View Full Version : Student hounds prof running for Congress

George Gervin's Afro
10-25-2007, 12:00 PM

Student hounds prof running for Congress By DAVID EGGERT, Associated Press Writer
Thu Oct 25, 3:33 AM ET

MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich. - A politically conservative student armed with a video camera and a Web site is trying to force a Democratic congressional candidate out of his teaching job at Central Michigan University.

Dennis Lennox, a 23-year-old junior, has posted videos on YouTube of himself questioning assistant professor Gary Peters about campaigning for office while holding a prestigious position at the university.

Some say Lennox is persistent. Others accuse him of pandering for attention.

"What I'm doing isn't about getting media attention," said Lennox, a political science major. "I'm speaking for the hundreds of students, alumni, taxpayers and even legislators who have complained because Gary Peters won't pick between Congress and campus."

In one video Lennox posted online, Peters is seen walking to his car while Lennox asks him several questions, including whether he is angry about his campaign not getting "positive press." Peters doesn't respond.

Peters said in an interview this week with The Associated Press that his university position is part-time and privately funded.

"The bottom line is that people who run for public office still need to pay the bills and still need to work," he said. He drives 130 miles from a Detroit suburb to Mount Pleasant to teach class once a week.

Peters, 48, is seeking the Democratic nomination to face Republican U.S. Rep. Joe Knollenberg in Oakland County, one of the top congressional targets for Democrats nationally in 2008.

"If I was running for Congress in a seat where I had no chance of winning, I probably wouldn't have any attention put on me at all," said Peters, a former state senator who lost a close race for Michigan attorney general in 2002.

He acknowledges it would be difficult to keep his $65,000-a-year job at the university if he gets elected to Congress, but says he will worry about that if he wins. Peters holds the Griffin Endowed Chair in American Government — named for a former Republican U.S. senator and Michigan Supreme Court justice.

Lennox helped start the group Students Against Gary Peters and created a Web site for what he calls "Petersgate." He insists that he isn't targeting Peters because he's a Democrat.

But some see it differently.

"Basically, he's just an extreme partisan. Anybody that's a Democrat, he's going to try to get at," said fellow political science major Eric Schulz.

Lennox's anti-Peters campaign shows no sign of slowing down, though his tactics have generated complaints.

Both Lennox and college Dean Pamela Gates filed police complaints against each other after Lennox requested Peters' e-mails under the Freedom of Information Act. At one point in the brief video, also posted online, Gates it seen gesturing into the camera at close range, and it then goes out of focus, as if it has been struck.

Lennox is heard saying, "Don't touch my camera," suggesting that Peters either touched it or attempted to.

Lennox said he started videotaping Gates after she refused to take the request and ordered him out of her office.

"She accosted, assaulted and battered me," Lennox said. "Whether you're a liberal or conservative, we all have to live and play by the same rules. I seemed to learn something in first grade that you keep your hands to yourself."

No charges have been filed and the university is investigating the incident. But spokesman Steve Smith said that "people get very uncomfortable when a camera is shoved in their face. Employees and students have a reasonable expectation to privacy."

When the school told Lennox he couldn't record employees or students without their permission, he filed a censorship complaint with the American Civil Liberties Union, which is reviewing it.

Peters says requiring permission before filming is reasonable when it involves students' privacy, though he stops short of saying it should apply to public figures such as himself.

"When you run for public office, you've got to have a thick skin," he said.

Peters says somewhat ruefully that he has fulfilled his job description of bringing practical politics to campus.

"Students are definitely seeing what happens when somebody runs for public office in a high-profile race, the types of things they have to confront," he said.


10-25-2007, 12:09 PM

What's so "classic" about it?

10-25-2007, 12:20 PM
What's the difference if the position is privately-funded? Is the kid's point that candidates for office are unfit to teach in universities? Would he be making the same point if Peters was a Republican?

10-25-2007, 12:24 PM
What's the difference if the position is privately-funded? Is the kid's point that candidates for office are unfit to teach in universities? Would he be making the same point if Peters was a Republican?
My understanding is that his point is the professor's campaigning is interfering with his university obligation not that being a candidate makes him unfit to teach at a college level.

10-25-2007, 01:32 PM
All I got from that is that dude is part time, teaches ONE class per week, and makes $65K!

Some quid going on there for that pro quo after he's elected I'm bettin.

10-25-2007, 02:29 PM
My understanding is that his point is the professor's campaigning is interfering with his university obligation not that being a candidate makes him unfit to teach at a college level.

"What I'm doing isn't about getting media attention," said Lennox, a political science major. "I'm speaking for the hundreds of students, alumni, taxpayers and even legislators who have complained because Gary Peters won't pick between Congress and campus."

That doesn't sound like it's just an idiosyncratic matter of a single candidate's campaign. That sounds like a contention that one who is running for Congress should not be teaching on a college campus. I'm open to hearing other interpretations, but I'm not quite sure how that says anything about the quality of Peters' teaching, which would be (presumably) the justification for deeming his campaign to be interfering with his university obligation (which is, after all, to teach).

10-25-2007, 02:41 PM
"What I'm doing isn't about getting media attention," said Lennox, a political science major. "I'm speaking for the hundreds of students, alumni, taxpayers and even legislators who have complained because Gary Peters won't pick between Congress and campus."

That doesn't sound like it's just an idiosyncratic matter of a single candidate's campaign. That sounds like a contention that one who is running for Congress should not be teaching on a college campus. I'm open to hearing other interpretations, but I'm not quite sure how that says anything about the quality of Peters' teaching, which would be (presumably) the justification for deeming his campaign to be interfering with his university obligation (which is, after all, to teach).
I concur. His campaigning appears to be interfering with his obligation to the university.

In my job, if I want to run for public office, I have to take a leave of absence.

10-25-2007, 02:55 PM
I concur. His campaigning appears to be interfering with his obligation to the university.

In my job, if I want to run for public office, I have to take a leave of absence.He essetially has; his school is playing ball;

My wife is a professor and makes about that much; but I've never heard of a prof. getting a full salary only teaching one class. Should be having to teach 3 - 4; PLUS have 12 to 15 office hours.

Now, part-time, or adjunct, profs have schedules similar to his, but they get paid on a per-class basis; and that is usually $2,500 a semester OR LESS!

10-25-2007, 03:34 PM
I concur.

Well, at least we can agree about what Lennox's thoughts are.

His campaigning appears to be interfering with his obligation to the university.

I'm not sure what your source is for that conclusion. I'm willing to listen if there's proof, but this strikes me (at first blush and having read only this article) as being more of a partisan concern than a criticism of Peters' teaching.

In my job, if I want to run for public office, I have to take a leave of absence.

That's not true in my job; nor is it true in many other jobs. I have no idea what the University's actual policies say, but I'd think it's a good bet that the Administration is aware of Peters' campaign for office and has not asked him to take a leave of office. What difference does it make to anyone else if he's serving as a part-time University professor while running for office? It seems that it makes a meaningful difference only to one student, and then, only becuase of the professor's party affiliation.