View Full Version : Panathinaikos paid more than $1 million to spurs?

09-09-2007, 09:47 AM
A foreign concept to US
NBA Europeans can't resist the national call
By Peter May | September 9, 2007
Please release me

We often hear about NBA teams ponying up cash to help a European player extricate himself from his club contract. Many of the top Europeans have buyout clauses, some of them onerous. But here's one in reverse: Numerous league sources insist that Panathinaikos, the reigning European Cup champ, paid some serious euros to the San Antonio Spurs to allow Vassilis Spanoulis out of his NBA contract. One NBA insider ventured that Panathinaikos paid more than $1 million, noting that there is an agreement in place for both teams to keep their lips zipped about the deal. Panathinaikos's rival, Olympiakos, flew in NBA free agent guard Charlie Bell last week amid reports that it was willing to pay the former Milwaukee Bucks point guard $5 million for two seasons.
Peter May can be reached at [email protected]; material from personal interviews, wire services, other beat writers, and league and team sources was used in this report

Holt's Cat
09-09-2007, 09:57 AM
So the Rockets paid the Spurs $1.9 mil as part of the trade and the Spurs got $1 mil from Pannnnnathinaiskkkos? The only remaining question is whether or not the Spurs had to pay Spannnnnilououous anything.

09-09-2007, 10:10 AM
Spurs pay him $750,000 buyout according to Billy.

Panathinaikos pays him the rest of contract amount he owed $1,194,000.

But Spurs really pays it, then Pana pays Spurs for reimburse.

Between Pana contract and Spurs contract (original from Rockets) Billy earns $4,371,333 this year.

This makes him HIGHEST PAID Euro player for this year.

Billy can then opt out after this year and possible get another contract at equal this about $4.4 million for 3 years then, making him highest paid Euro player. But this based on many factors.

This Billy say major influence in his decision to leave Spurs and Rockets before that.

The Franchise
09-09-2007, 10:28 AM
F%$k that mamas boy!!! :ihit

09-09-2007, 10:46 AM
F%$k that mamas boy!!! :ihit

Well Billy did tells me that originally Rockets offers his half MLE contract then they change it to just more than LLE.

Billy gets offered 2/3 MLE 5 years deal by Panathinaikos.

But Billy wants to play NBA so badly he dreams of this since little boy. He take less money just little more than LLE for 3 years, when his original price at least half MLE for 3 years, and sacrifice Pana offer of 2/3 MLE for 5 years.

He do this because he want NBA so badly and because Rocket GM Dawson tells him that

"Team has many need so we can only offer this much. We try to win now, so must sign Bonzi Wells too to win championship. We are in win now mode. Do you understand?"

Billy say his agent advise this not smart business move to take so much less money than Pana offer and even take less than his current NBA value which was half MLE for 3 years just because Rockets gives sob story.

Other teams (Kings, Trail Blazers, Pistons) contact his agent after 2006 World Championship and offer more than Rockets if they can work trade for rights to Billy.

So Billy does this with understands from Rockets GM he plays 12 minutes a game backs up Alston at play maker and 12 minutes a game backs up T-Mac at shooting guard.

Then Van Gundy tells him he not care about "stupid old blind ass GM" (his exact word say Billy) and he not play. Billy also say Van Gundy refuse play Bonzi Wells.

Billy tells me Bonzi told him in locker room Van Gundy screws them, Billy should go to management to complain, this how NBA work. In Europe play based on who best players. Bonzi tell Billy in NBA it based on coach trys to establish power Bonzi say this because "remember coach told you that you are playing too lose? He's trying to crush your spirit."

Billy not understand this but Bonzi convince him he means coach benching him until he play like robot only, as Bonzi say "he wants you to play like Luther Head and Rafer Alston."

Billy say to Bonzi, "but they play terrible style, and besides I already much better than them in practice."

Bonzi say to Billy, "see what I mean now? Van Gundy is trying to break your will because he's a control freak and an ass. If we team up against him we can get him fired. Did you see where he changed the stats from practice?"

Billy tell Bonzi he never complain about coach, this not how he teached in Greece, this not earn respect of players. Bonzi tell him "it's not like that here, you need to defend yourself by complain about coach."

Billy complain to management they break promise, Bonzi too (Rockets GM promise him play time too of 32 minutes at SF.

Billy tell me this. Bonzi say Rockt GM promise him 32 minutes at SF and Battier plays other 16 there, and then plays 16 at PF.

Van Gundy tells Billy and Bonzi "fuck that blind retard I decide everything."

So after Billy and Bonzi asks for more PT from GM like he promise, when GM tells Van Gundy, Van Gundy sends Billy and Bonzi to doghouse.

Billy agent come from Athens to complain to Rockets and Van Gundy get even more angry. He tell Billy, "all your chances are used up with me."

Billy says he sacrifice $11 million US to play with Rockets and turn down Pana extension. He do this because of dream of NBA plays and Rockets GM lies of false promise.

Billy say Bonzi and Adelman and new GM tell him it be different with Adelman but Billy ask Rockets new GM Morey, "what about all the money I give up and I lose year of my career riding on bench?"

Morey says to Billy and his agent, "I know Van Gundy screwed you and went against our orders, I will find you the best solution."

So reallys Billy want to screw Rockets only because Van Gundy screws him.

He so angry at losing money. Even with new Pana contract and his pay for this year plus US money gain on Euro so he lose less money than initial, he STILL loses about $6 million because of Van Gundy.

He NEVER EVER turns downs that Pana contract of 5 years if he knows Van Gundy bench him for whole year. He lose $6 million because of Van Gundy.

He swear to me he still hate Van Gundy till he die.

09-11-2007, 04:07 AM
That's right! and finaly now Kill Bill can play and excel with national team and later with the European champions of Panathinaikos!! :clap :clap

09-14-2007, 08:45 PM
So Billy was taking advice from Bonzi? No wonder he's not in the NBA anymore.