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View Full Version : U-Verse: crappy products, even worse customer service

11-03-2007, 07:30 PM
So about three weeks or so ago, some U-Verse salespeople came to our house pitching a really good deal to us. We told them that we had had U-Verse before (when it first came out) and the service was so bad we canceled it. Well apparently they had worked the kinks out and everything was better now.

so we go ahead and order it. we cancel our Dish Network because they were to come the next day (Thursday). Next day rolls around, and they don't show up. We call and they tell us that someone had called in and canceled it. What??? No, none of us did that. So they say, we will go on Tuesday. It sucks because we have no cable now and have to wait a few days for them to come back.

Tuesday rolls around, they don't come. My brother called in and once again they said the order had been canceled. We were kind of pissed by then and the lady reassured us that they WOULD come on Friday. she gave my brother all kinds of confirmations, etc. Later my sister (Luvbones) calls to find out what the hell is going on. They tell her that somehow, our very first account with them was still in their system, so whenever someone would try to come out here, they would see the account status as "Canceled" because they were looking at our account from when we first had it years ago. She tells my sister she is going to create a whole new account for us to prevent something else going on. ok

Friday comes around, they do not come. Luvbones calls again, and at the time I am home on my lunch hour so I hear the conversation as well. My sister was so mad she was pretty much going off on them and how ridiculous this has all been. The lady is apologetic as usual, and they offer us all kinds of specials and discounts. She tells her the reason they did not come out again is because, AGAIN, our old account interfered with it, and once again she says they will create a whole new account for us. WE HEARD THAT ONE BEFORE! My sister ends up calling later and talking to someone higher on the food chain. This "manager" tells my sister what a disgrace the services has been and assures her that they WILL go Saturday morning, between 8-10 a.m. and that she had put us at top priority, and had talked to the dispatch people herself. by then my sister was like "ok I don't even believe you anymore but we'll see."

Saturday (this morning) is here, and guess what? THEY DIDN'T COME. They called to say there was a problem in the date in the system on when we are suppose to have it. I have words with them this time and tell them to just cancel the entire thing because they were obviously incompetent.

LuvBones calls them back and talks to someone even higher and now they told her they will DEFINITELY come tomorrow morning. What is the point?

Meanwhile, my sister who lives next door and who had ordered U-Verse at the same time that we did, and who has had the service this whole time.. just canceled hers today because it sucked so bad. That being, the cable and internet going out ALL THE TIME. I think I have seen the AT&T vans outside of her house more than her own car they are there so much.


11-03-2007, 07:41 PM

Make sure they note the mess in Boss when they get this whole thing taken care of. Just ask them to make a note in it (It's the God of all AT&T programs). It has everything AT&T bill related on it, from wireless to dsl to cable and of course your home phone. Perhaps things weren't noted right in there when y'all canceled the account the first time. I'd even call customer service (whatever number they give you) and ask them to make a note of it, names, times, and the specific incident. I'm not sure what other programs the U-Verse teams use, but someone should be able to add it on to that account.

11-03-2007, 07:45 PM
Make sure they note the mess in Boss when they get this whole thing taken care of. Just ask them to make a note in it (It's the God of all AT&T programs). It has everything AT&T bill related on it, from wireless to dsl to cable and of course your home phone. Perhaps things weren't noted right in there when y'all canceled the account the first time. I'd even call customer service (whatever number they give you) and ask them to make a note of it, names, times, and the specific incident. I'm not sure what other programs the U-Verse teams use, but someone should be able to add it on to that account.

oh trust me we made sure everything was noted and they told us as well they would document all the info on our account because we were so mad. I guess they either can't type things in, or other CSR's can't read... they are just plain stupid.

11-03-2007, 07:47 PM
I don't use AT&T products or services, but if I had ordered U-Verse, I would have cancelled when it went out locally for an entire Sunday recently, canceling football watching for all of their customers.

People bag on TWC, but I've had them in my house for almost 8 years, and I've had one outage, and 2 service calls, one of which was my fault for using quick on/off coax cable connectors (they degrade the signal).

11-03-2007, 07:53 PM
I don't use AT&T products or services, but if I had ordered U-Verse, I would have cancelled when it went out locally for an entire Sunday recently, canceling football watching for all of their customers.

People bag on TWC, but I've had them in my house for almost 8 years, and I've had one outage, and 2 service calls, one of which was my fault for using quick on/off coax cable connectors (they degrade the signal).

holy shit I didn't even know about that happening. that is crazy!

Yeah they just suck all around. we don't even have it yet and they are messing up big time. My sister is just going to tell them tomorrow morning - IF THEY SHOW UP - that we changed our minds and don't want it anymore.

I am looking into TWC and I agree with you about them. I had them for years when I lived in Houston and never had a problem with them. do you have DVR? that's the one thing I didn't have back then and that we had with Dish. do you know if we could get more than one DVR box?

11-03-2007, 07:55 PM
oh trust me we made sure everything was noted and they told us as well they would document all the info on our account because we were so mad. I guess they either can't type things in, or other CSR's can't read... they are just plain stupid.

:tu Name drop the Boss if they show up and they'll know you mean business. I hope things work out.

11-03-2007, 07:58 PM
holy shit I didn't even know about that happening. that is crazy!

Yeah they just suck all around. we don't even have it yet and they are messing up big time. My sister is just going to tell them tomorrow morning - IF THEY SHOW UP - that we changed our minds and don't want it anymore.

I am looking into TWC and I agree with you about them. I had them for years when I lived in Houston and never had a problem with them. do you have DVR? that's the one thing I didn't have back then and that we had with Dish. do you know if we could get more than one DVR box?
I've had their DVRs before and they work fine, but I have a TiVO now, because I can connect to my home network and "throw" my recorded shows to one of my PCs. You can get more than one DVR, but you will have to pay monthly rent on each box. Some friends of mine have three DVRs. I tell them that they have too many shows to follow if they need that many boxes. :lol

11-03-2007, 08:03 PM
I've had their DVRs before and they work fine, but I have a TiVO now, because I can connect to my home network and "throw" my recorded shows to one of my PCs. You can get more than one DVR, but you will have to pay monthly rent on each box. Some friends of mine have three DVRs. I tell them that they have too many shows to follow if they need that many boxes. :lol

thanks, that's the only thing I was worried about. We've had two DVR's here for years so we'll still be OK with two of them. Other than that I'm pretty much sold on TWC, because I know they are reliable

(I wouldn't mind three DVR's :oops )

11-03-2007, 08:13 PM
I've never heard of UVerse. Are they a dish company?

11-03-2007, 08:18 PM
I've never heard of UVerse. Are they a dish company?

AT&T, they have the U-Verse service now that is cable and internet. It's not dish.. when they were giving their big sales pitch to us they said they had installed fiber optics all around the area and stuff. not sure how it works exactly... but it sounded good at the time. :lol

11-03-2007, 08:24 PM
AT&T, they have the U-Verse service now that is cable and internet. It's not dish.. when they were giving their big sales pitch to us they said they had installed fiber optics all around the area and stuff. not sure how it works exactly... but it sounded good at the time. :lol

Oh. The only cable service here is Comcast.

11-03-2007, 08:40 PM
Yeah, AT&T is behind the curve on bundling services for the Big3: TV/phone/internet. They've tried piggy-backing on Satellite for their TV, but I guess that didn't do it for them. U-Verse is their entry into the TV market as a direct provider. It's not really cable in the traditional sense, but it is TV that comes in via wire. It's also extremely new and green. I don't think they left it in test market phase long enough.

11-03-2007, 10:29 PM
My landlady just signed up for cable and internet with them last month.

So far everything is working out well.

We had two separate installations because my land lady decided to add cable to some additional rooms.

Both times the service people both in the office and who did the installation work were punctual, pleasant and helpful/

Here is hoping that trend continues.

Sorry for your bad experience Spurfect. No wonder you are frustrated!

11-04-2007, 01:16 AM
Screw at&t u-verse! They are a bunch of incompetent pieces of crap! I must have talked to at least 10 different people and everytime I tried to get a hold of the previous "manager" they'd tell me "uhh we don't know anyone by that name" I must have given them 5 different names and suddenly those people didn't exist. Fuck their service. I was on the phone for hours (mostly waiting) only to be ignored. No one gives a crap if we get service or not so IF they actually do come and wake me up tomorrow at 8 am I'm going to tell them to get the fuck off our property. I can't even believe we gave them FIVE freakin chances to come install our cable and they came up with every excuse not to come. They're completely UNproffessional, and their whole workforce at the at&t u-verse hotline are complete idiots. I don't know how many times I was transferred to the wrong places. Then they kept bringing up our old account. Freakin erase it already!!! shit!!! You suck balls AT&T! :flipoff

11-04-2007, 01:20 AM
That's a freakin' summary of what I went through with them on the phone.. It was A LOT more frustrating and a much longer story. so screw you guys again at at&t u-verse! If anyone wants to call their "tech support" line, good freakin' luck! They are ALL a bunch of boneheads!!!! /endrant

11-04-2007, 10:59 AM
So did they come at 8am this morning?

11-04-2007, 11:50 AM
i'm surprised tlong didn't offer to come out and lay cable.

11-04-2007, 12:25 PM
i'm surprised tlong didn't offer to come out and lay cable.

I already did...

11-04-2007, 04:30 PM
So did they come at 8am this morning?

they called and said they were on their way, then called again and said the order had been canceled. WHAT A SHOCK!!! Then called back later asking if we still wanted them to come. Wtf?? my sister was going to say NO but we thought we'd just let them do it and it the service sucks we will have them come take it off. well finally the guy came like at 11 a.m., and he barely just left (3:30 pm), and we still don't have cable. He told me that they're still trying to push the order through because "somehow it got canceled". gaahhhh!!!!!!!!! He just went to get something to eat and is going to wait on their call for when they finally push our order through and we can get cable activated.


11-04-2007, 04:55 PM
they called and said they were on their way, then called again and said the order had been canceled. WHAT A SHOCK!!! Then called back later asking if we still wanted them to come. Wtf?? my sister was going to say NO but we thought we'd just let them do it and it the service sucks we will have them come take it off. well finally the guy came like at 11 a.m., and he barely just left (3:30 pm), and we still don't have cable. He told me that they're still trying to push the order through because "somehow it got canceled". gaahhhh!!!!!!!!! He just went to get something to eat and is going to wait on their call for when they finally push our order through and we can get cable activated.


wow..... i dont think its worth it. :wakeup

11-04-2007, 05:15 PM
I like it a lot so far except they don't have UFC PPV.

11-04-2007, 05:39 PM
i'm surprised tlong didn't offer to come out and lay cable.

That offer is always good.

11-05-2007, 11:47 AM
So, as long as we don't have a previous account, we should be OK, huh?

I cant wait to switch from TWC to U-Verse. TWC may be reliable, but be prepared to pay twice as much and have price increases 2-3 times per year.

Oh, and don't forget that crap about the NFL Network. Nevermind that ESPN Classic and GTV were taken off the Standard package a couple of months ago, yet nothing else was added. Those two channels are still dark today. And still TWC refuses to add the NFL Netowrk to Standard Cable.

At least I have the fuckin' Golf Channel! God knows no one will watch the NFL Network, but EVERYONE and THEIR MOM watch the Golf Channel. :bang

11-05-2007, 12:11 PM
I Have U-verse... I Don't Have Any Problems With Them...

11-05-2007, 12:19 PM
We told them that we had had U-Verse before (when it first came out) and the service was so bad we canceled it. Well apparently they had worked the kinks out and everything was better now.

:lmao :lmao :lmao

Man, sounds like it was a tough sale for that guy.

Spurfect: No thanks, we had U-verse and it the service was terrible so we cancelled it.

Salesman: Oh, well, we fixed those problems.

Spurfect: I'll take two then.

Viva Las Espuelas
11-05-2007, 01:13 PM
I have uverse and i haven't all the run around you've had. the customer service and tech support are pretty good. they even helped me get my wii online using their hub as a wireless router. my only complaint is sometimes if i'm recording something it'll freeze up if i channel surf too fast. i may just surf when they're updating the channel guide which is pretty frequent.

baseline bum
11-05-2007, 01:16 PM
Here's the part I don't get; why the hell are you letting them install it? A company that starts off that badly is going to all of a sudden become competent as soon as they have you as a customer? You complain about them screwing you over, yet you play the willing victim over and over again.

Tell them to fuck off in those exact words, and go get a more competent provider.

11-05-2007, 02:33 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao

Man, sounds like it was a tough sale for that guy.

Spurfect: No thanks, we had U-verse and it the service was terrible so we cancelled it.

Salesman: Oh, well, we fixed those problems.

Spurfect: I'll take two then.

sorry but I wasn't home when they sales people were here. I wasn't the one that accepted the offer.. but, yeah we obviously made a mistake anyway

11-05-2007, 02:36 PM
So, as long as we don't have a previous account, we should be OK, huh?

I cant wait to switch from TWC to U-Verse. TWC may be reliable, but be prepared to pay twice as much and have price increases 2-3 times per year.

Oh, and don't forget that crap about the NFL Network. Nevermind that ESPN Classic and GTV were taken off the Standard package a couple of months ago, yet nothing else was added. Those two channels are still dark today. And still TWC refuses to add the NFL Netowrk to Standard Cable.

At least I have the fuckin' Golf Channel! God knows no one will watch the NFL Network, but EVERYONE and THEIR MOM watch the Golf Channel. :bang
My digital cable hasn't increased in price for the last 3 years.

11-05-2007, 02:37 PM
Here's the part I don't get; why the hell are you letting them install it? A company that starts off that badly is going to all of a sudden become competent as soon as they have you as a customer? You complain about them screwing you over, yet you play the willing victim over and over again.

Tell them to fuck off in those exact words, and go get a more competent provider.

mostly because we will be getting 2 months free, $20 off each bill for 6 months, and a $90 dollar check.. but, honestly I was ready to tell them to just fuck off on sunday. my dad wanted them to go ahead and come install it though, and if it was horrible and we found something better, we'd just have them come right back and take it out. so i just went with what he wanted.. we still don't have cable. :lol

Viva Las Espuelas
11-05-2007, 02:43 PM
mostly because we will be getting 2 months free, $20 off each bill for 6 months, and a $90 dollar check.. but, honestly I was ready to tell them to just fuck off on sunday. my dad wanted them to go ahead and come install it though, and if it was horrible and we found something better, we'd just have them come right back and take it out. so i just went with what he wanted.. we still don't have cable. :lolif i'm not mistaken you have 30 days to try it out and do whatever you want in that time.

11-05-2007, 03:40 PM
My digital cable hasn't increased in price for the last 3 years.

I was in the same boat for the past 3 years, until I was told I could no longer get that fixed price. Now my bill increases $5 every six months until I'm paying full price. :greedy

11-05-2007, 03:41 PM
How are you posting right now Spurfect? Aren't you at work?? They're letting ya'll get online now or what?

11-05-2007, 03:43 PM
Why in the world you would bother with a company this long is beyond me. If you're dumb enough to continue on with the BS you don't deserve the right to bitch about it.

11-05-2007, 03:47 PM
Why in the world you would bother with a company this long is beyond me. If you're dumb enough to continue on with the BS you don't deserve the right to bitch about it.

Sometimes it's worth it. They might give her some freebies. If you dump them you get nothing for all the time you've invested. If I have customer service problems I always ask for them to give me some free stuff. It usually works.

11-05-2007, 03:51 PM
We believe in giving 2nd and 3rd and 4th chances. :lol

No honestly, we did like everything about u-verse, it's just when we first got it our area was a testing area so the problem we had was just the reception. It started going out too often so we had to switch. They said they laid out all these fiber optics cables here so we shouldn't have that problem anymore, so we really wanted to see if it would work. The features on it are pretty awesome, and it's a good price as well.. but it really has gotten ridiculous.

11-05-2007, 03:53 PM
Sometimes it's worth it. They might give her some freebies. If you dump them you get nothing for all the time you've invested. If I have customer service problems I always ask for them to give me some free stuff. It usually works.Yeah they've offered us so much and I did waste a lot of time trying to get this installed so if we gave up we'd get nothing and I'd be more pissed. They are giving us 2 months free, $90 back, and $20 off for 6 months after that so it may be worth it in the end... we shall see.

11-05-2007, 03:56 PM
I felt sorry for you in the beginning, but if you let them install it after all that, you deserve what you get now. If it's this hard for them to come out to install and start billing you for something now, imagine how hard it will be to get them to come out and uninstall it. :lmao

The sone
11-05-2007, 05:23 PM
im looking to switch service soon....but u-verse does not work with my "slingbox" so my options are pretty much limited...anyone have any ideas?

11-05-2007, 05:48 PM
They are still not available in my area. :spin

11-05-2007, 07:20 PM
How are you posting right now Spurfect? Aren't you at work?? They're letting ya'll get online now or what?

I was home on my lunch break doofus

11-05-2007, 08:27 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao

Man, sounds like it was a tough sale for that guy.

Spurfect: No thanks, we had U-verse and it the service was terrible so we cancelled it.

Salesman: Oh, well, we fixed those problems.

Spurfect: I'll take two then.

I wish I called people like her everyday. My customers suck.

11-05-2007, 10:35 PM
Getting my u-verse installed tomm.,wish me luck. I started getting tired of TWC raising my basic cable prices and removing chanels at the same time..I am just happy to have another option other than TWC i guess..

Mr Dio
11-05-2007, 11:31 PM
My digital cable hasn't increased in price for the last 3 years.

Some of the best TWC pricing is now in 1 or 2 yr contracts.
Guaranteed to have no cost increases & if you have have all 3 services you can choose to do another 2 yrs for no more than a $5 increase from the original amount.

Mr Dio
11-05-2007, 11:37 PM
We believe in giving 2nd and 3rd and 4th chances. :lol

No honestly, we did like everything about u-verse, it's just when we first got it our area was a testing area so the problem we had was just the reception. It started going out too often so we had to switch. They said they laid out all these fiber optics cables here so we shouldn't have that problem anymore, so we really wanted to see if it would work. The features on it are pretty awesome, and it's a good price as well.. but it really has gotten ridiculous.

Hope you don't have all the problems a couple of friends have had.
Service going out & when th main box inside your home goes out, EVERYTHING goes out. Sucks balls that I had to listen to Dallas' game winning drive vs Buffalo on the radio. Needless to say, my buds have left or are leaving AT&T because of broken promises & bad service.

02-18-2008, 11:51 PM
Anybody have some new info for U-verse. How has it been working? Reliability? It just became available in my area. Also does anybody have a VoIP phone (Vonage, Packet8, etc.) Does it work with U-Verse. I now many companies say it won't, but if my VoIP box can reach my providers server (it all goes into the WWW) , why wouldn't it work?

02-21-2008, 12:51 PM
I signed up for U-Verse back in November (got to see all those NFL Network games). The service has been great for me. My wife loves TBS West Coast as we can see Seinfeld at 7PM.

Their biggest package will cost you $99, but for $59 you'll get more channels than Time Warner. They give you 3 boxes for free, and then $5 per box after that. The service is internet and TV combined. WiFi internet is provided at no charge, and the internet prices are the same as DSL. AT&T will throw in a bunch of promotions (I'm getting about $50+ in monthly discounts), including a bundle discount.

All of the receivers are HD receivers, but only one TV can be watching HD for now. One of the receviers will also be a free DVR, which you can program from the interent. New feature promised this year are more TVs with the ability to watch HD, recording & viewing DVR programs from any receiver.

02-21-2008, 01:04 PM
Anybody have some new info for U-verse. How has it been working? Reliability? It just became available in my area. Also does anybody have a VoIP phone (Vonage, Packet8, etc.) Does it work with U-Verse. I now many companies say it won't, but if my VoIP box can reach my providers server (it all goes into the WWW) , why wouldn't it work?

It's the worst cable service I have ever had. I am so glad I got rid of it. Such a nightmare.

2 out of my 3 receivers broke as long as 3 remote controls.

They still can't get the equipment out of my home. They are sitting in a box.

Took 3 or 4 months for me to even get my effing refeund check.

What a disaster.

The best part was 2 customer service people admitted how bad this is going for them.

It's a cool concept but needs a lot of work.

On the plus side their DVR is the best there is hands down. you can record up to 4 shows at a time and the menu is great.

02-21-2008, 01:10 PM
The service is internet and TV combined. WiFi internet is provided at no charge, and the internet prices are the same as DSL.

Slowest internet conneciton I have had since dial up days and you have to cough up more money to ge a decent speed that still doesn't come close to Time Warner/Comcast

Viva Las Espuelas
02-21-2008, 01:15 PM
hmmm. i've had it since september and it's great. yes there were some bumps in the road, but it's pretty much resolved. they're uploading new features quite a bit and that sometimes messes with their picture-in-picture surf function. the internet speed is not different from when i had time warner. i don't do wireless. it's hard wired. the hd signals are pretty clean. i only wish there was a "remind" function on the tv like time warner had.

02-21-2008, 01:19 PM
the internet speed is not different from when i had time warner.

If you're just using it for normal browsing I suppose you would never notice.

02-21-2008, 01:22 PM
I Have U-verse... I Don't Have Any Problems With Them...

I had drops the first week.....but, it works perfect now. I really like it better than cable and dish.

My wireless if faster than roadrunner and DSL that I previously had.

Viva Las Espuelas
02-21-2008, 01:26 PM
If you're just using it for normal browsing I suppose you would never notice.no. i do the bit torrent thing. i get 700mb movies in about 20 minutes. i haven't done the gaming thing if that's what youre referring to. i do have it hooked up wirelessly to the wii and that's ok.

02-21-2008, 01:41 PM
no. i do the bit torrent thing. i get 700mb movies in about 20 minutes. i haven't done the gaming thing if that's what youre referring to. i do have it hooked up wirelessly to the wii and that's ok.

AT&T Yahoo! Internet Access, U-verse Enabled offers four tiers of downstream speeds:

Express: Up to 1.5 Mb/s
Pro: Up to 3 Mb/s
Elite: Up to 6 Mb/s
Max: Up to 10 Mb/s

I think TW averages 8 to 10 but in some areas I think you can go as high as 15.

Viva Las Espuelas
02-21-2008, 01:45 PM
AT&T Yahoo! Internet Access, U-verse Enabled offers four tiers of downstream speeds:

Express: Up to 1.5 Mb/s
Pro: Up to 3 Mb/s
Elite: Up to 6 Mb/s
Max: Up to 10 Mb/s

I think TW averages 8 to 10 but in some areas I think you can go as high as 15.i have the elite. the 10mb wasn't offered when i signed up, but the 6mb is enough for me. were you wireless?

02-21-2008, 01:48 PM
i have the elite. the 10mb wasn't offered when i signed up, but the 6mb is enough for me. were you wireless?

Ahhh I see. That makes sense.

I was hard wired in because the wireless part of the modem was broke and they couldn't get someone out to my place to fix it The person who installed it shrugged his shoulders and told me he would call it in. It never worked. :lol

02-21-2008, 02:39 PM
whoa bump! well just to let you all know, we got rid of U-Verse.

Viva Las Espuelas
02-21-2008, 02:54 PM
whoa bump! well just to let you all know, we got rid of U-Verse.what fer?

02-21-2008, 03:10 PM
whoa bump! well just to let you all know, we got rid of U-Verse.

So that makes two people on this thread. :toast

02-21-2008, 04:51 PM
I had Pro, but downgraded to Express. My wife uses the Wifi with our laptop and I have used it as well with my PS3. I don't have any complaints about the speed when playing my PS3 online (MotorStorm & Warhawk). I've played wired and wireless.

The box occasionally acts up, but that is easily resolved with a simple box reset. I'm a happy customer.

02-21-2008, 06:46 PM
Reports are that ATT is getting out of the video business relatively soon(12-24 months).

Just sayin'.

02-21-2008, 07:32 PM
does that mean U-Verse?

02-21-2008, 07:43 PM
Reports are that ATT is getting out of the video business relatively soon(12-24 months).

Just sayin'.
Doesn't surprise me. The concept is a good idea, but unfortunatley AT&T is very disorganized. As far as fiber optics, it is the way to go, but there is alot to it. I install fiber to the home in the Bulverde/Boerne area(not AT&T). I if I could get this service where I live I would in a heartbeat, but I reside in SA. The problem right off the bat is your inside wiring. What kind? how old? does it loop? Also your conections on your user end. I could go on and on. AT&T u-verse is basically your phone on steroids. If everything is not up to code, then be prepared for problems.

02-21-2008, 07:53 PM
If everything is not up to code, then be prepared for problems.

Brand new home in my case.

02-21-2008, 08:15 PM
It's much easier to pump phone through a high bandwidth cable trunk than is is to pump video through a skinny phone line. No surprise AT&T is bailing.

02-21-2008, 08:19 PM
yeah at&t sucks.

02-22-2008, 12:16 AM
Have it, it's awesome.

It costs less than TWC, has less problems, gets more channels, and has a higher upload bandwidth.

It's funny how these things are so hit-and-miss. For instance, with TWC I had so many outages it was ridiculous. Went through 4 modems and internet access regularly dropped every few minutes. Once AT&T came to the door with their price, it was a no-brainer.

Maybe I was lucky, but this has been a steal so far.

02-22-2008, 12:29 AM
AT&T Yahoo! Internet Access, U-verse Enabled offers four tiers of downstream speeds:

Express: Up to 1.5 Mb/s
Pro: Up to 3 Mb/s
Elite: Up to 6 Mb/s
Max: Up to 10 Mb/s

I think TW averages 8 to 10 but in some areas I think you can go as high as 15.

It all depends on what kind of customer you are. For me I'd rather have the added security of knowing that my DSL is going to continually be at about 4 mps whereas with TW you could be in between the 6 and 10. And then the fact that you're sharing the connection with the people around you just makes me a little wary. I get an awesome DSL signal because I'm within like 6,000 kft of the the remote terminal (pro speed). Anything that's express of basic (that I don't see listed....that's 786 kbps) is kinda lame.

Viva Las Espuelas
02-22-2008, 02:56 AM
Reports are that ATT is getting out of the video business relatively soon(12-24 months).

Just sayin'.i couldn't find anything about that. message boards had nothing indicating that.

02-22-2008, 06:10 AM
i couldn't find anything about that. message boards had nothing indicating that.

That's because I made it up.

Seriously, I read it awhile ago. Writer was probably some slappy from the cable companies.

Take it with a grain of salt.

02-25-2008, 12:10 PM
It's a viable business, and with TWC shooting themselves in the foot every fall with the NFL Network and increasing prices 2-3 times a year, U-Verse is a great alternative to TWC and satellite.

Viva Las Espuelas
02-25-2008, 12:44 PM
It's a viable business, and with TWC shooting themselves in the foot every fall with the NFL Network and increasing prices 2-3 times a year, U-Verse is a great alternative to TWC and satellite.nfl network rocks, but not having nbatv sux

02-25-2008, 12:53 PM
It's a viable business, and with TWC shooting themselves in the foot every fall with the NFL Network and increasing prices 2-3 times a year, U-Verse is a great alternative to TWC and satellite.

U-Verse will raise prices the moment they can.

Viva Las Espuelas
02-25-2008, 12:56 PM
U-Verse will raise prices the moment they can.what's stopping them from doing it now?

02-25-2008, 01:04 PM
what's stopping them from doing it now?

Might have something to do with the fact that they have had so many people cancel they can't even keep with the equipment being returned.

The "return boxes" have been on backorder since December so many people have canceled.

Viva Las Espuelas
02-25-2008, 01:11 PM
Might have something to do with the fact that they have had so many people cancel they can't even keep with the equipment being returned.

The "return boxes" have been on backorder since December so many people have canceled.time warner just picked up their boxes last month from me since i cancelled them. September, dude. i think installing new boxes takes premise over picking up old ones.

02-25-2008, 01:25 PM
This is not about someone picking it up...This is just them sending out a cardboard box for you to send the stuff back. They are on back order so many people have canceled.

I mean hey…if you like them great. I think it will be a great product when they get the bugs worked out.

02-26-2008, 03:11 PM
I will be moving soon and to where I am moving the only thing available for internet is AT&T. Am I going to be okay?

Das Texan
02-26-2008, 03:50 PM
I have had zero problems with Uverse.

I dont get the hate.

AT&T has also stated somewhere that this is most likely their next great priority, after passing on acquring a satellite company late last year, I forget what satellite company. Basically, they want to take on the cable market and get a piece of that pie, especially after the cable companies have been hitting them and taking market share from them when it comes to telephone service.

02-26-2008, 04:15 PM
I will be moving soon and to where I am moving the only thing available for internet is AT&T. Am I going to be okay?

I had DSL prior to getting U-Verse internet. I liked both services. Speeds and prices are the same, and the U-Verse packages give you more options and channels than TWC. Don't have the problems with satellite either.

02-28-2008, 07:20 PM
Just got got my 5th U-Verse bill for -$149.85CR in a row.

Can these people not realize I don't have an account with them anymore? If it's a negative credit then why do I keep getting them?


02-29-2008, 01:02 PM
WHo cares. Ask for a refund check!

03-24-2008, 07:29 PM
off and on

06-20-2008, 06:46 PM
I seriously considering switching. I'm moving to a new house next week and it's available. I think the house I'm moving to has a satellite already installed. I think it's Dish Network. Out of the 3 which would be the best option?

06-20-2008, 06:55 PM
I seriously considering switching. I'm moving to a new house next week and it's available. I think the house I'm moving to has a satellite already installed. I think it's Dish Network. Out of the 3 which would be the best option?


06-20-2008, 06:58 PM




06-20-2008, 11:39 PM
We had U-verse installed this past Monday. So far it's been great, the only thing I don't like is not being able to record an HD channel and watch a different HD channel at the same time...

06-21-2008, 07:49 AM
We had U-verse installed this past Monday. So far it's been great, the only thing I don't like is not being able to record an HD channel and watch a different HD channel at the same time...

Its great until the units lock up.

And for the record, its been 9 months and they still aren't capable of getting their equipment back.

06-21-2008, 07:23 PM
We had U-verse installed this past Monday. So far it's been great, the only thing I don't like is not being able to record an HD channel and watch a different HD channel at the same time...
Which you can do with TW

06-21-2008, 10:12 PM
Which you can do with TW

True, but I'll sacrafice that if we can pay about 75 dollars less for tv and internet than what we were paying with time warner.

Das Texan
06-22-2008, 03:11 AM
i like how TW doesnt have WGN in HD those fucks. Discovered that today at the folks house.

I'm used to being able to watch the Cubs in HD now. Fuck you TW. You cheap fucking assholes.

06-22-2008, 02:56 PM
True, but I'll sacrafice that if we can pay about 75 dollars less for tv and internet than what we were paying with time warner.
What you and others do not realize is that there are PLG packages that TW has that are competitive. If you call them and say you want to cancel a core service, or all services, they can offer you these, in fact if you call and ask them how you can lower your bill, they will tell you of the different packages that they have and you can sign up for the one that fits your needs.

06-22-2008, 03:28 PM
i like how TW doesnt have WGN in HD those fucks. Discovered that today at the folks house.

I'm used to being able to watch the Cubs in HD now. Fuck you TW. You cheap fucking assholes.

TWC has 42 channels available with their HD package, and they're adding more seemingly every month. That does not include premium channels or PPV or On Demand channels.

Das Texan
06-22-2008, 04:14 PM
TWC has 42 channels available with their HD package, and they're adding more seemingly every month. That does not include premium channels or PPV or On Demand channels.

ya but they dont have them today, when the competition has it and has had it for months.

all in all TW's HD service in terms of options is horseshit.

06-22-2008, 04:37 PM
What you and others do not realize is that there are PLG packages that TW has that are competitive. If you call them and say you want to cancel a core service, or all services, they can offer you these, in fact if you call and ask them how you can lower your bill, they will tell you of the different packages that they have and you can sign up for the one that fits your needs.

Why don't they advertise these services? Uverse just had to send me a flyer advertising a low price and told me i could order service online...I got the low price without having to haggle with a service rep on the phone...that's easy and worth it to me.

Das Texan
06-22-2008, 05:11 PM
What you and others do not realize is that there are PLG packages that TW has that are competitive. If you call them and say you want to cancel a core service, or all services, they can offer you these, in fact if you call and ask them how you can lower your bill, they will tell you of the different packages that they have and you can sign up for the one that fits your needs.

ya gouge you until you threaten to leave then come up with the magical good services at a good price.

thats why TW sucks.


06-22-2008, 05:44 PM
ya gouge you until you threaten to leave then come up with the magical good services at a good price.

thats why TW sucks.

The difference is these prices are on a contract plan. Where you are locked in for 1-2 yrs. Satellite does a credit check, TW does not. Those higher prices are not a contract price, you can alter those services without penalty, contrary to DTV/Dish. and terminate services without penalty, satellite does not offer that. The subscriber is either all or nothing.

Services, my parents have Direct tv and are complaining about having to pay to have someone repair services, I was there awhile back and there system was down, they were rude, told me I had no idea what I was talking about, and told me that tiling was normal for some customers due to the way it was installed, and would charge my parents to reinstall services, that was Direct TV.

Das Texan
06-22-2008, 05:55 PM
Uverse doesnt have a contract.

06-23-2008, 08:05 AM
TWC-SA has the most HD channels (IIRC) of any TWC area in the country because they're doing everything they can to combat the U-verse push.

I switched over from DirecTV (suspended my acct for now) to uverse the beginning of may. I've had quite a few issues from stupid technicians but the service itself is fine. I have had to have to main STB replaced (bad HD). There have been good and bad things but I believe the bad things were one-time issue type things to get the system set up properly. I'll keep it until at least Halloween and if I'm unhappy with my 6 months, I'll cancel and restart my directv.

Someone mentioned the recording HD while watching HD... Austin had the second HD stream turned on a few weeks ago and SA should be right around the corner if it hasn't been turned on already. I think the make or break is the whole home DVR set up where there is only the one main DVR in the house but then any box in the house will be able to access that one master DVR - last I heard was this was coming early fall.

One small thing I found recently - I've always hated switching services or receivers with the DVR's in them because you have to reschedule all of the recording stuff - so when I was having my uverse one replaced, I wrote down all of the shows set on the DVR, etc... once the new box was installed, I went to add the shows back to the recording list and everything was there already - with uverse, the DVR scheduling/requests/etc are all connected to your acct, not the box/HD itself, so I didn't have to touch a thing. As small and anal as it sounds, it's was huge because I won't have to worry about adding back all of the shows in the fall when they return.

Anyway - that's been my experience. The customer service has sucked on some occasions and we've had issues due to incompetent installers, but now we've called so much we automatically get taken to the upper levels of support and everything have smoothed out (plus all of those one time install problems are fixed).

06-23-2008, 08:51 AM
TWC-SA has the most HD channels (IIRC) of any TWC area in the country because they're doing everything they can to combat the U-verse push.

I switched over from DirecTV (suspended my acct for now) to uverse the beginning of may. I've had quite a few issues from stupid technicians but the service itself is fine. I have had to have to main STB replaced (bad HD). There have been good and bad things but I believe the bad things were one-time issue type things to get the system set up properly. I'll keep it until at least Halloween and if I'm unhappy with my 6 months, I'll cancel and restart my directv.

Someone mentioned the recording HD while watching HD... Austin had the second HD stream turned on a few weeks ago and SA should be right around the corner if it hasn't been turned on already. I think the make or break is the whole home DVR set up where there is only the one main DVR in the house but then any box in the house will be able to access that one master DVR - last I heard was this was coming early fall.

One small thing I found recently - I've always hated switching services or receivers with the DVR's in them because you have to reschedule all of the recording stuff - so when I was having my uverse one replaced, I wrote down all of the shows set on the DVR, etc... once the new box was installed, I went to add the shows back to the recording list and everything was there already - with uverse, the DVR scheduling/requests/etc are all connected to your acct, not the box/HD itself, so I didn't have to touch a thing. As small and anal as it sounds, it's was huge because I won't have to worry about adding back all of the shows in the fall when they return.

Anyway - that's been my experience. The customer service has sucked on some occasions and we've had issues due to incompetent installers, but now we've called so much we automatically get taken to the upper levels of support and everything have smoothed out (plus all of those one time install problems are fixed).

That's awesome to hear, I can't wait. We are also planning on adding a second box to the system so it's good to know everyone will still be able to access the main DVR.

06-26-2008, 11:28 AM
The only problem I've had have been with the remotes losing the universal code from time to time. I am more than glad to be away from TWC. TWC couldn't touch the price I'm paying with U-Verse for both internet and TV.

06-26-2008, 11:34 AM
For those with U-verse, do the Astros games come through in HD? I know the games are broadcast in HD because I got them with DirecTV. On Uverse, the corresponding FSSW HD channel always shows the games in the guide but then has "no programming available" on screen when trying to watch it. I finally called AT&T to complain last night but it got passed on to someone who is supposed to contact me today. I know/assume it's gotta be some sort of allowance issue on their end, but I was wondering if SA had the same problem (I'm in the Austin area).

On another note, I have technician number 6 or so coming out today to replace another STB (without the hard drive though)... the video output freezes sometimes when turning it on and the only way to unfreeze it is to reset the box.

06-26-2008, 11:38 AM
I can't complain, the only thing I can get here is Time Warner....

Mr Dio
06-27-2008, 11:05 AM
I really like that on any day, at anytime, I can watch HD in one room while my girlfirend watches the other HD tv (and most likely a diff channel).

However, I absolutely LOVE having 15Mbs RR internet access & not feeling like I'm stuck in the 1990's. I can compare it to a person driving 75mph or higher & then getting stuck behind granny for a few miles at 55mph, it just seems like you're CRAWLING along......That would is how I feel when I have to use anything under 10Mbs..even 7 is starting to seem archaic. :lol

Mr Dio
06-27-2008, 11:10 AM
The difference is these prices are on a contract plan. Where you are locked in for 1-2 yrs. Satellite does a credit check, TW does not. Those higher prices are not a contract price, you can alter those services without penalty, contrary to DTV/Dish. and terminate services without penalty, satellite does not offer that. The subscriber is either all or nothing.

Services, my parents have Direct tv and are complaining about having to pay to have someone repair services, I was there awhile back and there system was down, they were rude, told me I had no idea what I was talking about, and told me that tiling was normal for some customers due to the way it was installed, and would charge my parents to reinstall services, that was Direct TV.

Having the opportunity to renew the services/contract & have the rate increase by no more than $10 over 6 freakin' yrs is what I might say is a benefit.

I've actually overheard someone in public w/ATT say that the rate they were given via uverse was "for as long as I keep their services"..... Wow, a guaranteed, no change rate for 3, 5, or even 10-20yrs! :lol Can I get that in writing? :rollin

06-27-2008, 01:30 PM
dudes...i got att for cell, landline, and net....but it's all about directv for cable...you cowboys fans are lucky...but i gots to have me some nfl ticket...

06-28-2008, 10:27 AM
I really like that on any day, at anytime, I can watch HD in one room while my girlfirend watches the other HD tv (and most likely a diff channel).

However, I absolutely LOVE having 15Mbs RR internet access & not feeling like I'm stuck in the 1990's. I can compare it to a person driving 75mph or higher & then getting stuck behind granny for a few miles at 55mph, it just seems like you're CRAWLING along......That would is how I feel when I have to use anything under 10Mbs..even 7 is starting to seem archaic. :lol

i just bumped up to 10 from 7 and i don't really notice the difference. I mean 15mbs? How much porn do you need?