View Full Version : All this talk about BIG men, here's a few who would put us over the top!

12-15-2004, 05:00 PM
Forget the BIG name Center's, no way we can get any here, besides there really isn't any big name center's around.

It's obvious Rasho isn't going to cut it here with the Spurs. He's a BIG disappointment. WHat makes it pretty amazing with the Spurs & a testiment to Duncan's greatness is that, with Rasho & Bowen both in the starting lineup, the Spurs on Offense are playing 3 vs 5 every game. Bowen & Rasho are not reliable on Offense, although Bowen gives you an Outbreak performance from time to time.

If the Spurs can land one of these players via trade this yr, we'll definitely be a better & true title contender.

1) PJ Brown, to bad he opted for the Hornets. Think how good we would have been having him play next to TD.

2) Jamal Magloire, PJ Browns partner in N.O. He can score you 20 on some nights & is constantly gettting 10 Reb's & 3 Blk's a game.

3) My sleeper player, Nazar Mouhamed (Knicks) guy is super active, aggressive around the basket (won't go up soft like Rasho) is a Reb machine, Blk's shots & can actually score. Plus the guy get's to the FT line which means he's aggressive to & around the rim. I'm sure he could be had for the right deal.

4) Marcus Camby, He's not much of a scorer, but scores better than Rasho. He sucks @ FT's, so he would fit perfectly with the Spurs. He another Reb machine & Blk's shots.

Let's face it, with Rasho we're hoping/praying for a miracle turn around which I don't see happening. Come playoff time, teams change their schemes & no doubt TD will have a bigger load to carry. He not only needs for our shooters to knock down outside shots when doubled team, but he also needs room near the basket, another solid BIG man would help. Just look @ how well we & TD did when DROB was healthy & playing together. Teams had to pick their posion on how & whom to double team.

Unless Rasho turns into an ALL-Star overnight, the Spurs won't be more than a strong regular season & playoff team, but not a serious Title contender.

Just my thoughts.

12-15-2004, 05:03 PM
PJ Brown? Are you kidding?

12-15-2004, 05:05 PM
PJ Brown? Are you kidding?
I'm serious as cancer. There was a reason why we went after him before Rasho.

12-15-2004, 05:05 PM
PJ Brown -- not at that contract.

Jamal Magloire -- going to Toronto for the first reasonable offer.

Nazar Mouhamed [sic] -- I'd rather have Kurt Thomas, and Isiah would rather trade Kurt too.

Marcus Camby -- His health is inversely proportional to his contract.

Unless Rasho turns into an ALL-Star overnightSince only one of the guys you named was an All-Star, I guess we'd suck with them too.

Karl Mundt
12-15-2004, 05:05 PM
If Spurs don't have an All-star in all positions, plus one off the bench, they won't even make it to the playoffs.

12-15-2004, 05:06 PM
There was a reason why we went after him before Rasho.We thought he wouldn't cost $8 million a year, that's why he was contacted. And Rasho was contacted the first day of FA, how is that later?

12-15-2004, 05:08 PM
There was a reason why we went after him before Rasho.

Pop went to Rasho's hometown in Slovenia on the first day of FA signing just to talk him into signing with SA.

12-15-2004, 07:00 PM
Rasho sucks. I'll bet anything we'd be a better team with any of the guys I mentioned above.

Taking bets:

12-15-2004, 07:02 PM
How can you make a bet about something you can't prove?

Get back to me when we trade for one of these guys and end up with a 65-17 record.