View Full Version : Know They Enemy:United Nations

12-15-2004, 09:28 AM
Know Thy Enemy: The United Nations
The United Nations has shown itself to be increasingly corrupt and an impediment to the United States of America (the best United States of all). Thus, I sent my crack research team to find out all they could about the U.N.


* The U.S. created the United Nations in 1945 in an effort to centralize pointless squabbling.

* The job of the U.N. is to make other nations feel like they have a say in things while the U.S. goes ahead and does whatever the hell it feels like.

* The U.N. has expanded its job to getting kickbacks for their members and hating Israel.

* Most of the voting in the U.N. is for non-binding resolutions that hold no weight. It's like internet polls with more Jew-hating.

* The main power in the U.N is held by the few members of the Security Council who can vote and have vetoes. For some strange reason, France has a permanent seat at that council. It's their last semblance of having any influence whatsoever in this world, and they guard it as protectively as Frenchmen can.

* The main job for the U.N. is "peacekeeping" which usually means "whining at the U.S."

* While the U.N. never actually stops massacres and genocide, it does have endless debate about them. And isn't that better than nothing?

* No, it is not.

* The U.N. is full of dictatorships who get to vote on issues. Voting for them is new, but they realize how much better hating the Jews is when you pass a full resolution.

* The U.N. headquarters is in N.Y. and is technically not U.S. property. If you beat up some U.N. guy, the U.N. police would be the ones to try and arrest you. All you would have to do is then step out of the building and they wouldn't have jurisdiction over you. Then you could tell a NY cop, "I just beat up a U.N. guy!" and he'd be like, "Cool!" Then the U.N. police would yell from their front door, "He beat up some guy here. You extradite him back into this building!" And the cop would answer, "No." Heh, that's funny.

* U.N. people have silly names like Boutros Boutros, Kofi, and Kojo to reinforce how useless they are. It's sad that some countries are so backwards they don't know those names are silly.

* Well, I guess it's not technically "sad" since I'm laughing.

* The U.N. sometimes holds councils in other countries on topics such as women's rights or the environment. Whatever the original topic is supposed to be, the main order of the day is always U.S. and Israel bashing.

* The U.N. has had some of the worst human rights offenders head their council on human rights. If they were told to guard a henhouse, they'd probably appoint a fox.

* U.N peacekeepers have blue helmets. While not strategic for camouflage, U.N. peacekeepers never do anything anyway, so they might as well have colorful helmets.

* If attacked by U.N. peacekeepers, find the portal out of the strange dimension you got yourself trapped in.

* When dealing with U.N. members, remember that their greediness is only matched by their cowardice. Try shaking them to get what you want.

* With such scandals as the Oil for Food program, the U.N. shows itself to be both inept and corrupt. On the other hand, its building is shiny.

* In a fight between U.N. and Aquaman, the U.N. would endlessly talk about deploying peacekeepers against Aquaman but never actually do it. Thus Aquaman would win by default. Yes, there is at least one entity in this world more impotent than Aquaman.

* While the U.S. dropping out of the U.N. would cripple the corrupt organization and save the U.S. money, it would make lots of whiny nations angry at us... which, come to think of it, isn't really a change.

* Plans for turning the U.N. headquarters into an IHOP are on the table, but nothing has been finalized.


12-15-2004, 11:00 AM
The US should work with the UN to help solve the World's problems. If the UN is not working, create an organization that does work.

The World is a fvcked up place an nobody is doing enough to fix it. Everybody carries the blame. The US, Europe and the rest of the developed world, for not doing enough to help the poor countries; the poor countries for not doing enough to help themselves.

12-15-2004, 11:16 AM
when the u.s. tries to fix the world people complain(i.e. turning dictatorships into democracies)

12-15-2004, 11:33 AM
The US should work with the UN to help solve the World's problems. If the UN is not working, create an organization that does work.
It's already been proposed. A "United Nations of Democratic Countries." The only membership requirement is that you have a democratically elected government accountable to the people.

The World is a fvcked up place an nobody is doing enough to fix it.
We're fixing Iraq. We've already fixed Afghanistan, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain, Panama, Grenada, The Soviet Union (although that's not holding very well), and a few other places. We're doing our share, thank you very much.

Everybody carries the blame. The US, Europe and the rest of the developed world, for not doing enough to help the poor countries; the poor countries for not doing enough to help themselves.
How 'bout the poor countries start doing stuff to help themselves? Let us assassinate a few of the corrupt dictators that divert relief and aid, and some of those problems will disappear. In other places, people should quit trying to live in areas that aren't conducive to human existence.

12-15-2004, 11:50 AM
We're doing our share, thank you very much.
Not enough.

The developed world, with all the resources is has, has to take it upon itself to help develop all those other poor countries where its population subsists with US$1 per day (or less).

You can topple a dictator here and there, but that doesn't seem to be the way. Just look at he state of the world, man.

12-15-2004, 12:59 PM
How 'bout the poor countries start doing stuff to help themselves? Let us assassinate a few of the corrupt dictators that divert relief and aid, and some of those problems will disappear. In other places, people should quit trying to live in areas that aren't conducive to human existence.

i know, those damn floridians!

12-15-2004, 01:09 PM
i know, those damn floridians!
Good example.

12-15-2004, 04:33 PM
Not enough.

The developed world, with all the resources is has, has to take it upon itself to help develop all those other poor countries where its population subsists with US$1 per day (or less).

You can topple a dictator here and there, but that doesn't seem to be the way. Just look at he state of the world, man.

Cue John Lennon's "Imagine".

Can you be a little more specific instead of the maddening vagueries? Who isn't giving enough? Who needs to give more? How? To whom? How will we know when the developed nations have given enough to the underdeveloped nations? When there aren't any more underdeveloped nations?

Don't just say, "Not enough". List your parameters.

12-16-2004, 01:47 AM
Some helpful threads...about the U.S. and U.N. relationship...

Who's Behind the Oil-For-Food Scandal? (http://spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7564)

Proof The U.S. Needs To go (http://spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7052)