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11-05-2007, 03:33 PM
Popovich: Stop Talking Crap, Colangelo
Posted Nov 4th 2007 by Tom Ziller

Spurs coach Gregg Popovich is an affable fellow; always joshing with the media and putting whoopee cushions on Robert Horry's airline seat. But when someone gets his goat -- a referee, James White, Team USA boss Jerry Colangelo -- Pop goes straight Captain Insano. Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo! resets the Colangelo beef, which has been mostly relayed in shadows to this point.
In explaining his choice of [Mike] Krzyzewski over Popovich, sources say, Colangelo infuriated the Spurs coach with the public suggestions that he wasn't as enthusiastic about the job as Duke's coach, that he didn't seem to want it as badly. ... Then, this summer, Colangelo started telling those tales again, and Popovich was irate, sources said. ...

Finally last month, Popovich ripped off a stern letter to Colangelo, copying it to the highest levels of the NBA hierarchy. Those who have seen the letter say that Popovich's message to Colangelo was clear: Stop talking about USA Basketball and me. Popovich told him his side of the story, and told him that he didn't need to respond. Just knock it off.
Let me tell you: You do not want to be on the wrong side of a stern letter from Popovich! You think Darko was vile? Pop spent his military career as a spy in the Eastern bloc. Do not %&@$ with Gregg Popovich, people. In all seriousness, though: Why would you burn San Antonio's bridge with regards to Team USA basketball? Popovich is the best coach in the NBA and has some great assistants; the Spurs franchise is one the national program should be closely aligned with. It may not get you Tim Duncan and it certainly won't get you Tony Parker or Manu Ginobili, but Pop and R.C. Buford are every bit stars as the players.

11-05-2007, 04:17 PM
Colangelo is fucked up I'm tellin' ya

11-05-2007, 04:42 PM

11-05-2007, 05:45 PM
There's already been a thread about this, I believe ...

Cry Havoc
11-06-2007, 03:39 PM
Popovich: Stop Talking Crap, Colangelo
Posted Nov 4th 2007 by Tom Ziller

Spurs coach Gregg Popovich is an affable fellow; always joshing with the media and putting whoopee cushions on Robert Horry's airline seat. But when someone gets his goat -- a referee, James White, Team USA boss Jerry Colangelo -- Pop goes straight Captain Insano. Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo! resets the Colangelo beef, which has been mostly relayed in shadows to this point.
In explaining his choice of [Mike] Krzyzewski over Popovich, sources say, Colangelo infuriated the Spurs coach with the public suggestions that he wasn't as enthusiastic about the job as Duke's coach, that he didn't seem to want it as badly. ... Then, this summer, Colangelo started telling those tales again, and Popovich was irate, sources said. ...

Finally last month, Popovich ripped off a stern letter to Colangelo, copying it to the highest levels of the NBA hierarchy. Those who have seen the letter say that Popovich's message to Colangelo was clear: Stop talking about USA Basketball and me. Popovich told him his side of the story, and told him that he didn't need to respond. Just knock it off.
Let me tell you: You do not want to be on the wrong side of a stern letter from Popovich! You think Darko was vile? Pop spent his military career as a spy in the Eastern bloc. Do not %&@$ with Gregg Popovich, people. In all seriousness, though: Why would you burn San Antonio's bridge with regards to Team USA basketball? Popovich is the best coach in the NBA and has some great assistants; the Spurs franchise is one the national program should be closely aligned with. It may not get you Tim Duncan and it certainly won't get you Tony Parker or Manu Ginobili, but Pop and R.C. Buford are every bit stars as the players.

All that Popovich needs to say in response is, "Have another drink, Jerry!"

11-06-2007, 03:56 PM
James White? what did he do?

11-06-2007, 10:57 PM
his still bitter over spurs 05 championship....pussy