View Full Version : Rockets gaining on Mavs, Spurs in Southwest Division

Spurs Brazil
09-04-2007, 04:53 PM

Rockets gaining on Mavs, Spurs in Southwest Division
Posted: Tuesday September 4, 2007 11:27AM; Updated: Tuesday September 4, 2007 2:40PM

Dirk Nowitzki didn't get much help, but Pau Gasol did. Houston and Memphis have added intriguing foreign-born players who might help right away, while San Antonio -- which should have patented that sort of move -- let one slip away.

The Hornets are back in New Orleans, which is a good thing because that keeps them a lot farther away than Oklahoma City from the scarier-than-ever Texas Triangle teams. Four of the head coaches in this division have taken teams to the Finals, and the fifth -- Memphis' Marc Iavaroni -- is a newbie with a strong résumé and heavyweight references.

In other words, the Southwest did not get easier this offseason. Just harder.

Here are the summer grades for the five teams:

Dallas Mavericks
What Went Right:

• Mark Cuban is looking like Jose Canseco.
Like Canseco throwing around steroid allegations in baseball when no one wanted to listen, the Mavericks' owner was ranting about NBA referees, and paying dearly for it in fine money, in those more innocent days before Tim Donaghy went canary. Now people who wrote off Cuban as an overfunded fanboy have started looking not only at the "one rogue criminal'' but also at the whole system of training, monitoring and evaluating the referees. That's one way something good could come out of this summer's mess.

• They signed Brandon Bass and first-round pick Nick Fazekas.
Somebody has to bring the doughnuts and push the ball cart now that Pops Mensah-Bonsu is gone.

What Went Wrong:

• They signed Eddie Jones.
Look, Jones is a nice guy who was terrific player for a long time. But at 35, he's analog in a digital league and the Mavericks are doing him a bigger favor than he likely will do them. Even if he's only taking up Austin Croshere's roster spot.

• Erick Dampier has another reason to not play strong.
Or maybe to play at all, for a while anyway. Dampier had shoulder surgery in June and might not be ready for the start of the season.

• The Kevin Garnett rumors proved to be just that.
At least Garnett wound up in the Eastern Conference, rather than with Phoenix or the Lakers. Not shredding their core probably was the wise choice, but without much change, the Mavericks will be playing another whole season just to prove something in May and June. Tough way to go.

Grade: D+

Forget Cuban appearing on Dancing with the Stars. We're more concerned with Donnie Nelson tap-dancing through his offseason.

San Antonio Spurs
What Went Right:

• There is both an "I" and a "me" in this team.
Signing Ime Udoka was one of those low-wattage moves, in terms of flash and dash, at which the Spurs excel. He is the backup shark's tooth, ready to move into place whenever Bruce Bowen transitions out. Udoka is aggressive, defends well and can hit three-pointers.

• They got themselves a desperate housewife.
Maybe some of the spotlight and paparazzi-stalking will abate now that Tony Parker and Eva Longoria officially are husband and wife. Until, of course, she runs out of the stands and gives one of those leaping, legs-wrapped monkey hugs that we saw at the end of the Finals to, oh, Jeff Van Gundy. You know, the kind Van Gundy once gave to Alonzo Mourning.

What Went Wrong:

• This eye of Texas hurts like hell.
Big man Francisco Elson got elbowed in the left eye while playing for the Dutch national team in August, suffering a facial fracture that will force him to play in a Rip Hamilton mask all season. Bad as it was, this still ranks as Elson's second-most-painful on-court blow, lagging behind the rabbit punch Kevin Garnett gave to Elson's groin in the 2004 playoffs.

• Tony Parker had a working honeymoon/vacation.
Parker played for the French national team again, which had San Antonio's brain trust fretting about injuries or fatique. He sprained his left ankle and sought treatment back in San Antonio in early August, but he's playing in the European Championships that began this week.

• Luis Scola got away. So did Jackie Butler.
Admit it, you were as surprised as we were that San Antonio not only didn't hang onto Scola, the ready-to-go Argentine power forward, but also that Scola wound up being dealt to intradivision rival Houston. The 5XL Butler went along with him. Butler has the size and raw ability to make someone pay one of these days.

• They lost P.J. Carlesimo.
It was with Gregg Popovich's blessing, of course, that Carlesimo will get his third chance as an NBA head coach and first since he attacked Latrell Sprewell's hands with his neck. But Carlesimo gave the Spurs a second head coach, as needed, and the pecking order of Popovich's staff will shake out over the first month or two.

Grade: B-

Udoka was a nice addition for the defending champs, but the Spurs needed to upgrade their bench way beyond that.

What Went Right:

• Luis Scola is ready for his close-up.
He's active, aggressive and a two-time MVP of the Spanish League whose passing and rebounding will boost Yao Ming's game up front. And we'll repeat what we said in the Spurs' entry: Butler is going to "get it" one day soon, and the four or five teams that will have moved him along by then will be sorry.

• Steve Francis has something to prove.
Like, maybe, that he still is in the league? It was easy to forget at times the past two seasons, with Francis all but vanishing in the quagmire that was the New York Knicks. Traded four times now and bought out once, maybe Francis is ready to fly straight in his return to the market where he made his bones.

• New coach Rick Adelman's teams know how to score.
That's a good thing, given the Rockets' weaponry and their overreliance on low scores and defensive tussles. Adelman as a playoff coach doesn't stack up to Adelman the regular-season coach, but we'll worry about that in April. Also, in Sacramento, Adelman got good production out of Bonzi Wells, who was MIA last season for Houston.

What Went Wrong:

• Rafer Alston didn't get arrested once.
Nope, he got arrested twice. In August. First after a confrontation with a parking attendant, and then for allegedly slashing a man's throat in a bar fight. He's due back in court on Jan. 3, by which time Mike James, Francis and rookie Aaron Brooks might have crowded Alston out of the Houston picture.

• Juwan Howard went to Minnesota ...
... to play with Kevin Garnett. Oops! Howard would have been a better fit right where he was, a veteran frontcourt guy on a Rockets team that is ready to contend. The Wolves seem willing to move him to someone who's not rebuilding so, who knows, he might even return.

Grade: A-

Some key pieces will have to blend and remember to keep servicing Yao and Tracy McGrady. If it happens, the Texas Triangle will be more equilateral than ever.

New Orleans Hornets
What Went Right:

• They needed scoring and got it.
Morris Peterson always had to defer to bigger guns in Toronto (Vince Carter, Chris Bosh, Mike James), but the hunch here is that he will come out blazing for a team in need of points.

• Actually, this one went Wright.
Julian Wright, the No. 13 pick in the draft, gives the Hornets a rangy wing player who has skills at both ends of the court.

• Tyson Chandler continued to grow. Up.
Chandler's rebirth, which began with his trade from the Bulls to the Hornets, stretched right into the summer with his participation for Team USA in the FIBA Americas tournament. Chandler gained confidence and respect last season, especially for his consistency and defense, and should hit training camp with a booster dose.

What Went Wrong:

• Desmond Mason went back to Milwaukee.
We include this for the record, but at this point, the idea of losing Mason's potential feels worse than the idea of losing Mason's actual production. He'll be 30 this season so he is what he is.

Grade: B

Several small steps forward and no big misstep backward should stabilize the Hornets in their back-to-the-bayou season.

Memphis Grizzlies
What Went Right:

• They drafted Atlanta's point guard.
If ever a team needed a point guard to impose order on a rotation of athletic but undeveloped wing and frontcourt players, it was the Hawks at No. 3. But the Grizzlies grabbed Ohio State's Mike Conley with the next pick, and might get a bigger impact than rookie playmakers typically provide.

• Darko indeed has been freed.
Darko Milicic never was going to blossom in Detroit, not with the Pistons' win-now priorities. Orlando should have been a good spot for him, alongside Dwight Howard. But playing alongside Gasol for a team really focused on the long term is a good fit, too.

• Buddy ball pays off.
Gasol's relationship with Juan Carlos Navarro paid off when Washington traded his draft rights to Memphis for a future first-round pick. Navarro is a seasoned veteran with a good shooting touch and ability to pass.

• Goodbye, Tony Barone. Hello, Marc Iavaroni.
First, we just like saying that. All coaches should be replaced by guys whose names rhyme. Second, Iavaroni has been getting the next-big-thing treatment for a few years as a Suns assistant, so now we get to find out.

What Went Wrong:

• Chucky Atkins earned himself a ticket out.
Atkins had a Mike James-type of season, posting big numbers to enhance his market value. Now he's in Denver, fast-forwarding the hopes for Conley.

Grade: B+

Like Minnesota with Garnett, Memphis might have been better off cutting a deal with Chicago when the Bulls were desperate for Gasol's low-post scoring skills. But it still was an upbeat summer for the Grizz.

Steve Aschburner covered the Minnesota Timberwolves and the NBA for 13 seasons for the Minneapolis Star Tribune. He served as president of the Professional Basketball Writers Association from 2005-2007.

09-04-2007, 04:59 PM
If anything, other teams playing in the great state of Texas have entered the Texas Triangle. Hard to get a win playing teams from Texas.

09-04-2007, 05:53 PM
Houston needed to add players who can be effective WITHOUT the ball. Instead they got Steve Francis who is known for what exactly?

09-04-2007, 06:48 PM
Houston has supposedly been "ready for prime time" ever since McGrady hit town. To date, they've yet to get out of the 1st round. Wake me up when the Rockets make the playoffs.

09-04-2007, 06:49 PM
You're welcome Houston.

Mister Sinister
09-04-2007, 06:52 PM
<Yawn> Blah blah blah, we didn't do enough. I'll laugh for a year when we repeat...

09-04-2007, 07:46 PM
McGrady is a chronic loser who has blown too many big leads in playoff series, and Yao is too soft to compete in prime time. Nothing short of landing Kobe would get them out of the first round.

09-04-2007, 07:51 PM
<Yawn> Blah blah blah, we didn't do enough. I'll laugh for a year when we repeat...

We don't have a god record in taht field my friend, remember that

09-04-2007, 08:01 PM
Some of these grades I understand, some I don't. The Mavs and Spurs both did about the same as far as adding players (Jones will get about as much play as Udoka ... One is learning the game, the other knows but is getting old.)

Both Mavs and Spurs didn't loose anything would a crap (Scola didn't play with the Spurs and neither did Croshere with the Mavs)

Both team will be playing through the regular season just to see what happens in May and June, yet the grades are VERY different. If this is about changes during the offseason and the two teams do about the same thing .... Why are the grades so different?

I think that the Mavs did the right moves (Meaning nothing, and bring the 67 win team back intact and hope for a better match-up). I also think that the Spurs did the right thing in standing pat (Scola was a flub, but as he has yet to play an NBA game ... who knows what he can do at this level on an every day basis).

I think there is a little bit of hating on the Mavs there ... But this a Spurs bourd so you all most likely agree with the grades ... Oh well

09-04-2007, 08:10 PM
Gaining? Sure. Catching? Please. Whatever slight gains Scola brings to the Rockets will be offset by Francis' utter shittiness. I can't wait to see McGrady & Yao fume while Francis dribbles it for 20 seconds.

09-04-2007, 08:32 PM
same thing was said every other year

09-04-2007, 08:54 PM
Ya know what? SCOLA STILL RULES!

Cry Havoc
09-04-2007, 09:26 PM
Both team will be playing through the regular season just to see what happens in May and June, yet the grades are VERY different. If this is about changes during the offseason and the two teams do about the same thing .... Why are the grades so different?

Um... because the Spurs are the defending champs? Someone has to be BETTER than the Spurs this year, not the other way around. The Mavs made it plainly clear that they struggle in the playoffs, blowing a huge lead to Miami last year and then choking against GS.

If you had a team with Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen on it, would you give them a bad grade for not making a lot of moves. I'm hoping not. Now then, if the best player on your team is Emeka Okafor, and you make 0 moves, would you gvie each team the same grade?

Hmmm. Use a little logic here.

09-04-2007, 09:48 PM
Hmmm. Use a little logic here.

Alright, if this about the playoffs last year then lets use logic. The Mavs were out in the first round after last year .. Right? They were swept out of the first round .. Right?

Now, if in the offseaon they get a grade of D+ (remember, they were swept in the first round), wouldn't that mean that they will take a step back and not even make the playoffs this year? Thats what it appears to say to me?

Do you think that this Mavs team will not even make the playoffs? Because that is what logic is telling me about the grade based on what happened last year.

That would be wrong and we all know that. The Mavs will compete again for the best record in the league. So the grade cannot be based on last years playoffs ... As it would make no sense.

It also doesn't make sense based on the moves themselves (As in the previous post the Mavs did about the same as the Spurs .. In player movement) and the grades are very different.

So, using logic, what does the grade represent other then hating?

09-04-2007, 09:52 PM
Lets look at the Spurs grade, if the object is to get a Championship, and the Spurs stay the same (Basically they did) shouldn't their grade (as defending Champions and making no real change) be an A ... Maybe A+ ... definetly not the B- that they got.


They make no sense

09-04-2007, 10:15 PM
the spurs gave away scola to the rockets not only showing class to let the kid play on the nba.. but for houston to get rid of either the mavs or the suns next playoffs...

Fast Dunk
09-04-2007, 11:28 PM
<Yawn> Blah blah blah, we didn't do enough. I'll laugh for a year when we repeat...

You won't be laughing my friend...you will be crying instead...

09-05-2007, 12:13 AM
I laugh in the face of all the arrogance in this thread. You know deep down you fear the rockets, so all you can say is frances dribbles alot and the injuries and they can't get out of the first round.

we shall see bitches, we shall see.

09-05-2007, 12:49 AM
You know deep down you fear the rockets, so all you can say is frances dribbles alot and the injuries and they can't get out of the first round.But that's all we need to say because it's all true.

RC's Boss
09-05-2007, 01:42 AM
But that's all we need to say because it's all true.

RC's Boss
09-05-2007, 01:48 AM
Western conference power rankings (IMO) 1. Don't need to say it 2. Mavs (must admit bad matchup w/ GS) 3. Those whiny desert bitches! 4. ????????? Jazz, HOU, ????? For HOU to beat the Spurs in a series, T-Mac must go "Kobe" on the offense EVERY night. It won't come from Yao, none of their 2nd and 3rd rate PGs, and the only upgrade I see w/ Scola over Howard is youth. Believe me, he will not score in the paint against SA which means, he will be useless since that's all he can do! Oberto gets tip ins b/c he knows how to get o-rebounds and has intangibles. Scola thinks he's a star (only in 2 places in reality... FIBA and his dreams).

09-05-2007, 05:49 AM
lol some of these spurs fans are too funny. some think jeff van gundy is still the coach, others think tmac and yao been playing together for 6 or 7 years when its only been 3 and 2 making it to the playoffs. spurs fans seem to forget 1 or 2 good players cant win you the crown or beat a deep TEAM, they can get u a couple of 52 win seasons. If rox won 52 games with rafer as point a 35 yr old power foward NO bench, then u draft aaron brooks who will be AWSOME then u bring back james and francis and bonzi who has been working out all season to come into training camp in shape and we get scola 4rm spurs. why would steve come back to dribble out the shot clock knowing he would get cut cuz we still have rafer brooks and james

09-05-2007, 07:28 AM
lol some of these spurs fans are too funny. some think jeff van gundy is still the coach, others think tmac and yao been playing together for 6 or 7 years when its only been 3 and 2 making it to the playoffs. spurs fans seem to forget 1 or 2 good players cant win you the crown or beat a deep TEAM, they can get u a couple of 52 win seasons. If rox won 52 games with rafer as point a 35 yr old power foward NO bench, then u draft aaron brooks who will be AWSOME then u bring back james and francis and bonzi who has been working out all season to come into training camp in shape and we get scola 4rm spurs. why would steve come back to dribble out the shot clock knowing he would get cut cuz we still have rafer brooks and james


Oh, Gee!!
09-05-2007, 09:43 AM
I'll laugh for a year when we repeat...

If you laugh for a year straight, you'd probably die due to lack of oxygen. I wouldn't recommend doing it.

Holt's Cat
09-05-2007, 10:19 AM
The Rockets are counting on Steve Francis to take them farther in the postseason.

This tale feels familiar. I must admit, I like how it ends.

Holt's Cat
09-05-2007, 10:21 AM
I laugh in the face of all the arrogance in this thread. You know deep down you fear the rockets, so all you can say is frances dribbles alot and the injuries and they can't get out of the first round.

we shall see bitches, we shall see.

I laugh at the Rockets fans of the internets who are creaming themselves over picking up a couple of the Spurs' table scraps and a 2nd Steve Francis stint. Sorry if the Rockets aren't penciled in as the '08 NBA Champs in this forum.

09-05-2007, 10:32 AM
[url]San Antonio Spurs
What Went Right:

• There is both an "I" and a "me" in this team.
Signing Ime Udoka was one of those low-wattage moves, in terms of flash and dash, at which the Spurs excel. He is the backup shark's tooth, ready to move into place whenever Bruce Bowen transitions out. Udoka is aggressive, defends well and can hit three-pointers.

• They got themselves a desperate housewife.
Maybe some of the spotlight and paparazzi-stalking will abate now that Tony Parker and Eva Longoria officially are husband and wife. Until, of course, she runs out of the stands and gives one of those leaping, legs-wrapped monkey hugs that we saw at the end of the Finals to, oh, Jeff Van Gundy. You know, the kind Van Gundy once gave to Alonzo Mourning.

What Went Wrong:

• This eye of Texas hurts like hell.
Big man Francisco Elson got elbowed in the left eye while playing for the Dutch national team in August, suffering a facial fracture that will force him to play in a Rip Hamilton mask all season. Bad as it was, this still ranks as Elson's second-most-painful on-court blow, lagging behind the rabbit punch Kevin Garnett gave to Elson's groin in the 2004 playoffs.

• Tony Parker had a working honeymoon/vacation.
Parker played for the French national team again, which had San Antonio's brain trust fretting about injuries or fatique. He sprained his left ankle and sought treatment back in San Antonio in early August, but he's playing in the European Championships that began this week.

• Luis Scola got away. So did Jackie Butler.
Admit it, you were as surprised as we were that San Antonio not only didn't hang onto Scola, the ready-to-go Argentine power forward, but also that Scola wound up being dealt to intradivision rival Houston. The 5XL Butler went along with him. Butler has the size and raw ability to make someone pay one of these days.

• They lost P.J. Carlesimo.
It was with Gregg Popovich's blessing, of course, that Carlesimo will get his third chance as an NBA head coach and first since he attacked Latrell Sprewell's hands with his neck. But Carlesimo gave the Spurs a second head coach, as needed, and the pecking order of Popovich's staff will shake out over the first month or two.

Grade: B-

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Eva is so much bigger than the Spurs she gets her own section in their offseason analysis.

Of course, how will the dwindling ratings of Desperate Housewives affect Tim Duncan's free throw percentage?

09-05-2007, 10:38 AM
Dammitt Suns Fan Shut Up Your Still Saying This Stupid Shit.....get Over It!!

09-05-2007, 10:41 AM
I am a boring, one-trick pony troll


09-05-2007, 10:43 AM
lol...Da_Suns_Fan has been lurking for the past 3 weeks waiting for this opportunity to bring out the eva smack again.


The Franchise
09-05-2007, 11:52 AM
Hate on the Rockets now. When the season starts lets see how long that lasts when the Rockets start stepping on some necks with our "scrubs". :devil

The Franchise
09-05-2007, 11:57 AM
You don't have to admit you fear the Rockets, but we know your thinking about us because there are to many threads dedicated to our offseason to say otherwise. :lol

09-05-2007, 12:01 PM
FindDog is actually very grateful Im here.

It allows him to ally himself with Spurs fans. He's hoping eventually you all might stop making fun of the Mavericks for choking two years in a row.


Guess Im a "two-trick" pony.

09-05-2007, 12:05 PM
FindDog is actually very grateful Im here.

It allows him to ally himself with Spurs fans. He's hoping eventually you all might stop making fun of the Mavericks for choking two years in a row.


Guess Im a "two-trick" pony.

Spurs are boring - check
Suns get good tv ratings - check

Yes, you're right, you ARE a two-trick pony.

09-05-2007, 12:07 PM
Spurs are boring - check
Suns get good tv ratings - check

Yes, you're right, you ARE a two-trick pony.

What about my Eva rhetoric?

And the "Mavs are wimps who choke every year"?

And the "Suns need to save basketball"?

Give credit where its due. These are some of my signature arguments!

09-05-2007, 12:10 PM
Be careful Houston fans,

Don't delude yourselves into thinking that Steve Francis is a changed player and that he will improve your ball club.

The fact is any team with Francis in the backcourt is destined for underachievement.

09-05-2007, 12:12 PM
What about Eva?

This is a basketball forum, not a Desperate Housewives forum.

And the Mavs are wimps who choke every year?

God, that really makes the Suns pathetic then, since they can't even make it to a Finals or beat the Spurs to save their lives.

And the Suns are saving basketball?

Because ESPN rides Steve Nash's dick? I don't think so.

The best trolls are entertaining, hilarious and constantly evolve. See SpursDynasty for an example. You get a decent amount of responses, but that's only because a fair amount of the Spurs' fanbase is mouthbreating Pavlovian dogs that respond to the slightest provocation. You really suck as a troll. The Spurs are boring/Suns get good ratings was probably good for a thread or two, but you really do need to come up with new material. Just some friendly advice. SpursDynasty consistently brings the funny and the nutty. PM him for some pointers.

09-05-2007, 12:26 PM
This is a basketball forum, not a Desperate Housewives forum.

God, that really makes the Suns pathetic then, since they can't even make it to a Finals or beat the Spurs to save their lives.

Because ESPN rides Steve Nash's dick? I don't think so.

The best trolls are entertaining, hilarious and constantly evolve. See SpursDynasty for an example. You get a decent amount of responses, but that's only because a fair amount of the Spurs' fanbase is mouthbreating Pavlovian dogs that respond to the slightest provocation. You really suck as a troll. The Spurs are boring/Suns get good ratings was probably good for a thread or two, but you really do need to come up with new material. Just some friendly advice. SpursDynasty consistently brings the funny and the nutty. PM him for some pointers.

You homo...Ive never seen a poster gloss another poster like that in my entire life.

btw - You are the weakest member on this forum. Youre like a some bizarre post-WWII Nazi whos willing to admit that everything he once stood for is wrong yet he's STILL secretly hoping Der Fuer will lead the motherland to victory.

So keep working so hard to maintain the respect of the Spurs community. But don't fool yourself. They still laugh at you. No one has forgotten about how you ran your mouth off about the Mavs for a year.

Boy do you look stupid.

09-05-2007, 01:04 PM
You homo...Ive never seen a poster gloss another poster like that in my entire life.

I'm not gay and I've got the girlfriend to prove it, but what is wrong with being gay? It's 2007, you know.

btw - You are the weakest member on this forum. Youre like a some bizarre post-WWII Nazi whos willing to admit that everything he once stood for is wrong yet he's STILL secretly hoping Der Fuer will lead the motherland to victory.

No, you would be the weakest member of the forum. You're lower than even SpursDynasty. I'm a Mavs fan. I'll always be a Mavs fan. I post here because a large % of the Spurs fanbase are knowledgeable about hoops. That's what happens when it's a one-team town and that team has missed the playoffs something like 4 out of 30 years. Most Mavs fans are 14 yr old girls in pink Josh Howard jerseys that don't know basketball existed before 2000.

So keep working so hard to maintain the respect of the Spurs community. But don't fool yourself. They still laugh at you. No one has forgotten about how you ran your mouth off about the Mavs for a year.

Boy do you look stupid

I get respect from other knowledgable hoops fans because I know my stuff, no matter who I root for, no matter who they root for. The Jim Rome smack talk I'll leave to the shallow end of the pool, where you reside. I didn't "run my mouth off" about the Mavs for a year, that would be the Mavs trolls that didn't have the guts to show their faces around here after Golden State.

Now, go back on the porch with all the other young padawans, pup. Maybe one day you'll be as good of a troll as SpursDynasty.

09-05-2007, 01:14 PM
You homo...Ive never seen a poster gloss another poster like that in my entire life.

btw - You are the weakest member on this forum. Youre like a some bizarre post-WWII Nazi whos willing to admit that everything he once stood for is wrong yet he's STILL secretly hoping Der Fuer will lead the motherland to victory.

So keep working so hard to maintain the respect of the Spurs community. But don't fool yourself. They still laugh at you. No one has forgotten about how you ran your mouth off about the Mavs for a year.

Boy do you look stupid.
Oh how I love Suns fans and their delusional self-aggrandizing.

09-05-2007, 01:45 PM
If Francis gets outta hand, then we'll just play Bonzi..and we all know how you Spurs like to play against the Bonz! LOL

Oh, Gee!!
09-05-2007, 01:46 PM

09-05-2007, 02:35 PM
I'm not gay and I've got the girlfriend to prove it, but what is wrong with being gay? It's 2007, you know.

AH-HAH! Thank your for enlightening me!!!! I have turned over a new leaf!!!

Strange though:


You had no problems accusing Kobe Bryant of being gay in hateful manner. That must have been before you saw "Brokeback", huh?

One minute youre glossing SpursDynasty to no end and the next youre telling me Im even "lower" than Spurs Dynasty.

This is why you suck.

btw - Thanks for claiming that you didn't run your mouth off for a year.....Im happy to expose you. A simple query of threads started by you reveals the following:

FinDog ranting about the Mavs:

"The first of many victories to come. Tremble in fear -- when you mess with the blue and green, you call down the thunder."


FinDog dissing the Spurs:

"I'd rather have him than Francisco Elson or Jackie "Buffet" Butler. And I'd rather have Dirk than Duncan. So our frontcourt is far superior to yours."


FindDog starts thread titled: Mavs>Suns:

[ISo Dallas has been better overall, better against top competition, better head to head, and against a tougher schedule.

Case closed.I]


Now go cry to Cuban. :lol

09-05-2007, 02:42 PM
Strange though:


You had no problems accusing Kobe Bryant of being gay in hateful manner. That must have been before you saw "Brokeback", huh?
that's the absolute king of stretches right there. First off, he didn't accuse Kobe of anything, he merely posed the question.

Second, there was nothing hateful in that post.

Try again cockface

09-05-2007, 02:56 PM
that's the absolute king of stretches right there. First off, he didn't accuse Kobe of anything, he merely posed the question.

Second, there was nothing hateful in that post.

Try again cockface

I know from the litany of posts ive read from you that you are not THAT stupid.

Im not even going to argue about this. If you don't see what the thread is about, I can't help you. Just let me ask you this:

Whats with the "Love lift us up" lyrics under the incriminating photo? What is FinDog implying?

09-05-2007, 02:59 PM
AH-HAH! Thank your for enlightening me!!!! I have turned over a new leaf!!!

Strange though:


You had no problems accusing Kobe Bryant of being gay in hateful manner. That must have been before you saw "Brokeback", huh?

One minute youre glossing SpursDynasty to no end and the next youre telling me Im even "lower" than Spurs Dynasty.

This is why you suck.

btw - Thanks for claiming that you didn't run your mouth off for a year.....Im happy to expose you. A simple query of threads started by you reveals the following:

FinDog ranting about the Mavs:

"The first of many victories to come. Tremble in fear -- when you mess with the blue and green, you call down the thunder."


FinDog dissing the Spurs:

"I'd rather have him than Francisco Elson or Jackie "Buffet" Butler. And I'd rather have Dirk than Duncan. So our frontcourt is far superior to yours."


FindDog starts thread titled: Mavs>Suns:

[ISo Dallas has been better overall, better against top competition, better head to head, and against a tougher schedule.

Case closed.I]


Now go cry to Cuban. :lol

Wow, how long did that take to pull up with your mommy's dialup connection?

1. That's a funny pic of Kobe and Mihm. Nothing more, nothing less.

2. I like to engage Spurs trolls and rile them up. If I say Dirk > Duncan, that is clearly facetious.

3. The "ranting" about the Mavs was meant to be a joke. Of course it goes over your head.

4. Mavs > Suns over the past 3 years. You have any proof otherwise? Oh, right you beat Kobe, Lamar Odom's bum shoulder and 10 D-Leaguers. Congrats, I'm really impressed.

09-05-2007, 03:00 PM
I know from the litany of posts ive read from you that you are not THAT stupid.

Im not even going to argue about this. If you don't see what the thread is about, I can't help you. Just let me ask you this:

Whats with the "Love lift us up" lyrics under the incriminating photo? What is FinDog implying?
Find me the accusatory or hateful part. Implications are made, but nothing more. Just something to have a laugh at unless you're desperate to "incriminate" someone with incredibly flimsy "evidence".

the fact that you'd actually go searching months-old posts of his shows just what a pathetic retard you are.

09-05-2007, 03:07 PM
Wow, how long did that take to pull up with your mommy's dialup connection?

1. That's a funny pic of Kobe and Mihm. Nothing more, nothing less.

2. I like to engage Spurs trolls and rile them up.

3. The "ranting" about the Mavs was meant to be a joke. Of course it goes over your head.

4. Mavs > Suns over the past 3 years. You have any proof otherwise? Oh, right you beat Kobe, Lamar Odom's bum shoulder and 10 D-Leaguers. Congrats, I'm really impressed.

Not long...again, you can query all topics by "Thread Starter" and it will give you the results alphabetically. Here's where you pop up:


Its a nice little feature of this site.

1. Whats funny about it? As you said, this is 2007....you should have more class. :lol

2. As do I. This just proves you are a hypocrite.

3. A joke? You seemed pretty cocky to me....didn't look like it was suppose to be a joke.

4. Suns haven't lost in the first round buddy. The Mavs are just first round fodder until they can prove otherwise.

09-05-2007, 03:11 PM
Not long...again, you can query all topics by "Thread Starter" and it will give you the results alphabetically. Here's where you pop up:


Its a nice little feature of this site.

1. A funny pic that you decided to use as "mock" evidence that Kobe was gay. You even added the lyrics to cheesy 80s love song to add humor. As you said, this is 2007....you should have more class. :lol

2. As do I. This just proves you are a hypocrite.

3. A joke? You seemed pretty cocky to me....didn't look like it was suppose to be a joke.

4. Suns haven't lost in the first round buddy. The Mavs are just first round fodder until they can prove otherwise.

1. Kobe's not gay, it's a funny picture. In addition to being obtuse, you're humorless too.

2. There are trolls here and serious posters. Serious posters get serious replies, trolls get mocking scorn. Guess which category you fall under.

3. "When you mess with the blue and green, you call down the thunder." That doesn't strike you as over the top?

4. Suns can't beat the Spurs, Suns can't make it to the Finals. Two things Dallas has done. The Suns are good for 60 regular season wins and a beatdown at the end to San Antonio or Dallas, until they prove otherwise.

09-05-2007, 03:14 PM
Not long...again, you can query all topics by "Thread Starter" and it will give you the results alphabetically. Here's where you pop up:


Its a nice little feature of this site.

1. Whats funny about it? As you said, this is 2007....you should have more class. :lol

2. As do I. This just proves you are a hypocrite.

3. A joke? You seemed pretty cocky to me....didn't look like it was suppose to be a joke.

4. Suns haven't lost in the first round buddy. The Mavs are just first round fodder until they can prove otherwise.

try to come up with a decent post before you get to 1000. even SpursDynasty has made a halfway intelligent comment before hitting a grand.

09-05-2007, 03:18 PM
1. Kobe's not gay, it's a funny picture. In addition to being obtuse, you're humorless too.

2. There are trolls here and serious posters. Serious posters get serious replies, trolls get mocking scorn. Guess which category you fall under.

3. "When you mess with the blue and green, you call down the thunder." That doesn't strike you as over the top?

4. Suns can't beat the Spurs, Suns can't make it to the Finals. Two things Dallas has done. The Suns are good for 60 regular season wins and a beatdown at the end to San Antonio or Dallas, until they prove otherwise.

They call this "cherry-picking".

You want to bring up that the Mavs have been to the finals but that was before....these Mavs can't get out of the first round!

Mavs might have had some moderate success two seasons ago, but they are just chum to the contenders now.

09-05-2007, 03:24 PM
They call this "cherry-picking".

You want to bring up that the Mavs have been to the finals but that was before....these Mavs can't get out of the first round!

Mavs might have had some moderate success two seasons ago, but they are just chum to the contenders now.

90% of the same roster. As SpursDynasty might say, failing to get out of the first round is a fluke, something Dirk has failed to do only twice, including once with your precious Stevie. And if "moderate" success means getting to the Finals, then the Suns get no props at all for not being able to do anything other than beat the LA teams. Dallas is capable of beating the Spurs, your team isn't, ergo, Dallas is a contender, Golden State aside, your team isn't.

09-05-2007, 03:38 PM
90% of the same roster. As SpursDynasty might say, failing to get out of the first round is a fluke, something Dirk has failed to do only twice, including once with your precious Stevie. And if "moderate" success means getting to the Finals, then the Suns get no props at all for not being able to do anything other than beat the LA teams. Dallas is capable of beating the Spurs, your team isn't, ergo, Dallas is a contender, Golden State aside, your team isn't.

There you go again...both you and Monos1labyk can't decide whether SpursDynasty is a moron or a genius.

Whatever your argument requires at that particular second, I guess. :lol

btw - Mavs have 90% of the same roster that lost to an eigth seed four times in six games last year.

Trust me, until the Mavs prove they can get out of the first round again, no one will take them seriously.

09-05-2007, 04:26 PM
There you go again...both you and Monos1labyk can't decide whether SpursDynasty is a moron or a genius.

SD is entertaining. You're like a boil on the upper part of an asscrack. Maybe that's what you're going for, in which case, kudos on a job well done.

btw - Mavs have 90% of the same roster that lost to an eigth seed four times in six games last year.

A Golden State team that went 16-3 with the playoff roster healthy and intact, a Golden State team that had given Dallas trouble 3 years running with the Davis-Richardson backcourt. Dallas had a problem with one team, not 29, and now that Richardson wears orange and blue, I'm not sweating it. The result would've been the same had they met the Warriors in the conference finals, the semis, or the opening round. It's not that Dallas has difficulty getting out of the first round, which they've only failed to do twice in 8 straight trips to the playoffs, it's that they had trouble with that particular Golden State team.

Get back to me when Phoenix beats somebody outside of southern California.

Dirk Nowitzki
09-05-2007, 05:23 PM
1. Kobe's not gay, it's a funny picture. In addition to being obtuse, you're humorless too.

2. There are trolls here and serious posters. Serious posters get serious replies, trolls get mocking scorn. Guess which category you fall under.

3. "When you mess with the blue and green, you call down the thunder." That doesn't strike you as over the top?

4. Suns can't beat the Spurs, Suns can't make it to the Finals. Two things Dallas has done. The Suns are good for 60 regular season wins and a beatdown at the end to San Antonio or Dallas, until they prove otherwise.

Suns have beaten the Mavs before and they are more than capable of doing it again. Just like the Mavs are capable of beating the Spurs and the Spurs are capable of beating the Suns again. The west is about those 3 teams and each one gives the other one certain problems.