail/50/46/22774650.jpg

07-25-2007, 12:14 PM
For those who wanted to know - it isn't a secret society or anything in the nature of "Eyes Wide Shut". The one we went to is called the Velvet Curtain and it's located in a huge flat on Ervay street just off of downtown Dallas. It's a private party held once a month for couples or single women only - and you have to secure an invitation before showing up.

All in all, it was a pretty interesting night. I have to admit I was nervous going in, but it was basically a big party with dancing and drinking on the floor level and the crazy sex stuff going on in a couple of rooms on the bottom level and in the balcony. The people were pretty nice and not pushy at all, and there were some pretty hot women there - more than I thought going in. Most of the people seemed to be in the late 20's and 30's with most being white but several mixed, hispanic, and black couples as well. It's definitely a different kind of experience, but I'd do it again. Any questions feel free to ask...

Well, we have actual everyday clubs here (or at least every weekend). No, not so much of a "secret society" but nothing I'm sure you would tell your family I suppose.

07-25-2007, 12:16 PM
Well, we have actual everyday clubs here (or at least every weekend). No, not so much of a "secret society" but nothing I'm sure you would tell your family I suppose.Nice backpeddle.

07-25-2007, 02:43 PM
Where da pics @?

07-25-2007, 04:31 PM
any boston pancaking?


07-25-2007, 08:47 PM
For someone not interested you sure have a lot of questions. :lol
Fess up Ruff, you know you want to be a part of it.

Maybe once upon a time when I was young and foolish... but actually, no, not even then. Too paranoid about diseases, and as I said before, I only need one woman to occupy my attention.

I'm just an amateur sociologist (driving a cab for 6 years piqued my curiosity about the quirks of humans), and a scientists, and I'm curious how things work.