View Full Version : Not everyone has a roof over their head and it's damn cold...

12-22-2004, 11:04 PM
...and that's something that everyone should think about especially considering the time of year it is. If you have any extra blankets or winter clothing that is just taking up space in your home, don't hesitate to take a drive downtown and eitehr donate it to a shelter or simply find a homeless person down there and hand it to them. They don't bite and they are all over the place down there.

I made 2 trips outside today and it was brutal and this is only the very begining of the cold weather. It's going to get worse.

Help someone out if you can.

Kori Ellis
12-24-2004, 12:23 PM
Mouse, this was a very nice thread and you are ruining it with your tasteless jokes. You always said, you don't mind if you get your posts deleted as long as you are given an explanation.

This is my explanation.


12-24-2004, 12:25 PM
MOUSE!! The Danny De Vito stunt double! I knew it was your Maverick loving arse.. I hope you have a great Christmas man.. you need it.

12-24-2004, 12:34 PM
...and that's something that everyone should think about especially considering the time of year it is. If you have any extra blankets or winter clothing that is just taking up space in your home, don't hesitate to take a drive downtown and eitehr donate it to a shelter or simply find a homeless person down there and hand it to them. They don't bite and they are all over the place down there.

I made 2 trips outside today and it was brutal and this is only the very begining of the cold weather. It's going to get worse.

Help someone out if you can.
You think it's cold in San Antonio now?

Come up to Philly, and you'll think it's the north pole.
10 times colder up here.

baseline bum
12-24-2004, 12:50 PM
Homeless people need booze, not blankets.

12-24-2004, 01:23 PM
This is a sad, but a true topic thank you Manny for reminding us how good we have it.
And may God Bless You.

12-24-2004, 01:53 PM
Thanks for the reminder.
It is so easy for us to get into the "material" part of Christmas that we forget that the simple act of giving to someone who is less fortunate is what it is all about.

T Park
12-24-2004, 02:31 PM
Some homeless deserve the help.

Some? Choose to be there and I have zero compassion for them.

Help the ones out that cant help being there...

12-24-2004, 02:44 PM
Some homeless deserve the help.

Some? Choose to be there and I have zero compassion for them.

Help the ones out that cant help being there...

And how do we tell the difference? True compassion can't tell.

12-24-2004, 02:45 PM
Some homeless deserve the help.

Some? Choose to be there and I have zero compassion for them.

Help the ones out that cant help being there...

There's no one that deserves zero compassion. NOt even you.

Merry Christmas Eric.

T Park
12-24-2004, 02:49 PM
Someone that doesnt want the help???

Like when you employ a few of those people and they quit in the middle of the night.

Or, lets see, you give them room and board, free uniform, and money for the first three days, all you ask them to do is a simple job, and they quit?? Because "the work is too hard"

Sorry, get in my situation and you dont have much compassion.

Its life, deal with it.

12-24-2004, 03:03 PM
I'm just saying that I for one cannot make that distinction based on what I see.
How can I possibly know what that person has gone through?
I know that what I've done is good in my heart and what that person does with it beyond my control.
I agree its life, deal with it.
Merry Christmas.

Duff McCartney
12-24-2004, 03:31 PM
Sorry, get in my situation and you dont have much compassion.

What situation? Being born with a silver spoon in your mouth? Wow...I'd hate to think that had I been born with rich parents, I'd lose my compassion. I'm glad I wasn't born rich.

12-24-2004, 04:08 PM
Watch what you say,Unless you want to be edited also. :angel

12-24-2004, 05:36 PM
Mouse, this was a very nice thread and you are ruining it with your tasteless jokes. You always said, you don't mind if you get your posts deleted as long as you are given an explanation.

This is my explanation.


This message is hidden because mouse is on your ignore list.

Now, more than ever. :elephant

red kryptonite
12-25-2004, 01:34 AM
What situation? Being born with a silver spoon in your mouth? Wow...I'd hate to think that had I been born with rich parents, I'd lose my compassion. I'm glad I wasn't born rich.

I wouldn't exactly call Tpark rich. He hasn't paid for Xpertleagues yet and the season is 1 day from being finished.

T Park
12-25-2004, 02:32 AM
I wasnt born witha silver spoon asshole.

Me and my family have BUSTED, and I mean, freakin BUSTED our asses for what we have.

Of course you you wouldnt know of the thousands of dollars me, my family, and company donate.

Elf Louise, Jerry's Kids, St Judes Hospital.

Fuck you, I wasnt born rich, I apreciate every single thing I have.

Thats why, when I see people who I fucking hire, who have nothing, piss it away, because "I dont like the hours" Or cant stop drinking during work hours or other BS.

FUCK YOU Duff, you wouldnt know the first thing about busting your ass, you sit at a desk and read fuckin books and listen to lectures all day.

WTF would you know.

T Park
12-25-2004, 02:35 AM
He hasn't paid for Xpertleagues yet and the season is 1 day from being finished.

What are you the freakin accountant??

12-25-2004, 05:17 AM
Damn! Happy Holidays to you too TPark

Duff McCartney
12-25-2004, 06:00 AM
WTF would you know.

I know your rich enough to afford 4000 dollar Spurs seasons tickets and then bitch that the Spurs don't give enough back to you.

Talk about being born with a silver spoon. I'm sure you're family has busted it's ass to get the money...but you haven't. That's what being born with a silver spoon is about.

Kori Ellis
12-25-2004, 11:48 AM
What are you the freakin accountant??

No, he's not. But I have to pay out people this week. So it would be nice to have the money. Or at least a response to the 10 messages I've sent about the $50.

12-25-2004, 12:50 PM
No, he's not. But I have to pay out people this week. So it would be nice to have the money. Or at least a response to the 10 messages I've sent about the $50.

Are you @ home right now? I totally forgot to drop off the $10 last night.

red kryptonite
12-25-2004, 03:13 PM
Tpark - it's me Kris. I found out when I collected on the points championship money.

T Park
12-25-2004, 06:24 PM
oh congrats.

What happened FSP Writer lol.

[QUOTE]Talk about being born with a silver spoon. I'm sure you're family has busted it's ass to get the money...but you haven't. That's what being born with a silver spoon is about[QUOTE]

You fuckin shitface.

Yo wouldnt know work if it hit you in the goddamn face.

You try getting up at 7 30 AM bustin your ass all day and not gettin to bed till 3 AM.

You try that about 3 times a week and the rest of the week up at 8 am and to bed at 1.

You wouldnt last three days at my job.

Silver Spoon my ass, kiss off asshole.

T Park
12-25-2004, 06:26 PM
Damn! Happy Holidays to you too TPark

Give it a rest.

You get accused of the same BS, and see if you "send a strongly worded letter" or , "give them a piece of your mind"


12-25-2004, 07:23 PM

You bring it on yourself dude. Seriously. There are times when you just say stupid shit that offends a lot of people.

I'm sure you work very hard at whatever it is that you do, and we give you a lot of shit about the silver spoon. But on the whole, the bashing that comes from me you earn on account of the way you run your mouth on things you know absolutely know nothing about.

You spend a day in the shoes of a homeless person and then sit there and tell me how easy it is to pull yourself up by those very bootstraps. Maybe you do work hard, I don't know. But from what it seems, you've had a much easier road than many to wealth due to your parents work. And there's nothing wrong with that. But by the same token you should realize that things aren't always as simple as you would believe. Shit happens to people and it's not always the easiest thing to get back on track.

Merry Christmas.

P.S. Duff, speaking about working hard. Have you payed back Jim yet? And some people in here wonder if you actually went to your classes. How did your academic hard work pay off this semester? 4.0 GPA no doubt.

12-25-2004, 09:51 PM
Talk about being born with a silver spoon. I'm sure you're family has busted it's ass to get the money...but you haven't. That's what being born with a silver spoon is about[QUOTE]

You fuckin shitface.

Yo wouldnt know work if it hit you in the goddamn face.

You try getting up at 7 30 AM bustin your ass all day and not gettin to bed till 3 AM.

You try that about 3 times a week and the rest of the week up at 8 am and to bed at 1.

You wouldnt last three days at my job.

Silver Spoon my ass, kiss off asshole.

Funny how this can stay in a topic but my jokes can't? And I Ruined this topic? I am not sure if this is bias.... or just a poor moderating.

maybe a little of both? what happened to the Delta House I remember?

12-25-2004, 09:59 PM
I didn't know the carnival started at 730 am. Damn, I can beat the rush and ride all the rides before everybody wakes up.

Tpark, you got an escalade, 4000 dollar tickets to the spurs and a plasma screen, dude, how bout some free duckets to the carnival?

Hook a brotha up.

Duff McCartney
12-26-2004, 01:02 AM
And some people in here wonder if you actually went to your classes. How did your academic hard work pay off this semester? 4.0 GPA no doubt.

I passed them all...if that's what you're asking.

12-26-2004, 04:24 AM
I passed them all...if that's what you're asking.

D is for Diploma.

Duff McCartney
12-26-2004, 03:07 PM
I didn't get any Ds. Ds are failing at my school.

12-26-2004, 03:29 PM
I've got a handfull of Bs at SAC, but the classes there are insanely easy. I'm a handfull of B's away from a 4.0.

If you got any C's, well then I'd say it's time to get acquainted with academic Hard Work

Das Texan
12-26-2004, 03:55 PM
what a fun topic.

as far as homeless people and drinking especially...its called a disease. Just like eating is to the overeating, smoking is to the smoker. You cant simply tell the alcholic homeless man, here is a job, now quit drinking and goto work. Its called a change in lifestyle, it doesnt fucking happen overnight, no matter how fucking commited you are.
