View Full Version : Urge on Windows Media Player

07-31-2007, 11:42 PM
Right now i am so MotherFn frustrated right now with my URGE account. Ive had Itunes for over 4 years and never had a problem with Itunes not one problem.

this is the Third time that I have a DRM management problem on my urge account. Meaning i cant listen to ANY of my purchased songs. :madrun to make it worse, they no longer have phone customer service so i email and probably wait half a week to get a Retarded response. like if im an idiot and dont know the simplest things. SO IF your contemplating whether to use ITunes or URGE FUCK URGE

08-01-2007, 10:14 AM
1994 called, they want you to quit paying for music.

08-01-2007, 03:13 PM
^ :lol

I have an Urge account.

Then I use a app (which I hacked or you can legally buy for $15 or so) to convert the music files to "unprotected".