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10-08-2007, 02:36 AM
i think this was worth a thread...

my story is this:
in the 90's every body here in south America was i the Jordan hype etc... and i never liked to follow what every body else... so one day they broad casted a match where the Spurs were playing and saw David Robinson... since then... i knew i was going to be a spurs fan for the rest of my life...


Horry For 3!
10-08-2007, 02:49 AM
I have always been a Spurs fan since I can remember. As I have lived near SA all my life and my family liked the Spurs.

10-08-2007, 02:53 AM
Tim Duncan

Ever since we got our first NBA Finals in Australia in 1999, i was only 11 at the time and ever since then ive had an unhealthy obsession with him and the Spurs.

To be brutally honest, i loved the Hornets and the Knicks when i was real young because i used to follow Larry Johnson wherever he went (i first saw him on one of those 'Dunks' dvd's i use to rent week after week from our local video store and that was it). I was a Knicks/Spurs fan till i was about 13 but the more and more i followed Tim Duncan i followed the Spurs just as much (combination of LJ leaving the game also i guess).

Ive been a full fledged Spurs fan since i was about 13, 6 whole years LOL, i guess im at the bottom of the pile. And im yet to meet a bigger Tim Duncan fan than myself :D

10-08-2007, 03:19 AM
Read an article in a Doctor's surgery in the early 90's when I was just a little boy about David Robinson. Something clicked, and it turned me onto Basketball in general. I didn't know much about it before then because it wasn't very mainstream in Aussie back in those days.

So basically, the reason was D-Rob. That's going to be a common theme in this thread!

10-08-2007, 03:25 AM
Here's a quick list of why I am a Spurs fan:

1. The organization is committed to bringing in high character players.
2. I am drawn to teams that play excellent defense.
3. Ginobili..for his fearless style and creative passes.
4. TD...all around greatness and humility.
5. Pop...get's after everyone equally. Rare in the NBA.
6. Bowen...sometimes I don't even watch the ball, I just enjoy Bowen shadowing his man.
7. The Jacob Riis quote on their wall (thus my username).
8. Spurstalk is the best forum on the net.

10-08-2007, 04:28 AM
Coach Pop and his no nonsense coaching style really intrigued me. I'm keen on everything Air Force so I was biased when I learned he was an AF Academy grad. He was so different from other flashy coaches and his personality reflected on the Spurs who valued a "team first" attitude. This really appealed to me and inmy mind no other team comes close.

10-08-2007, 05:08 AM
Tim Duncan.

10-08-2007, 06:50 AM
When David was made MVP in '95... :clap

...the rest is HISTORY... :elephant

10-08-2007, 07:36 AM
i think this was worth a thread...

my story is this:
in the 90's every body here in south America was i the Jordan hype etc... and i never liked to follow what every body else... so one day they broad casted a match where the Spurs were playing and saw David Robinson... since then... i knew i was going to be a spurs fan for the rest of my life...


Tim Duncan

He reminded me of my favorite player, Hakeem, in the '99 Finals. At that point it was obvious he was the best player in the NBA.

btw - I'm from Madison, Wisconsin

10-08-2007, 07:43 AM
Carl Herrera

10-08-2007, 07:55 AM
1. Rasho
2. Beno


but both these 2 reasons disapointed me (especially Beno) because they are not the players i like (tough physically and mentally)

today i am a fan of the spurs basicly because of everything on the spurs

TD, Pop, spurstalk, CLASS PLAYERS, chemisty, right attitude, winners

I LOVE THEM :toast

10-08-2007, 07:56 AM
The games use to be played at about 10am our time here in Australia. All day at school id be thinkin bout how Duncan was playing lol, im talkin like grade 8-12, first think id do when i got home, straight onto nba.com and just hope he had a good game and we won (only for his MVP chances LOL), then just grew on the Spurs as an organisation and the rest of the players.

Good times.

Im interested to hear the 'older' and more frequent posters here and how they became fans.

10-08-2007, 08:50 AM
This must be about the 14th time I've told this story on here, but I like telling it because it was one of the pivotal moments in my life.

It was a Friday night in 1990, I was a nerdy 15yo hangin at home watching TV. Flicked it onto the ABC (The Australian Broadcasting Corporation - the govt. channel), and there was this game of NBA basketball, first ever on Aussie TV although I didn't know it at the time.

It was Jordan's Bulls vs The Admiral's Spurs. I didn't know anything about basketball at the time even though I was tall for my age and my father tried to get me to play (he was a very good player in his youth). Something about the game captivated me, so I kept watching... something... something... that Jordan guy, he was great... but David Robinson, well he was AMAZING! Speed, balance, grace and poise, he was a joy to watch, but the way he behaved on court was something else - honourable.

Anyway, long story short I became a Spurs fan for life that night, got my Dad to teach me how to play the next day and my love affair with basketball has never waned. I also won 2 championships while playing, and the second one might've been the sweetest moment of my life... although meeting David was pretty damn close! :lol

I've now travelled to SA twice to see them play, and they won the championship both years (2003 and 2007). And even better than that I have a bunch of wonderful friends in SA and across the world through this place who enrich my life incredibly.

Thank you David, thank you Spurs, thank you Dad and thank you ST!

:) :D :) :D :king

10-08-2007, 08:53 AM
Barcelona 1992.
The rest is cherished history.

10-08-2007, 09:04 AM
David Robinson

10-08-2007, 09:13 AM
Originally, Tim Duncan. When he came for the Spurs is when I started watching of my own initiative.

I was raised around basketball though and liked it, although I only had the attention span for a few quarters.
I remember as a kid thinking that half time lasted forever.

I was enough of a fan even as a child that I really disliked Karl Malone and the Jazz.

10-08-2007, 09:20 AM
My story is pretty simple. Back in 1988, everyone loved Jordan and the Bulls, Magic and the Lakers and Larry and the Celtics. My Dad was actually a Celtics fan and he bought a "Larry Bird - MVP" ball for me and attempted to groom me into a Celtics fan. But I was pretty stubborn so I decided to support another team. Being 7 years old at the time, I selected the team with (what I thought) was the longest and nicest name. San Antonio Spurs and Portland Trailblazers made my short list. But I chose San Antonio because of Alvin Robertson and his all-round game. Best choice of my life!

10-08-2007, 09:22 AM
Being 7 years old at the time, I selected the team with (what I thought) was the longest and nicest name. San Antonio Spurs and Portland Trailblazers made my short list.

Poor kid- you were almost a Jail Blazer Fan. :lol

My dad was a Celtic fan too. When I was little my favorite players were Bird, Parish, and McHale.

10-08-2007, 09:23 AM
I didn't know that there were many Spurs fan in Australia.

Thank God for ST.

10-08-2007, 09:31 AM
This would be a good homework, but I'll go with these:

1. Manu :toast

2. POP's face :p:

3. I became more Spurs' fan (If I could say that) after:

a. Knowing this forum, and my english teacher accepted my posts as homework :reading

b. Spurs became a fu..ng good team. :elephant

c. Spurschick's avatar :hungry:

10-08-2007, 09:31 AM
And im yet to meet a bigger Tim Duncan fan than myself :D

You'll need to get in line. :lol

Duncan is the reason a lot of us are Spurs fans.

I've been an NBA fan forever, saw Larry Bird in the Garden his rookie season and I became an NBA fanatic.

But Duncan is the only reason I watch now.

I often wonder if I'll care enough to watch after he retires.

I won't list the reasons we all know about his game and the joy he is to watch.
We all have our personal reasons for watching this team.

So...You've now "met" a bigger Duncan fan than yourself. :spin
And I'm positive a lot of us on this board feel the same way.

10-08-2007, 09:46 AM
I am from St.Croix, Virgin Islands, and I've followed Duncan's career at Wake Forest. The day he was drafted, I became a San Antonio fan. I grew up watching Michael Jordan dominate the game, but I've always been fascinated by big men. David Robinson was one of my favorite players, so the addition of Tim Duncan to that team made it a wrap. Simply put, I'm from the Virgin Islands! Its really easy being a Duncan if you're a basketball purist.

10-08-2007, 10:03 AM
You'll need to get in line. :lol

Duncan is the reason a lot of us are Spurs fans.

I've been an NBA fan forever, saw Larry Bird in the Garden his rookie season and I became an NBA fanatic.

But Duncan is the only reason I watch now.

I often wonder if I'll care enough to watch after he retires.

I have other, personal, reasons why I am such a Duncan fan, but I'm not comfortable enough to tell that story here.

So...You've now "met" a bigger Duncan fan than yourself. :spin
And I'm positive a lot of us on this board feel the same way.



10-08-2007, 10:09 AM
I'm pretty sure that it was the Spurs' status as my hometown team that brought me into Spurs fandom in about 1978.

Mister Sinister
10-08-2007, 10:16 AM
For me, it was moving to SA in the first place. Keep in mind, I had grown up in the Chicago suburbs during the Bulls dynasty years. The thing was, other than that, I had very little going for me. I mean, I was on antidepressants and in therapy *way* more than an 11-year old kid should have been. Anyway, when I moved down to SA, my dad took me to a Spurs game (I moved down in the summer of '99) about a week into the season, and TD and the Admiral had me hooked. I moved back to the Chicago suburbs two years later, but I'm still a die-hard Spurs fan. Another part of it is that "substance over style" is the way I live my life.

10-08-2007, 10:17 AM
David Robinson

baseline bum
10-08-2007, 10:33 AM
My dad took me to a game in 85, and a year later we were baseline bums. One of the reasons I became a huge fan was because I got to know a lot of the team personally as a little kid: guys like Artis Gilmore, Mike Mitchell, David Greenwood, Alvin Robertson, Walter Berry, Cadillac Anderson, Sam Smith (play-by-play guy in the late 80s), Ice, David Robinson, Terry Cummings, and so on. Back then the fans were allowed much closer access to the players, and they used to regularly come to the bums barbqs (George Valle, the old leader of the bums, makes the best briscuit I've ever had, and a lot of the players and coaches agreed, and would come out for it at our barbqs).

The Franchise
10-08-2007, 10:40 AM
Their the only team in the league that goes out and just plays to win without all the bravado. That's refreshing.

10-08-2007, 11:24 AM
Tim Duncan.

10-08-2007, 11:25 AM
My story is similar to Unuruli and Alamo50's.

Being an international Spurs fan (Algeria), I had to have a special reason to be a Spurs fan; ok, in my case it was a pretty stupid one.

Right before the 1992 Olympics, all I knew was Jordan, Magic, Bird, Drexler,Kareem, Isiah, Dumars and Wilkins.

The NBA wasn't widely popular overseas before Barcelona, and the only NBA I could ever watch were the Finals, or some highlights featuring the aforementioned players. Moreover, I didn't have a favorite team; I was just an NBA fan.

Back to 1992 Olympics : my jaw dropped when I discovered the Admiral; being a lefty, and watching this impressive left-handed 7 footer, I couldn't resist. Almost everybody else on the team was right-handed; sure, Mullin was a lefty too (and I was a big Mullin fan, great player), but Robinson was so athletic.
So, that was the stupid reason : I was a lefty kid and I went for lefty player.

You can thank God for the fact that DRob was on the team, otherwise I would have been a Bulls fan. :lol

When the 1992-1993 season started, I got Eurosport and watched NBA action and 1 NBA game each week, trying to watch as much Spurs basketball as I could. Therefore, the first Spurs complete game I've ever watched was Blazers-Spurs, late in the same season; Spurs lost to Portland, but it was fun; AJ had 9 assists in the 1st half :clap , Dale Ellis couldn't miss, and Strickland (Blazers) was penetrating at will.

Been a TRUE Spurs fan since 92...never rooted for another team...patience, patience, patience...then 1999. :smokin

10-08-2007, 11:34 AM
It was a pretty funny story.. it seemed I was destined to become a Spurs fan.

It was in 2002, I think it was in a game against the Lakers (I was like 12 by then, didnt know much about basketball or life). I was in a room with my uncle from LA who was a huge Laker fan. I needed money for snacks so I made a bet with him: If the Lakers lose to the other team (which was San Antonio), I'd have gotten 20 bucks. If the Spurs lose, I'd have shined his prized cowboy boots.

What's stuck in my mind right now is that the last play (it was a hard-fought match, Spurs have like a 4-point lead), after a missed freethrow by the Spurs, a Laker leaped, got the ball, and threw it backwards lol. There was no chance it would go in, but the more important thing was I got my 20 dollars, and I became a Spurs fan.

The next year all my family hated the Spurs because I was so obsessed with them, and everyone couldnt see why Duncan is so great. But they won the championship against the Nets. Since then, GO SPURS GO!!!

Il Caraibico
10-08-2007, 11:50 AM
Tim Duncan.

10-08-2007, 11:59 AM
My family is born and bred in Chicago. Bears (....), Cubs (....), and Bulls. We moved to SA late 1988. So it kind of all started there. We watched the Bulls through their championships and kept an eye on the Spurs, went to a few games here and their thanks to business connections but since I was young it really wasn't anything special.

In 1999 we moved to Wisconsin for some god awful reason and I yearned for basketball through the Packers season. That's when I think being a fan happened. The "memorial day miracle" really set it in for me.

I really, really, really, really became a fan the day they won the 2005 championship when I started my summer job at the Shipley's they get their do-nuts at. Beno came in to get the do-nuts for the day and I was shocked to see one of them and I know as a San Antonio resident that they're "my" team. You can see them anywhere and everywhere without it being a big deal. A "hi," "good luck," "good game," or even "hope your finger gets better" isn't a big deal like it would be in other cities like Los Angeles or New York. And I think that's why I love the Spurs so much.

10-08-2007, 12:08 PM
David Robinson

10-08-2007, 12:33 PM
Well I'm a Pistons fan because that's my home team, but I really started to like the Spurs in 2004 and 2005 because of Manu Ginobili. Some people criticize him for flopping at times, but what I saw when I started watching more Spurs games was a guy that put everything he had out on the floor on every play. I already respected the Spurs organization, but Manu became one of my favorite players to watch. I like watching him play almost as much as I enjoy watching Allen Iverson. And, when the Spurs beat the Pistons in 2005, I was upset that the Pistons lost, but I had no problem with the fact that they lost to the Spurs. Great organization. And, for the most part, really great fans. But, while Tim Duncan is one of the greatest players ever, I'm a really big fan of Ginobili.

10-08-2007, 12:44 PM
Well I'm a Pistons fan because that's my home team, but I really started to like the Spurs in 2004 and 2005 because of Manu Ginobili. Some people criticize him for flopping at times, but what I saw when I started watching more Spurs games was a guy that put everything he had out on the floor on every play. I already respected the Spurs organization, but Manu became one of my favorite players to watch. I like watching him play almost as much as I enjoy watching Allen Iverson. And, when the Spurs beat the Pistons in 2005, I was upset that the Pistons lost, but I had no problem with the fact that they lost to the Spurs. Great organization. And, for the most part, really great fans. But, while Tim Duncan is one of the greatest players ever, I'm a really big fan of Ginobili.

Much appreciated. I have a great deal of mutual respect for the Pistons too.

I truly expected to see the evolution of a Spurs/Pistons NBA rivalry to have sprung out of that epic 2005 championship series. I was rooting vigorously for the Pistons to win out in the East, just so we'd have a rematch. After all, I still believe the Pistons were the Eastern Conference's better team. However, they seemed to have run out of gas and they did run into a very, very hot player and a hot team.

That's not meant to disrespect at all to the Cavs. The Cavs peaked at the right time. I simply think they arrived a year too early and obviously didn't have the horses or experience to beat a solid, experienced team like the Spurs.

10-08-2007, 12:49 PM
Pretty much have been a Spurs fan for about 20 years. I used to visit family there in SA when I was a kid and my cousins would take me to watch them play. I used to be a Willie Anderson fan for some reason.And of course there was Dave. but I became a real hard core fan because of Tim. Then came Manu. Then Tony. Then Bowen. Players with class. I dont think there is another franchise(all major sports) that has the same family like atmosphere that the Spurs have. And not just with each other but with the fans. Just an awesome orginization all the way around. Hard not to be a fan honestly.

10-08-2007, 12:50 PM
Proximity--it just isn't that far from Austin to San Antonio
I'd been an NBA fan for quite a few years, then I went to a Spurs game and immediately became entranced by Gervin's moves; then there was the crowd reaction when Silas came in for the first after being out for a while with a knee injury
How can anyone NOT be a Duncan fan?
And the continuing efforts to bring in character guys

10-08-2007, 01:39 PM
Went to my first Spurs games as a kid back during their innagural season. Been a fan ever since they hit town back in '73. They have been and still are the only game in town.

As good as these championship days are...and trust me they are the best...those old ABA days were fun, innocent and new to everyone around back then. I guess the whole experience hits you differently when you're a kid.

Some of the best things I remember were:

Old Convention Center Arena - one of the loudest in basketball
Go to a game, sit anywhere you want because attendance was sparse
Baseline Bums with Dancing Harry.
Watching the bums pour beer on visiting team as they entered the lockerroom
Terry Stembridge - Long time Voice of the Spurs. "There will be another night"
Pat Tallman - Spurs PA Announcer
Gervin's moves; Silas's clutch ability
Meeting opposing players as they walked from the Marriott to the Convention Center

Despite moving to Dallas many years ago, my Spurs allegiance has only gotten stronger. Now I'm an annual league Pass subscriber so I catch every game (wish they had this package back in D-Rob's day).

Many locals ask me why I've not yet adopted the hometown team. Are you kidding me? That would be all-out treason. Besides it's a lot of fun rocking Spurs gear amidst the local-yocals.

Never thought I'd see the day we'd have even one championship. We've got four and going for more. Makes me very proud.

10-08-2007, 02:16 PM
The first time I saw the Iceman drive and finish with a finger roll. It only got more intense when #50 joined up and then #21.

10-08-2007, 02:19 PM
I became a Spurs fan by default because I grew up in San Antonio and they were the local sports team. But I wouldn't have wanted to go to the games as much if it wasn't for David Robinson, who has to be on a short list of the best hometown sports hero/role models any kid ever got to grow up with. Walking up and down the long ramps at Hemisfare with my hand drawn Robinson banners is one of my earliest basketball memories.

It suddenly occurs to me how lucky I am that I have never had to see my team's marquee player play in another uniform. The closest was when Sean Elliott got traded, but then he came back and won a championship with us. If the Celtics make it to the finals this year, I bet there are going to be a lot of kids in Minneapolis with mixed feelings.

Pop OFits
10-08-2007, 02:22 PM
One time, at band camp.....

Solid D
10-08-2007, 02:34 PM
I was a Celtics fan originally. Even went to some of their games. I also followed Nate the Skate Archibald with KC. I loved to watch him play. He could do everything.

I became a Spurs fan when I moved to San Antonio, but I had been an ABA and a Dallas Chaps fan as a kid. My dad took me to a few of their games also. Maurice McHartley was cool...he played with a toothpick in his mouth. No lie!

The Spurs still had a few of the Chaps players when they moved to SA. I really fell in love with the Spurs when Iceman and Larry Kenon were here, though. Basketball actually took second position to football with me but once David Robinson arrived, that changed. That's when I started feeling like I could not miss a game. It's been that way ever since.

10-08-2007, 02:35 PM
Red White And Blue Ball!!!
Sweet Iceman Finger Roll!!!!!!!

10-08-2007, 02:51 PM
Moved to S.A. in the early 90's and became a fan because of Big Dave. I have always thought David would be my fav of all time, but then Tim came along and we started winning championships. So now Tim Duncan is my all time fav player. There is no one else like our Timmy. I will be a Spurs fan till I die.

10-08-2007, 02:56 PM
Re: The reason why you became a Spurs Fan ......i was born in east SA! :blah

SPURS & SA whats the difference?

10-08-2007, 02:58 PM
I grew up in SA which made them the one team that I could call my hometown team.

Also, I lived in The Dominion with a lot of the spurs players, and one of my first memories in life was David Robinson picking me up high above his head and I just remember that was the highest I have ever been off the ground.

When I was in 9th grade, my parents insisted that we drive to Popovich's house to trick or treat because he lived way out in the boonies of Dominion. When we got there Popovich was like, you guys are the only ones to come to our house tonight and he gave my sister and I his whole bowl of candy.

Just a couple of memories I have, and why I have been a Spurs fan my whole life, even repping them in Los Angeles as I have lived here for the past 7 years.

10-08-2007, 03:09 PM
I've been a Spurs fan since as long as I can remember. I'm only 19 so the Spurs have been around longer than me but my dad has been a fan from the beginning in '73 so i guess you could say I was born into it. Silver and Black forever :toast

10-08-2007, 03:11 PM
When David was made MVP in '95... :clap

Ditto :toast

Solid D
10-08-2007, 03:19 PM
When I was in 9th grade, my parents insisted that we drive to Popovich's house to trick or treat because he lived way out in the boonies of Dominion. When we got there Popovich was like, you guys are the only ones to come to our house tonight and he gave my sister and I his whole bowl of candy.

:lol That sounds like something Pop would do.

10-08-2007, 03:29 PM
I grew up in San Antonio, and when I started to watch sports at the age of six I enjoyed basketball, baseball, and football about equally.

However, when I realized that the Spurs were a local team and that they were the only game in town, I thought that was really cool. Plus, the team played a fun style, scoring a lot points with Iceman leading the way, so I could easily appreciate what they did. But I liked all the players back then, not just Ice: Mitchell, Gilmore, Johnny Moore, Gene Banks, Mike Dunleavy. My brother was friends with Keith Edmondson, though I never got to meet him. Me and my sister were charter members of the Geoff "Cookie Monster" Crompton fan club (he wore #50!), and when Edgar Jones got into the first NBA dunk contest I went wild pulling for him.

And that was when my Laker hate began. Magic, Kareem and those other assholes kept knocking us out of the WCF every year.

I went to my first game in December 1983 - the Spurs blew out the Washington Bullets (now Wizards) and I knew then that I was a Spurs fan for life. HemisFair was the best of the three Spurs homes to watch a game.

My childhood teams in baseball and football are no longer my teams - in fact, except for the Spurs, I don't have another team in any sport. It's still fun to live and die with a pro team - and who better to do that with than the Spurs?

10-08-2007, 04:49 PM
:lol That sounds like something Pop would do.

yea Pop is a really cool man, and his mastery and low-key nature makes me like him even more

10-08-2007, 05:06 PM
In 5th grade when we started playing basketball alot in school and then I wanted to start watching basketball, and then my dad told me he's always been a Spurs fan but he didn't watch many games, but then I told him if we could watch a few games he got back into being a real fan and ever since then we haven't missed a game. :)

10-08-2007, 05:21 PM
i am dying to know Timvp's, Whott's, Kori's and Mardigan stories....

10-08-2007, 05:27 PM
i liked the ice man growing up, but i was not a Spurs fan.

i guess like everybody else, i became a Spurs fan with David Robinson.

i admired him so much as a man that he hooked me in while i was a Jordan fan.

But i have become a rabid, obsessed Spurs fan since Timmy. He cemented my fandom.

I never thought that i could possibly love a team as much as the Bulls. But the Spurs have surpassed my love for da bulls.

I love my Spurs. :flag:

*My husband thinks I'm nuts but I say dont make me choose. :p:

JP le Requin
10-08-2007, 05:35 PM
because david robinson, the way he playd was so nice, a so class personn and i didnt like oneal and his arrogance...it was in 93, i remember the dunk at the last second david robinson made versus the jazz for the W!!!

ps: i am coming back to san antonio next december for the game vs denver and the suns (it will be my birthday on 17th of december!!) i wish so hard to meet my all time favorite player!!! DAVID ROBINSON!!!

El Borracho
10-08-2007, 05:51 PM
I was born here in SAN ANTONIO 1975 and I bleed Silver and Black........ THATS WHY I'M A SPURS FAN !!!!!!!

Spurs Brazil
10-08-2007, 07:02 PM
I always like to see basketball games here in Brazil, MJ, Drexler in 92, MJ, Barkey in 93 but I became a big Spurs fan in 1994 because of the GREAT Admiral

10-08-2007, 07:24 PM
Tim Duncan's rookie year. He's been my favourite player since.

10-08-2007, 07:28 PM
D. R.

Dennis Rodman.


I saw David Robinson speak at some Christian convention when I was a kid (Promise Keepers?). I was impressed with him as a role model, and even more so when I eventually saw him play. I love the fact the Spurs play with men of character (with the former exception), a team-first attitude and win.

10-08-2007, 09:48 PM
I moved to Texas in 1998 (military) from Washington DC. I was a hockey fan, not really into basketball, but there was not alot of hockey to watch in Texas. I was sitting with a friend of mine in the lounge at my shop and a Spurs/ Mavs game was on tv. He said I had to pick one of those teams since I was in Texas. I said the team that makes the next basket will be my team. The rest as they say is history!! I wish I could remember the player that made me a Spurs fan for life :depressed


Capt Bringdown
10-08-2007, 10:23 PM
1978, Clark High School was playing Sam Houston a few hours before the Spurs game. Houston destroyed Clark, but I got to hang around and watch the Spurs play Cleveland, who if I remember correctly, had Clyde Frazier on the bench in the last year of his legendary career.

I was 14 and it was my first NBA game. I've been a Spurs nut ever since. It's crazy, but even with our 4 titles, nothing can compare to the magical atmosphere of the HemisFair arena at that time. The NBA at that time was raw, funky and not very popular - but the Spurs were our own, a San Antonio cult phenomenon it seemed.

Well, one thing I don't miss from that era was sitting next to chainsmokers all game!

10-09-2007, 01:41 AM
i am dying to know Timvp's, Whott's, Kori's and Mardigan stories....

still haven't heard from y'all

10-09-2007, 02:33 AM
You don't become a Spurs fan,
your either one, or your not!


10-09-2007, 09:32 AM
2 words...............David Robinson #50!

10-09-2007, 09:33 AM
One word, Duncan!

10-09-2007, 09:36 AM

Martin R
10-09-2007, 11:20 AM
because of Manu Ginobili.

10-09-2007, 11:39 AM
1. Fan from day #1 with ABA
2. Loved the red, white and blue balls
3. Love the black and silver uniforms
4. George Gervin
5. James Silas
6. Swen Nater
7. Played "Cotton-Eyed Joe" right before the tip-off
8. Baseline Bums
9. class organization - I've never been embarassed by this team
10.small market team - I love when the little guys kick the crap out of the big guys

10-09-2007, 11:43 AM

10-09-2007, 12:25 PM
used to work evening,late night shifts.. never got to go to games.. i retired .... witnessed the memorial day miracle.. got me hooked right there and then.. even though i have decided to go back to work,, i made sure i now work days so i won't miss any of the games..

10-09-2007, 05:32 PM
Gervin was so opposite to the type of player I was, that he was my favorite.
The colours were nice and the place so remote, unreachable yet the name of the place so familiar (My granpa's name was Antonio).
Then Robinson and Duncan.
Finally, Manu.
I have seen some great players here, but Manu was unique. There was something special around him. I knew right away he would have been a hit.

Most importantly, it's a philosophy of good management, common sense, openness to "alien citizens" talent.

The Spurs are a visual textbook for my kids, the way they should approach life, even before basketball.

10-09-2007, 07:38 PM
My roomate was the reason I became a Spurs fan. I was born in San Antonio but never paid much attention to the Spurs until I was stationed in San Diego in 2003. My roomate was from Cali and a HUGE Lakers fan. When he found out that they were playing the Spurs in the playoffs he talked so much shit on the Spurs and especially San Antonio. It got to the point where I was like lets fucking do this, lets see who's city/team kicks more ass. During the series I found myself being overwhelmed with emotion for this team. I couldn't believe how much it would upset me when they made a bad play or how crazy I got when they won. Soon after I became a Spurs addict.

10-09-2007, 10:17 PM
I am a Spurs fan because of david robinson. I went to high school with in in 83 and have never lost the love for watching BB since. We went to Osbourn Park HS in Manassas Va. I live in Orlando Fl now and my husband just got me tickets to the MAGIC-SPURS preseaon game and we have floor seats! And he is not even a sports fan. We should be able to get some great pic's we are close to the their bench and where they will come out from.

10-09-2007, 11:11 PM
still haven't seen Timvp's, Kori's, Whott's and Mardigan's posts... r y'all spurs fans or just master bloggers?

10-09-2007, 11:12 PM
I am Uwe Blab's cousin.

10-10-2007, 02:29 AM
the first dream team reinforced my love for a beautiful game.that summer i jumped on the spurs wagon

10-10-2007, 07:33 AM
David Robinson

10-10-2007, 11:17 AM
David Robinson...

and now

Manu Ginobili

10-10-2007, 01:06 PM
yo' hater... r u a spurs fan? how you became one?

10-10-2007, 01:16 PM
Tim Duncan.

Fernando TD21
10-10-2007, 01:55 PM
Tim Duncan!

Dingle Barry
10-10-2007, 06:39 PM
I can't believe how many of you folks are Spurs fans because of one player. That's cool, I guess.

I grew up in SA and was weened on Hemisfair Arena, Super Dave, Terry Cummings, and Willie.

10-10-2007, 06:40 PM
I grew up in San Antonio.

David Robinson is probably the first famous face I ever got used to.

10-10-2007, 11:26 PM
David Robinson brought Spurs fans not only from all the 50 US but from all over the world.. i am from Uruguay and i don;t think that by the time i saw him play.. he was conscious of the world wide impact he was getting

10-10-2007, 11:38 PM
D-Rob was a rookie when I was 8 years old. To me he was the closest thing to a real-life superhero. My imagination was captivated by him which led to me becoming a Spurs fan por vida!!!

10-10-2007, 11:52 PM
y'all have to agree... D-rob brought more spurs fan than any other player int eh franchise history

10-11-2007, 07:46 AM

10-11-2007, 02:21 PM
do you think TP brought more fans internationally than Manu??

10-11-2007, 02:41 PM
Since Jordan retired the first time.

Holt's Cat
10-11-2007, 02:53 PM
The reason why you became a Spurs Fan

Kevin O'Keefe's literary skill.

10-11-2007, 05:29 PM
i am kinda disappointed that Kori, Whott, hater among others haven't posted how they became spurs themselves... :depressed

10-11-2007, 05:35 PM
Moved to San Antonio just before David Robinson's rookie season. Magical rookie year, magical season turnaround and playoff run until Rod Strickland no-looked an outta bounzer in the waning moments...okay, I'll stop.

That was when I became a Spurs fan.

10-11-2007, 06:14 PM
Ever since they came to town when I was a junior in HS. I used to buy tickets (cheap ones) over the phone from Joske's when I went to UT in Austin back in the late 70's. I would have them held for will call at the ticket booth in the old Hemisfair Arena. My room mate and I would drive down from Austin (in a 240Z and hauling ass) and park the car just behind where Denny's is now. An old man would be sitting there and charge us $1 to look after the car. We'd get to the arena and then go to our"seats". Yeah right - we would go the stairway behind one basket and stand there and watch the game - remember this is the time were they hadn't gotten on everyone about SRO tickets and it was cool with security. Damn good view from there and we could see alot of stuff that goes on under the boards. Pretty brutal at times. Anyway after awhile we get used to seeing certain seats that were not in use and eventually be sitting 5 - 10 rows up around the "30 yard line". Worked for me and I was on a tight budget in college so anything to stretch the $ was used. Used said tactics I even saw the triple OT game agianst the Bucks in '83 which was at that time the highest scoring in league history.
The good old days!

10-11-2007, 07:06 PM
Ever since they came to town when I was a junior in HS. I used to buy tickets (cheap ones) over the phone from Joske's when I went to UT in Austin back in the late 70's. I would have them held for will call at the ticket booth in the old Hemisfair Arena. My room mate and I would drive down from Austin (in a 240Z and hauling ass) and park the car just behind where Denny's is now. An old man would be sitting there and charge us $1 to look after the car. We'd get to the arena and then go to our"seats". Yeah right - we would go the stairway behind one basket and stand there and watch the game - remember this is the time were they hadn't gotten on everyone about SRO tickets and it was cool with security. Damn good view from there and we could see alot of stuff that goes on under the boards. Pretty brutal at times. Anyway after awhile we get used to seeing certain seats that were not in use and eventually be sitting 5 - 10 rows up around the "30 yard line". Worked for me and I was on a tight budget in college so anything to stretch the $ was used. Used said tactics I even saw the triple OT game agianst the Bucks in '83 which was at that time the highest scoring in league history.
The good old days!
see guys... this is what i am talking about

10-11-2007, 07:56 PM
www.sportsecyclopedia.com/nba/sanantonio/spursshots.html (http://www.sportsecyclopedia.com/nba/sanantonio/spursshots.html)

10-11-2007, 08:36 PM
DRob, Sean, Willie, TC, and RocketRod!

lil wingate on D!

10-11-2007, 08:39 PM
Sean Marks...just kiddin...I fell in love with David Robinsons game since the first time i saw it...He really turned my head away from those other organizations.

10-11-2007, 08:48 PM
www.sportsecyclopedia.com/nba/sanantonio/spursshots.html (http://www.sportsecyclopedia.com/nba/sanantonio/spursshots.html)
thank you for the link that is awesome! it brings a wider perspective to some of us intl spurs fans...

10-12-2007, 12:42 AM
see guys... this is what i am talking about

Hey, I wrote a bloody good story back on page one and you didn't even respond to it... :depressed

10-12-2007, 01:35 AM
I began watching the Spurs in '82. I had just moved to San Antonio and began learning about the Spurs on the playground. Everyone tried to finger roll and shoot like Ice. I went to my first game two years later.

But I didn't really watch the Spurs on a regular basis until Alvin Robertson came aboard. He was very athletic for 6'3 and it seemed like he was always taking the ball coast to coast for a dunk. The Spurs weren't very good at the time but I enjoyed watching Alvin play. I wouldn't call myself a hardcore Spurs fan because I was still in highschool. I didn't have time to keep up with them like I did after I graduated.

I officially became a hardcore Spurs Fan after I went to game six against Portland in '90. That was the first time I had ever been to a playoff game. The crowd was incredible. The Hemisphere was loud. The Spurs forced game seven and I was hooked.

10-12-2007, 03:35 AM

Ya Vez
10-12-2007, 07:46 AM
George Gervin, DRob and TD, Manu and Tony now days...

And because we have class act fans...

NLCS opener interrupted when fans throw objects on field
By ANDY BAGNATO, AP Sports Writer
October 12, 2007

PHOENIX (AP) -- Angry fans threw water bottles and other debris onto the field following a disputed call, prompting crew chief Tim McClelland to clear the field during Thursday night's NL championship series opener.

The game was delayed for about eight minutes in the bottom of the seventh inning.

Rockies manager Clint Hurdle waved his players into the dugout, but McClelland made the decision to clear the field, umpire supervisor Richie Garcia said.

10-12-2007, 10:05 AM
George Gervin, DRob and TD, Manu and Tony now days...

i think bruce should make it to this list... what do you think? :hungry: