View Full Version : "Cheney Will Be Forced Out Next"

08-29-2007, 12:51 AM
Over the last few weeks a very mysterious poster with lots of great inside information on this administration has been posting as a anonymous poster on TPM Muckraker and he claims to know that a deal to oust Cheney and save Dubya the embarrassment of impeachment has already been struck...

"Now that the Justice department is finished with it's house cleaning, The rest of the deal Bush made to spare himself impeachment will begin. The Cheney resignation will be forth coming within the time frame I estimated last week. There are three weeks left on that clock. If you look through obscure posts from three weeks ago until last week, you will see my original predictions about Rove (perfectly timed) and Gonzales (also one week prior as stated) Deny my accuracy and attribute it to coincedence or guessing if you like, but within three weeks from this day the dark one falls. The deal has been made and the substance of it is out. I am not a mystic and do not own a crystal ball. I do however own many devices that are able to communicate messages through the air. These have been put to great use.. Cheney is next, and you heard it here first. AS I STATED WITH MY OTHER POSTS MARK THIS ONE! Do not talk of it, Just mark it! It will be a great remebrance!"

TPM Muckraker (http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/004012.php#comments)

He was talking here about Gonzo's resignation here, and also mentioned that he had already predicted Rove, which also came true....and, as mentioned had already predicted Gonzo's, which he was commenting on now.... and said to watch for Cheney within 3 more weeks.

08-29-2007, 01:20 AM
So where are his other posts?

08-29-2007, 01:54 AM
So where are his other posts?


08-29-2007, 08:45 AM

I certainly hope he is right.

08-29-2007, 09:29 AM

I certainly hope he is right.


Because he used the "F" word?

Oh, Gee!!
08-29-2007, 09:30 AM

Because he used the "F" word?

because he (more than any other member of this admin) lied to all of us about Iraq. But I forgot....you like to stand up for the crooks and liars.

08-29-2007, 09:31 AM
because he (more than any other member of this admin) lied to all of us about Iraq. But I forgot....you like to stand up for the crooks and liars.

He didn't lie to me. Or anyone else that I know of.

Oh, Gee!!
08-29-2007, 09:33 AM
He didn't lie to me. Or anyone else that I know of.

Willful ignorance must be bliss.

08-29-2007, 09:37 AM
Blind hatred trumps ignorance. And clouds the mind.

Oh, Gee!!
08-29-2007, 09:38 AM
Blind hatred trumps ignorance. And clouds the mind.

I don't hate him, but I think he is a person that cannot be trusted with the position of power that he holds. It must be a sad time for you to realize that your heroes in D.C. are just as corrupt and immoral as those evil Dimm-o-craps your parents warned you about.

George Gervin's Afro
08-29-2007, 09:42 AM

I don't hate anyone. what i do hate about cheney is what he has done to this country. see ray i can hate what he does but not him personally..

Mister Sinister
08-29-2007, 09:43 AM
Blind hatred trumps ignorance. And clouds the mind.
Bullshit. I have a blind hatred for humanity in general and my mind's perfectly clear and unclouded.

George Gervin's Afro
08-29-2007, 09:43 AM
Blind hatred trumps ignorance. And clouds the mind.

hey kettle the pot's calling.. :lol

(see ray's comments about dimmo-craps)

Oh, Gee!!
08-29-2007, 09:45 AM

I don't hate anyone. what i do hate about cheney is what he has done to this country. see ray i can hate what he does but not him personally..

I was taught to hate the sin but not the sinner.

08-29-2007, 09:54 AM
Hmmmm, seems I have hit a nerve or two.....

Cheney, like Bush, like Hillary, like Bill, like all that bunch in
D.C. are politicians, always....always.

Cheney, Bush and everyone else were saying the same thing
before the second gulf war, invasion of Iraq.

Now those that want what Bush and Cheney have, the WH,
are doing the political thing and saying they lied. The
next step in their campaign is saying "bring the troops home".
Except, now that group that said bring them home is saying
well we cant really do that for a while. Now did they lie
to you. I am sure boutons think they have. Me, nawh, they
are playing a game, a deadly one, to regain power.

Oh, Gee!!
08-29-2007, 09:54 AM
whatever floats your boat

08-29-2007, 10:06 AM
whatever floats your boat

Strange response.

George Gervin's Afro
08-29-2007, 10:08 AM
Strange response.

ray i think oh, gee meant to say was it's very hard to follow your twisted and bastardized logic..

08-29-2007, 10:22 AM
XZ is beyond medication. Hate the Alzheimer's, not the victim. http://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smilol.gif

08-29-2007, 10:27 AM
ray i think oh, gee meant to say was it's very hard to follow your twisted and bastardized logic..

twisted and bastardized. Hmm, how is that? I have
mis-stated something or lied about something.
Politicians are one of God's greatest gifts to mankind?

08-29-2007, 10:44 AM
Cheney, Bush and everyone else were saying the same thing
before the second gulf war, invasion of Iraq. Not everyone said invade Iraq.

08-29-2007, 02:49 PM

Because he used the "F" word?

Please dont be trite with me. I would never condemn someone based on a slip of the tongue as worthless as profanity.

I hope he resigns because he is the Architect. Or, as our resident idiot President put it, the Decider.

Bush lacks the knowledge, charisma and leadership to do anything of substance in his own administration. Theres a huge difference between being regarded as 'strong' and just being plain stubborn.

Bush is a stubborn moron, IMO. Incapable of self-criticism or self-examination. Bush is a fall guy, a hack, a good soldier.

The real power lies (or did at one time) with the people behind him. Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, etc. They sculpted policy, crafted the statements and put Bush out in front of the cameras to sell the agenda as acting President.

Mind you, I realize this is opinion, not proven fact. But its my view of it and a large portion of people I speak with feel the same way.

Bush is a puppet.
His Administration is a conglomerate of corporate thieves, corporate stoolies, vengeful, spiteful men with a very clear vision of what should and should not be tolerated as acting leadership of the American people.

They won by the slimmest of margins and have propagated their power by means of deception and fear-mongering. My distaste for such people, that would further their agenda or otherwise grasp at the remaining shred of power they do have without conscience for the well-being of the American people is beyond respite.

This entire Administration, in my opinion is borderline treasonous. The lying, the secret meetings in a free society, the non-transparency of government all under the pretense of security, the impending doom that Iraq was made out to be, No Child Left in School education policies, lax immigration stance while in the same breath preaching security as a #1 priority, an entire new branch of government named DHS that will remembered as the beginning of true tyranny, I could go on and on and on and on....

This Administration is my definitive antithesis of what a government should be. All in the name of fighting some opaque "War on Terrorism". What a convenient pile of shit that is. The World Trade Center was attacked and destroyed, a total tragedy of unspeakable proportion, no doubt.

But not a nationwide changing of priority, of liberty. Nothing is enough in this world to give carte blanche for our elected leadership to fear-monger the sheeple who buy their bullshit into needless military endeavors and concession of the Constitution, once AGAIN, in the name of security.

I was told to never trust my government, and by God, if there was ever a time to heed that advice on a daily basis, it is NOW, damnit.

08-29-2007, 02:53 PM
^^Your little essay is what makes this country what it is. Great.
The shame of it all is that you need to look to other side of the
aisle hold them to them same standards.

At the very least I can only say, good for you. Now hold everyone
to those standards you espouse.

08-29-2007, 03:05 PM
^^Your little essay is what makes this country what it is. Great.
The shame of it all is that you need to look to other side of the
aisle hold them to them same standards.

At the very least I can only say, good for you. Now hold everyone
to those standards you espouse.

Oh, I do. If you think for a moment that I am all "sunshine and good times" with Dems, youre sadly mistaken.

Theyre all crooks and thieves, it just so happens that one party had a vastly superior representation in our Federal government during one of the more tumultuous times in the 20th and 21st centuries.

You pass yourself as a Republican, yet fail to see what damage Bush Co. has done to your own chosen party's credibility?

That isnt left-wing snowjobs and media bias speaking, thats the world and logic talking. The Dems, in all their pitiful glory, would have to fuck-up something HUGE to ever give way to a Repub controlled...anything for the next 10 years.

That vacuum of representation is NOT going to be good for the country at large. This administration is going to be regarded as one of the worst in history (IMO) and the worst part of it is that, in the absence of any competition, the Dems are going to have a firm hold in Congress and the WH.

And the mantra will hold true for them as inevitably as it did for the Repubs. Criticism and opposition in government should be a requirement for any and all who hold power. It should be transparent and balanced.

The American government has been anything but since the 60s.

08-29-2007, 03:28 PM
Oh, I do. If you think for a moment that I am all "sunshine and good times" with Dems, youre sadly mistaken.

Theyre all crooks and thieves, it just so happens that one party had a vastly superior representation in our Federal government during one of the more tumultuous times in the 20th and 21st centuries.

You pass yourself as a Republican, yet fail to see what damage Bush Co. has done to your own chosen party's credibility?

That isnt left-wing snowjobs and media bias speaking, thats the world and logic talking. The Dems, in all their pitiful glory, would have to fuck-up something HUGE to ever give way to a Repub controlled...anything for the next 10 years.

That vacuum of representation is NOT going to be good for the country at large. This administration is going to be regarded as one of the worst in history (IMO) and the worst part of it is that, in the absence of any competition, the Dems are going to have a firm hold in Congress and the WH.

And the mantra will hold true for them as inevitably as it did for the Repubs. Criticism and opposition in government should be a requirement for any and all who hold power. It should be transparent and balanced.

The American government has been anything but since the 60s.

Oh, okay. You support the dimms and I support the
Republicans. What is new. I hold my view and you
hold yours.

I just cant hold to the fact that someone wants to take
yours and my money and spend it like they think it should
be spent.

I cannot hold to the fact that someone wants to take
the view of those people who are trying to kill us and give them same rights as you and I.

I cannot hold the view of people who come to this country
"illegally" and jump the line of those waiting to come here as citizens who want to become one of us.

But call me what you want. We both have the privilege of
of expressing our views. Hopefully without too
many hurt feelings.

08-29-2007, 03:28 PM
Well said DR....well said.

08-29-2007, 03:47 PM
Oh, okay. You support the dimms and I support the
Republicans. What is new. I hold my view and you
hold yours.

No, no, no, sir. Youre missing my position completely. I am not a Democrat. At all. Even slightly.

I just cant hold to the fact that someone wants to take
yours and my money and spend it like they think it should
be spent.

Then you should look at the current administration, its spending habits and the rising national debt as an indicator. Oh, I forgot, we're at war. Of course there is spending. Corporate profits = All time Highs. Average Income = stagnant for 10+ years. Coincidence? I think not.

I cannot hold to the fact that someone wants to take
the view of those people who are trying to kill us and give them same rights as you and I.

huh? The rights of our Constitution extend to every human being. The latest reason, in a loooooong line of reasons, for being in Iraq is spreading democracy. Democracy as we know it, or democracy as those in power wish it to look like? Suspending those rights under a pretense of war is no better than being a tyrant, the exact thing we supposedly despise. Franklin said, "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither"...the flipside to that, IMO, is that it still holds true for our wartime action.

I cannot hold the view of people who come to this country
"illegally" and jump the line of those waiting to come here as citizens who want to become one of us.

Then look to your president and his immigration policy. Or lack thereof, I should say.

But call me what you want. We both have the privilege of
of expressing our views. Hopefully without too
many hurt feelings.

Daaaaaamn skippy.

08-29-2007, 04:05 PM
Dr rules!

08-29-2007, 06:06 PM
Over the last few weeks a very mysterious poster with lots of great inside information on this administration has been posting as a anonymous poster on TPM Muckraker and he claims to know that a deal to oust Cheney and save Dubya the embarrassment of impeachment has already been struck...

TPM Muckraker (http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/004012.php#comments)

He was talking here about Gonzo's resignation here, and also mentioned that he had already predicted Rove, which also came true....and, as mentioned had already predicted Gonzo's, which he was commenting on now.... and said to watch for Cheney within 3 more weeks.

Considering that Pelosi and the Dems have dismissed the idea of impeachment link (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/11/AR2006051101950.html) I doubt that Cheney will be forced out to keep Bush from being impeached. It's one thing for the people who they appointed to be resigning, it would be another to have the VP step down. I don't see it happening.

08-29-2007, 06:14 PM
Considering that Pelosi and the Dems have dismissed the idea of impeachment link (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/11/AR2006051101950.html) I doubt that Cheney will be forced out to keep Bush from being impeached. It's one thing for the people who they appointed to be resigning, it would be another to have the VP step down. I don't see it happening.

I don't think anyone in Congress is orchestrating this...Congress doesn't have the muscle or the 'intestinal fortitude' to orchestrate anything like this, but I think the pressure is coming from some-place else...

08-29-2007, 06:16 PM

08-29-2007, 06:19 PM
Good question.......I didn't mean to imply I knew where............

08-29-2007, 06:19 PM
I don't think anyone in Congress is orchestrating this...Congress doesn't have the muscle or the 'intestinal fortitude' to orchestrate anything like this, but I think the pressure is coming from some-place else...

I hope you're not referring to the republican party. I can't see them having cheney step down to be replaced by...

08-29-2007, 06:25 PM
I hope you're not referring to the republican party. I can't see them having cheney step down to be replaced by...
If you were inferring "Nancy Pelosi", it doesn't work that way. Bush would nominate a replacement VP, like Nixon did with Ford.

08-29-2007, 06:29 PM
If you were inferring "Nancy Pelosi", it doesn't work that way. Bush would nominate a replacement VP, like Nixon did with Ford.

Thanks, I did not know that was the process. My bad.

Still, I can't see Cheney stepping down. only a little over a year left and the message that would send would create a worse scenario for Bush.

08-29-2007, 06:31 PM
Good question.......I didn't mean to imply I knew where............

Well, if not the democrats then who would it be? The republicans aren't going to impeach a republican president. can't see another group who could offer up impeachment.

08-29-2007, 06:42 PM
cheney could step down for health reasons and no one could argue.

his insides are made of cogs, sprockets, springs and pendulums

08-29-2007, 07:24 PM
Cheney will never resign. If he were to drop dead in his office, his dead arm would reach out an grab the door frame as they removed the body in an attempt to stop them.

Wild Cobra
08-30-2007, 12:31 AM
My 69 cents worth (2 cents with inflation.)

I think it's ridiculous to think he would resign. That would leave the president an automatic target for some radical wanting Pelosi to become president. As for damage control? I cannot think of any accusation against Cheney that has had any merit. Slanders and lies abound, yet no evidence of any wrongdoing.

Get a life people.

08-30-2007, 03:44 AM
That would leave the president an automatic target for some radical wanting Pelosi to become president.:lmao Cheney's resignation will lead to Bush's assassination?
Get a life people. :lmao

08-30-2007, 05:27 PM
If this actually came to fruition, is there any doubt he would get Rice to replace Cheney. If she said no, maybe Harriet Miers. :lol

08-31-2007, 10:01 AM
Over the last few weeks a very mysterious poster with lots of great inside information on this administration has been posting as a anonymous poster on TPM Muckraker and he claims to know that a deal to oust Cheney and save Dubya the embarrassment of impeachment has already been struck...

TPM Muckraker (http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/004012.php#comments)

He was talking here about Gonzo's resignation here, and also mentioned that he had already predicted Rove, which also came true....and, as mentioned had already predicted Gonzo's, which he was commenting on now.... and said to watch for Cheney within 3 more weeks.

:lol :lol

Typical of Dan, "if it says so on the internet, it must be true".

Mister Sinister
08-31-2007, 10:04 AM
cheney could step down for health reasons and no one could argue.

his insides are made of cogs, sprockets, springs and pendulums
Wasn't he also born of a jackal?

08-31-2007, 11:15 AM
Dr rules!

Who? or What?

08-31-2007, 11:35 AM
He was spawned in a corporate boardroom.

Oh, Gee!!
08-31-2007, 11:43 AM
Each of the chambers of his heart are filled with cream cheese

08-31-2007, 12:07 PM
Who? or What?


George Gervin's Afro
08-31-2007, 12:50 PM
cheney could step down for health reasons and no one could argue.

his insides are made of cogs, sprockets, springs and pendulums

add a good pinch of evil and you have dick cheney!

George Gervin's Afro
08-31-2007, 12:52 PM
Cheney will never resign. If he were to drop dead in his office, his dead arm would reach out an grab the door frame as they removed the body in an attempt to stop them.

oh we could only hope... :depressed

08-31-2007, 01:02 PM

Okay, where do I send the bills so you can pay the
tab? You rule you pay......

09-12-2007, 08:31 AM
Over the last few weeks a very mysterious poster with lots of great inside information on this administration has been posting as a anonymous poster on TPM Muckraker and he claims to know that a deal to oust Cheney and save Dubya the embarrassment of impeachment has already been struck...

TPM Muckraker (http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/004012.php#comments)

He was talking here about Gonzo's resignation here, and also mentioned that he had already predicted Rove, which also came true....and, as mentioned had already predicted Gonzo's, which he was commenting on now.... and said to watch for Cheney within 3 more weeks.


Only one week left.

09-17-2007, 03:31 PM

09-17-2007, 03:35 PM



09-17-2007, 03:43 PM
when is cheney going to resign............................................ ....................................

someone is getting owned

Holt's Cat
09-17-2007, 03:49 PM
Per dan, the major US equity indices were going to lose half of their value by the end of this week as well, IIRC.

09-18-2007, 03:12 AM
Per dan, the major US equity indices were going to lose half of their value by the end of this week as well, IIRC.

Once again, I did not predict that Cheney was going to resign, that was someone else's prediction who got both Gonzo and Rove right...The next time Holt's cat makes a projection and gets it right (about anything), will be the first.

I stand by my predictions of the U.S. housing market....and anyone who took my advice from a year or even two ago has already saved thousands of dollars...keep waiting, you'll eventually get a home for pennies on the dollar.....

09-18-2007, 08:11 AM
Once again, I did not predict that Cheney was going to resign, that was someone else's prediction who got both Gonzo and Rove right...The next time Holt's cat makes a projection and gets it right (about anything), will be the first.

I stand by my predictions of the U.S. housing market....and anyone who took my advice from a year or even two ago has already saved thousands of dollars...keep waiting, you'll eventually get a home for pennies on the dollar.....

Dude, you post all this stuff on here and then argue it. Based on your history, you certainly believed that this guy was right.

Furthermore, shocking that you were able to predict what was going to happen in the housing market. It's fucking common sense that this was going to happen you all knowing jackass.

Posting other people's thoughts doesn't make you any smarter then anyone else Dan. Predicting a housing market crash that was obvious to anyone smart enough to lock in FIXED INTEREST RATES during the low point in the market doesn't make you smarter then anyone else.

You're the ultimate "knee-jerk" guy and frankly, your use of other blogs has shown that you cannot think for yourself and therefore, you are just another partisan jackass that doesn't do anything positive for America other then complain.

George Gervin's Afro
09-18-2007, 08:34 AM

Furthermore, shocking that you were able to predict what was going to happen in the housing market. It's fucking common sense that this was going to happen you all knowing jackass.


This the way Hush Limpdick predicts things... " I predict folks that the MSM will write a negative story about George Bush..".. 2 days later " See I have another told you so, I have in my formerly nicotine stained hands from the Des Moines Times criticizing Bush.. I , my friends, predicted this..".. It's f*cking hilarious to hear from the likes of Ray's on how Hush is right about anything,...ok I'm off my tangent now.. :dramaquee

09-18-2007, 08:40 AM
This the way Hush Limpdick predicts things... " I predict folks that the MSM will write a negative story about George Bush..".. 2 days later " See I have another told you so, I have in my formerly nicotine stained hands from the Des Moines Times criticizing Bush.. I , my friends, predicted this..".. It's f*cking hilarious to hear from the likes of Ray's on how Hush is right about anything,...ok I'm off my tangent now.. :dramaquee

That's exactly what I'm talking about. People like that deserve zero credit for their "amazing predictions".

My favorite part is when Dan brags about being right, which he does constantly.

Dan, you're no different then Rush. That's gotta suck for you.

George Gervin's Afro
09-18-2007, 09:11 AM
That's exactly what I'm talking about. People like that deserve zero credit for their "amazing predictions".

My favorite part is when Dan brags about being right, which he does constantly.

Dan, you're no different then Rush. That's gotta suck for you.

Well I don't know enough about Dan's postings but I agree with johnny on this one..

09-18-2007, 09:30 AM
Has Cheney resigned yet? Dan is never wrong, he said so, so
it makes it so. Right Dan?

Wild Cobra
09-18-2007, 10:02 AM
Has Cheney resigned yet? Dan is never wrong, he said so, so
it makes it so. Right Dan?
I don't think Cheney will resign until January 2009.

Now I don't expect any credit for that prediction either. Just rather easy to assume.

09-18-2007, 10:08 AM
I don't think Cheney will resign until January 2009.

Now I don't expect any credit for that prediction either. Just rather easy to assume.

Nice. Like I said earlier in this thread, I hope he does resign.

09-18-2007, 04:17 PM
Dude, you post all this stuff on here and then argue it. Based on your history, you certainly believed that this guy was right.

Furthermore, shocking that you were able to predict what was going to happen in the housing market. It's fucking common sense that this was going to happen you all knowing jackass.

Posting other people's thoughts doesn't make you any smarter then anyone else Dan. Predicting a housing market crash that was obvious to anyone smart enough to lock in FIXED INTEREST RATES during the low point in the market doesn't make you smarter then anyone else.

You're the ultimate "knee-jerk" guy and frankly, your use of other blogs has shown that you cannot think for yourself and therefore, you are just another partisan jackass that doesn't do anything positive for America other then complain.

Dude, take a pill...I've been talking about his real estate market decline for two years now, when all other procrastinators were still saying that the good-times in real estate would just keep rolling...now I know your a relative newbie to the forum, but there's just no excuse for coming into this forum stupid - there's too much history on the web to back up my claims that I run about a 87% accuracy rate on what I post here - and the ones I get wrong, like Predicting Kerry would win in 04 - actually turned out to be right....yes, it doesn't take a genius to predict that buying a house you can't afford is a receipe for disaster, but where were you two years ago when the market was on fire and intrest rates were low?

Build a history here, get at least one thing right, anything....and then maybe, just maybe, people will start to respect your posts too....

Holt's Cat
09-18-2007, 04:50 PM
Once again, I did not predict that Cheney was going to resign, that was someone else's prediction who got both Gonzo and Rove right...The next time Holt's cat makes a projection and gets it right (about anything), will be the first.

Yeah, I don't make stupid predictions and then try to back away from them when they don't come true.

I stand by my predictions of the U.S. housing market....and anyone who took my advice from a year or even two ago has already saved thousands of dollars...keep waiting, you'll eventually get a home for pennies on the dollar.....

Sure you did.

09-18-2007, 05:01 PM
Yeah, I don't make stupid predictions and then try to back away from them when they don't come true

The next time you post something of substance would be the first....but you are the second leading poster in the forum for the week - and that's a lot of non-posting....

Holt's Cat
09-18-2007, 05:09 PM
Yeah, I guess I need to post articles from The Globe, numbnuts.

09-19-2007, 07:29 AM
Dude, take a pill...I've been talking about his real estate market decline for two years now, when all other procrastinators were still saying that the good-times in real estate would just keep rolling...now I know your a relative newbie to the forum, but there's just no excuse for coming into this forum stupid - there's too much history on the web to back up my claims that I run about a 87% accuracy rate on what I post here - and the ones I get wrong, like Predicting Kerry would win in 04 - actually turned out to be right....yes, it doesn't take a genius to predict that buying a house you can't afford is a receipe for disaster, but where were you two years ago when the market was on fire and intrest rates were low?

Build a history here, get at least one thing right, anything....and then maybe, just maybe, people will start to respect your posts too....

:lol :lol :lol

"There's too much history on the web to back up my claims that I run about a 87% accuracy rate on what I post here"

Well, you are officially the biggest douche bag I've ever run across on the job. I'd like to see the spreadsheet on your predictions and accuracy rate.

"Where were you two years ago when the market was on fire and interest rates were low?"

I was buying two seperate homes in the San Antonio area at fixed interest rates and renting them out to people. This was all done by the time I was 24. Where were you? Oh yeah, on the internet.

"people will start to respect your posts"

You mean the way they respect yours and make fun of everything you put out there because it's "87%" horse shit?

You're an idiot Dan, but at least you're the biggest idiot, so you got that going for you...........which is nice.


09-19-2007, 09:57 AM
Dan's accuracy rate is 89 percent. Has Cheney resign yet?

I just know he will today.

10-02-2007, 02:05 PM

10-02-2007, 04:15 PM
Wasn't it Condi that got forced out....

....of the closet....

....in the Globe?

10-02-2007, 04:31 PM
Wasn't it Condi that got forced out....

....of the closet....

....in the Globe?


I'm taking the Rushbo defense....I did not predict Cheney would be forced out, I merely posted that a mysterious poster who correctly predicted that both Gonzo and Rove would be forced out, would be shortly followed by Cheney......but don't let a trivial thing like facts get in the way of a good lynching.....or a good war with Iran......

10-02-2007, 04:33 PM
Wasn't it Condi that got forced out....

....of the closet....

....in the Globe?


Would you share a shower with a guy who hasn't had a girlfriend for over 6 years? Nevermind...don't answer that.....

10-02-2007, 08:16 PM

10-02-2007, 08:18 PM
Nice. Like I said earlier in this thread, I hope he does resign.
Do Presidents and VP's "resign" when they leave office after serving their term?