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07-23-2007, 03:03 PM
For those of you who get this, have you guys finished yet?

SPOILERS (Down below)

Spoilers are below so look out those who have no tread...

07-23-2007, 03:11 PM
Less than 100 pages to go, I'll be finished soon.

I'll stay out of this thread until I'm done! :lol

07-23-2007, 03:14 PM
I didn't get it but googled until I did. :fro

07-23-2007, 03:18 PM

07-23-2007, 03:23 PM
They all live happily ever after, the end. And he got the sword from the hat the same way it was retrieved in the second book.

07-23-2007, 03:33 PM
Less than 100 pages to go, I'll be finished soon.

I'll stay out of this thread until I'm done! :lol

:lol yea I went on a power read session last night.

07-23-2007, 04:54 PM
Finished it in 14 hours. Rereading it now.

07-23-2007, 05:10 PM
Any thoughts?

Marklar MM
07-23-2007, 05:15 PM
I havent read it yet...but I have it.

07-23-2007, 05:15 PM
Loved it. All the little clues that you missed in all the other books that were obvious in this book were awesome. Rowling said she had the entire thing mapped out from the beginning, and it was obvious she did after reading this one. Great Great book.

07-23-2007, 05:17 PM
Yea I noticed that too everything seemed to fit together. The last few chapters were amazing, what a great way to rap up a series. I liked the 19 years later bit at the end but still wish they woulda mentioned Luna.

07-23-2007, 05:30 PM
Enjoyed it a lot. But, I had to keep reminding myself that this was a book written, not for adults, but for children. Thus, the happy ending. A tragic ending would fuck a generation of kids up for life.

Once I turned the last page, I was impressed with her plotting of the overall story. You could tell that, like she had maintained, it had been done since the very beginning.

I can't wait to see this one on the big screen.

07-23-2007, 05:33 PM

07-23-2007, 05:37 PM
Loved it, thought it was a great ending to the series. I hated that Lupin, Tonks and Fred didnt make it, but I guess she had to get rid of some characters.
It was hard for me to realize that Snape was actually a good guy after hating him for so long.
And Neville became one of my favorite characters in the last couple of books, and he didnt disapoint in this book.

07-23-2007, 05:48 PM
Avitus, you need to put Spoliers in the title. Don't want to ruin it for people.

I'm with you on Neville, he really turned into one of my favorite characters.

07-23-2007, 06:03 PM
Avitus, you need to put Spoliers in the title. Don't want to ruin it for people.

I'm with you on Neville, he really turned into one of my favorite characters.

Good Idea.

07-23-2007, 06:05 PM
Loved it, thought it was a great ending to the series. I hated that Lupin, Tonks and Fred didnt make it, but I guess she had to get rid of some characters.
It was hard for me to realize that Snape was actually a good guy after hating him for so long.
And Neville became one of my favorite characters in the last couple of books, and he didnt disapoint in this book.

Neville really did shine in this book didn't he? The loss of Fred was sad he and George were some of my favorite characters...

07-23-2007, 06:07 PM
One of my favorite scenes is when they escaped from Gringotts Bank on the dragon.

07-23-2007, 06:10 PM
Like you guys have already said, what impresses me the most was how she had to know where she was going from the first book.
It fit together so well. And it made sense.

Great read, the whole series.

07-23-2007, 06:21 PM
One of my favorite scenes is when they escaped from Gringotts Bank on the dragon.
Great scene, also the scene where they escape from the malfoys right before Dobby gets it was great. I dont know how they are going to make this movie work

07-23-2007, 07:05 PM
man it was good!!
I have to say, for some reason, the only time I really cried was when Dobby died.

Towards the end when Harry was in the Pensieve I was sure he was going to have to die. but I had pretty much accepted it especially when as he was walking back to Voldermort.. his parents, Lupin, Tonks, etc. joined him at this side.. I thought "what better place for him to be?" I was actually OK with him dying because he'd joing everyone he loved and I felt he'd be happiest.

but I was OK with the way it ended too. I thought it was pretty beautiful actually and instead of crying I smiled the whole time Smile

I really enjoyed it but now I'm sad that it's done!! lol

07-23-2007, 07:07 PM
there WAS a lot of deaths, that kind of sucked. I was sad to see those people go but I think I cried when Dobby died because she spent more time on his death than she did anyone elses. the others just seemed to kind of die fast in battle (like Fred).

It was also very interesting reading Snape's story and I'm glad he was vindicated in the end. I always kind of believed he was a good guy and i loved that part of the story, and it was sad that he died as well. I like how Harry named one of his sons Albus Severus though, so cute

also it was nice to see Dumbledore be more human. He wasn't perfect, and his story growing up was interesting.

and i was really sad when I finished, it was funny, I couldn't WAIT to finish, I guess cause I wanted so bad to know what happened, but once it was over.. I was like :( damnit. It's done, definitely done. it was a weird feeling. Waaahhhh!! :( hahaha

07-23-2007, 07:29 PM
^ wow you're sad. :p:

07-23-2007, 08:13 PM
Yea once I was done I was like "Now what?" I couldn't wait to finish it and now I'm like.... *Sigh* Dobby getting them out of the Malfoy's was great scene but I hated that he died. A lot of people got in this book but probably the one that got it fastest was Mad Eye.

Harry seemed to be so close to having been caught so many times in the story he really did have a lot of luck getting loose.

I was glad Snape turned out to be in on the whole thing but it didn't take me as to much of a shock. I think we all knew he was a good guy all along.

The movie of this seems like it will be awesome.

Do you think JK will actually be able to write different books after having written the most successful book series ever? I think she'll end up revisiting Harry sooner or later.

07-23-2007, 08:24 PM
who knows what's next for england's greatest writer since ian fleming.

07-23-2007, 09:11 PM
Not to mention the richest woman in Britain.

It would be really hard to stay in the same genre and I wouldn't be surprised to see it take her a while to churn out the next book. That being said, most writers only have one great book in them, and a lot of good ones. She was able to create one of the finest epic written series of all time. Not to shabby for a career.

07-23-2007, 09:17 PM
Not to mention the richest woman in Britain.

It would be really hard to stay in the same genre and I wouldn't be surprised to see it take her a while to churn out the next book. That being said, most writers only have one great book in them, and a lot of good ones. She was able to create one of the finest epic written series of all time. Not to shabby for a career.

she doesn't have to write ever again!

07-23-2007, 09:54 PM
Thats true she doesn't but she says she wants to write crime novels. Shes already written her masterpiece though and raked it in.

07-23-2007, 10:15 PM
The movie is going to be fun. But this one has so much action in it, it's going to be hard to trim it down w/o losing a lot of the story.

07-23-2007, 10:18 PM
Loved it, thought it was a great ending to the series. I hated that Lupin, Tonks and Fred didnt make it, but I guess she had to get rid of some characters.
It was hard for me to realize that Snape was actually a good guy after hating him for so long.And Neville became one of my favorite characters in the last couple of books, and he didnt disapoint in this book.


I never believed he was bad.

07-23-2007, 11:32 PM
so does that little weiner harry get killed or not

07-24-2007, 12:50 AM
I enjoyed the book, but I guess I was expecting more from it. I hated the epilogue. She should have written about the other surviving characters as well. The action was great, although the final battle between Harry and Voldemort was kinda lame.

It was so sad the Dobby died and also when he was walking to his death and the ghost of his parents and godfather came out. I loved that Dumbledore was an asshole with a dark past. The Snape was a spy because he still loved Lily thing, IMO, made Snape's character less complex. I mean Snape was the most mysterious and complex character in the series, but it turns out he did it all for unrequited love that he could never get over?

Apart from a few plot holes, the book was enjoyable. Not the best one in the series, but a good one nonetheless.

07-24-2007, 12:57 AM
Snape was my favorite character. He was the kick ass anti-hero who was cold, dark, and I don't give a fuck attitude, but was quite brilliant as Dumbledores bitch and doormat and he hated the main character, but was good for some apparent reason and had ties to the criminal underworld (Voldemort's possie).

07-24-2007, 12:29 PM
Yea I wish they would of told a bit more at the end of the Epilogue like what George was doing, or Luna, and pretty much everyone else. I think the Snape character is still probably one of the best of the series because he defied Voldemort for the one thing Voldemort could never understand.

Marklar MM
07-24-2007, 01:00 PM
After Snape killed Dumbledore, he was telling Harry what to learn before he fights Voldemort.

07-24-2007, 02:17 PM
And poor Hedwig as well, never had much of a chance did he? And what happened to Crookshanks, did I miss something in a previous book?

07-24-2007, 02:35 PM
And poor Hedwig as well, never had much of a chance did he? And what happened to Crookshanks, did I miss something in a previous book?

Crookshanks was at the Burrow with them, she was never mentioned after they escaped the wedding.

Unless I missed something in my marathon reading! :lol

07-24-2007, 05:34 PM
Yea Crookshanks was all but left behind.

07-24-2007, 05:39 PM

Harry Potter don't got shit on David Blaine. Blaine would go straight up to Voldemort and be like: Pick a card, any card. Voldemort will and once the trick is over his head will explode, because of the sheer amazement his brain just witnessed.

07-24-2007, 05:45 PM
my heart weeps that adults actaully get into this shit.

Marklar MM
07-24-2007, 08:16 PM
So in all the books who do you think whacked in the most painful fashion?

I think the way Snape went was pretty vicious.

07-24-2007, 08:59 PM
Criss Angel would mindfreak David Blaine's slothish chode and send harry potter to hades with him

07-24-2007, 10:32 PM
So in all the books who do you think whacked in the most painful fashion?

I think the way Snape went was pretty vicious.

I dont know being choked to death by your own hand cant be to pleasant, nor could bleeding to death.

07-24-2007, 11:44 PM
So in all the books who do you think whacked in the most painful fashion?

I think the way Snape went was pretty vicious.

Anyone Bellatrix killed, she likes to play with her food before eating it(Crucio)...The gardener at the riddle house was bad(same as snape, but he had also been blamed for killing Riddles, so both Physical and emotional pain of being made an outcast)...I'd say Wormtail though.

07-24-2007, 11:49 PM
Yea Bellatrix was awful when she killed people, but what was worse is when she left em alive, like Neville's parents.

07-25-2007, 12:36 AM
Criss Angel would mindfreak David Blaine's slothish chode and send harry potter to hades with him
Hell no............Criss Angel wasn't even a full-time magician to start out, he was in some band that got nowhere. Blaine is fucking cool. He doesn't need his own show. It's in the streetz, that's where it's at!

07-25-2007, 05:26 PM

07-25-2007, 10:46 PM
my heart weeps that adults actaully get into this shit.

07-25-2007, 10:50 PM
I finished reading the book 2:30 in the morning, since I realized that the best time for me to read was late at night when no one else is awake.

When I finished, it, my first reaction was "Wow. Just, wow." JK really outdid herself in this one. It was sad that a lot of good characters died. At first, I was only concerned for Ron and Hermione, and some of the characters I've learned to love like Hagrid and the Weasleys. But in the end, during the Battle of Hogwarts (which was really awesome), I didn't want any of the good ones to die. It was amazing for them to keep fighting for Harry.

Snape's story didn't surprise me that much because of all the speculations that arose after he 'killed' Dumbledore in Book 6. Because he didn't really appear in this book until the last few chapters, I didn't feel too sad when he died and when I finally learned about his story. It was pretty noble, what he did for Harry.

JK really is a brilliant author. It's hard enough to put pieces of a puzzle in one mystery book. For her to lay it in bits and pieces in seven books, and string them together in the final one takes a great deal of imagination and commitment.

I actually liked the epilogue. Maybe too happy for adult readers but what the heck, I think they all deserved that kind of ending after all they've been through.

This is going to be on top of my favorites for quite some time. And while a part of me is glad that I finally know the whole story, another part is pretty damn sad to see it end.

Apart from a few plot holes, the book was enjoyable. Not the best one in the series, but a good one nonetheless.

Just curious...What plot holes did you find?

07-26-2007, 12:19 AM
That's where Rowling went wrong, ending the series. She should just rake in some more cash, but making up some BS. Like Voldemort comes back and so does Dumbledore and they like fuse into a super wizard and Harry and Ron have to like fuse to beat them or someshit like that. Harry Potter 8: Fusion Reborn. LMAO

07-26-2007, 01:33 AM
Just curious...What plot holes did you find?

Firstly, the whole secret keeper thing is a huge plot hole. Mr. Weasley said that they all became secret keepers of 12 Grimauld Place because Dumbledore died. The Death Eaters cannot go in because there is a jinx that sticks Snape's mouth to the roof of his mouth, therefore he cannot reveal the secret. Then how did that Death Eater get into Grimauld Place when they were escaping the Ministry of Magic if he was never told? I know he apparated with the trio, then why didn't Snape apparate Death Eaters into Grimmauld Place? Also, how can Harry and the other prisoners from Malfoy Manor appear at Bill's house if they were never told the location from Bill, who is the secret keeper?

Another more obvious one, Hermione says she modified her parents memories so they can believe that they live in Australia and never had a daughter. Two chapters later Harry tells her to modify the Death Eaters memory in the cafe, but she says she's never modified someones memory before.

It might be just me, but The Elder Wand and wand possession was never really explained. Grindelwald, from what i understood, disarmed Gregorovitch and therefore was the true master of the Elder Wand. Dumbledore beat him in the duel, which made him the new master. Malfoy disarms him, and then Harry disarms Malfoy making Harry the Master of the Wand. Ollivander says that by beating or one-uping some one in a duel you can take possession of their wand. Doesn't that mean that Harry is the Master of all the wizard's/witche's wands he has disarmed? What about when they were practicing disarming with the D.A., are other D.A. members "masters" of the wands they disarmed?

07-26-2007, 03:17 AM
Firstly, the whole secret keeper thing is a huge plot hole. Mr. Weasley said that they all became secret keepers of 12 Grimauld Place because Dumbledore died. The Death Eaters cannot go in because there is a jinx that sticks Snape's mouth to the roof of his mouth, therefore he cannot reveal the secret. Then how did that Death Eater get into Grimauld Place when they were escaping the Ministry of Magic if he was never told?

Yaxley grabbed onto one of them (I think it was Hermione) when they apparated to escape the Ministry. So Yaxley was pulled to Grimauld Place which showed him the secret which forced them to have to use the tent.

I know he apparated with the trio, then why didn't Snape apparate Death Eaters into Grimmauld Place?

Probably wasn't concerned at any rate he was secretly working against them so maybe he decided it best not to bet Death Eaters there, and lied about the location. Or something... Thats a good question actually.

Also, how can Harry and the other prisoners from Malfoy Manor appear at Bill's house if they were never told the location from Bill, who is the secret keeper?

Elf Magic is different then human magic so it probably gives them this little loop hole....

I'm a bit sleep though so I'll see if I can give the rest a good once over later.

Marklar MM
07-26-2007, 11:39 AM
Another more obvious one, Hermione says she modified her parents memories so they can believe that they live in Australia and never had a daughter. Two chapters later Harry tells her to modify the Death Eaters memory in the cafe, but she says she's never modified someones memory before.

Wrong. Hermione modified her parents memories. In the cafe, she erases the death eaters memory, which she had never done before.

07-26-2007, 12:03 PM
Ron knew the secret of the location, because that's where he stayed when he left Harry and Hermione. He told Harry/Dobby the location. I guess the point is that he shouldn't have been able to do that if he wasn't the secret keeper? Hm. But elf magic is different, and I don't see any problem with him apparating there if he's given the location, since elves can apparate inside Hogwarts.

I think the thing with the Fidelius charm is that they didn't know if they'd broken it or not. Hermione thinks it may have been broken, because Yaxley was hanging onto her when they apparated onto the top step. But they knew where it was anyway, because DeathEaters were watching it constantly - I think the issue was that they didn't know if they were there or if they could get in. Wasn't the Fidelius charm supposed to protect them in that case? Regardless, when Hermione apparated there, they knew for certain that they were using it and it made it dangerous to go back. And it's the same reason they didn't call Kreacher to them, in case Deatheaters were holding onto him hoping they could locate them that way.

Anyhow, I really enjoyed the book. I only read them in the past couple of months, but was able to re-read 4-6 before the 7th came out. Some of my theories were right (a Weasley twin dying) and some were wrong (Harry was a horcrux, but it was unintentional), but I really enjoyed the series and the progression. I need to reread book 7, because I stormed through it the day it arrived and I know I missed a bunch of stuff.

07-26-2007, 12:46 PM
Ron knew the secret of the location, because that's where he stayed when he left Harry and Hermione. He told Harry/Dobby the location. I guess the point is that he shouldn't have been able to do that if he wasn't the secret keeper? Hm. But elf magic is different, and I don't see any problem with him apparating there if he's given the location, since elves can apparate inside Hogwarts.

The way the Fidelius Charm works is that only the Secret Keeper can reveal the location of the place. I think it's explained in Prisoner of Azkahban that Sirius could not reveal the location of the Potter's hiding in Godric's Hollow to Voldemort because Wormtail was SK. Also, in Half-Blood Prince, Snape explains to Bellatrix that he cannot tell them the location of Grimmauld Place because he is not SK.

Well, if Elf magic is different, couldn't Snape tell Voldemort the location of Grimmauld place and use and elf to apparate to the then Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix?

Oh, Voldemort has to be the dumbest villain around. How can he assume that no one will be able to open the Room of Requirement when there are loads of things that were hidden there centuries before he hid the diadem there. Also, Draco spent most of the previous year in the Room of Requirement. Voldemort must have known that at least on student of the present generation knew about the RoR. Draco found out about it because Harry was using it for the D.A. meetings. Wouldn't that mean that Voldy should have known that Harry knew about the RoR?

07-26-2007, 12:57 PM
I thought there was some protection that was keeping people out - clearly they knew of it, because they were staking it out, but I don't know what else they could or couldn't do. I have to go back and re-read!!

As for Voldemort being an idiot, well, duh. Apart from some of it being children's literature and therefore a bit simplistic in some terms, Voldemort was always blinded by his sense of his own greatness and uniqueness. He assumed that at every point, from his childhood onwards. Harry didn't escape him, Harry wasn't his equal, he was lucky. No one else seemed to know about the RoR, and he was so fantastic, why would anyone else find it? (not to mention that it is entirely possible Voldemort wouldn't bother about a little detail like where Draco found DA) Just like instead of killing Harry on the spot in one of the numerous opportunities he has, he tries to show off his own greatness and make a game of it. He had ample opportunity to kill Harry in GoF, in OotP. He always underestimated the old magic/power of love because he himself scorned it. It's completely in keeping with his character, that despite finding the RoR and hiding something there (I will grant you that it was maybe a bit coincidental to be hidden where everything else is hidden and not saved as a secret place only for Voldemort to enter, but hey, plots must be attended to), he would assume that no one else would find it and even if they did, they wouldn't know what they were looking at amidst all the other junk.

Marklar MM
07-26-2007, 02:00 PM
Voldemort, as said by easjer, was not stupid. He was so arrogant and self centered that he felt no wizard outside of Dumbledore could defeat him. No wizard was on his level in terms of magic and power. He could have hidden all his horcruxes, but he chose not to. They were all in places that people knew about. Why hide them when there was no equal to vanquish you and very few people who knew how to destroy them. Voldemort didn't understand the force behind certain magic...he felt his power alone could trump anything.

07-26-2007, 02:35 PM
I dont think Snape could tell people about Grimmauld Place because he wasn't the SK. When Sirius died Harry inherited the location so he became the SK. Which is why Snape couldn't tell others about it. I doubt he would of tried to hard anyways after he searched the location he probably came to the conclusion that it wasn't an active sight for the Order but to keep an eye on it which is why the Death Eaters were stationed outside it.

07-26-2007, 02:41 PM
Except that they say early on in Book 7 that with Dumbledore's death (as Dumbledore was the SK for the Order/Grimmauld Place), everyone to whom he told the secret became the Secret Keeper (which made over 20 secret keepers, which was unruly and unwise - and why they ditched using it). It's also why Hermione was apologizing for breaking the fidelius charm.

07-26-2007, 02:53 PM
Ahhh yes..... forgot all about that.

07-26-2007, 03:31 PM
Yea I wish they would of told a bit more at the end of the Epilogue like what George was doing, or Luna, and pretty much everyone else. I think the Snape character is still probably one of the best of the series because he defied Voldemort for the one thing Voldemort could never understand.

Luna comes to see the truth about her father, eventually acknowledging there are some creatures that don’t exist. She however continues to travel the world looking for different creatures

07-26-2007, 07:10 PM
Chapter 15 spoiler, Criss Angel's wizard staff mindfreaks hermione's gully hole.

07-27-2007, 08:24 AM
I'm too tired to check if this was posted already. But just in case it hasn't been yet, here's JK talking about her original epilogue: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19959323/

07-27-2007, 09:14 AM
I'm too tired to check if this was posted already. But just in case it hasn't been yet, here's JK talking about her original epilogue: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19959323/
Awesome, thank you, I cant believe she is going to write a encyclopedia about all the characters with their backstorys

07-27-2007, 09:33 AM
Awesome, thank you, I cant believe she is going to write a encyclopedia about all the characters with their backstorys
she's gotta milk it for all she can.

07-27-2007, 09:37 AM
she's gotta milk it for all she can.
maybe, but she's already the richest woman in Britian