View Full Version : Pop in Serbia for Vlade's event

09-18-2007, 10:22 PM
Eden najboljših jugoslovanskih in po razpadu skupne države srbskih košarkarjev, Vlade Divac, se bo od poklicne košarke uradno poslovil konec septembra v Beogradu. Glavno mesto Srbije in košarkarjev rojstni kraj Prijepolje bosta med 21. in 24. septembrom gostila precej dogodkov, med drugim tudi poslovilno tekmo.

Divac, ki je kot eden prvih Evropejcev dodobra zaznamoval tudi severnoameriško poklicno košarko NBA, bo na domačem parketu gostil precej zvezdnikov NBA in domačih košarkarjev, hkrati pa bo njegovo slovo priložnost za zbiranje prispevkov za dobrodelne namene, ki jih bo Divac poklonil Srbiji.

Poslovilna tekma bo na sporedu v soboto, 22. septembra, ob 20. uri pred Narodno skupščino Srbije v Beogradu. Na ekshibicijski tekmi bodo gledalci lahko videli največje zvezdnike košarke, med drugimi bodo tam tudi Chris Webber, Bobby Jackson, Hedo Turkoglu, Greg Popovich, Glen Rice, Predrag Stojaković, Saša Đorđević, Saša Danilović, Žarko Paspalj, Zoran Savić, Dino Radja, Toni Kukoč, manjkal pa ne bo niti Jure Zdovc.
Vlade (http://24ur.com/naslovnica/novice/sport/20070918_3105788.php)

Similar story in English:

Sixteen-year NBA veteran Vlade Divac said that he has launched the "You Can Too" initiative, a four-month campaign to benefit refugees of Serbia and Africa.

The program tips off from Sept. 21-23, 2007, with a weekend fundraiser in Serbia that will feature a dinner, carnival, free concert and museum dedication. Divac, who will share the festivities with current and former NBA players and coaches, will also celebrate his official retirement from professional basketball during the weekend.

"You Can Too" aims to raise $3 million to purchase and restore more than 500 abandoned homes in villages throughout Serbia and Africa, providing shelter for approximately 2,000 refugees living homeless.

Over the past nine years, Divac, through his Divac Children's Foundation, has provided more than $2.5 million in humanitarian assistance and educational programs to children internationally and in the United States.

In addition to the many Serbian basketball players on the guest list, former and current NBA players scheduled to appear at the event are Sasha Danilovic, Bobby Jackson (New Orleans Hornets), Toni Kukoc, Sarunas Marciulionis, Scot Pollard (Boston Celtics), Coach Gregg Popovich (San Antonio Spurs), Dino Radja, Glen Rice, Peja Stojakovic (Hornets), Sasha Vujacic (Lakers) and Chris Webber.
You can too (http://www.hdnews.net/Story/h0480_BC_NamesintheGame_09_18_0607)

09-18-2007, 10:33 PM
Pop is going to sign Chris Webber. Book it.

T Park
09-18-2007, 11:12 PM
Dino Radja was a pretty good player for the Celtics. Too bad he decided to go back to europe.

09-19-2007, 01:31 AM
he seems to be the odd man...Do not understand his connection. May be I am missing something

09-19-2007, 02:52 AM
similar backgrounds. I actually thought Pop's parents were Croatian, one of them.

09-19-2007, 03:30 AM
he seems to be the odd man...Do not understand his connection. May be I am missing something

09-19-2007, 04:40 AM
similar backgrounds. I actually thought Pop's parents were Croatian, one of them.
Pop roots are from Montenegro I believe.

09-19-2007, 05:52 AM
phew! thought u were gonna say serb there