View Full Version : Joey Crawford is back!!

09-17-2007, 01:47 PM

NBA referee Joey Crawford, suspended following an incident with Tim Duncan last April, has been reinstated, the NBA announced Monday.

Crawford was reinstated by commissioner David Stern, who had initially suspended the veteran NBA official on April 17. That was two days after Crawford had ejected Duncan from a game between San Antonio and Dallas.

"Based on my meeting with Joey Crawford, his commitment to an ongoing counseling program, and a favorable professional evaluation that was performed at my direction, I am satisfied that Joey understands the standards of game management and professionalism the NBA expects from him and that he will be able to conduct himself in accordance with those standards," said Stern in a statement.

Crawford ejected Duncan from San Antonio's loss in April after calling a second technical foul on the Spurs star while he was laughing on the bench.

"He looked at me and said, 'Do you want to fight? Do you want to fight?"' Duncan said. "If he wants to fight, we can fight. I don't have any problem with him, but we can do it if he wants to. I have no reason why in the middle of a game he would yell at me, 'Do you want to fight?"'

Crawford was cited for "improper conduct" and "inappropriate comments made to Duncan during the game." Stern said Crawford's actions "failed to meet the standards of professionalism and game management we expect of NBA referees."

The NBA also fined Duncan $25,000 for verbal abuse of an official. Crawford said Duncan referred to him with an expletive.

Crawford has worked more postseason games than any active referee.

09-17-2007, 01:50 PM
Good news, Joey Crawford is a good refs despite his antics.

09-17-2007, 01:50 PM
I'm a little surprised. I thought he didn't want to come back.

Will he ref any Spurs games or will the league keep him away from Duncan?

09-17-2007, 01:51 PM
I wonder if spurs will put a request in he can not work spurs games

09-17-2007, 01:51 PM
someone should email buck and see if he can find out

09-17-2007, 01:52 PM
I felt a disturbance in the force

Dirk Nowitzki
09-17-2007, 02:11 PM
:clap :clap :clap Joey! Joey! Joey!

09-17-2007, 02:17 PM
:clap :clap :clap Joey! Joey! Joey!

I love you fag Mavs trolls. I hope Dirk slices him MCL this season. Fk you.

09-17-2007, 02:18 PM
I felt a disturbance in the force

The DARK side cloudeth everything.


Mitch Cumsteen
09-17-2007, 02:23 PM
I am satisfied that Joey understands the standards of game management and professionalism the NBA expects from him and that he will be able to conduct himself in accordance with those standards," said Stern in a statement.
I'm thinking the standards of game management and professionalism are put into perspective after a ref gets busted for fixing games. Crawford probably doesn't seem that bad to Stern anymore.

Scola Trade
09-17-2007, 02:32 PM
I'm a little surprised. I thought he didn't want to come back.

Will he ref any Spurs games or will the league keep him away from Duncan?

Perhaps he'll ref on opening night. Now that Oden is out, Stern is desperate looking for some exitement on opening night so instead of Oden vs Duncan it will be Crawford vs Duncan :lol

09-17-2007, 02:34 PM
Oh well. The Spurs have championships with him officiating games before.

09-17-2007, 02:46 PM
A bit surprising since he acted as though he was so insulted by the suspension and allegedly refused Stern initial offer to return to the league.

09-17-2007, 02:47 PM
Oh, how delightful.


09-17-2007, 02:50 PM
Finally a serious guy!!!

09-17-2007, 03:09 PM
Despite the Duncan incident last season, I actually like Joey. In a way, I think he had a valid point about Timmy, who was complaining way too damned much towards the end of last season. The ejection was probably the best thing that could have happened to the Spurs -- it saved them from busting their asses during the couple of regular season games, it gave them a bit of a bunker mentality, and it caused Timmy to reel in his complaining to a useful degree.

Meanwhile, I suspect that Joey Crawford is among the 5 best officials in the game in terms of the accuracy of his calls. He's a prick sometimes, but he almost always gets the call right. I think this situation will bring him back to earth a bit as well and, hopefully, cause him to focus on getting calls right without the other nonsense.

09-17-2007, 03:40 PM
I like him to
I like him to try to cross the border illegal and get shot

09-17-2007, 03:44 PM
Looks like Dallas will get another inflated record this year.

09-17-2007, 03:47 PM
Looks like Dallas will get another inflated record this year.
dallas has no records except for choking :hat

Dirk Nowitzki
09-17-2007, 04:15 PM
I love you fag Mavs trolls. I hope Dirk slices him MCL this season. Fk you.

What a nice and classy thing to say. :donkey :donkey Learn to take a joke.

Spurs Dynasty 21
09-17-2007, 05:22 PM
he won't ref the Spurs games the same though

because anything he calls against the Spurs and Duncan will be scrutinized by the media

09-17-2007, 07:10 PM
The NBA also fined Duncan $25,000 for verbal abuse of an official. Crawford said Duncan referred to him with an expletive.

I can't believe Timmy is capable of doing that. Is this really true?

09-17-2007, 07:12 PM
yes it is true he kicked him out
so he then called him a bleep bleep

09-17-2007, 07:12 PM
I can't believe Timmy is capable of doing that. Is this really true?

Didn't Timmy call him "a piece of shit?"

09-17-2007, 07:16 PM
Didn't Timmy call him "a piece of shit?"


You can see it on the game tape.
It's quite clear what he says, the camera was right on him.
He says it as he gets to the back of the scorer's table as he's being escorted out.

09-17-2007, 07:49 PM

You can see it on the game tape.
It's quite clear what he says, the camera was right on him.
He says it as he gets to the back of the scorer's table as he's being escorted out.

It was fuckin awesome. not the getting ejected part, the "piece of shit" part.

09-17-2007, 07:57 PM
We are fucked

09-17-2007, 08:21 PM
This is not bad at all. No way does Crawford dare to try and take revenge on the Spurs. The NBA pretty much showed they supported Duncan by suspending Crawford. Joey will have to tread carefully from now on, and he knows it. If anything, I reckon he will try and overcompensate...

09-17-2007, 08:56 PM
I am a little surprised he is back but i guess after a long offseason of thinking about it, he loves his job too much to not want to come back. I will be shocked if he ever works a Spurs game again though. I am sure Duncan does not want anything to do with him and Joey wants nothing to do with Tim either. If they have him ref a Spurs game all anyone is going to be talking about during the game is that incident and overanaylize any call he makes against the Spurs, especially Tim.

09-17-2007, 09:46 PM
I think the "verbal abuse" fine was also because of the interviews Tim did in the locker room after that game where he said something like Joey wants attention or whatever. It wasn't even that bad, but really uncharacteristic of Tim. "Fuck you, you piece of shit" probably didn't help though. :lol (I, however, thought it was freakin' awesome!)

I really think both men are capable of being professional adults about this. It would be silly for Crawford to not ref any Spurs games this season. And I agree with whoever said the ejection seemed to make Duncan conscious of his complaining and that's not a bad thing.

09-18-2007, 12:08 AM
Crawford is a good ref when his head is not cramed so far up his ass that he can see his own tonsils. The minute he calls a fucked up game he should be called out, regardless if its the Spurs or not.

The NBA doesnt need refs with an ego problem on top of what issues they already have.

09-18-2007, 12:46 AM
Can we say retribution?

09-18-2007, 01:57 AM
It'd be impossible to keep Crawford away from Spurs games, they'll give him a Spurs game on the road against Atlanta or something else, nobody cares about, just to get it done with and then it will all be over.

My fear is when the playoffs roll around, game 7 v Mavs or Suns and one call can make a big difference. Why not go out with a bang!

Fast Dunk
09-18-2007, 03:05 AM
Bad news for Timmy...

Fast Dunk
09-18-2007, 03:08 AM
Just like when he said FIBA Sucks..

09-18-2007, 03:20 AM
Bad news for Timmy...

What have the Cavs done this offseason to bring them closer to not getting swept in the finals?

09-18-2007, 07:55 AM
Just like when he said FIBA Sucks..

Maybe I misunderstand, but he made that comment AFTER Team USA was shafted. It's not the same situation.

09-18-2007, 09:01 AM
Joey has to know that if there's another dustup with Tim, it's not going to go well for him. Timmy has to know that if he creates a dustup with Joey, it's his turn to face punishment. I honestly don't think it's going to affect either of them in a big way.

09-18-2007, 09:56 AM
No big deal. I would think that other teams would be pissed about this, considering that the spurs playoff record is the best when Joey crawford is the ref. I am sure that Tim is over the incedent becuase it did not impact their season they still won the championship and I am sure Joey realized his mistake and has moved on. Joey and Tim are both stand up guys and I don't see this being a problem.

09-18-2007, 09:56 AM
Didn't Timmy call him "a piece of shit?"

Tim is a poet :reading

09-18-2007, 11:05 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if the two pulled a Shaq and Kobe and shook hands or something before the first game the two ran into each other.

09-18-2007, 11:07 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if the two pulled a Shaq and Kobe and shook hands or something before the first game the two ran into each other.

I would expect them to.

09-18-2007, 01:51 PM
Tim bends over a LONG way, gives Joey a big hug, and kisses the top of his bald head.

"I love you, you fat, little piece of shit"

09-18-2007, 02:23 PM
Tim bends over a LONG way, gives Joey a big hug, and kisses the top of his bald head.

And then TNT arranges either a race or a fight between them for All Star break!

09-18-2007, 02:33 PM
I could see a Timmy/Joey All-Star Weekend stare-down. All whistles barred!

but in light of Joey's challenges last season, the fight would be the far more appropriate idea.

09-18-2007, 03:15 PM
boo i cant stand power hungry bitches like crawford... and all this talk about crawford being a great ref is bs. i dont care how many good calls the man has made throughout his career; his power hungry mindset is what constitutes him as a horrible ref.

my proposal would be to rid ourselves of all refs currently in the sys and replace them not with more short, old, white fools but with ex-nba players who know the game and are willing to be back on the court not in the role of a player. what's with all these 5 foot, never play the game, old ass white refs anyhow? have they ever even played a second of bball before? what makes them the best fit as a ref?

09-18-2007, 03:20 PM
And then TNT arranges either a race or a fight between them for All Star break!

Oh my God, that would be awesome! :lol

09-18-2007, 04:19 PM
boo i cant stand power hungry bitches like crawford... and all this talk about crawford being a great ref is bs. i dont care how many good calls the man has made throughout his career; his power hungry mindset is what constitutes him as a horrible ref.

my proposal would be to rid ourselves of all refs currently in the sys and replace them not with more short, old, white fools but with ex-nba players who know the game and are willing to be back on the court not in the role of a player. what's with all these 5 foot, never play the game, old ass white refs anyhow? have they ever even played a second of bball before? what makes them the best fit as a ref?

Who'd you have in mind?

Barkley, Rodman and Spreewell - Would make in interesting team.

09-18-2007, 04:24 PM
Who'd you have in mind?

Barkley, Rodman and Spreewell - Would make in interesting team.

not so much high profile ex-players.

i'm just sick of seeing old man bevetta out there trying to run up and down the court at 120yrs of age. i mean come on! when is enough enough? retire his ass already.

if you are old, not over 6ft, and have never played professional bball then you shouldn't be able to act like you know the game and call all the shots. that's just my opinion.

09-18-2007, 05:00 PM
boo i cant stand power hungry bitches like crawford... and all this talk about crawford being a great ref is bs. i dont care how many good calls the man has made throughout his career; his power hungry mindset is what constitutes him as a horrible ref.

my proposal would be to rid ourselves of all refs currently in the sys and replace them not with more short, old, white fools but with ex-nba players who know the game and are willing to be back on the court not in the role of a player. what's with all these 5 foot, never play the game, old ass white refs anyhow? have they ever even played a second of bball before? what makes them the best fit as a ref?

The problem with your proposal IMO is that most of the guys who call NBA games right now are actually really good officials from a technical standpoint. If you watch closely, they really do get the call right a remarkable percentage of the time. What makes them good is that many of them have been doing it for a very long time -- they might not have played the game at the NBA level, but they've been officiating basketball games for 15, 20, 30 or more years and they've done thousands of games at all levels to develop an ability to apply the rules in the context of an amazingly fast-paced and physical game. I'd agree that there are too many times that some officials' personalities play a role in deciding whether to call something or not -- and the disparity between what some officials will call and what others won't can be a bit troubling -- but none of that suggests to me that the officials should be replaced. I think the point would be to have the already-good officials aim to achieve more consistency.

The last thing the NBA needs right now is a bunch of totally inexperienced officials calling games -- particularly in a marquee event like the playoffs or, heaven forbid, the Finals.

09-18-2007, 05:36 PM
Joey made a mistake. He paid for it. Tim and Joey are both professionals and they will put it all behind them.

09-18-2007, 05:37 PM
Bad news for Timmy...

If Stern thought that was at all going to be an issue he would not be coming back. I bet he never does Spurs games or is on his best behavior if he does. He knows this is his last chance and will be gone for good if he blows it.

09-19-2007, 08:48 AM
With the Suspension Joey is going to think twice before to make a bad call on TD, specially to call a Technical foul

09-19-2007, 09:36 AM
Joey made a mistake. He paid for it. Tim and Joey are both professionals and they will put it all behind them.
Yeah, just like Jack Nies did.

09-20-2007, 06:42 PM
I'm glad the NBA suspended Crawford. He deserved it. The fans show up to see stars play, not to see referees try to act like they are tough shit. Although he tried to alter the course of the rest of the Spurs' season, ultimately they still won the championship. Had Duncan not been tossed therefore allow the momentum to swing in Dallas' favor, the Spurs would have won that game and the last two games after that (instead of sitting out their starters w/the 3rd seed locked up), having a 61-21 record, homecourt advantage, and probably would have tossed Phoenix earlier than 6 games.

09-20-2007, 07:26 PM
Crawford is an ass. How many fucking "second" chances does he get? How many times in counseling is it going to take to "fix" what's wrong with him? I'll tell you what he needs. He needs a) a good swift kick in the ass from Duncan, and b) and ego reduction surgery to take his down from about the size of Montana to the size of a normal human's.

09-20-2007, 08:30 PM
I love you fag Mavs trolls. I hope Dirk slices him MCL this season. Fk you.
Relax man. No need to hate so much. We would love to be in your position of 4 championships.

09-20-2007, 08:40 PM
Relax man. No need to hate so much. We would love to be in your position of 4 championships.

yeah i bet you would... doesnt take away from the fact that the mavs are a bunch of pussies! wannabe thugs.

09-20-2007, 08:59 PM
Relax man. No need to hate so much. We would love to be in your position of 4 championships.

yeah i bet you would... doesnt take away from the fact that the mavs are a bunch of pussies! wannabe thugs.

Like mavsfan1000 said...No need to hate so much.
He was being nice.

09-20-2007, 09:02 PM
Like mavsfan1000 said...No need to hate so much.
He was being nice.

nice? i dont give a damn. he's a mavs fan & that's all that counts.

09-20-2007, 09:04 PM
nice? i dont give a damn. he's a mavs fan & that's all that counts.


09-20-2007, 09:20 PM

oh come on now... lets all be so polite. give me a break already.

what the hell is wrong with you all? no fun... i see how it is around here. the last 2 wks have been so touchy touchy around here. whatever.

09-20-2007, 09:26 PM
oh come on now... lets all be so polite. give me a break already.

what the hell is wrong with you all? no fun... i see how it is around here. the last 2 wks have been so touchy touchy around here. whatever.

Trash talk has its place.
It just gets real old when it's done for no reason.
Like attacking the Mavs and their fans in the middle of a conversation about Joey Crawford.
That's not fun.


09-20-2007, 09:30 PM
oh come on now... lets all be so polite. give me a break already.

what the hell is wrong with you all? no fun... i see how it is around here. the last 2 wks have been so touchy touchy around here. whatever.

This is a place for debate, not idiocy.

If you just want to make fun of people, go back to the 6th grade.

09-20-2007, 10:00 PM
This is a place for debate, not idiocy.

If you just want to make fun of people, go back to the 6th grade.

i swear some of you people are really lame...boring...no fun having sort of people.

i never thought the internet would get to the point where others are acting so self righteous and people who wanna have fun are having to shut their mouths or else get run out of the building.

ps: i didnt make fun of your mav buddy in the first place... i made fun of the team he supports. get your shit straight before you act like youre up above me. thats besides the point though because no matter what i cant joke around here right? yeah i thought so. lame. now let me go read the rules again... :reading

09-20-2007, 10:09 PM
Trash talk has its place.
It just gets real old when it's done for no reason.
Like attacking the Mavs and their fans in the middle of a conversation about Joey Crawford.
That's not fun.


not fun to you... a blast to me.

we all think differently and that couldnt be more blatant then right now.

what gets me is the fact that hey it aint cool to down the mavs unless theres a reason? thats the stupidest shit ive ever heard(read). i can give you many reasons why we should all be dogging on the mavs 24/7 in every thread regardless of its subject.

09-20-2007, 10:10 PM
i swear some of you people are really lame...boring...no fun having sort of people.

i never thought the internet would get to the point where others are acting so self righteous and people who wanna have fun are having to shut their mouths or else get run out of the building.

ps: i didnt make fun of your mav buddy in the first place... i made fun of the team he supports. get your shit straight before you act like youre up above me. thats besides the point though because no matter what i cant joke around here right? yeah i thought so. lame. now let me go read the rules again... :reading

regardless of what others think im die hard to the core and i have class....

Show some.
We haven't seen any yet.

09-20-2007, 10:12 PM
not fun to you... a blast to me.

we all think differently and that couldnt be more blatant then right now.

what gets me is the fact that hey it aint cool to down the mavs unless theres a reason? thats the stupidest shit ive ever heard(read). i can give you many reasons why we should all be dogging on the mavs 24/7 in every thread regardless of its subject.

After you show some class...Grow up.

This isn't an elementary school playground where talking shit just to hear yourself talk is cool.

Add something to the conversation or shut up.

09-20-2007, 10:17 PM
Show some.
We haven't seen any yet.

hahaha. should i go pull my royce around?

so you want me to be as lame as you all? not laugh at bs? and not stand up for the SPURS? yeah i wont stoop to that weak ass level. id rather be the asshole with no class that you all think i am.

you all are like everyone else i come into contact with on the net in forums... the ones who think they know everything, the ones who think they act proper and thats the only way you should act(its the freakin internet for christs sake so get over yourselves already), and the type who cant see through sarcasm if it came out your own mouth.

99% of what i say here is for fun... for shits and giggles yet you all take everything so seriously.

09-20-2007, 10:20 PM
After you show some class...Grow up.

This isn't an elementary school playground where talking shit just to hear yourself talk is cool.

Add something to the conversation or shut up.

i think i added to the convo which hasnt been shit the last page or so... go back a page or 2.

growing up is for assholes and i personally dont wanna be one.

i always thought that growing up phrase was so generic. come up with something original!

09-20-2007, 10:23 PM
Like mavsfan1000 said...No need to hate so much.
He was being nice.
Thanks man for the defense. I appreciate it. May the best team win next year. Hopefully no injuries.

09-20-2007, 10:26 PM
Thanks man for the defense. I appreciate it. May the best team win next year. Hopefully no injuries.

hey man i wasnt trying to dog you personally so there was no real reason that anyone needed to come to your defense. i appreciate a rivalry like the rest(well like some i suppose) and if i come off as being a total idiot and trying to dog on you its because i just wanna have a bit of fun. nothing against you.

i guess in the end i have to state this same thing to everyone everytime i make a reply. some people dont get my sarcasm i guess.

09-20-2007, 10:26 PM
hahaha. should i go pull my royce around?

so you want me to be as lame as you all? not laugh at bs? and not stand up for the SPURS? yeah i wont stoop to that weak ass level. id rather be the asshole with no class that you all think i am.

you all are like everyone else i come into contact with on the net in forums... the ones who think they know everything, the ones who think they act proper and thats the only way you should act(its the freakin internet for christs sake so get over yourselves already), and the type who cant see through sarcasm if it came out your own mouth.

99% of what i say here is for fun... for shits and giggles yet you all take everything so seriously.

You would be happier on another forum.
You don't like us, we're not so fond of you.
I don't get why you came back after you were banned.
Find a forum for "shits and giggles" and be happy there.

We grown up "assholes" will be fine without you.

Oh...and every Spurs fan on this board stands up for our team.
We simply let fans of other teams stand up for theirs too.

09-20-2007, 10:27 PM
Thanks man for the defense. I appreciate it. May the best team win next year. Hopefully no injuries.

I hope we meet in the playoffs.
Another series for the ages. :toast

09-20-2007, 10:35 PM
You would be happier on another forum.
probably not. i like the posts here and the input by all regardless what team everyone here supports.

You don't like us, we're not so fond of you.
did i say i dont like yall? nah i dont remember saying that... gonna make some more shit up? i might not be so fond of you now but hey whatever. i can learn to live with the fact that you might not be so fond of me. move on.

I don't get why you came back after you were banned.
i was banned a whopping 2 wks or less into my last account. i stated why i came back in another thread and everything. maybe youd like to use the search option and read up for yourself. maybe not? it doesnt matter to me.

Find a forum for "shits and giggles" and be happy there.
id get all political and whatnot with you but it wouldnt matter. lets just say there have been groups of people in the past that ousted others for not conforming to the likes.

We grown up "assholes" will be fine without you.
i bet you will. thats great. theres an ignore option but i bet you already knew that right? i mean you do have over 2000 posts so i suppose you found that option already right?

Oh...and every Spurs fan on this board stands up for our team.
We simply let fans of other teams stand up for theirs too.
thats awesome. i hope all SPURS fans stand up for their team and i hope all other teams fans stand up for theirs. that doesnt mean i aint gonna dog on the mavs, the suns, detroit, or all the other teams out there.

i still dont get why youre so heated over this all... it makes no sense to me. maybe you love novellas but whatever i can play along.

09-20-2007, 10:35 PM
I hope we meet in the playoffs.
Another series for the ages. :toast


09-20-2007, 10:47 PM
Saporvida - I don't know what you think this is, but your behavior on the forum is beyond obnoxious. You can't attack people... for absolutely no reason.

Your SpursTalk lifespan is dwindling. Your behavior is disgusting.

-Kori, September 14.

It's the way you present yourself. You call it sarcasm and say we don't see it. If all of us are missing it, one would think it might be the way you're doing it.

You've got an holier than thou attitude and from what I've read it seems to rub people wrong.

If you want to be appreciated and not ragged on every time you open your mouth, try a different approach.
Less "sarcasm."
Less "dogging" on people who aren't Spurs fans or who have a different opinion than you do.

If you don't care about having to explain/defend what you say every post don't do anything. I don't care either way.

And I'm not so heated over this. I'm actually bored, waiting for something else I'm doing. I sure do know about the ignore feature, but anytime I've been close to using it the poster either disappears or Kori bans them.

You don't bother me enough to put you on ignore. Yet. Keep trying, maybe you'll get there.

09-20-2007, 11:20 PM
-Kori, September 14.

It's the way you present yourself. You call it sarcasm and say we don't see it. If all of us are missing it, one would think it might be the way you're doing it.

You've got an holier than thou attitude and from what I've read it seems to rub people wrong.

If you want to be appreciated and not ragged on every time you open your mouth, try a different approach.
Less "sarcasm."
Less "dogging" on people who aren't Spurs fans or who have a different opinion than you do.

If you don't care about having to explain/defend what you say every post don't do anything. I don't care either way.

And I'm not so heated over this. I'm actually bored, waiting for something else I'm doing. I sure do know about the ignore feature, but anytime I've been close to using it the poster either disappears or Kori bans them.

You don't bother me enough to put you on ignore. Yet. Keep trying, maybe you'll get there.

i agree with what youve said surprisingly... except for the holier than thou statement. i dont think im above anyone here because i know im not.

i really dont care if people dog on me cause it is after all the internet and means jackshit.

sarcasm is a hard thing to get across on the internet.

i just dont see why people want to be so serious 24/7 and especially on the internet. i relish with the thought of people coming at me and trying to make me feel small because it cracks me up but i guess others dont see it that way. man a lot of you would be crying if you went to MX cause thats all my buddies do is rag on each other out there. here too but moreso out there. it's all in good fun to whoever is reading this.

im gonna go smoke a bowl now and hopefully this passes over. i feel like i might be getting another pm from kori soon. ah shit! :wakeup

09-20-2007, 11:39 PM
i agree with what youve said surprisingly... except for the holier than thou statement. i dont think im above anyone here because i know im not.

i really dont care if people dog on me cause it is after all the internet and means jackshit.

sarcasm is a hard thing to get across on the internet.

i just dont see why people want to be so serious 24/7 and especially on the internet. i relish with the thought of people coming at me and trying to make me feel small because it cracks me up but i guess others dont see it that way. man a lot of you would be crying if you went to MX cause thats all my buddies do is rag on each other out there. here too but moreso out there. it's all in good fun to whoever is reading this.

im gonna go smoke a bowl now and hopefully this passes over. i feel like i might be getting another pm from kori soon. ah shit! :wakeup

There's nothing to pass over.
You actually handled yourself better in this thread than I've read in others.
I don't think there's anything for Kori to PM you about, but I don't know what she's done before so I really can't say.

Sarcasm is really hard to get across on the net, that's why I suggested you use less of it if you don't want to have to explain it. There's a place for it, use it appropriately and you won't have to explain it.

You may relish people coming at you to make you feel small but you'll find most people don't. Nor do they want to be "dogged" on. Not just here on ST. Especially because they can't tell if you're being sarcastic or really coming after them. People tend to get defensive if they feel they're being attacked.

Kori made the Troll Forum so people had a place on ST to have that kind of fun. You can rag on people there without them taking it personally. In the main boards, people expect decent conversation. People with different views make for good coversation/debates. Be respectful in those threads and have a blast in the Troll Forum. It will make the time you spend here more fun. For everyone.

Enjoy your bowl. :smokin

09-21-2007, 04:53 PM
Re: Joey's Back

GREAT! I hope they bring back BAVETA too. :-)

09-21-2007, 09:41 PM
whens donaghy coming back? haha.

09-21-2007, 10:07 PM

09-21-2007, 11:27 PM
whens donaghy coming back? haha.

yeah, when?

09-22-2007, 08:43 AM
he won't ref the Spurs games the same though

because anything he calls against the Spurs and Duncan will be scrutinized by the media

Maybe the FBI will link him to the betting scandle and he can get kicked out again ;)

BTW...Spurs didn't trade Scola for Nada..c'mon we gave you Vspan!

09-22-2007, 12:48 PM
Joey Crawford is back!! ???


09-22-2007, 01:28 PM
Re: Joey's Back

GREAT! I hope they bring back BAVETA too. :-)

Do what now? :huh