View Full Version : can someone translate this Manu article

11-01-2007, 10:12 PM

por MANU

Fiesta, anillo y triunfo, todo salió bárbaro anteanoche en la ceremonia de premiación, pero el trajín de la NBA no te deja disfrutar mucho estas cosas; a las pocas horas estábamos viajando en avión hacia Memphis, donde jugábamos anoche el segundo partido de la temporada.

Después de ganarle a Portland picamos algo en una salita que está al lado del vestuario, armamos los bolsos, yo le dejé el anillo a mi esposa y nos fuimos al aeropuerto. Llegamos al hotel de Memphis a eso de las 2 de la mañana, dormimos algo y después concurrimos a un desayuno de trabajo, donde los técnicos nos hablaron del rival de turno. Almorcé unas pastas, me dormí una buena siesta y a la cancha... Empezó el ajetreo, está claro.

La verdad es que la fiesta no tuvo nada novedoso, pero aunque a uno no lo sorprenda nada, la emoción es imposible de evitar porque las imágenes en la pantalla gigante, con las mejores acciones de los playoffs, la música, el aliento del público y las palabras de los directivos te cambian el ánimo. David Stern, el comisionado de la NBA; Peter Holt, dueño de la franquicia, y su esposa, Julianna, se pararon en la mitad de la cancha y allí fueron entregando los anillos uno por uno.

En la confección de esa sortija tampoco hubo nada distinto, lo comentábamos con los compañeros. Sólo un poco más de oro amarillo, la emblemática espuela en el medio, a un costado el apellido y el N° de camiseta de cada jugador y, del otro lado, una piedra con un martillo rompiéndola en dos. Hay una frase escrita en una pared del vestuario, que no recuerdo textualmente pero corresponde al reconocido fotógrafo Jacob Riis, que destaca algo así como que "todos los días hay que golpear la roca e insistir aunque no se rompa porque ese esfuerzo y perseverancia provocará que una vez se parta en dos".

Antes de empezar el juego con Portland, cada uno puso el anillo en una gran caja, que no sé dónde la guardaron. Al terminar el partido, nos devolvieron los anillos y yo se lo dejé a mi esposa porque no me lo iba a llevar a Memphis.

Nunca usé un anillo. Con los dedos finitos que tengo me quedarían bastante mal. Pero los tengo en casa; algunos los guardan en una caja fuerte del banco: yo prefiero tenerlos por si alguna visita quiere verlos. Los pongo en una caja fuerte cuando dejo la casa sola y me voy a la Argentina. Hace tiempo que tengo que armar algo donde ponerlos, pero todavía no lo hice.

Bueno, después de la fiesta hubo que cambiar el chip para enfrentar a Portland, y si bien no estuvimos demasiado relajados, porque jugamos con intensidad, cometimos demasiados errores y tuvimos bajos porcentajes, excepto Brent (Barry), que metió 3 triples.

No quería dejar pasar el tema de Tim Duncan y la extensión del contrato que le hicieron hasta 2012. La verdad, no me sorprendió porque se lo merece totalmente. Y por supuesto que a mí también me gustaría jugar hasta los 37, pero ya se verá.

Lo otro es lo de Beno (Udrih), que pasó a Minnesota. Yo me enteré ayer y me parece que más allá de que se aleja un amigo y un buen tipo, a él le vendrá bien porque entraba en su último año de contrato y no tenía demasiadas oportunidades de jugar. Para conseguir un nuevo arreglo era imprescindible que se mostrara y en los Spurs no iba a tener muchos minutos.

Finalmente, en cuanto a mi desempeño con Portland, me sentí bien, jugué con intensidad, colaboré en distintos aspectos del juego, pero erré algunos tiros fáciles. Igual, terminé conforme. Esto recién empieza y después de tantas emociones no fue fácil lucirse.

11-01-2007, 11:00 PM
This is my very bad translation, Manu style and my lack of knowledge of both languages (English for I am still learning, Argentinean for I left Argentina long time ago) does not make it easy

The hustle and bustle of the NBA does not allow you to enjoy things

by Manu

Party, ring and victory, everything was fantastic yesternight in the awards ceremony, but the hustle and bustle of the NBA does not allow you to enjoy too much this things; few hours later we were flying to Memphis, where we were playing last night the second match of the season.

After defeating Portland we had some snacks in a small room near the locker room, pack our bags, I gave my ring to my wife and of we went to the airport. We arrived to the hotel in Memphis at around 2 AM, we slept a little and then we went to a work breakfasts, where the coaches talked about the rivals. I ate some pasta, slept a good nap and off to the arena ... bustle started, of course

The truth is that the party did not have anything new, but even when nothing surprises you, it is impossible to avoid the emotion for the images in the big screen, with the best actions of the playoffs, the music, the cheer from the people and the words of the managers change your mood. David Stern, the NBA commissioner; Peter Holt, the franchise owner and his wife, Julianna, stepped in the middle of the court and from there they were giving the rings one by one.

There was nothing new in the design of the ring either, we talk about it between ourself. Just a little bit more yellow gold, the Spur emblem in the middle, and to one side the last name and jersey number of each player, and to the other side, a stone with a hammer splitting it in two. There is also a phrase written in some locker room's wall, which I do no remember literally, but belongs to the well known photographer Jabob Riis, which remarks something like "Every day you need to hit the rock and not give up even thou it does not break for the effort and perseverance would make it split in two"

Before the game against Portland started, each one put the ring in a big box, which I do not know where was stored. At the end of the match, they gave back our rings and I gave it to my wife for I would not carry it to Memphis.

I never used one ring. With my slim fingers they would be a very bad fit for me but I have them at home; some put them in a security box in the bank, I prefer having them in case some visitor wants to see them. I put them in a security box at home when I go to Argentina. I should've make some place where to put them, but I did not do it yet.

Well, after the party we'd changed the chip to play against Portland, and although we were not very relaxed, for we played with intensity, we committed too many mistakes and we had very low percentajes, except Brent (Barry) who mad three three pointers.

I did not want to forgot to mention about Tim Duncan and his contract extension to 2012. The truth is that it did not surprise me for it is completely deserved. Of course I would also like to play till 37, but that remains to be seen.

The other thing is the Beno's (Udrih) affair, who was transfered to Minnesota. I just learnt about it yesterday and I think that even thou we part ways with a friend and great person, it would be good for him for it was his last year in the contract and he did not had many opportunities to play. To make a new deal it was essential for him to be seen and in the Spurs he would not get many minutes

Finally, about my performance against Portland, I felt good, I played with intensity, helped in different aspects of the game, but I missed some easy shots. Anyways, I finished satisfied. This just started and after so many emotions it was not easy to shine

11-01-2007, 11:07 PM
Thanks for the translation :).

11-01-2007, 11:23 PM
I guess this is from a manu blog, pretty interesting.

11-02-2007, 07:33 AM
I guess this is from a manu blog, pretty interesting.
he constantly posts during the season on his website...
although... all his frequent blogs are in spanish... sometimes someone translates it to the english version of it though...

11-02-2007, 07:59 AM
he blogs for an argentine newspaper i think twice a week www.lanacion.com

11-02-2007, 08:14 AM
Basically it said...

"My teammates and I have more bling than a NYC pimp so keep talking crap about us and you'll see us get more."


11-02-2007, 08:37 AM
:lol @ Manu procrastinating on getting a safe for his Championship Rings...