View Full Version : Can the Spurs beat the Mavs.with the current roster?

09-08-2007, 11:34 AM
this is a question that I make to myself all the time.
I really donīt think we have a better roster tham the Mavs,eventhough I know that Tony, Timmy, Manu and Bruce can make the diference.
with not much upgrades as long as the teamīs bigs for next season,and not a really good backup low post scorer for Timmy(we leted Scola walk away for peanuts)and no upgrades at the Bakup PG poss eather........................

Can we beat the Mavs in a 7 games series?

09-08-2007, 11:36 AM
I believe it is still a toss up.

Both teams are still talented enough to be each other in a seven game series.

However, the chances have brighten for the Spurs slightly because they have acquired Udoka.

Now, Bowen can focus on Dirk.

Finally, someone can be physical and give Howard fits when Udoka guards him. I believe that helps us a lot because Howard would slash down the lane with ease or would sink jumpers. Now, we can at least contest him in a legitimate way.

09-08-2007, 11:36 AM
Spurs in 7.

09-08-2007, 11:39 AM
Rockets first round.....Spurs win.

Suns second round....Spurs win.

Mavs third round......Spurs win.

Finals.....................Spurs win.

And we still will get an *.

09-08-2007, 11:58 AM
I still think that it would be very close. Let me ask this, What would the Spurs starting line-up be?


or if Udoka is expected to play Howard


This would leave Duncan as the only big ....

It all depends on what the Spurs can expect from Udoka, and it that is more important then having a C on the floor.

09-08-2007, 12:11 PM
Dalhoop, thats definitely a good point. We don't know what Udoka will be able to give us so its hard to say at this point what to expect.

Whats interesting is that we were all waiting for the Dallas/SA matchup last year and since Dallas neglected to show up it never happened. But since the Spurs haven't changed their roster signifcantly (save Udoka) and the Mavs have yet to change anything but peripheral players we might get that matchup this season.

The differences this season on the Spurs side?
- What will Udoka bring?
- How much more comfortable will Jacque Vaughn, Matt Bonner, Francisco Elson and Fabricio Oberto be in our system?
- If Beno is replaced, what will his replacement bring?

The Franchise
09-08-2007, 12:36 PM
Spurs in 5. I hate the damn Mavs. :madrun

Fast Dunk
09-08-2007, 12:40 PM
Can the Spurs beat the Mavs.with the current roster?

NO !!!!

09-08-2007, 12:41 PM
If we play with two big men for most of the series, we will win. That is why we did not win in 2006. I'm not saying Nazr or Rasho were defensive monsters, but Rasho could block shots and Nazr could rebound. Sometimes just having a body in there can make a difference. I think we would win especially if Oberto contributed like he did in last year's playoffs.

Also, 2006 was just an off year in the playoffs for us-nothing went our way, we didn't get any breaks, etc. Hopefully it won't be like that this year and we can get some breaks against the Mavs (if we even meet them in the playoffs) that we didn't two years ago.

09-08-2007, 12:41 PM
NO !!!!

09-08-2007, 12:50 PM
Unlike Rasho and Nazr, Oberto, Horry, and Elson could actually be out on the floor vs Dallas and keep Dirk and Howard off the boards. Throw in Udoka and we wouldn have Berry and Finley playing extended minutes vs Stack and Howard.

Fast Dunk
09-08-2007, 12:53 PM
Stop it bitches..

No, the Spurs Can NOT beat the Mavs with the current roster..

Don't blame it on small ball, blame it on INEPTITUD!!!

09-08-2007, 12:54 PM
Stop it bitches..

No, the Spurs Can NOT beat the Mavs with the current roster..

Don't blame it on small ball, blame it on INEPTITUD!!!

Fast Dunk
09-08-2007, 12:56 PM

You are an idiot that the only rebuttal you have is those little smilies...


09-08-2007, 01:01 PM
You are an idiot that the only rebuttal you have is those little smilies...



09-08-2007, 01:08 PM
this is a question that I make to myself all the time.
I really donīt think we have a better roster tham the Mavs,eventhough I know that Tony, Timmy, Manu and Bruce can make the diference.
with not much upgrades as long as the teamīs bigs for next season,and not a really good backup low post scorer for Timmy(we leted Scola walk away for peanuts)and no upgrades at the Bakup PG poss eather........................

Can we beat the Mavs in a 7 games series?

Well considering at the end of Game 7 in 2006, the game was tied and there was a no-foul call that would have sent Duncan to shoot two free throws at the end of regulation, yes, we can beat the Mavs in a 7 game series.

There was also a no-foul call at the end of the 2nd regular season matchup of the 06-07 season in which Finley would have shot three free throws which could have tied the game at the end of regulation.

There's also the Spurs winning 90% of the last regular season game before Duncan got tossed for nothing.

So, yes.

If you don't think an All-NBA First team player (Tim), a All-NBA Defensive First team player (Bruce, as well as runner-up for DPOY the last couple of years), the NBA Finals MVP (Tony Parker), a player who provides energy off the bench (Manu), a seven-time NBA champion who makes the biggest clutch shots (Horry) is a better roster than Dallas....are you blind?

Dallas has: Regular season MVP: Dirk.

Nothing else on their resume. Nothing impressive about any other of their players or accomplishments. No championships.

Dallas is a one hit wonder (winning the Spurs series in '06). Seriously, what have they done since then? Anything less than a championship is a failure.

09-08-2007, 01:38 PM
Stop it bitches..

No, the Spurs Can NOT beat the Mavs with the current roster..

Don't blame it on small ball, blame it on INEPTITUD!!!

What did you blame for the Cavs not able to get a single win in the biggest series of their existence?

Seriously, from a guy that believed Boobie was going to be THE difference maker to get the Cavs a title, what do you know about what it wil take to win a Spurs/Mavs series?

09-08-2007, 01:42 PM

09-08-2007, 01:46 PM
Well considering at the end of Game 7 in 2006, the game was tied and there was a no-foul call that would have sent Duncan to shoot two free throws at the end of regulation, yes, we can beat the Mavs in a 7 game series.

There was also a no-foul call at the end of the 2nd regular season matchup of the 06-07 season in which Finley would have shot three free throws which could have tied the game at the end of regulation.

There's also the Spurs winning 90% of the last regular season game before Duncan got tossed for nothing.

So, yes.

If you don't think an All-NBA First team player (Tim), a All-NBA Defensive First team player (Bruce, as well as runner-up for DPOY the last couple of years), the NBA Finals MVP (Tony Parker), a player who provides energy off the bench (Manu), a seven-time NBA champion who makes the biggest clutch shots (Horry) is a better roster than Dallas....are you blind?

Dallas has: Regular season MVP: Dirk.

Nothing else on their resume. Nothing impressive about any other of their players or accomplishments. No championships.

Dallas is a one hit wonder (winning the Spurs series in '06). Seriously, what have they done since then? Anything less than a championship is a failure.

Your interplanetary ruler Jeff has spoken. Bow down and denounce all others before him Mavfan.

09-08-2007, 01:48 PM
I think a big difference between today and the 2006 playoffs is that the Spurs roster is far more versatile now than it was then. In 2006, Avery exploited the Spurs defensive dependence on the slow-footed bigs by going small and forcing Pop to play groups that hadn't spent any time together on the floor. At that, Pop nearly got over; regardless, Pop learned his lesson. He learned to spend more time during the regular season using games to develop lineups in anticipation of things that might happen during a playoff series. In 2006-07, Pop spent much more time developing those smallball groups. More importantly, though, he tinkered again with the roster to come up with a more dynamic group than he had in 2006.

Instead of lumbering centers who could do little if they were more than 5 feet from the hoop, the Spurs have 2 mobile bigs who can play the physical game down on the block and who can get out on the floor and play some defense.

They don't have the mythical Dirk stopper, but they have also made it easier for the roster to stay small if the game dictates a move in that direction. With Bowen and Udoka, Pop (conceivably) doesn't have to play the either-or game with Bowen as between Howard and Nowitzki -- and he still doesn't have to expose Tim to the problems of guarding Dirk until late in games.

Say what you will about Vaughn, but he's proven to be a decided upgrade over Van Exel. In that narrow series in 2006, one could make a reasonable argument that had the Spurs been able to play someone better than Van Exel for 10-12 minutes per game, the result might have been different. I thought before last season that Vaughn gave the Spurs that guy and nothing that I saw in 2007 changed my mind. Vaughn isn't a great back-up point guard. But he's good enough that he can play those 10-12 minutes, which are important because those minutes buy Tony Parker some extra time to rest and to have a little bit extra left in the tank come crunch time.

I can see the argument that the Spurs were 1-3 against Dallas in 2006-07 and that the record doesn't suggest that any of those changes made a difference. But I think some of the disparity in the regular season was the difference between a team that was playing for everything in that regular season and a team that was slowly building through most of that regular season. The Spurs lost two games at home in which they had the ball and a chance to take a lead with under 30 seconds remaining; they lost at Dallas having had chance-after-chance late in the game to hold a lead. 1-3 looks bad, but the games themselves would suggest that 1-3 was a bit misleading.

And through all of that, the 2007 Spurs were able to overcome whatever mental demons may have existed after the 2006 playoffs. It doesn't appear that the Mavericks have the same sort of mental toughness, though time might prove that view to be incorrect.

I do think this Spurs' roster can beat the current Mavs' roster.


Irony at its finest.

09-08-2007, 01:49 PM
I still think that it would be very close. Let me ask this, What would the Spurs starting line-up be?


or if Udoka is expected to play Howard


This would leave Duncan as the only big ....

It all depends on what the Spurs can expect from Udoka, and it that is more important then having a C on the floor.

Oberto wouldn't necessary be the one to sit out in that lineup. Manu could very realistically come off the bench. Whether that means Finley will keep the starting spot or Udoka brings enough offense/the offense doesn't stagnate with two Bowen's on the floor remains to be seen.

09-08-2007, 01:49 PM
So, yes.

If you don't think an All-NBA First team player (Tim), a All-NBA Defensive First team player (Bruce, as well as runner-up for DPOY the last couple of years), the NBA Finals MVP (Tony Parker), a player who provides energy off the bench (Manu), a seven-time NBA champion who makes the biggest clutch shots (Horry) is a better roster than Dallas....are you blind?

Dallas has: Regular season MVP: Dirk.

Nothing else on their resume. Nothing impressive about any other of their players or accomplishments. No championships.

Since when do resumes and accolades win anything?

09-08-2007, 01:54 PM
Since when do resumes and accolades win anything?

Gee, I don't know.

Try June 2007?

And my point was who has the better roster.

09-08-2007, 01:55 PM
Gee, I don't know.

Try June 2007?

That wasn't a resume that won. If you think that, you're significantly diminishing the Spurs' accomplishment in winning that championship. What won for the Spurs was poise and execution, not a resume.

And my point was that you're a numbskull.

09-08-2007, 01:57 PM
Absolutely. A lot of Mavs (and Spurs) fans forget that they got past us by less than a toasted pubic hair in 2006. They also followed that performance with two disasterous playoff series chokes, so yeah, they're beatable.

09-08-2007, 02:16 PM
There's a thousand different ways you can try to break it down and make sense of it.

But the bottom line is that these teams are so evenly matched, the only difference will be who gets a couple of bounces to go their way. In 06, a few extra things went the Mavs way and it made the difference. Who knows what will happen in 07. It could come down to another last second mistake like Dirks and 1 in game 7. Most likely it will be determined by a few little things, since neither team has done any major roster chances.

09-08-2007, 03:05 PM
this is a question that I make to myself all the time.
I really donīt think we have a better roster tham the Mavs,eventhough I know that Tony, Timmy, Manu and Bruce can make the diference.
with not much upgrades as long as the teamīs bigs for next season,and not a really good backup low post scorer for Timmy(we leted Scola walk away for peanuts)and no upgrades at the Bakup PG poss eather........................

Can we beat the Mavs in a 7 games series?

A better question might be "Who are the Mavs going to choke on NEXT?"

09-08-2007, 03:19 PM
I still think that it would be very close. Let me ask this, What would the Spurs starting line-up be?


or if Udoka is expected to play Howard


This would leave Duncan as the only big ....

It all depends on what the Spurs can expect from Udoka, and it that is more important then having a C on the floor.

That second line-up would be rough for the spurs vs the mavs, also one huge advantage the spurs had this past Playoffs was that manu was a ton of energy off the bench and finley played well as a starter, theres no way the spurs could start finley vs the mavs tho, and i think you're overating udoka a tad, he's decent but not a game changer

09-08-2007, 03:53 PM
Alright, another Scola thread!

09-08-2007, 04:03 PM
There's a thousand different ways you can try to break it down and make sense of it.

But the bottom line is that these teams are so evenly matched, the only difference will be who gets a couple of bounces to go their way. In 06, a few extra things went the Mavs way and it made the difference. Who knows what will happen in 07. It could come down to another last second mistake like Dirks and 1 in game 7. Most likely it will be determined by a few little things, since neither team has done any major roster chances.

True, it was very close, but the teams aren't that evenly matched. The only reason the series was so close was because the Spurs allowed it to be so close and let Dallas run away with it. If the Mavs were actually as good as they appeared to be in the Spurs series, they would have beaten the Miami Heat in the Finals, and would have beaten GS in the first round in 2007...neither happened. Everyone can throw the "well it was just a hot team or a bad matchup" stuff around all they want, a loss is a loss. By that logic, the Mavs just happened to be on a little hot streak in 2006, made a few lucky bounces, and won the series.

SA, by making a few mistakes and errors, allowed Dallas to appear to be a pretty well-rounded team. That's not the case. Josh Howard and Jason Terry received so much credit after the Spurs series yet haven't done anything since.

Even IF Dallas were that good, their chances to do something great have passed them by. They lost the NBA Finals in 2006, and lost in the first round in 2007. I don't know why the world was so shocked at Miami and Golden State winning....Miami and GS were the favorites in those series.

09-08-2007, 04:07 PM
Josh Howard and Jason Terry received so much credit after the Spurs series yet haven't done anything since.


I'll give you Terry, but Josh Howard was a legitimate All-Star in 2006-07 and was the Mavs' leading scorer in the 2007 playoffs, averaging 21.3 ppg while shooting 52% from the field -- those were similar to Tim Duncan's playoff numbers in 2007 (22.2, 52%). If that's "not doing anything," you're in a pickle to describe Tim Duncan's 2007 playoff run.

09-08-2007, 04:26 PM

I'll give you Terry, but Josh Howard was a legitimate All-Star in 2006-07 and was the Mavs' leading scorer in the 2007 playoffs, averaging 21.3 ppg while shooting 52% from the field -- those were similar to Tim Duncan's playoff numbers in 2007 (22.2, 52%). If that's "not doing anything," you're in a pickle to describe Tim Duncan's 2007 playoff run.

:lmao Guess he didn't think that one through enough.

09-08-2007, 04:27 PM
The Mavs were built to beat the Spurs just as the Spurs were built to beat the Lakers and earlier the Jazz. Sometimes that kind of focus can leave a team vulnerable to other opponents.

09-08-2007, 04:35 PM
The only thing that really worries me if these two teams meet up again is each teams weakness. The Spurs really have no weakness other than maybe depth, which they sort of adressed with the Udoka signing. The Mavs, on the other hand, have a bigger problem on their hands that they seem to not want to adress. Low post scoring.

Like Chump pointed out, the Mavs are built to beat the Spurs but are vulnerable to teams that take advantage of our inability to score in the post. Golden State put a bunch of athletic wings on the court, totally ignoring low post scoring because they knew we didn't have any. This allowed them to play the perimeter and really get up in the passing lanes and have tons of mismatches on the other end, since all 5 of their guys could shoot from outside or penetrate. Popovich was actually the first to notice this weakness, he just didn't have the right players to exploit it which is a big reason for the Mavs success in the 2006 series against them. Sooner or later you are going to see more and more teams go small against the Mavs untill they address our low post scoring problem, and that's what really worries me for next season.

09-08-2007, 04:36 PM
i still think it's funny that people are oh'n and ah'n over a team that has accomplished jack shit. the mavs are not a championship caliber team and they have proven that yr after yr.

the spurs made some mistakes in '06 and lost the series to the mavs but by no means were we blown out of the building. the mavs were up and like their finals apparence & their loss to gs in round 1 this past season, the mavs almost choked that spurs series away too. they are a team of wannabe thugs who don't deserve to win a damn thing and if we do end up in the playoffs against each other again i assure you the spurs will be ready and willing to give an ultimate ass whopping to those chumps out of dallas.

fuck the mavs!

09-08-2007, 04:41 PM
Not without Scola

09-08-2007, 04:54 PM
Not without Scola
good try...

09-08-2007, 05:06 PM
Dalhoop, thats definitely a good point. We don't know what Udoka will be able to give us so its hard to say at this point what to expect.

The differences this season on the Spurs side?
- What will Udoka bring?
- How much more comfortable will Jacque Vaughn, Matt Bonner, Francisco Elson and Fabricio Oberto be in our system?
- If Beno is replaced, what will his replacement bring?

This post pretty much sums up what I think in a rational way. This season will depend on
1. Health of the big 3
2. How well Udoka comes along
3. Can Bonner make an impact this season
4. Can Horry play to his ability or age?
5. Will our 2 headed monster do any better this year?(oberto, elson)
6. Will Beno be replaced? if so, who will this person translate to our system. Or maybe Beno gets one last chance to make a mends?

Lastly, I think Beno or Barry get shipped sometime this year, but will be after season has gone along for a while and other teams problems escalate.

Do or do not, there is no try

SPURS vs NBA media
09-08-2007, 05:58 PM
this is a question that I make to myself all the time.
I really donīt think we have a better roster tham the Mavs,eventhough I know that Tony, Timmy, Manu and Bruce can make the diference.
with not much upgrades as long as the teamīs bigs for next season,and not a really good backup low post scorer for Timmy(we leted Scola walk away for peanuts)and no upgrades at the Bakup PG poss eather........................

Can we beat the Mavs in a 7 games series?

can the mavs get out of the first round

09-08-2007, 06:40 PM
can the mavs get out of the first round

I donīt know,and donīt really care.Itīs their problem not ours.

09-08-2007, 06:42 PM
No one here is saying that it some sort of lock with the Mavs beating the Spurs, only that they have the best chance of doing it of any other team.

What the Mavs do against any other team matters very little if the Spurs are their current opponent. The Mavs are built to beat the Spurs and Pistons.

The talk on Udoka was that he was brought in to guard Howard so that Bowen could check Dirk. In order for Udoka and Bowen to do that they would have to be on the floor for a large amount of time as Dirk and Howard will not be sitting much.

The question becomes if Uduka is on the floor, then one of the other "normal" starters will have to sit. The talk of Manu or Finley has little baring on this unless your saying that Udoka will start in place of Manu/Finley making the starting line-up looking like this


I don't think that the Spurs would do well with that line-up playing a lot of minutes. maybe the answer is to bring Udoka off the bench to cover Stackhouse and allow the regular Spur starters to play their game.

What I'm saying is that in order for Udoka to do the things that some of you are hopeing that he can do, namely guard Howard, he will have to start playing against the Mavs starters ... If does that, someone has to sit.

09-08-2007, 06:59 PM
Rockets are going to knock out the Suns and the Mavs to get to the WCF vs. Spurs so who cares

Solid D
09-08-2007, 08:12 PM
The Mavs were built to beat the Spurs just as the Spurs were built to beat the Lakers and earlier the Jazz. Sometimes that kind of focus can leave a team vulnerable to other opponents.

:tu I agree with this, Chump, plus FWD brings up a good point about the value of Josh Howard. Dallas' addition of Eddie Jones may become an issue if Eddie can stay healthy. It does help to get another player like Udoka who can defend so there is another matchup option.

I still think it will boil down to how well the Spurs can play the 2-man game, particularly with Dirk and either Harris or Terry. When executed well, as Dallas does, it neutralizes San Antonio's team approach to defense. If a smaller player gets stuck in the switch on Dirk, it's usually an easy score. The thing that makes Dallas' two-man game so effective is so many of their combinations can hit from the outside. Golden State was able to defend Dirk with Matt Barnes, since Matt was strong enough and intense enough to play over the screens, and quick enough to recover the times he did play under. Golden State was able to win by playing small with 3 guards and score with surprising ease, particularly on penetrations. They are a pretty athletic bunch and were fairly tenacious defensively (for a Nelson team) on Dallas.

One encouraging thing for the Spurs is the vast improvement and confidence of Tony Parker. He has really become a true All-Star and might have just become the kind of dominating player that can keep Dallas from having the Spurs' number.

09-08-2007, 08:27 PM

I'll give you Terry, but Josh Howard was a legitimate All-Star in 2006-07 and was the Mavs' leading scorer in the 2007 playoffs, averaging 21.3 ppg while shooting 52% from the field -- those were similar to Tim Duncan's playoff numbers in 2007 (22.2, 52%). If that's "not doing anything," you're in a pickle to describe Tim Duncan's 2007 playoff run.

Not that I am disagreeing with the facts you stated above, but one other important thing to note about Josh Howard is that despite those great stats (21.3 ppg, 52% shooting), he averages something like 3 points in the 4th quarter of games last season. He's a great complementary player, but Dirk has yet to prove he can consistently be a great 4th quarter player in big games. This is the Mavs biggest weakness....the strongest, most mentally tough player on the their team appears to be their coach.

09-08-2007, 08:40 PM
Other than Dirk all other players are average at best. Meaning they can not lead Dallas to any series win. Dirk himself has not shown consistent ability to lead from front when pressure was on. Discounting this, I do not see Dallas winning a series against SA again.

09-08-2007, 11:57 PM
Rockets first round.....Spurs win.

Suns second round....Spurs win.

Mavs third round......Spurs win.

Finals.....................Spurs win.

And we still will get an *.

rockets may end any fantasy of a repeat for you and the spurs with a devastating Mavericks-style first round defeat of the spurs.

09-08-2007, 11:59 PM
I think we'll beat them, because the last 2 years, Spurs have become mentally tougher while Mavs morale has been affected forever (Miami and GS series), and Spurs will smell blood if they meet them

09-09-2007, 12:41 AM
I think we'll beat them, because the last 2 years, Spurs have become mentally tougher while Mavs morale has been affected forever (Miami and GS series), and Spurs will smell blood if they meet them

Keep telling yourself that dude.

The Mavs are looking to avenge those embarassments and they match up better with the spurs as do the Rockets......the other TX teams are gunning for your spurs. :madrun

09-09-2007, 01:06 PM
I donīt know,and donīt really care.Itīs their problem not ours.
Be like that with Scola. He's on Houstons team not ours.

ginobili fan
09-09-2007, 01:23 PM
I still believe that Jason Terry is a bullshit and now with Tony non-stop improving, Terry would be Tony's Bitch hands down.
Duncan is the best player in the world, he is the differnce.
Manu can be The Man because he wasn't in 2007.
Udoka is definetly an upgrade.
Nowitzki is the only one I'm afraid of.
But he choked in 2007.
Howard is the only one who can supply Dirk seriously.
Anyway Dallas is a BULLSHIT.

09-09-2007, 03:12 PM
I believe it is still a toss up.

Both teams are still talented enough to be each other in a seven game series.

However, the chances have brighten for the Spurs slightly because they have acquired Udoka.

Now, Bowen can focus on Dirk.

Finally, someone can be physical and give Howard fits when Udoka guards him. I believe that helps us a lot because Howard would slash down the lane with ease or would sink jumpers. Now, we can at least contest him in a legitimate way.

it is not good that bowen will guard dirk, you need a big guy to guard him because dirk make his damage with his jump shot and that bowen can't prevent because he is short.

09-09-2007, 03:23 PM
Alot depends on how Dirk comes out after his supreme chokejob

09-09-2007, 10:10 PM
It depends w/c Spurs team show up.. if its the first half of the season and the Spurs are working out the kinks in their game, then Mavs are favored. But if its the Spurs team that finished the regular season and cruised thru the playoffs on the way to their 4th championship, then Mavs better watch out. I don't think he roster will be an issue and if anything, then the Udoka acquisition has some interesting implications and will make the Spurs even tougher.

09-09-2007, 11:54 PM
A huge difference between the current spurs squad and the 06 squad is in rebounding. The 06 squad was crap against the Mavs, and they weren't to great against Sacto either, letting Bonzi get all those off rebs. 1 or 2 extra defensive boards and the Spurs could have beaten the Mavs in 6.

This years squad outrebounded the Jazz in 3 out of 5 games and the Cavs in 3 out of 4, both very good rebounding squads. There's no use playing good D if you just give up an off reb and your opposition gets another 24s. This in my mind has been a major problem with the Spurs teams since the Admiral retired, but hopefully one they have fixed.

One more thing that really impressed me about Bruce was the number of rebounds he collected in the playoffs.

Cry Havoc
09-10-2007, 12:20 AM


09-10-2007, 04:03 AM
spurs in 6...i agree that the addition of udoka will ease the burden on bowen to focus on nowitzki and get udoka to shadow josh howard...

09-10-2007, 08:34 AM
Be like that with Scola. He's on Houstons team not ours.

when talking about Scola,Iīm talking about a player who did belong to us,+was given to a Division rival,itīs has to do with the Spurs future playoff seed all day.
But talking about the Cavs has nothing to do with our division rivals,anless theyīre(Cavs) moving somewhere in the midwest next season :toast

09-10-2007, 08:47 AM
Re: Can the Spurs beat the Mavs.with the current roster?

I thought this was an old post & hadda refresh my browser ....

Mavs had made progress last year but its back to the drawing board against the spurs.....Maybe if timmy & gino get health prollems again...like someone said....SPURS outREBOUND they opponents and we're ok.

09-10-2007, 08:47 AM
Everyone is underestimating the effect that winning MVP by Parker will have on his confidence + per his European performance he has also retained his outside shooting.

Mavs, as constructed, have not beat a healthy Spurs team in any series (Duncan was playing on bad ankles) and will not.

09-10-2007, 08:53 AM
:lmao Guess he didn't think that one through enough.

Take the first four words of that sentence and you've pretty much summed up Spursdynasty in a nutshell. :lol

09-10-2007, 01:55 PM
Everyone is underestimating the effect that winning MVP by Parker will have on his confidence + per his European performance he has also retained his outside shooting.

Mavs, as constructed, have not beat a healthy Spurs team in any series (Duncan was playing on bad ankles) and will not.

This is a joke. Duncan's ankle were not any worse off than Dirk's ankle's are in every game he plays in. Duncan played every game of that series and averaged about 39-40 minutes.

Look i'm not going to say that the Mavs will def beat the Spurs like they have been over the last 2 years or so because the Spurs are great.

But don't come in here with this crap like the Spurs would have won the games if not for Timmy's ankle. That is crap. He played just about as good as he could have played and as many minutes as he would have normally played.

But the Mavs match up better with the Spurs over the last 2 years than ever before. I think the Mavs have won 7 of the last 11 and 9 of the last 15? something like that.

So odds are the Mavs would win a 7 game series 4 to 3. But would it surprise me if either team won 4 to 2..........no. It's 2 great teams that always play great agaisnt each other.

All the studs play great so the key for me is how well will Devin Harris play and how much will age effect Horry, Fin, Bowen etc.

Bottom line is that it is a 4-7 point game either way almost every time.

IMO, it is the greatest series that could be played every year for the last 2-3 years. It's only too bad it can't be for the Finals.

09-10-2007, 02:18 PM
This is a joke. Duncan's ankle were not any worse off than Dirk's ankle's are in every game he plays in. Duncan played every game of that series and averaged about 39-40 minutes.

But don't come in here with this crap like the Spurs would have won the games if not for Timmy's ankle. That is crap. He played just about as good as he could have played and as many minutes as he would have normally played.

Duncan was useless in overtime in game 7. Worn out, depleted, and Diop was fresh. I will always believe it would have gone differently if Duncan had something left in the tank that OT, and playing all season on planter faciitis made a difference in what he had left.

Yes, his minutes were up in the playoffs, they always are. And he had some great games. But he had nothing left for a game 7 OT.

On his home court, as defending Champs, he gave it all he had. Shit, he took an IV of fluids before he talked to the press.

Had his ankles been healthy that season it would never have come down to OT, and if it did he would have made a difference.

09-10-2007, 02:27 PM
a big assumption would be that the mavs get out of the 1st round this time

09-10-2007, 04:14 PM
The greater question is, have the Mavs ever beat the Spurs without help from the league (shading).