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08-31-2007, 11:36 AM
Springs principal bans kids' game
By Kieran Nicholson
Denver Post Staff Writer
Article Launched: 08/31/2007 01:00:00 AM MDT

Colorado Springs - "Tag, you're it!"

The seemingly eternal phrase that kids squeal on playgrounds and in schoolyards across the country won't be heard at an elementary school in Colorado Springs.

The pre-K through fifth-grade school at Discovery Canyon Campus, a Colorado Springs District 20 school, has banned tag on its playground.

"Students will not be playing 'tag' or 'chase' on the playground," a back-to-school letter dated Aug. 29 informed parents.

The letter, signed by the school's administrator, Cindy Fesgen, said the ban on tag is for students' safety.

"Students are still allowed to run races or run with their friends, but no tagging," the letter said.

In the letter, said none of the schools she's been with in the district over 20 years has allowed tag.

Some parents and students at the school are miffed at the ban.

"It's ridiculous," said parent Gina Casimiro.

Casimiro has a third-grader at the school and a sixth-grader at the middle school on the shared campus.

Jacob Hein, a fifth-grader, said kids played tag last year and they continue to play football on the playground.

"It's really unacceptable," Jacob said of the ban. "Last year, we did it all the time."

But Melody Hatten, who has two children at the school, supports the measure.

"I think it's a fine decision," Hatten said. "I think there are a lot of other things they can do on recess that is more constructive."

Parent Barbara Ball, who also has two children at the school, agreed with Hatten.

"It was a surprise, but I think it's a good thing," Ball said.

Ball said she recalled past situations in which her children told her about playmates going overboard and tagging too hard.

Fesgen could not be reached for comment, but a district spokeswoman said the ban is the school's decision and is within its rights.

"It's the school prerogative to make rules," said Nannette Anderson, a district spokeswoman. "Parents can discuss this at the school level if they wish."

The ban was generated by rough activity on the playground during the first two weeks back to school, Anderson said.

Fesgen's previous school, Pine Valley Elementary, has a long- standing ban on tag, Anderson said. She is not aware of other schools in the district that have banned the game.

Parent Kelly Pilipovich, who has a child in middle school and one in high school, but none in elementary school, was vocal on the ban nonetheless.

"It's a shame," Pilipovich said. "First dodge ball, now this. Kids can get wild, but you've got to let kids be kids."


I don't know what we would have done with our kids this summer if tag had been banned!

08-31-2007, 11:56 AM
I heard this on the radio yesterday .... but dodge ball is banned, too? I wonder what's next in the pussification of American kids? :lol

I'm guessing hide 'n seek will be next. Kids that nobody actually will look for are so traumatized by being unwanted that it destroys their self-esteem and they'll need counseling their entire adult lives.

Forget that they already have low self esteem because they are now picked on for being overweight because all of the FUN physical activities have been banned. :spin

08-31-2007, 12:13 PM
Pretty soon playing in general will be banned.

Mister Sinister
08-31-2007, 12:15 PM
What manner of bullshit is this!?

08-31-2007, 12:15 PM
I know that Cowboys & Indians is problematic. Very un-PC.

08-31-2007, 12:16 PM
What a bunch of whiny pussies.

08-31-2007, 12:17 PM
The school should just fund an activity room that is loaded with every gaming station imaginable. The kids could play video games for recess. No kids would get sunburned and no kids would get hurt.

08-31-2007, 12:22 PM
First: :lmao


Forget that they already have low self esteem because they are now picked on for being overweight because all of the FUN physical activities have been banned. :spinActually many people over here think it's a factor (not necessarily the biggest one but a factor none the less).

The sone
08-31-2007, 12:22 PM
im starting an "underground" tag league... anyone want in?

the first rule of tag league is...YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT TAG LEAGUE!!
the second rule of tag league is...YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT TAG LEAGUE!!
the third rule of tag league is.......YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT TAG LEAGUE!!

oh yeah and if its your first night...you gotta play!

08-31-2007, 12:22 PM
God forbid someone's little darling will get tagged too hard! My kids were in school in Augusta, GA and their school had a strict "no touching" policy. No tolerance for physical contact in any form. Other than that, I really loved that school!

08-31-2007, 12:22 PM
I support the decision. I always hated those geeky kids running around playing tag when I was off in the corner playing doctor.

08-31-2007, 12:25 PM
Recess must be fucking boring these days.

Ed Helicopter Jones
08-31-2007, 12:26 PM
We had a party a couple of months ago and some kids were running around on the dance floor playing tag. Chopper Jr. caught a nice unexpected forearm to the back and did a nice face plant, biting through his lip. He gets up with blood all over his shirt. Of course we forgot to bring extra clothes and we're hosting this party for about 120 folks so we couldn't leave. So after we cleaned him up he just had to run around all night with blood on his shirt. Luckily it was white! :lol

Anyway, after he stopped bleeding he went right back at it playing tag and actually learned a little about stronger footing as I'd watch him brace himself a little better or do a little juke move if some kid was running at him too fast.

Kids get hurt playing games but that's how we all learned to interact and take care of ourselves. You learn a lot from falling down a little bit. I'm sure this school rule has as much to do with lawsuits as it does taking care of the kids, but it's a shame kids can't be kids anymore.

08-31-2007, 12:26 PM
good thing grab ass is still safe.

08-31-2007, 12:27 PM
First: :lmao

Actually many people over here think it's a factor (not necessarily the biggest one but a factor none the less).

Seriously. Nothing gets your ass running harder if the threat of pain or the stigma of being "It" is involved.:lol

"Come on Johnny, I'll race you to the fence!" (WTF? For what?)


"You're ITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!" (Not for long, bitch!)

:lol :lol

08-31-2007, 12:28 PM
Seriously. Nothing gets your ass running harder if the threat of pain or the stigma of being "It" is involved.:lol

I was the best at playing tag. And at arbitrarily inventing/enforcing rules to avoid ever being "it."

08-31-2007, 12:30 PM
We had a party a couple of months ago and some kids were running around on the dance floor playing tag. Chopper Jr. caught a nice unexpected forearm to the back and did a nice face plant, biting through his lip. He gets up with blood all over his shirt. Of course we forgot to bring extra clothes and we're hosting this party for about 120 folks so we couldn't leave. So after we cleaned him up he just had to run around all night with blood on his shirt. Luckily it was white! :lol

Anyway, after he stopped bleeding he went right back at it playing tag and actually learned a little about stronger footing as I'd watch him brace himself a little better or do a little juke move if some kid was running at him.

Kids get hurt playing games but that's how we all learned to interact and take care of ourselves. You learn a lot from falling down a little bit. I'm sure this school rule has as much to do with lawsuits as it does taking care of the kids, but it's a shame kids can't be kids anymore.

:lol We had several things like that happen like that at camp this summer. The parents were very understanding, though. We were taking care of their kids all summer. I think we had at least three bloody noses, two cuts, and one jammed finger that didn't come back for a week. We told them to brace themselves and to suck it up.

Ed Helicopter Jones
08-31-2007, 12:31 PM
'Smear the Queer' was always one of my favorites. Nothing better than catching a football and running for your life as 15 other kids try to tackle you.

08-31-2007, 12:31 PM
I was the best at playing tag. And at arbitrarily inventing/enforcing rules to avoid ever being "it."

:tu :lol

Stephen King even wrote a book about It, that's how good It is. And now they are taking It away?? :lol

08-31-2007, 12:32 PM
Is "Red Rover" still allowed? That's the game that was the most brutal at my school. Full tackles on pavement.

08-31-2007, 12:33 PM
I don't really care.

08-31-2007, 12:34 PM
good thing grab ass is still safe.

Huh? That was the very first thing to go. My daughter got sent to the office in first grade for giving someone a hug. :depressed

Ed Helicopter Jones
08-31-2007, 12:35 PM
Is "Red Rover" still allowed? That's the game that was the most brutal at my school. Full tackles on pavement.

I have no clue. I mentioned 'Smear the Queer' a little while back to some kids and they looked at me like I was nuts.

While I get that look a lot, I reasoned that there must be a more politically correct name for that game or it's faded from existence in our new litigative world.

08-31-2007, 12:36 PM
Is "Red Rover" still allowed? That's the game that was the most brutal at my school. Full tackles on pavement.

That was the best game of all time. And my kids don't know what it is, so I'm going to say it's probably not, either. :(

08-31-2007, 12:37 PM
Pussification of America strikes again.

08-31-2007, 12:37 PM
Huh? That was the very first thing to go. My daughter got sent to the office in first grade for giving someone a hug. :depressedThat's just fucking retarded.

I went to private school 1st and 2nd grade and, while we didn't have actual uniforms, all girls were required to wear skirts or dresses Monday through Thursday. I was in detention almost every day for hanging upside down on the monkey bars in my skirt/dress -- what the fuck did they expect little kids to do?

08-31-2007, 12:40 PM
That's just fucking retarded.

I went to private school 1st and 2nd grade and, while we didn't have actual uniforms, all girls were required to wear skirts or dresses Monday through Thursday. I was in detention almost every day for hanging upside down on the monkey bars in my skirt/dress -- what the fuck did they expect little kids to do?Pedobear just fell out of his chair.

08-31-2007, 12:43 PM
Seriously. Nothing gets your ass running harder if the threat of pain or the stigma of being "It" is involved.:lol

"Come on Johnny, I'll race you to the fence!" (WTF? For what?)


"You're ITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!" (Not for long, bitch!)

:lol :lol:lol

I completely agree.

On a similar note:

This year my daughter spent 12 days at a sport camp organized by the local handball club. First I was very proud of her that she wanted to go and even prouder that she didn't call home after the first night crying "daddy please come get meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!" :).

Some of our friends couldn't believe we let her (she just turned 8) because of the danger and lack of hygiene/cleanliness (I must admit they wore their "favourite" clothes 90% of the time and we had a hard time to clean her up :lol). But I remember going when I was even younger and I still cherish the memories.

As Ed said, kids need to learn from experience and a well organized (and superbly managed) sport camp away from the parents is a very good experience.

08-31-2007, 01:24 PM
We had a party a couple of months ago and some kids were running around on the dance floor playing tag. Chopper Jr. caught a nice unexpected forearm to the back and did a nice face plant, biting through his lip. He gets up with blood all over his shirt. Of course we forgot to bring extra clothes and we're hosting this party for about 120 folks so we couldn't leave. So after we cleaned him up he just had to run around all night with blood on his shirt. Luckily it was white! :lol

Anyway, after he stopped bleeding he went right back at it playing tag and actually learned a little about stronger footing as I'd watch him brace himself a little better or do a little juke move if some kid was running at him too fast.

Kids get hurt playing games but that's how we all learned to interact and take care of ourselves. You learn a lot from falling down a little bit. I'm sure this school rule has as much to do with lawsuits as it does taking care of the kids, but it's a shame kids can't be kids anymore.

Are you sure he wasn't sneaking some sips of the sauce???? He could've totally avoided that forearm if he wasn't, ninja that he is!

08-31-2007, 01:25 PM
Pussification of America strikes again.
Does NBC Nightly News still do their "Fleecing of America" reports? Maybe you can get one of the other channels to get on that wagon with your idea.

08-31-2007, 01:26 PM
'Smear the Queer' was always one of my favorites. Nothing better than catching a football and running for your life as 15 other kids try to tackle you.

OMG, we used to totally play Smear the Queer when we were kids. Now it's politically incorrect to do so.

08-31-2007, 01:28 PM
Red Rover was great if you could knock down the whole line! :lol

We also played 'Kick the Can' and Red light, Green light.

08-31-2007, 01:57 PM

08-31-2007, 02:13 PM
'Smear the Queer' was always one of my favorites. Nothing better than catching a football and running for your life as 15 other kids try to tackle you.

Good stuff....now, its a hate crime.

Ed Helicopter Jones
08-31-2007, 02:38 PM
Good stuff....now, its a hate crime.


Ed Helicopter Jones
08-31-2007, 02:38 PM
OMG, we used to totally play Smear the Queer when we were kids. Now it's politically incorrect to do so.

I thought you looked familiar!

08-31-2007, 03:19 PM
But Melody Hatten, who has two children at the school, supports the measure.

"I think it's a fine decision," Hatten said. "I think there are a lot of other things they can do on recess that is more constructive."

:dizzy :wtf Wha?????
It's fuckign recess!!!! whats up wioth the "constructive" bullshit??

you know - it;s dumbshit parents liek the one quoted above who get thier panties in a was over thier pussyassed kid triping and skinning his knee during recess who get voted head of the PTA and go kiss some school board members ass to get crap like this policy put in place.

08-31-2007, 03:20 PM
I loved dodgeball, kickball, red light green light, TAG, and tag football on the playground when i was a kid.

5th grade was the 1st "truth or dare" on the playground :lol

T Park
08-31-2007, 03:41 PM
god our country is going to shit....

08-31-2007, 04:44 PM
4 square and teatherball were my jams.

First they take chatter away from little league baseball, now this?

08-31-2007, 05:48 PM
4 square and teatherball were my jams.

First they take chatter away from little league baseball, now this?
Are you serious? They banned chatter? Talking shit and not getting in trouble for it was the best part of playing baseball as a kid.