View Full Version : The Dethalbum

11-17-2007, 06:14 PM
Has any one of the metal heads here had a chance to listen to the Dethklok album? I'm not really a fan of Metalocalypse as it's a little too dark,
but the album release was a couple of months back.

I think it's better than a lot of bands in the same genre. Brendan Small is a really talented guy. He played all of the tracks with the exception of the drums which was done by Gene Hoglan.

http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61EKUHrpoBL._AA240_.jpg (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000UGG38W/ref=dp_image_0/002-1305281-4923264?ie=UTF8&n=5174&s=music)