View Full Version : Looking to get a pet...

11-01-2007, 12:55 AM
Ok here's the deal, me and my girlfriend are looking to get a pet together. Problem is, we both study and work, so it has to be a low maintenance animal. I've had pets before, from dogs, cats, hamsters all the way to parrots. However, the circumstances were different back then, when I lived at home with my parents, whenever I was at school my mother would take care of them... this is not possible now.

My apartment is a 90 m2 duplex so there should be enough space for us to have a dog or a cat. Personally, I'm leaning towards cat, since they seem to be less needy and don't have a problem spending time alone. I'm gone about 8 to 10 hours everyday same as my girlfriend. Ordinarily, I would get a dog, since I am, by all accounts a dog man, but I don't know...

Anyway, I was hoping people here would have some advice as to what kind of pet we should get.

Plus, if any Argies are reading this and live in Capital Federal, if you know of a respectable place where I can get a dog or a cat. Respectable meaning not something out someones backyard, something like a good petshop. If you do, please let me know, I'd really appreciate it.

P.S. In the off chance we decide to go for a cat, which breed would you recommend? as in which breed sheds the less hair, and is less likely to turn my furniture into shreds?

11-01-2007, 12:58 AM
Don't do it. Pets seem like a good idea, but in the end you're really better off commenting on how cute they are in someone else's possession.

11-01-2007, 08:44 AM
How about one of those helpful monkeys? Nah but seriously I would go with a cat if you aren't going to be home most of the time. I prefer dogs too, but cats are much less maintenence than dogs are. Especially at first. I'm not sure of what breed of cat is the best though.

11-01-2007, 09:10 AM
Go for the Cat. As a dog person I always figured cats where to stand offish but after I got married and my wife being a cat person I found that cats are lovable creatures who can be self reliant a point. If you want a pure breed and shedding is a concert go with the American Shorthair, but my favorite is the Main Coon.

Good Luck

11-01-2007, 10:12 AM
Cats get lonely more easily than you might think. If you must get a cat, get two so they have some socialization. Or just get some fish. That's about as low-maintenance as it gets.

11-01-2007, 10:16 AM
I was always a dog person too, but when I ended up with a cat I found out what perfect pets they are. I don't care for real "vocal" cats so mine is a tabby; they are quiet and shy but lovable. Please don't let your cat roam, it's dangerous for them. So you Argies go to pet stores and actually pay money for cats? Here in the U.S. they just show up at your house! :lol

Ronaldo McDonald
11-01-2007, 10:20 AM
get an ant

11-01-2007, 10:20 AM
I'll second Maine Coons, they're pretty badass, and they don't shed more than any other kind of cat, despite having longer hair. Any mixed breed that's at least half Maine Coon will also exhibit most of their beneficial qualities (usually relatively gentle and chirpy - meaning they don't whine and howl like some cats do).

One of my cats growing up was part Maine Coon, and he's been a great cat - doesn't scratch in the house, doesn't shed much, etc. The only other cat I've had that didn't scratch in the house was half Siamese, but he needed way more attention than the MC mix. Siamese cats are probably one breed you'll want to stay away from - they get really attached and require more time and attention than many others.

11-01-2007, 10:29 AM

11-01-2007, 10:37 AM
You seem like a fish man to me.

11-01-2007, 10:43 AM
I got a parrot.

They are pretty low maintinence...although they can be a pain in the ass if you get a noisy one. Some breeds are noisy and some aren't...

But basically just cleaning the cage once a week or every two weeks is the only maintenance involved...their food and water lasts a week.

Really they don't need a lot of attention either...although like with the noise, some breeds do.

11-01-2007, 10:44 AM
You seem like a fish man to me.

Someone say "Fish Man"?


11-01-2007, 10:46 AM
pot bellied pig

11-01-2007, 10:52 AM
Fish tanks can get messy and you have to clean them out every once in a while. I don't like cats at all, but they seem like pretty independent pets to me. I would say get a dog, but since you're going to be gone most of the day, its not a good idea. I had a Schnauzer once when I was living in an apartment by myself and would feel bad every time I came home because I knew it was bored. I ended up selling it to my sister-in-law.

11-01-2007, 11:16 AM
I have 2 dogs and 3 cats.

If you do not have a lot of time, then go with cats. You still need to pay attention to them, but you can leave them for 8 hrs and do not have to worry about accidents on the carpet, like with dogs.

Tabby cats are the best as far as playfulness and affection. Get them spayed or neutered, for sure. Two cats are actually not any more trouble than one cat, and they will play with each other and keep each other company when you are away. But, you will have double the vet bills, so think about that.

11-01-2007, 11:30 AM
I've got 4 cats at the moment.
I've had as many as 9 at one time.
I agree with what people have said.
Cats are lower maintenence than dogs, they are best kept indoors, 2 are better than one so they do have each other while you're gone so many hours.
Regular vet checks, shots, etc, need to be considered in the cost factor, along with the basics of food, litter, catnip.
A scratching post is nice for the cats and should help save your furniture. Get one they can climb on, maybe one with cubbieholes to sleep in. If you douse it in catnip from the get go they should take to it and use it.

Good luck and have fun. Raising 2 kittens at once is a blast.