View Full Version : What play hurt you the most? 0.4 or 06's foul?

11-13-2007, 01:50 PM
i think it will be cool to know everyone's opinion on this one so we have a say from wise...

11-13-2007, 01:51 PM
make it a poll

11-13-2007, 01:51 PM
the foul

11-13-2007, 01:52 PM
06 Foul, because it is something that the players could have controlled and Ginobili did not play smart, so it's a bummer, because we were 10 seconds away from going to the WCF.

We played 0.4 perfectly, there is no other way we could have played it, unless we knew what was going to happen beforehand and denied Fisher the ball. Manu played Fisher perfectly on that play.

George Gervin's Afro
11-13-2007, 01:52 PM
tough one... id i had to choose it would be the foul because , in effect, it ended our season. concerning the .04 incident we still had the chance to win game 6 in LA and we folded..

11-13-2007, 01:53 PM
make it a poll
was working on it plz vote!

11-13-2007, 01:56 PM
Manu's foul. That was something under our control, and we made a mistake.

.4 beat us and was really disheartening, especially after our own near miracle play from TD, but there was just not much we could have done. It hurts less when people beat you than when you beat yourself.

11-13-2007, 01:58 PM
0.4 hurt more. The Spurs made a great comeback in that game, Duncan hit the miracle falling down shot, Lakers fans started leaving the SBC Center, all was well... T'wolves in the WCF, what a joke

11-13-2007, 01:59 PM
Although I'm not a Spurs fan, from my viewpoint, the foul hurts, because everytime i look back, that was such a special and memorable year, only to have it all overlooked by our finals loss... as special as it was to finally beat the Spurs, it hurts knowing that ultimately it was completely meaningless.

Walter Craparita
11-13-2007, 02:01 PM
.4 second shot. Only because it came right after Duncan's greatest shot.

Horry For 3!
11-13-2007, 02:04 PM
For sure, Fisher's 0.4 shot because we didn't have a chance to win after that. Plus I thought we had to game won after Timmy's shot. So I was riding high on good emotional until fuckin Fisher made the shit.

Even with Manu's foul, we still had a chance to win and it even went into OT but didn't pull it off.

11-13-2007, 02:14 PM
For me, personally, 0.4.

Partly because I didn't watch game 7 of 2006 WCSF - I was too angry and upset to be able to sit down through it. Between stupid mistakes on the Spurs parts, ineffective defense and a plethora of bad calls, I was simply unable to watch it and maintain my sanity.

But the Mavs weren't the same rival or threat until after they beat us, the Lakers were still a rival that year. That game WAS the series. The foul didn't make me physically ill (the whole series did though), 0.4 did. Yeah.

11-13-2007, 02:16 PM
they both pissed me off equally

11-13-2007, 02:24 PM
Even before the foul, I never really felt like that game was in hand for the Spurs. Frankly, without the foul, I'd give it a 50/50 shot the Mavs still win the game anyway.

0.4 was against my most hated team of all time, and the sheer luck of it made it worse for me than anything, because 9,999,999 times out of 10,000,000 that shit doesn't happen.

11-13-2007, 02:44 PM
The clock was incorrect for 0.4 shot, so it's not that bad. I think the foul hurt worse, because I wouldn't give the Mavs a 50/50 shot after that point.

11-13-2007, 02:45 PM
I can't pick between the two, they are both pretty sad.

.4 shouldn't have happened, the NBA even changed the rules to make sure it don't again...
and that foul was just bonehead... give him the layup.. and we win off free throws...

11-13-2007, 02:46 PM
pps- time delayed replay shows the backboard being red and the ball on fisher's tips.. so yeah id say the foul now that i think more on it..

11-13-2007, 02:49 PM
Neither. We played like dogshit both games and we didn't deserve to win. We underachieved and I hate that more than anything.

We had to bust ass to make the games close. And for the last time, Manu did not cause us to lose the game. If he doen't foul Dirk, its a one point game with plenty of time for the Mavs to play a FT contest game with us.

Plus, they were known to hit 3's so it was not a given. Manu had just given us the lead with his last 3. Dumb foul but no way did it cost us the game. We had the last shot of regulation AND lost in OT.

With D-fish's shot, I had spent the first half pissed and disgusted at our effort and mistakes. Again, Manu did his best along with Parker to get us back in the game but it was only Game 5. We still could have won 6 and forced a game 7. We just weren't good enough.

What really hurts the most was us losing to Portland in David's rookie year. We played our asses off against a more experienced team and blew it at the end because of a careless pass and a questionable break away foul. We owned Portland at home and took them to OT and 2OT in Portland. That series was tough.

Doug Collins
11-13-2007, 02:58 PM
The foul because it gave Mav fan carte blanche to talk trash and made them into even bigger douchebags, which I didn't think was possible.

703 Spurz
11-13-2007, 02:59 PM
tough one... id i had to choose it would be the foul because , in effect, it ended our season. concerning the .04 incident we still had the chance to win game 6 in LA and we folded..

But we also went into OT against Dallas and won that (and didn't).

Worst one though was .4 b/c when TD made the insane long distance shot, you couldn't help but think that the Spurs had won the game. Then Fisher tears our fucking hearts out :toast

11-13-2007, 03:14 PM
If we don't foul, we win the WCF. Period.

When Fisher hit the .o4, we still could have won the series but were further away from the Finals.

11-13-2007, 03:22 PM
On the mavs game, everyone was playing terrible but Manu, was Manu, and only Manu the only reason we were so close to win it. He played amazing, and when he plays like that he makes a few mistakes here and there since he takes more risks. Yes, the fould hurted me, but it wasn't a dagger to the heart like the 0.4 shoot, not even close.

Everyone will remenber 06 as the season manu fucked up, that bothers me, i remenber 06 as the season everyone chocked but Manu. He almost saved our asses, and just because he didn't won at the end he's supposed to be the bad guy of the movie.

baseline bum
11-13-2007, 03:24 PM
Why do we have this thread every month or two? Quit being such whining bitches; the team has had and continues to have such success, and still everyone wants to dwell on a couple of losses.

11-13-2007, 03:26 PM
.4 because not only was it the fucking Lakers, but Karl Malone too. I kind of figured that at some point the Mavs would beat in the playoffs. For whatever reason I just didn't have a championship vibe in 06. I was feeling it in 04 and when Duncan put in that shot it was like MDM 2.0. Then it felt like the entire rug, the floor, the subfloor, and most of the concrete slab our apartment was built on was yanked out from under me.

baseline bum
11-13-2007, 03:27 PM
On the mavs game, everyone was playing terrible but Manu, was Manu, and only Manu the only reason we were so close to win it. He played amazing, and when he plays like that he makes a few mistakes here and there since he takes more risks. Yes, the fould hurted me, but it wasn't a dagger to the heart like the 0.4 shoot, not even close.

T.Duncan C 49:33 12-24 0-1 17-23 6 9 15 6 4 1 3 3 41

11-13-2007, 03:30 PM
Why do we have this thread every month or two? Quit being such whining bitches; the team has had and continues to have such success, and still everyone wants to dwell on a couple of losses.

Because it could have very well meant 2 more rings, 6 in the last 9, and working on their 7th. It's not about being "whiney bitches," it's more about reminding ourselves what could've been, and there's nothing wrong with that. No one is crying, no one is bitching, and since Fisher is coming into town, it's only fitting.

11-13-2007, 03:33 PM
.4 hurt more for some reason. The Spurs just collapsed four games in a row. But I get the feeling if they won that game they would have finished it in 7.

11-13-2007, 03:38 PM
I hate people always talk about Manu's 06 foul. :ihit

You could say that it might be not a smart foul now because we knew the outcome. :blah

During a game, anything could happen. If manu's foul was sucessful, it might be a great foul because Dirk might miss one freethrow and Mavs might shoot a three points or something like that. :rolleyes

This is who Manu is. Never be afraid of failure! :)

11-13-2007, 03:39 PM
With .4 I was just more SHOCKED than anything, but I got over it pretty quick.

I mean, .4 didn't WIN the f'kn series.

11-13-2007, 04:06 PM
for me it was easily .4 game. i was at the game in 06 when ginobili fouled. we still could have won in OT. but i still remember .4 very well and i wasn't at that game. I just went from being on such a high when duncan scored to almost feeling like my dog had just got run over right in front of my eyes in disbelief when fisher scored. its not even close for me.

11-13-2007, 04:50 PM
The foul. :depressed .04 was a miracle shot out of our control whereas the team/Manu was specifically instructed not to foul :nope regardless of circumstances. No foul and we win. :bang Some say that we had a chance to win in OT and that's theorectically true but the Spurs were dead tired with - IMO - little if any chance of winning in OT. Also we pretty much would have gone on and beat the Heat and got our back -to - back Championships. So all the talk about wheter the Spurs are or aren't a dynasty would be moot.

11-13-2007, 05:01 PM
The foul. The Spurs would likely have defeated Miami and the Spurs would have the threepeat now.

11-13-2007, 05:10 PM
0.4 was against my most hated team of all time, and the sheer luck of it made it worse for me than anything, because 9,999,999 times out of 10,000,000 that shit doesn't happen.

Bringing up shots that occur only once a millinium, which shot do you think would be more likely to happen again, Elliot's Memorial Day Miracle, or the .04 shot by Fischer?

Dirk Nowitzki
11-13-2007, 05:22 PM
I would say that the foul had to be more heartbreaking...well except for me. Ah great memory of being at that game!! :clap :clap :clap

11-13-2007, 06:10 PM
I can't pick one. They were both awesome!

11-13-2007, 07:08 PM
Fischer's shot.

Game 7 in 06, we played like shit the first half basically and I was pretty disguisted. I knew that after we made a strong run the 2nd half that the mavs would have their run come OT. I knew we were going to lose in OT so it didn't shock me as much as Fischer's lucky shot.

11-13-2007, 07:09 PM
.4 no doubt, it was so much worse because Timmy hit that miracle and you thought there was no way in hell the Spurs could lose and everyone was so happy and confident and then BAM, everyone was shocked.

11-13-2007, 07:12 PM
.4 for sure. I was bitter for months.

11-13-2007, 07:12 PM
Fisher's shot hurt more. For two reasons. One, Duncan had just made that amazing shot to take the lead at the end of the game. Second, because as much as I hate the Mavs, i hated the Lakers more. They were classless, whether as winners or losers.

11-13-2007, 07:19 PM

the .4 seconds shot was the hardest thing to take because it was totally out of our control and we got robbed.

I don't even consider the foul as something bad as you can't say we lost because Manu fouled at the wrong time. That series was probably the most difficult series of all the rings we won. We were hanging in there just by not much - we got outplayed in several games. The entire team made mistakes. You can't just say we lost because such and such players made a bad decision. If you do that, then you don't believe in basketball being a team sport and you should probably watch chess.

11-13-2007, 07:23 PM
The Manu foul hurts me more because that was a game 7. Sure we still had OT but we had a great shot to pull off an amazing comeback in the series and almost assuredly would have won the title that year had we beaten Dallas. I agree with the people that say Detroit would have gave us trouble in the Finals in 04, that team was better than the one we played in the 05 Finals in my opinion.

I don't know about the rest of you, but the 3-1 series hole to Dallas really bothered me. I couldn't sleep at night on the days between games. All I could think about was the next game. Having your hopes go from rock bottom to sky high and then back to rock bottom over the course of a seven game series, especially with the way that one ended, will eternally be much more painful than Derek Fisher's miracle shot.

Fisher's shot was in a game 5. That means we had two more games and the 7th would have been at home. All we had to do was go on the road and beat them in LA once to get the clincher at home. The .4 shot was tough to swallow but continuing to bitch about it now, in 2007, is pretty hypocritical seeing how most of us blast Suns fans for whining about the Horry foul and suspensions costing them a series when they too still had two games to mount a comeback and failed to do it.

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
11-13-2007, 07:49 PM
Neither. We played like dogshit both games and we didn't deserve to win. We underachieved and I hate that more than anything.

We had to bust ass to make the games close. And for the last time, Manu did not cause us to lose the game. If he doen't foul Dirk, its a one point game with plenty of time for the Mavs to play a FT contest game with us.

Plus, they were known to hit 3's so it was not a given. Manu had just given us the lead with his last 3. Dumb foul but no way did it cost us the game. We had the last shot of regulation AND lost in OT.

With D-fish's shot, I had spent the first half pissed and disgusted at our effort and mistakes. Again, Manu did his best along with Parker to get us back in the game but it was only Game 5. We still could have won 6 and forced a game 7. We just weren't good enough.

+ 1

also, in game 7, I was at least glad the Spurs didn't fold when they were getting blown by 20 in the first half (though that really disappointed me :pctoss ) So when Manu made that foul. It hurt a lot against the team, but we were fortunate enough to bounce back and win the championship the next year to redeem that mistake. So eh, human error on Manu's part; it's forgivable. Can't really blame the guy who helped bring you back in game, and put you ahead with the 3, seconds earlier. Let alone helped win some championships.
It's one of those regrettable things, where you have to keep telling yourself, that even if we were on the cusp of advancing, " 'almost succeeded', still doesn't cut it. " and you really can't win them all. Also, I think the Spurs that year were putting a lot of pressure on themselves to repeat, more than was warranted. It was still a game. I think they're more Horry-like (Manu included) now in attitude, after winning the '07 ship'.

The 0.4 shot gutted me,because that year...it made me sick because the game/series was such a rollercoaster. When the Spurs won the first two games, I was convinced we had the Lakers number, (let alone they had Karl Malone on the team!). I was also really pissed off during game 6 after 0.4, and to me the Spurs were still be considered soft that year, regardless if they were demoralized.
I think after 2005, they eliminated those demons, because on the brink of elimination down 3-1, they actually forced a game 7 against a better team, by sheer will. Mavs outplaying us in OT proved to me, they had the edge over us. If you're too tired to not win in OT you don't deserve the win. Luckily Pop learned and then regulated the minutes of his older vets/and our stars with more attentiveness the following year.
I also despise the Lakers' swagger more than the Mavs swagger. The Mavs vibe really weren't that bad in 06, because I still respected them as a team. (When they lost in the Finals, they became more douchebaggy, but) they certainly don't have that same repulsiveness as the Lakers. Mark Cuban is just an asshat. Phil Jackson, Shaq, Kobes, trickling down to the other Laker players; all assholes.
So yeah, definitely 0.4 was more painful.

I'm just glad that neither the Lakers nor the Mavs won the championship in the years they eliminated us.

11-13-2007, 08:01 PM
.4 because it was fuckin obvious that if its not an alley-oop attempt at the rim then Fisher was going to get the ball. He had the quickest release of anybody on the court for them and more importantly is left handed.

even if there never was .4 though and the Spurs win the series in 7 they would not have won the NBA Title, the Pistons were a better team that year.

Losing game 7 vs the Mavs, not the Manu foul, cost us a NBA Title. The opportunity to win that game was still there even after the foul, we just got beat in OT.

11-13-2007, 08:05 PM
.4 second shot. Only because it came right after Duncan's greatest shot.

That shot was something else. I didnt think he would make it.

11-13-2007, 08:17 PM
The 0.4 shot, if only because it's against the evil empire itself, Shaq-Kobe Lakers.

Sp Ginobili 20
11-13-2007, 08:23 PM
The foul.

11-13-2007, 08:24 PM
The foul.

You can tip your hat to a lucky shot but to foul when you were told not to foul in the timeout right before hurts.

11-13-2007, 08:25 PM
.4 for me was worse. The Lakers were much more of a rival than Dallas. I really fucking despised the Lakers. And top that off with Karl "Elbow" Malone being on that team.

I was at a GTG watching that game and half the guys there were Lakers fans. After Tim's shot, us Spurs fans were really celebrating while the other guys just stood there in disbelief. In a matter of .4 second, it was a complete reversal of celebrating. Those fucking guys would not shut up the rest of the night and all I could do was stand there and listen to their shit. That loss still stings to this day. :depressed

11-13-2007, 08:33 PM
Nothing. Both led to eventual championships.

11-14-2007, 11:04 AM
it seems it's official that for Spurstalk.com the 0.4 shot was the the play that hurt us the most.. the poll speaks by itself... it was a close one though

11-14-2007, 01:18 PM
.04 < Spurs quitting in that series

foul < Pop going smallball

The team had opportunities before and after those plays to win. They didn't do it. Smallball ranks right up there for me with The Drive and The Catch for worst fan experiences.

11-14-2007, 02:13 PM
I was at that game 7 against dallas. I was elated when the spurs took that lead and all they had to do was keep dallas from scoring three points...i wanted to shoot myself when i watched that play unfold...

Worst moment in spurs fandom for me...period...

11-14-2007, 02:19 PM
I hate people always talk about Manu's 06 foul. :ihit

You could say that it might be not a smart foul now because we knew the outcome. :blah

During a game, anything could happen. If manu's foul was sucessful, it might be a great foul because Dirk might miss one freethrow and Mavs might shoot a three points or something like that. :rolleyes

This is who Manu is. Never be afraid of failure! :)

This is absurd...the mavs were down by three points...they cuold have left the entire inside opena nd just crowded the three point line...let them score their two points and then hold the ball...game over...there was no what if situations...just dont let them shoot a three, and dont foul on any other shot...

end of story...

11-14-2007, 02:36 PM
The way that Mavs team was clicking it's hard to say if the Spurs would have won even if Manu hadnt fouled. I remember in the first quarter of that game it seemed like the Mavs simply could not miss. It was sickening. they shot over 70% i think.
They just had the Spurs number. Pop going small didn't help matters either.
as a consolation, I fall back on the fact that the Spurs went down swinging. They didn't concede, came back from 20 down to take a 3-point lead with 30 sec. left, and the Mavs had to play out of there minds to win. I foresee a playoff rematch in the near future.

11-14-2007, 02:45 PM
I'm not a Spurs fan either (obviously), but I don't see how this is even a close question. As many have mentioned, Manu's foul did not occur at the very end of a game when the Spurs had it wrapped up for sure. Even without that foul the Mavs still could have easily won.

I also completely disagree with the "beating yourselves" argument. The Mavs beat the Spurs in OT, which they pretty much dominated. The Mavs beat the Spurs, fair and square.

.4 was after most of you probably were already celebrating a victory. How does that not hurt worse?

11-14-2007, 02:59 PM
I'm not a Spurs fan either (obviously), but I don't see how this is even a close question. As many have mentioned, Manu's foul did not occur at the very end of a game when the Spurs had it wrapped up for sure. Even without that foul the Mavs still could have easily won.

I also completely disagree with the "beating yourselves" argument. The Mavs beat the Spurs in OT, which they pretty much dominated. The Mavs beat the Spurs, fair and square.

.4 was after most of you probably were already celebrating a victory. How does that not hurt worse?
check the poll results buddy it actually did hurt more... (so far so good)

11-14-2007, 04:03 PM
The foul, becasue it was called on one end and not on the other.

The "media" all said that the refs made the right call when Dirt got fouled, and said the refs made the right no-call when Tim got fouled because "...the game shouldnt be decided on fouls at the end."

Even though it was.

11-14-2007, 04:19 PM
I've never seen a foul called at the end of a game. I didn't expect the refs to call a foul then either.
Manu made a huge error, but we had a chance in OT and didn't produce. End of story.

That is why I chose Fischer's shot. It was a lucky, one in a million shot that we had no control over.

11-14-2007, 04:23 PM
This is like asking would you rather get kicked in the junk repeatedly until death or would you rather be burned alive.

However, I do think that if .4 would have happened with the Manu of today guarding Fisher, Manu would have probably blocked the shot. Back then, Manu gave him a pretty clean look for knowing he had to shoot the ball right when he caught it . . .


11-14-2007, 05:50 PM
This is like asking would you rather get kicked in the junk repeatedly until death or would you rather be burned alive.

However, I do think that if .4 would have happened with the Manu of today guarding Fisher, Manu would have probably blocked the shot. Back then, Manu gave him a pretty clean look for knowing he had to shoot the ball right when he caught it . . .

so... what you're trying to say here was that Manu was guilty on both? :madrun

11-14-2007, 06:42 PM

After Tim's huge shot, Fisher makin that bullshit sucked ass.

The foul didn't hurt as bad because I was already pissed the entire series after seeing how bullshit the refs were the entire series. My hopes were already fucked earlier in that series before they came back.

11-14-2007, 06:46 PM
This is like asking would you rather get kicked in the junk repeatedly until death or would you rather be burned alive.

However, I do think that if .4 would have happened with the Manu of today guarding Fisher, Manu would have probably blocked the shot. Back then, Manu gave him a pretty clean look for knowing he had to shoot the ball right when he caught it . . .

:stirpot:I don't afree with that...I don't think Manu would have even tried to block the shot, he would have done exactly what he did in 04. He played Fisher perfectly, putting both of his hands up in his face. Trying to block the shot (with 0.4 rediculous bullshit seconds that really expired before he shot it but the NBA sucks) can put the defender in a situation to get a foul called, whether it's a bullshit call or not. Then Fisher has 2 foul shots.

11-14-2007, 06:53 PM
its funny that the spurs have 2 horrible plays that have fucked up an entire season and almost certainly two more titles... not all teams can be so lucky, but it is just so frustrating to look back on both of those and try to decide which was worse.

For me it was .4, I was at a restaurant with my family (in los angeles) andwe were getting our butts kicked all game and we finally came back and Duncan hit one of the greatest shots of his career in my opinion I was shocked. Look that play up on YouTube again... over shaq? it was amazing!

My mom was drunk as hell talking shit to all the laker fans like cheering for those 5 minutes during all those timeouts that were called and I was like... there is no way in hell we don't win this game.

we all know what happened after that, leaving that restaurant sucked..

11-14-2007, 08:00 PM
its funny that the spurs have 2 horrible plays that have fucked up an entire season and almost certainly two more titles... not all teams can be so lucky, but it is just so frustrating to look back on both of those and try to decide which was worse.

For me it was .4, I was at a restaurant with my family (in los angeles) andwe were getting our butts kicked all game and we finally came back and Duncan hit one of the greatest shots of his career in my opinion I was shocked. Look that play up on YouTube again... over shaq? it was amazing!

My mom was drunk as hell talking shit to all the laker fans like cheering for those 5 minutes during all those timeouts that were called and I was like... there is no way in hell we don't win this game.

we all know what happened after that, leaving that restaurant sucked..

"One lucky shot deserves another."

I can't still believe how the NBA allowed this to happen. The biggest robbery ever in NBA history. It would have been the most clutch Duncan's shot ever.

11-15-2007, 09:18 AM
i would like to be able to close the poll of this thread as i think it's obvious that 0.4 owns 06 foul... Kori? help anyone?

11-15-2007, 09:28 AM
After Tim's huge shot, Fisher makin that bullshit sucked ass.
Tim's shot was equal bullshit.

11-15-2007, 09:29 AM
I can't still believe how the NBA allowed this to happen. The biggest robbery ever in NBA history. It would have been the most clutch Duncan's shot ever.

Are you serious? You are complaining that the NBA allowed Fisher to hit that shot?

11-15-2007, 09:45 AM
I've never seen a foul called at the end of a game. I didn't expect the refs to call a foul then either.
Manu made a huge error, but we had a chance in OT and didn't produce. End of story.

That is why I chose Fischer's shot. It was a lucky, one in a million shot that we had no control over.
No fouls at end of games? It's happened to us before except it was a bullshit foul. Check out the Washington-Spurs playoff game for the WCF.

If Manu doesn't foul Dirk, we're ahead by one. We put the ball in Manu's hands and he gets fouled. Game over. No overtime.

11-15-2007, 09:49 AM
The foul. We no doubt would have gone on to win the Title in 06, and we had crawled back from the dead in that series. If we would have just let him go to the hole and dunk ti we could have gotten out of there. It could have been avoided.

The .04 was just one of those shots. Sometimes, you just have to sit back and go, man we did everything right but we got beat by "one of those shots." The type of shot that is just going to go in regardless. A follow-on to that, is that I don't believe we would have beaten Detroit that year, so it may have been a blessing.

11-15-2007, 09:50 AM
No fouls at end of games? It's happened to us before except it was a bullshit foul. Check out the Washington-Spurs playoff game for the WCF.

If Manu doesn't foul Dirk, we're ahead by one. We put the ball in Manu's hands and he gets fouled. Game over. No overtime.
When the Mavs inbounded the ball, there was 32.2 seconds left. Plenty of time for at least another 2 possessions and fouls for the Mavericks. The game would not have been over by any means.

11-15-2007, 09:51 AM
.4 - without a doubt.

11-15-2007, 09:53 AM
.04 cost the spurs a 3peat

06 cost the spurs a repeat

both cost the spurs a chance to make history

11-15-2007, 01:24 PM
Bigdickski's foul bc even in 04 the Spurs could have prevailed in game 6.

11-15-2007, 01:53 PM
At the time it occurred--0.4--too much of an emotional roller coaster of a game

In retrospect: the foul--without it, all the naysayers about the Spurs being a dynasty wouldn't have the no-repeat ammo

11-15-2007, 04:56 PM
That foul almost killed me. I knew the game was lost after that and it was the right call, and game 7 was fairly called (we got totally reamed in other games).

Honestly the .4 I was just glad kobe didn't hit it. We lost the series 4-2 anyway and it Manu and TP probably are on our team because of it (they would have been too expensive to resign had we won the championship).

11-15-2007, 05:05 PM
i would like to be able to close the poll of this thread as i think it's obvious that 0.4 owns 06 foul... Kori? help anyone?

What do you mean 'owns' the other one? You asked what hurts 'you' the most. There is no right answer.

11-15-2007, 05:15 PM
Tim's shot was equal bullshit.

Tim's shot was one of the greatest ever - few players are capable of throw it like he did, and he has done it time and again. Several times, but it was even bigger because Shaq was all over his face. I don't see any BS on his shot. It was calculated.

11-15-2007, 05:16 PM

Are you serious? You are complaining that the NBA allowed Fisher to hit that shot?


11-30-2007, 12:51 PM
This is absurd...the mavs were down by three points...they cuold have left the entire inside opena nd just crowded the three point line...let them score their two points and then hold the ball...game over...there was no what if situations...just dont let them shoot a three, and dont foul on any other shot...

end of story...

Absurd ? Why do you think dirk was going for the quick 2 in the first place ? They had more than enough time to force the Spurs to make FT's. It was DIRK, remember, that drove for a layup.

11-30-2007, 12:54 PM
Tim's shot was one of the greatest ever - few players are capable of throw it like he did, and he has done it time and again. Several times, but it was even bigger because Shaq was all over his face. I don't see any BS on his shot. It was calculated.
:rolleyes homer.

11-30-2007, 12:54 PM
Congrats. You're a dumbass.

11-30-2007, 01:11 PM
" The foul "

Regarding .4, the clock started too late; but again, with .4 left, it's hard to start the clock as soon as the player catches the ball.

NBA Junkie
11-30-2007, 01:59 PM
The Fisher shot was worse. Time ran out. The Mavs game was still winnable, but Dallas was the better team after "the foul".

That said, there's no doubt in my mind that the Spurs win the title in '04 and '06 had they won those two games. It just wasn't to be.

11-30-2007, 02:30 PM
Think about how long .4 seconds really is. It is less than half of one second. It takes longer to blink your freakin eyes than .4 seconds. .4 seconds isn't time to do anything. ANYTHING. It's practically over before it starts. .4 seconds. Four tenths of one freakin second! The Backboard should have lit up red as soon as the ball touched Fisher's hands.