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View Full Version : What would happen if Iran released 1,500 Al Qaeda members?

11-27-2007, 05:59 PM
We'd attack them tomorrow. But good thing it was Saudi Arabia that did it. Because then its not a bad thing.

Bush logic i saidd.


Saudi Arabia Frees 1,500 al-Qaeda Members
November 27, 2007

CBNNews.com - Officials in Saudi Arabia have released more than 1,500 al-Qaeda members from prison, requiring them to refrain from jihad in the Arabian Penisula.

A government official tells the Saudi newspaper Al Watan that the prisoners have gone through counseling and have been rehabilitated.

Counseling had been offered to more than 3,000 prisoners.

An American intelligence analyst tells the New York Sun that he was wary about the release of the prisoners.

"This Saudi process of reform has been so opaque. What no one knows right now is whether the people who have gone through this program have pledged to stop practicing terror or whether they are only pledging to stop terror inside the kingdom."

For real though. This president will be on Rushmore one day. Its inevitable.
His stalwart handling of the Saudis is admirable and Rushmoreesque.

11-27-2007, 06:04 PM
A government official tells the Saudi newspaper Al Watan that the prisoners have gone through counseling and have been rehabilitated.

...Well they did go through waterboa......errr.......Saudi counseling....

11-27-2007, 10:14 PM
heres an article with better spelling skills

WASHINGTON — On the eve of the Annapolis summit on the Middle East conflict, the Saudi royal family released 1,500 members of Al Qaeda from prison, requiring them only to promise to refrain from jihad within the Arabian Peninsula.

The presence of the Saudi foreign minister, Saud al-Faisal, at the peace parley has been touted by the White House and the State Department as an important diplomatic breakthrough.

Mr. Faisal has said he was reluctant to attend the meeting, the first time the Saudis would be formal participants in an international peace conference dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict. In an interview with Time magazine, he said he would not shake the Israeli prime minister's hand and that he was only interested in a response to his kingdom's peace offer, a full withdrawal from the territory Israel won in 1967 in exchange for peace.

However, while the State Department was wooing the Saudi foreign minister, the kingdom's Interior Ministry released about 1,500 Al Qaeda members arrested in crackdowns that began in 2003 against the group headed by Osama bin Laden.

The story first broke over the weekend in the Saudi newspaper Al Watan. In an interview with the newspaper, a member of a special committee to reform jihadists in the kingdom, Muhammad al-Nujaimi, said the newly released prisoners had been reformed.

"The committee has met around 5,000 times to offer counseling to 3,200 people, who were accused of embracing the takfir ideology. The committee has successfully completed reforming 1,500 people," he said.

11-27-2007, 11:48 PM
Hey...weren't those 9/11 hijackers from Saudi Arabia?

11-28-2007, 12:18 AM
Hey...weren't those 9/11 hijackers from Saudi Arabia?
As is OBL!

11-28-2007, 10:34 AM
Well what do you expect from a country that gives a woman
200 lashes for getting herself raped.

These people have never and never will think as we do. Get
used to it.

11-28-2007, 11:17 AM
Well what do you expect from a country that gives a woman
200 lashes for getting herself raped.

These people have never and never will think as we do. Get
used to it.
then why is your hero in bed with them? and why did bush ignore the saudi's impending arrival?

oh, yeah, oil......nevermind.

11-28-2007, 03:11 PM
then why is your hero in bed with them? and why did bush ignore the saudi's impending arrival?

oh, yeah, oil......nevermind.

Might want to ask your hero, clinton, who was in office
when the barracks was bombed.........remember......

11-28-2007, 03:12 PM
then why is your hero in bed with them? and why did bush ignore the saudi's impending arrival?

oh, yeah, oil......nevermind.

To be fair, every American president has been in bed with the Saudis. That isnt anything exclusive to president's with the last name Bush.

11-28-2007, 03:21 PM
To be fair, every American president has been in bed with the Saudis. That isnt anything exclusive to president's with the last name Bush.

We taught the Saudis well. They, at one time, believed
everything we told them, and we told them plenty.
Kissinger, yeah, under Nixon, was the one who gave us
the oil cartel, OPEC, back in the Nixon administration.
All in the name of buying more Arms, from us. You are
right DR, every administration has their share of the blame.

11-28-2007, 03:54 PM
Might want to ask your hero, clinton, who was in office
when the barracks was bombed.........remember......
don't you mean Lebanon?

yeah, that reagan knew when to leave.

11-28-2007, 04:04 PM
don't you mean Lebanon?

yeah, that reagan knew when to leave.


11-28-2007, 08:09 PM
To be fair, every American president has been in bed with the Saudis. That isnt anything exclusive to president's with the last name Bush.

To be precise, the extent of the ties of presidents with last name of Bush with the Saudis are leaps and bounds beyond other presidents.

11-28-2007, 09:23 PM
To be precise, the extent of the ties of presidents with last name of Bush with the Saudis are leaps and bounds beyond other presidents.
That's what I was thinking. Other Prez's are in bed, but just lay there. The Bush's perform fellatio on whomever the corrupt Saudi monarch du jour is.

11-28-2007, 11:16 PM
I really thought this would generate more response. Perhaps it was the name "Cant_be_Faded" that made people automatically not respond.

11-29-2007, 01:28 PM
Saudi is not a reliable ally; and that has been apparent since the nationality of the hijackers was discovered.

It's a damn shame that we have no plan to acquire oil from, or a presence in, any other oil-rich, ME country if that one goes to shit.

11-29-2007, 01:40 PM
"we have no plan to acquire oil from, or a presence in, any other oil-rich, ME country if that one goes to shit."

WTF? "we" do have a plan. It's called "regmie change" in Iraq, Iran, and VZ.

11-29-2007, 02:23 PM
To be precise, the extent of the ties of presidents with last name of Bush with the Saudis are leaps and bounds beyond other presidents.

I'll concede that point, for sure.

11-29-2007, 02:24 PM
I really thought this would generate more response. Perhaps it was the name "Cant_be_Faded" that made people automatically not respond.

No, thats not true.

You posted something that everyone, Red/Blue/Purple w/Pink Polka-Dots can agree on with little reservation.

You reported grave news, which is not the same as sparking a debate.

11-30-2007, 11:58 AM

I thought this thread was gonna be about chodes and toll roads!

12-21-2007, 05:43 PM
What do you think of Obadiah Shoher's views on the Middle East conflict? One can argue, of course, that Shoher is ultra-right, but his followers are far from being a marginal group. Also, he rejects Jewish moralistic reasoning - that's alone is highly unusual for the Israeli right. And he is very influential here in Israel. So what do you think?

uh, here's the site in question: Middle East conflict (http://samsonblinded.org/blog)