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09-05-2007, 01:29 PM

09-05-2007, 01:31 PM
got spanked with a WHIP......you know those leather braided multicolor cones from Mexico..... My mom felt bad that she threw it away after that. I should take her to court now hahahha.

09-05-2007, 01:31 PM
Please don't make me dredge up bad memories......oh god.....oh god.....find a happy place....find a happy place....

09-05-2007, 01:37 PM
You know the orange plastic "Hot Wheels" tracks?

Yeah... those fuckers hurt like hell. Worse than an extension cord.

09-05-2007, 01:38 PM
Spanked many, many times by the old man with his leather belt. Not just a few swats either. I'm talkin 20-30 licks everytime. Hard licks too. He'd pick me up by the arm and just go to whoopin.

09-05-2007, 01:40 PM
Hair brushes, wooden spoons ... whatever was within arm's length whenever I happened to piss my mom off. :fro

09-05-2007, 01:40 PM
I got yelled at a lot but I never got hit. I'm thankful for that.

The worst thing I can do to my kids is take away the computer. Or the cell phone.
I get great results from just the threat of it! :lol

09-05-2007, 01:43 PM
I got hit a lot, with many different objects. But the worst punishment is when my mom took my stereo, tv, ninentdo away from me and didn't let me go outside and play. The only thing I could do is clean the house, cut the grass and sit in my room. I didn't own books so I couldn't even read. Worst 6 weeks of my life.

09-05-2007, 01:47 PM
The worst thing I can do to my kids is take away the computer. Or the cell phone. I get great results from just the threat of it! :lol

heh. My daughter just got, today, the "three strikes and your out" cell phone confiscation from school, and Judson ISD sends them to the Judson police department and you have to pay $15 to get it back. Service to that line has already been suspended ... so I'm sure it's going to be pretty miserable around my house this evening. :spin

09-05-2007, 01:51 PM
I got hit alot. But those were not the punishments that left a mark.
being publicly humiliated, yelled at, degraded etc... those things stuck with me.

I think the worse punishment I ever recieved was a 2 motnh punishment of waking up everyday at 7 to make every family member's bed, cook breakfast, and do my assigned extra chores BEFORE I could do anythhing else... like get dressed or even wash up or eat my own breakfast. It was the summer, I was 10. I can't even remeber what i did wrong, I vaguely recall the offense being a constant issue.... it was humiliating. Especially since the siblings and cousins really jumped on the "she's the family slave" with unabashed glee. The constant derision and whole 'kick her while she's down" atitude had me in tears constantly.
I think my mom went totally overboard with that punishment, and I think she knew it as well - but once spoken she would not retract her descision.
I wished she had just spanked me or whatever...spankings last like 5 mins and then it;s done.

ftr tho, I don't hit my kids. But i won;t becoming up with long convuluted punishments either.

09-05-2007, 01:51 PM
Hair brushes, wooden spoons ... whatever was within arm's length whenever I happened to piss my mom off. :fro
Me too, usually she'd just take off a shoe. I'll never forget when she was talking on the phone, said "just a minute" then proceeded to beat me with the reciever! :lol

09-05-2007, 01:54 PM
The worst non-physical punishment I ever got was when my mother suspected that my sudden illness was nothing more than a case of the "I-don't-wannas". I slept late, she went to work, I stumbled into the living room to watch TV and discovered that she unplugged the cable and took the fucking co-axial cable with her. She also took the speaker wire from the stereo and my keys so that I couldn't leave the house. And left a note that she would be calling to check on me every 30 minutes to make sure that the phone wasn't busy (we didn't have call waiting), which she did.

I ended up so bored that I did every single bit of homework and assigned reading for all of my classes. I even read ahead in the text books for a couple of them.

09-05-2007, 01:57 PM
My mother is THE Grammar Queen. It really bugged her when I spoke in double negatives, which I would do just to annoy her. After one too many, "I ain't got none", she stabbed me in my forearm with a fork. Drew blood, too. I think after that, I started speaking correctly.

We still laugh about this to this day.

09-05-2007, 01:58 PM
i used to drink pickle juice from the jars in the fridge. one night i snuck downstairs to do so, and apparently i didn't put the lid all the way back on, and it got knocked over somehow and spilled pickle juice into some fudge my mom had just made. i was around 12 at the time, and my dad made me eat all the pickled fudge. it was gross. i found out last year that it was actually my sister who knocked it over after she was drinking pickle juice, and i had to eat it all. she thought it was hilarious.

09-05-2007, 02:00 PM
The worst non-physical punishment I ever got was when my mother suspected that my sudden illness was nothing more than a case of the "I-don't-wannas". I slept late, she went to work, I stumbled into the living room to watch TV and discovered that she unplugged the cable and took the fucking co-axial cable with her. She also took the speaker wire from the stereo and my keys so that I couldn't leave the house. And left a note that she would be calling to check on me every 30 minutes to make sure that the phone wasn't busy (we didn't have call waiting), which she did.

I ended up so bored that I did every single bit of homework and assigned reading for all of my classes. I even read ahead in the text books for a couple of them.

I used to get strep a lot as a teen, but one time I was claiming that I had a sore throat even though I didn't because I didn't want to go to school. My mom knew I was faking and was really pissed and threatened to take me to the doctor (when they still gave shots). Turns out I really did have strep :lol

09-05-2007, 02:02 PM
heh. My daughter just got, today, the "three strikes and your out" cell phone confiscation from school, and Judson ISD sends them to the Judson police department and you have to pay $15 to get it back. Service to that line has already been suspended ... so I'm sure it's going to be pretty miserable around my house this evening. :spin

Dang! Northside just makes you pick them up at the principal's office.

Who is she yakking too?

09-05-2007, 02:03 PM
When I spilled some shit on the living carpet when my mom told me 5 times not to go there. I knew I done fucked up so I ran away immediately and got chased around the house.

Finally she decides to throw the remote control at the back of my head...but I turned around that instant and caught it right on my upper lip, busted it wide open. She felt shitty even though she didn't wanna show it. :toast

09-05-2007, 02:06 PM
my mum used to wash my mouth out with soap when i cursed, till this day i can still taste the soap in my mouth, its horrible.

First Comic Sitting
09-05-2007, 02:09 PM
my stepdad would mix cleaners in a bucket and lock me in the bathroom to clean.

when he caught me by the air vent once, he disconnected the fan. and luckily i was able to get low in the tub til he let me out cuz there was a little air there,

the towel at the outside bottom of the door was kind of a slap in the face though.

09-05-2007, 02:16 PM
Dang! Northside just makes you pick them up at the principal's office.

Who is she yakking too?

It wasn't 3 strikes with the school, it was 3 strikes with me. Judson sends them to the JISD PD every time, no exceptions.

She wasn't talking on it, apparently, she was showing it to her friends ... I got her a Fusic for her birthday (8/17), she got in trouble and lost it, and had just gotten it back on Saturday. With very strict instructions that she was not allowed to take it to school under any circumstances. :drunk

09-05-2007, 02:19 PM
I got beat all the time...belt (with the buckle end), kicked (knocked to the ground and kicked on the ground) punched, etc. I hated progress report and report card days. It was a guaranteed beating. I was an A student normally but hyperactive and probably a little disruptive in class. I got whipped for B's or U's in conduct. I'd have black buckle bruises all over my back, butt, and legs for a week. I'd just barely have time to heal up before the next round.

09-05-2007, 02:19 PM
spankings were never as bad as groundings, imo. i got my fair share of big time beatings, but i still hated groundings more.

worst ever was 7th grade when my parents demanded i get my grades up to an A, B+ at worst level. Every report card I got that had one low B or C, and I was grounded until the next report card. no video games, very limited TV, no phone (i've always hated talking on the phone anways, and to be honest, i was a big time dork in middle school so no girls were calling me), and no going out unless it was a family outing. I basically wound up being grounded for the entire school year and part of the summer. it was made worse because of my asshole cousins that lived down the street that would make a point to come over to our house and play video games and do fun shit in my face while i could do nothing.

but the dumbest part of it is that i easily could have gotten my grades up, i was just so fuckin lazy that i'd rather screw around and bullshit instead of do my homework.

09-05-2007, 02:20 PM
my mum used to wash my mouth out with soap when i cursed, till this day i can still taste the soap in my mouth, its horrible.

I do that to my kids...but usually just a dime-sized drop swiped on the tongue does the trick. Funny, I went upstairs to get something one day and overheard my daughter on the phone with a friend cursing like a sailor. So I knocked on her door and just looked at her. She went downstairs on her own, got the big Soft Soap refill bottle from underneath the kitchen sink and squirted a whole bunch into her mouth without me saying a word.

It was really hard to control the laughter until she was out of earshot. That was pretty funny.

09-05-2007, 02:27 PM
I guess I was bad all the time cause the older I got the more immune I got to the beatings hahaha so my mom started slapping me......that too began to fade as far as pain goes. My mom stopped the day I slapped myself around 3 times after she did and told her look it doesnt hurt. Damn I seem like a shitty son now.

09-05-2007, 02:32 PM
I guess I was bad all the time cause the older I got the more immune I got to the beatings hahaha so my mom started slapping me......that too began to fade as far as pain goes. My mom stopped the day I slapped myself around 3 times after she did and told her look it doesnt hurt. Damn I seem like a shitty son now.

She obviously wasn't slapping you hard enough :lol

I tried that shit with my Dad once and I thought he was gonna kill me before he finally stopped round 2. I could barely crawl to my room afterwards.

09-05-2007, 03:17 PM
I only got spanked by my dad twice. All he had to do was look at me and I was scared. If he raised his voice at me, I would cry. My mom was the only usually handing out the beatings. I would get spanked with belts, shoes, or some other things. If I talked back, I would get slapped.

To me the worse was getting grounded. I use to have to rake the leaves outside. I hated that. It was so easy, but so boring and time comsuming. My friends now still make fun of me because they said I was always raking leaves. They use to play football in the street right in front of my house while I was raking leaves. Bastards!!!

09-05-2007, 03:24 PM
I remember being about 8 I guess and mom was fed up with my sisters and my messy room.
So she took huge garabage bags and made us watch as she collected every last one of our toys.
We got them back in a couple of weeks. But still- was harsh man.

Worse than that though was when I got in trouble when I was about 12.
The guy I was crushing on was coming to our house with our family that Saturday evening. I had been looking forward to it all week..

That Saturday afternoon, just hours before the guy was due over, I got in trouble for something.
As punishment my mom said I had to go to bed before our company came and could not see them at all.
That left my sister, who I knew to be a shameless flirt, to entertain my crush all night.
Was horrible. :(

Man, bad times. Happy thought, happy thought!!!!

There it is - Slovenia just won, again. :fro

09-05-2007, 03:27 PM
My mother is THE Grammar Queen. It really bugged her when I spoke in double negatives, which I would do just to annoy her. After one too many, "I ain't got none", she stabbed me in my forearm with a fork. Drew blood, too. I think after that, I started speaking correctly.

We still laugh about this to this day.

My mom is a grammar queen too, but the worst she does is interrupt my stories constantly.

This annoys me because the times I speak incorrectly are when I am upset and most need a compassionate ear.

Even so, I think I will stop complaining about that.

09-05-2007, 03:31 PM
my mum used to wash my mouth out with soap when i cursed, till this day i can still taste the soap in my mouth, its horrible.

One time my mom washed my mouth out with soap, I guess for talking back.

I didn't like the taste so I swallowed. Big mistake- a huge bubble formed in my throat and I started to choke on it.
My mom felt super guilty.

And I am going to stop telling my punishment stories before I have you all convinced I was a rotten kid.

09-05-2007, 03:32 PM
She obviously wasn't slapping you hard enough :lol

I tried that shit with my Dad once and I thought he was gonna kill me before he finally stopped round 2. I could barely crawl to my room afterwards.


My mom used to used open hand slaps across the side of my head all the time. But my grandma used to get those switches with thorns on them. Man that used to be brutal..... :dramaquee

09-05-2007, 03:47 PM
My mom stopped the day I slapped myself around 3 times after she did and told her look it doesnt hurt. Damn I seem like a shitty son now.
Holy shit, you got balls man. If I did that to my mom, she'd have done everything short of shoot me with a gun to prove that she could still give me a whupping. Then she'd let my dad deal with me, and that was 10000000000000000000000000000x worse.

09-05-2007, 03:54 PM
My dad only got a hold of me once in my entire life ... and that was when I was 17 and he overheard me call my mom a bitch when we were having an argument. That didn't go over very well.

Kori Ellis
09-05-2007, 04:05 PM
I don't think I was ever hit as a child/teen. I was grounded a few times but nothing harsh.

09-05-2007, 04:05 PM
My dad only got a hold of me once in my entire life ... and that was when I was 17 and he overheard me call my mom a bitch when we were having an argument. That didn't go over very well.

LOL...I raised my kids totally differently than I was raised. I never hit or spanked them. the only time I ever touched my son was an identical situation...I came around the corner just as he called his mother a bitch. He was probably a junior or senior in high school at the time. I grabbed him by the shirt collar with one hand and picked him up off the floor and slammed him against the wall with his feet dangling. I got nose to nose with him, stared him in the eyes, and quietly said "don't you ever talk to your mother like that again...Do you understand?"...held him for a few more seconds and dropped him and walked off. As far as I know he never did it again.

09-05-2007, 04:07 PM
When I lived with my mom she used to hit me with a fly swatter :lol

My dad did accidentally punch me in the nose when he was mad at me one time.

Other than that, I've had the occasional whooping with a belt.

But paddlings at school always hurt worse than any other punishment. I can't stand getting paddled.

09-05-2007, 04:23 PM
But paddlings at school always hurt worse than any other punishment. I can't stand getting paddled.

Those coaches at school had NUTHIN on my old man. With them I would be a smart ass and refuse to let them see me react. I had one in Junior High that was my football coach and Algebra teacher. They had a Sadie Hawkins day at school where girls could ask guys they liked to carry their books to the next class. There was this horrid little bitch that sat behind me in Algebra that was always kicking me in the ass to flirt. She asked me to carry her books and I refused. Coach told me I had to carry her books or get three licks...I said gimme the licks...He had this big palm frond with holes drilled in it and a leather wrapped handle that he was really proud of. He bent me over in front of the class and popped me pretty good on the first one. I just kept my position and didn't react. He amped it up the second time and I still kept the position and didn't react. The third time he was pissed and wound up and whacked me like he was trying to hit a home run out of a major league park. It actually picked me up and moved me about a foot forward but I maintained my hands on my knees and didn't react. I just stood up, turned around and smiled and said "that all you got coach?" and walked back to my desk. I had a bruise on my ass for two weeks with perfect circles on it where he had the holes drilled.

09-05-2007, 04:35 PM
Those coaches at school had NUTHIN on my old man. With them I would be a smart ass and refuse to let them see me react. I had one in Junior High that was my football coach and Algebra teacher. They had a Sadie Hawkins day at school where girls could ask guys they liked to carry their books to the next class. There was this horrid little bitch that sat behind me in Algebra that was always kicking me in the ass to flirt. She asked me to carry her books and I refused. Coach told me I had to carry her books or get three licks...I said gimme the licks...He had this big palm frond with holes drilled in it and a leather wrapped handle that he was really proud of. He bent me over in front of the class and popped me pretty good on the first one. I just kept my position and didn't react. He amped it up the second time and I still kept the position and didn't react. The third time he was pissed and wound up and whacked me like he was trying to hit a home run out of a major league park. It actually picked me up and moved me about a foot forward but I maintained my hands on my knees and didn't react. I just stood up, turned around and smiled and said "that all you got coach?" and walked back to my desk. I had a bruise on my ass for two weeks with perfect circles on it where he had the holes drilled.

:lol :lol DAAAAM

No way in hell I would have asked him is that all he's got in fear of him giving some more licks.

09-05-2007, 04:56 PM
:lol :lol DAAAAM

No way in hell I would have asked him is that all he's got in fear of him giving some more licks.

naaah...man law

the deal was carry the books or three licks.

He knew he was already over the line just doing that and only did it because he was my coach too. I doubt they would have liked it much down at the front office. Besides, you always want your coach to know you are tough and he knew he'd given me his best shot.

09-05-2007, 05:09 PM
Hair brushes, wooden spoons ... whatever was within arm's length whenever I happened to piss my mom off. :fro
Wow, my sisters did that to me but my mom never did. I don't think she ever spanked me. Not because she didn't believe in it, I was just the kind of kid who watched what my sisters did to get spanked or in trouble and made sure I never did that.
My mom had the infamous high heeled slippers with feathers that she used on my sisters.
I did have a couple of pretty memorable groundings though. One was for almost a year. When I was about 14-15, I went in a car with some friends and got in a wreck and didn't tell mom. I was supposed to be at the bowling alley, not riding in cars with boys. She found out when she got called in to the hospital to put the driver to sleep for surgery on his broken vertebrae. The dumb-ass asked her how I was doing before he went under anesthesia.

09-06-2007, 07:42 AM
She obviously wasn't slapping you hard enough :lol

I tried that shit with my Dad once and I thought he was gonna kill me before he finally stopped round 2. I could barely crawl to my room afterwards.

Nah it was pretty hard, but at this point I was in high school. My dad never did the hitting since my mom didnt let him. I should be thankful for that, but then again I went through a pretty rebellious phase when I was in the tail end of high school. My dad and I would get into pretty ugly arguments. I dont even know what triggered it, I do however feel really shitty about it and have a great relationship with my parents.

09-08-2007, 11:16 PM
I’ve had my fair share of spankings. But being grounded sucks ass. And like Obi said being publicly humiliated, yelled at, degraded, is the shit that sticks with you.

09-08-2007, 11:47 PM
my dad claimed i had a lead butt, then used the metal end of the belt a few times. that hurt.