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Spurs Brazil
10-27-2007, 09:34 PM

Five burning questions for the Spurs

Web Posted: 10/27/2007 05:01 PM CDT

San Antonio Express-News

1. When will (insert name here) finally start to show his age?
The Spurs brought back every significant piece of last season's title team, which ought to work wonders for the team's chemistry and comfort level. It won't go very far, however, in helping the league's oldest team get any younger. Of the players guaranteed a significant role in the rotation, only one — Tony Parker — is younger than 30. Four prominent Spurs — Bruce Bowen, Michael Finley, Robert Horry and Brent Barry — are 34 or older. It's a safe bet that one or more of the 30-somethings will hit the wall this season. They just hope not everyone gets old at once.

2. Can Tony Parker make the leap?

Parker was playing his best basketball in the playoffs last season, slicing and dicing up opponents on his way to being named NBA Finals MVP. Scary memo for the rest of the league: The Spurs believe Parker can be even better. His jump shot, though improving, is still inconsistent. Once he straightens it out, and maybe pushes his range out to the 3-point line, Parker will become even more indefensible.

3. Who will be the second-year stud?

Every season, a sophomore in the Spurs' system seems to take a giant step forward. Last season, it was Fabricio Oberto, who emerged as a key cog in the late-season run. This season's breakout candidates include forward Matt Bonner, center Francisco Elson and guard Jacque Vaughn. Prediction: One of them will be the most improved player on the team this season.

4. Is this the year Bruce Bowen finally gets his due?

The Spurs believe Bowen has been the best defensive player in the NBA for several years running. This offseason, they put their money where their mouth is, rewarding him with a two-year contract extension. Perhaps this is the season the league also gets the memo. Bowen has been a mainstay on the NBA all-defensive team since 2003-04 but has never won Defensive Player of the Year honors. If Susan Lucci can finally get her Emmy, maybe Bowen can finally get his.

5. For how much longer can Duncan be Duncan?

Tim Duncan is still in his prime at age 31, but he is beginning to reach the danger zone for big men in the NBA. Good news for the Spurs: Duncan's game depends less on sheer athleticism — and more on footwork and fundamentals — than many big men. He should have less trouble adjusting to basketball's middle age.

- Jeff McDonald

10-27-2007, 09:37 PM
I'll just take number 5.

Duncan will be Duncan for a few more good years.
There's certainly no concern for this season.