View Full Version : Did anybody check out "Halloween"?

Viva Las Espuelas
09-03-2007, 12:54 PM
What did you think? I really don't get a hard-on simply because rob zombie is connected to it, but I thought it was pretty good. He does a cool spin on it. You really can't call it a prequel. I don't want to give away too much. Interesting cameos. I do have one question or observation. Did rob zombie try to put a time period on this? e.g. 70's or 80's. He opens with "God of thunder". The kid is wearing a KISS "Destroyer" t-shirt. They play "Tom Sawyer", "Love Hurts", then an old school Slayer T-shirt pops up. Then, magically, a cell phone pops up as well. I gave up identifying the time period after that.

09-03-2007, 01:04 PM
yeah, because it's impossible for a kid today to wear a slayer t-shirt.

09-03-2007, 01:20 PM
This was the worst movie I've seen on a big screen in years.

The ambiguous or inconsistent time period details that you mentioned were really annoying. I don't think the music choices and references were anything clever on Zombie's part. He just feels the need to incorporate his favorite music, no matter how irrelevant to the movie.

The acting, especially Laurie's character, was some of the worst I've ever seen. Seriously, it was high school drama club caliber.

And why was Michael Meyers a roided up 7' tall Goliath? First he's a diminutive fat kid(much smaller than his classmates) and then for no reason he grows to be the size of Shaq?!

What pissed me off the most about this crappy movie is that is not scary at all. Some of the murder scenes are hard to watch but the movie never really gets scary. Just disturbing. The original Halloween is like a Disney movie compared to this movie(in regards to violence, language, sex), but the original is far scarier.

As a huge fan of horror movies, I was very dissappointed in this movie and wouldn't recommend it to anybody. Unless you're a fan of crap.

09-03-2007, 01:24 PM
I was going to see it, but I wussed out at the last minute and saw Invasion. I saw bits and pieces of it in the barbershop. I'm kinda anxious to see how he became so freakin strong.

09-03-2007, 01:29 PM
I was going to see it, but I wussed out at the last minute and saw Invasion. I saw bits and pieces of it in the barbershop. I'm kinda anxious to see how he became so freakin strong.
I'll provide SPOILER information below if you're interested.

They don't explain that all. In the beginning of the movie he's a tiny fat kid, he gets locked up in the mental institution, and then it says "15 years later" and suddenly he's bigger than Hulk Hogan.

Viva Las Espuelas
09-03-2007, 01:35 PM
one thing that I thought was lame was the way he pretty much stole a complete scene from, I believe, Friday the 13th. The one where he wears the sheet. Am I mistaken?

09-03-2007, 01:39 PM
one thing that I thought was lame was the way he pretty much stole a complete scene from, I believe, Friday the 13th. The one where he wears the sheet. Am I mistaken?
That was actually from the original Halloween.

09-03-2007, 02:06 PM
That was actually from the original Halloween.

Thanks for the spoiler corn. Man that sucks. I was hoping they would reinterate how he became darn near invincible. I saw all the way up to the part when he was young and he kept telling the doctor "I've got to get out of here" So one more spoiler question. How did he get mistakenly released? As grisley as those murders were it couldn't have been for good behavior. He was clearly supposed to be institutionalized for life. Right?

Connect Four
09-03-2007, 02:17 PM
Thanks for the spoiler corn. Man that sucks. I was hoping they would reinterate how he became darn near invincible. I saw all the way up to the part when he was young and he kept telling the doctor "I've got to get out of here" So one more spoiler question. How did he get mistakenly released? As grisley as those murders were it couldn't have been for good behavior. He was clearly supposed to be institutionalized for life. Right?
Jack Nicholson reprises his role from One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest and tricks the guards into letting them escape again.

09-03-2007, 02:29 PM
So one more spoiler question. How did he get mistakenly released? As grisley as those murders were it couldn't have been for good behavior. He was clearly supposed to be institutionalized for life. Right?
A team of guards is moving him within the sanitarium and he breaks out of full shackles and kills the 5 guards with lightning-quick death blows. Apparently, at some point he developed skills that would make the Terminator jealous. He then escapes.

09-03-2007, 02:41 PM
Never completely saw the original and I'm not going to see this one either. Does the original explain his awesome feats of strength?

09-03-2007, 02:54 PM
Never completely saw the original and I'm not going to see this one either. Does the original explain his awesome feats of strength?
No, the original doesn't answer that either, but it works. It doesn't attempt to explain the external and internal factors that make Michael Meyers a moster. It was simply explained by his Dr. that he was "pure evil".

The new version spends the first 45 minutes explaining everything about MM except for his exaggerated size and strength which just makes things confusing.

09-03-2007, 03:40 PM
Sounds like he should of just created a new monster instead of poorly recycling an old one.

09-03-2007, 10:07 PM
I was going to see this last friday and saw Superbad again instead. Chickachickayeeeaaaah

09-04-2007, 07:23 AM
A team of guards is moving him within the sanitarium and he breaks out of full shackles and kills the 5 guards with lightning-quick death blows. Apparently, at some point he developed skills that would make the Terminator jealous. He then escapes.

Either that, or Jason Bourne visited him and taught him CIA/Assassin escape move tactics.

09-04-2007, 07:32 AM
A team of guards is moving him within the sanitarium and he breaks out of full shackles and kills the 5 guards with lightning-quick death blows. Apparently, at some point he developed skills that would make the Terminator jealous. He then escapes.I thought it was 2 guards that came into his cell with a girl (patient). They raped her in his cell and played with his masks and then he smashed them. I dont believe they were moving him when he escaped. I do agree with the fact that his size was exaggerated. There was really no need for that. I think people really spend too much time comparing it to the original, when they should just view it as a different take on an old character. Im not really excited about this one, but Im not dissapointed either. It was what I expected from a Zombie flick.

09-04-2007, 03:14 PM
I thought it was 2 guards that came into his cell with a girl (patient). They raped her in his cell and played with his masks and then he smashed them. I dont believe they were moving him when he escaped. I do agree with the fact that his size was exaggerated. There was really no need for that. I think people really spend too much time comparing it to the original, when they should just view it as a different take on an old character. Im not really excited about this one, but Im not dissapointed either. It was what I expected from a Zombie flick.
That's what happened in the original cut that was leaked on the internet, not the theatrical release. What you described is 100% different than what I saw in theaters. He escaped while being moved by a handful of guards within the sanitarium. Maybe some areas are showing different cuts of the movie.
alternative ending and deleted scenes (http://www.slashfilm.com/2007/08/31/rob-zombies-halloween-alternative-ending-and-deleted-scenes/)
The first half of the movie can almost be viewed without comparison to the original. But as soon they start retelling the original story using the same music, same characters, same plot points, and even some of the same dialogue, you can't help but compare.

09-04-2007, 03:15 PM

09-04-2007, 03:16 PM
30 Days of Night Looks badass on the other hand

09-04-2007, 03:21 PM
Yeah mardigan, that movie looks pretty damn good from the previews.

09-04-2007, 03:32 PM
That's what happened in the original cut that was leaked on the internet, not the theatrical release. What you described is 100% different than what I saw in theaters. He escaped while being moved by a handful of guards within the sanitarium. Maybe some areas are showing different cuts of the movie.
alternative ending and deleted scenes (http://www.slashfilm.com/2007/08/31/rob-zombies-halloween-alternative-ending-and-deleted-scenes/)
The first half of the movie can almost be viewed without comparison to the original. But as soon they start retelling the original story using the same music, same characters, same plot points, and even some of the same dialogue, you can't help but compare.

I read somewhere that he was mistakenly released. It made it sound like he got re-evaluated and released for good behavior or something.

09-04-2007, 04:07 PM
That's what happened in the original cut that was leaked on the internet, not the theatrical release. What you described is 100% different than what I saw in theaters. He escaped while being moved by a handful of guards within the sanitarium. Maybe some areas are showing different cuts of the movie.
alternative ending and deleted scenes (http://www.slashfilm.com/2007/08/31/rob-zombies-halloween-alternative-ending-and-deleted-scenes/)
The first half of the movie can almost be viewed without comparison to the original. But as soon they start retelling the original story using the same music, same characters, same plot points, and even some of the same dialogue, you can't help but compare.I see I must have seen the first cut then. I will have to find the theatrical release and compare. I liked the first cut better than what you described.

09-04-2007, 08:52 PM
All I'll say is that the original is much better. There some cool parts in the movie but overall- it wasn't all that.

Why doesn't Zombie have other actors in his movie? They are the same actors from his two other movies...does he not audition other actors? This may actually help his over all production of movies. Get better quality actors.

09-04-2007, 08:54 PM
You really can't call it a prequel.

It's not suppose to be a prequel. It's a remake. The only difference is that there is more of a history in Zombies version.