View Full Version : Where In The World Is Dubya?

09-03-2007, 02:05 PM
Help find Dubya....

"Tell Laura To Have my bath ready"

What The Hell Am I Doing In Iraq?

L-ASAD AIR BASE, Iraq - President Bush made a surprise visit to the Al Asad Air Base in the Anbar province of Iraq Monday morning.

“Shit yeah, it was a surprise all right,” said a top White House aide under promise of anonymity. “We told him he was going to Texas. You should have seen the look on his face when he woke up and realized he was in Iraq.”

The president explained his confusion to reporters by saying he has a rough time distinguishing between "the two countries" because both are "flat and sandy and everybody hates me.”

Aides said they wanted to take the president to Iraq before the pending report to Congress on the effectiveness of the military surge so he could see the “remarkable turnaround” in the Sunni area west of Baghdad.

Link (http://www.pugbus.net/artman/publish/09037002_11_bushvisit.shtml)