View Full Version : Third world piece of shit

12-21-2004, 02:11 PM
Fucking Brazil. They'll televize the shitty Tennessee Titans on Christmas Day on ESPN Brasil, and they'll often televize golf, a sport which 99.99% of the entire nation does not even know squat about...yet their populace loves basketball, loves the NBA, yet they will not televize the Lakers/Heat game.

Third world motherfucking dump ass country!

Hey, can someboday please record it for me?


---The Brazilian National Tourism Board

12-21-2004, 02:17 PM

Where abouts in Brazil are you? I used to do a fair amount of work up Sao Luis way.

Any hopes of getting the game on radio via Armed Forces Radio or VOA (Is that still inexistence?)

12-21-2004, 09:42 PM
American Football? I wouldnt' think that would be popular at all in South America.

that sucks though that they're showing that instead of the NBA down there.