View Full Version : O.J. Simpson Ordered To Hand Over All-Pro 2K8 Football Proceeds

08-07-2007, 06:38 PM
Didn't see this posted elsewhere


Reuters is reporting that former NFL running back and guy who totally didn't kill his ex-wife O.J. Simpson has been ordered by the Los Angeles County Superior Court to hand over monies he received from lending his likeness to 2K Sports' All-Pro Football 2K8. The Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 football sim features hundreds of retired pro football players, including Simpson, who definitely did not also kill Ron Goldman.

While Simpson was acquitted of criminal murder charges, he was found "legally responsible" for their deaths in the ensuing civil court case. The Goldman family is attempting to collect on the $33 million dollars legally owed to them by The Juice, who must now disclose the details of his contract with All-Pro Football 2K8 publisher Take-Two Interactive.

If I were a Take-Two shareholder, making sure Mr. Simpson was not on the roster for the next All-Pro Football release would probably be #3 on my list of things I'm bringing up with the board during our next meeting.

08-07-2007, 06:39 PM
Number 1 and 2?

08-07-2007, 07:53 PM
Has he found the real killer or killers yet?

It's a damn shame - they're running around free and OJ catches all of our collective hell.

08-07-2007, 08:01 PM
Yeah, I was just surprised the court made him do that, I had no idea he still owed the family money he better hope theres a game with him every year damn

08-07-2007, 08:06 PM
If he had only killed Nicole, he probably would be living a comfy, relatively undisturbed life right now, but Fred Goldman is going to be there EVERY TIME he makes a dime with a court order. I think he would have been better off to kill Nicole, and let Ron be a witness, then go to the chair. Fred Goldman is going to hound him to the gates of Hell, and then make sure he gets taken inside and they lock the gates behind him.

08-07-2007, 08:10 PM
Yeah, I was just surprised the court made him do that, I had no idea he still owed the family money he better hope theres a game with him every year damn
The judgment in the wrongful death suit was $24M, so I think he'll be handing over cash for the rest of his miserable life.

08-07-2007, 08:13 PM
I wanna kill this mutha THEN play the race card and dedicate my life to catching the real killers by vigorously playing golf, THEN get off, THEN smile at the riot that ensues, THEN give nothing to someone who sues me in civil court as I hide behind a statute, THEN hide (a little bit for a FEW years), THEN looks for the spotlight again and write a book about the murder I didn't commit but speculate as to how I WOULD commit it if I were that POS who's free running around after killing that O.J. guy, THEN have his wife sue me for the money I get on the book (as if I really did it) THEN see if some primetime station wants to pay me a million as I explain the motives and processes behind that crazy murderer (not me) only to get shamed for the idea...but I figure as the true beacon of justice I should market myself as a figure on a video game to encourage the youth. My likeness will be the symbol of the team aptly named the "Assassins" with a stabbing mascot in a game called All-Pro Football 2K8 (http://www.thestreet.com/s/take-two-game-has-oj-simpson--and-a-knife/newsanalysis/techgames/10369182.html?puc=_breitbart) so that I get another million...and hopefully they won't sue me for THAT...jeez.

08-07-2007, 08:14 PM
The judgment in the wrongful death suit was $24M, so I think he'll be handing over cash for the rest of his miserable life.

Yeah I have no idea about lawsuits and stuff I thought if you're awarded more than you have, you just have to give what you got....that isn't how it works?? Like if a suit was for 2 million dollars on me I'd have to work forever or w/e to pay that off?

08-07-2007, 08:17 PM
Yeah I have no idea about lawsuits and stuff I thought if you're awarded more than you have, you just have to give what you got....that isn't how it works?? Like if a suit was for 2 million dollars on me I'd have to work forever or w/e to pay that off?
There are limits, like they couldn't take his house, and I don't think they can touch his NFL pension, but other future income is definitely fair game until the damages are paid in full.

08-07-2007, 08:20 PM
SANTA MONICA, California (Reuters) - Relatives of murder victim Ron Goldman won a court order on Tuesday seizing any money O.J. Simpson earns for lending his name and likeness to a football video game with a fictional team called the Assassins and a knife-wielding mascot.

:lol :lol

08-07-2007, 11:06 PM
If he had only killed Nicole, he probably would be living a comfy, relatively undisturbed life right now, but Fred Goldman is going to be there EVERY TIME he makes a dime with a court order. I think he would have been better off to kill Nicole, and let Ron be a witness, then go to the chair. Fred Goldman is going to hound him to the gates of Hell, and then make sure he gets taken inside and they lock the gates behind him.

he should have killed fred too, i'm tired of seeing that mustache on the tv.

08-08-2007, 02:35 AM
Its sad that a man can get off for murder just because his lawyer makes it an issue of skin color... the mother fucker did it. Everyone knows it... Im just not afraid to say that black people are "proud" that he got away from it which is totally fucked up. We are all people and to back some fucking retard for killing his wife and supposed "friend" just because of the color of his skin is fucking whack.

Im sure some one is going to come in here and tell me how Im wrong and racist and Im judgemental.... fuck you.... Im by far from the perfect law abiding citizen (see my jail post) but this motherfucker is guilty as sin and EVERYONE knows it.

I dont hate OJ for getting off because of some stupid fucking police officers but can we please stop talking about his guilty motherfucking ass getting away with it?

08-08-2007, 10:12 AM
Goldman is a pussy. If OJ had murdered anyone of my family members I would have had him killed by now. I wouldn't be able to live knowing he can come and go and do as he pleases as long I get to be tied up in legal shit with him for eternity. Its just not enough to take his monies, I'd want his life.

08-08-2007, 10:44 AM
Goldman is a pussy. If OJ had murdered anyone of my family members I would have had him killed by now. I wouldn't be able to live knowing he can come and go and do as he pleases as long I get to be tied up in legal shit with him for eternity. Its just not enough to take his monies, I'd want his life.

Was I the only one that halfway expected Fred Goldman to sneak a gun into the courtroom and shoot OJ?

O.J. Simpson earns for lending his name and likeness to a football video game with a fictional team called the Assassins and a knife-wielding mascot.

You can't tell me someone didn't notice the irony when they put this game together.

Ed Helicopter Jones
08-08-2007, 10:51 AM
A customized video clip on the Game Trailers Web site shows Simpson game highlights as his team, "The Assassins," moves down the field. Toward the end of the clip, Simpson scores a touchdown, prompting a large hooded mascot (above) above the scoreboard to make stabbing motions with a large knife.

How f'd up is that? I'm amazed at the people out there willing to make money off of something like that. OJ doesn't surprise me...but the fact that so many others are willing to capitalize off his crime just shocks me.

08-08-2007, 12:41 PM
Was I the only one that halfway expected Fred Goldman to sneak a gun into the courtroom and shoot OJ?

You can't tell me someone didn't notice the irony when they put this game together.
i'm sure it was done intentionally

08-08-2007, 01:45 PM
leave nordberg alone, a bruthas gotta eat!