View Full Version : Enlightened middle Easterners

11-30-2007, 10:22 AM
This was posted in the Club by someone, but I thought Boutons would be interested to find out that his people were up to no good again.

KHARTOUM, Sudan (CNN) -- Hundreds of protesters brandishing swords and sticks gathered outside Khartoum's presidential palace Friday to vent their anger against a British teacher jailed for allowing children to name a teddy bear "Mohammed."

An undated amateur photo of Gillian Gibbons, who has been found guilty of insulting religion.

About 600 Islamic demonstrators piled out of mosques, chanting: "By soul, by blood, I will fight for the Prophet Mohammed." Some of the protesters demanded the teacher's execution, according to The Associated Press.

The agency reports that some chanted: "No tolerance: Execution," and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad."

The decision by a Sudanese court to jail Gillian Gibbons late Thursday was widely criticized outside Sudan as too harsh, with British Foreign Secretary David Miliband saying he was "extremely disappointed" the charges were not dismissed.

Abdul-Jalil Nazeer al-Karouri, a prominent cleric and hardliner, told worshippers Friday at the Martyrs Mosque: "Imprisoning this lady does not satisfy the thirst of Muslims in Sudan. But we welcome imprisonment and expulsion," according to AP. But he did not urge worshippers to protest.

In leaflets distributed earlier this week by Muslim groups and seen by CNN, the protesters promised a "popular release of anger" at demonstrations called for Friday.

The leaflets condemned Gibbons as an "infidel" and accused her of "the pollution of children's mentality" by her actions.

Don't Miss
Teacher charged in teddy bear case
Bid to stop whipping
TIME.com: The blasphemous teddy bear
Web site: Unity High School
The teacher was convicted of insulting religion but cleared of two other charges of inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs, Ali Ajeb, her lawyer said. Watch latest developments in the case

Ajeb said they were planning to appeal the sentence, which runs from the date she was first detained, November 25.

Gibbons, 54, is being held in a woman's prison in the Omdurman district of Khartoum and she will be deported at the end of her prison term, British consular officials in the city told CNN.

Embassy staff said they were giving the teacher, from the northern English city of Liverpool, full consular assistance. Watch a report on reactions to the verdict »

Omer Mohammed Ahmed Siddig, the Sudanese ambassador to Britain, was summoned for a second time to meet with the British foreign secretary late Thursday after the court's ruling.

Miliband also spoke to the Sudanese acting foreign minister for 15 minutes on the telephone during the meeting, the British Foreign Office said.

"Our priority now is to ensure Ms. Gibbons' welfare and we will continue to provide consular assistance to her," Miliband said in a statement.

The Foreign Office said there would be further talks with the Sudanese government Friday.

Gibbons was arrested Sunday after she asked her class of seven-year-olds in Khartoum to name the toy as part of a school project, the Foreign Office said.

She had faced charges under Article 125 of Sudan's constitution, the law relating to insulting religion and inciting hatred.

She could have faced a sentence of 40 lashes, a fine or jail term of up to a year, according to the Foreign Office, which expressed Britain's dissatisfaction with the verdict.

British newspapers condemned Gibbons' conviction, with The Daily Telegraph calling for the recall of the British ambassador from Khartoum and sanctions against the heads of the Sudanese government.

In an editorial the tabloid newspaper, The Sun, said Gibbons' jailing was a "grotesque insult to Islam" and called Gibbons "an innocent abroad."

Four vans filled with riot police were stationed outside the courthouse at Thursday's hearing, but there were no signs of street disturbances or protests.

Staff from Gibbons' school, including Robert Boulos, the head of Unity High School, were present.

Boulos said he was "horrified" when he found out it was a member of his own staff who complained, not a parent as originally thought.

Defense counsel later confirmed that the complaint came from Sarah Khawad, a secretary at the school.

Gibbons has been working at the school -- popular with wealthy Sudanese and expatriates -- since August, after leaving her position as deputy head teacher at a primary school in Liverpool this summer, Boulos said.

He said Gibbons asked the children to pick their favorite name for the new class mascot, which she was using to aid lessons about animals and their habitats. E-mail to a friend

11-30-2007, 10:26 AM
It is Sudan law not US or British Law. Stupid bitch should have studied their culture and laws a bit more.

Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 10:29 AM
It is Sudan law not US or British Law. Stupid bitch should have studied their culture and laws a bit more.

I'm confused
11-30-2007, 10:35 AM
This was posted in the Club by someone, but I thought Boutons would be interested to find out that his people were up to no good again.

what's the point of this thread? according the dead ender's hero george bush democracy will change the way these people think and we all ive in harmony... are you implying these are the people we should be killing?

11-30-2007, 10:50 AM
"Enlightened middle Easterners" is an error in grammar. There can't be more than one.

Is there something about living in that area of the world that makes people go collectively insane?

11-30-2007, 10:57 AM
It is Sudan law not US or British Law. Stupid bitch should have studied their culture and laws a bit more.

You'd never post that with your real username.


Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 11:07 AM
"Enlightened middle Easterners" is an error in grammar. There can't be more than one.

Is there something about living in that area of the world that makes people go collectively insane?
Civilization is relative.

Europe was backwards as hell until the Renaissance. Ask the Greeks about 1204.

Right now the Arabs are backwards as hell.

Usually such people don't draw our attention because they live in huts, and walk around in their own filth, and aren't much of a threat to us.

But Arabs have access to a whole bunch of money because of oil, and historically they've been very pro-violence and pro-conquest of non-Muslims, and there is a gut feeling that they are somewhat ascendant right now. So there is some level of threat of Arabs killing Americans. There is also some level of threat of their attempting to start insurrections in European counties were they have accumulated.

This provokes visceral, irrational responses in people. Some want to attack ahead of time before they're really able to evaluate the problem (ready, fire, aim). Some act like we can just disengage from that part of the world. Some just bend over, spread their ass cheeks, and shove a white flag up their own butt.

This last phenomenon is seen in people who pretend that Arab Muslims are actually an advanced and reasonable civilization that acts out of perfectly justifiable greivances. It's seen even more fervently in people so gutless they actually call a woman a "stupid bitch" because she named a teddy bear Muhammad and got arrested for it.

Johnny Marzetti is the kind of faithful dhimmi who will enthusiastically let the sultan take his sons away to be sex slaves. He'll even offer his wife to be raped if the Muslims promise not to hurt him.

Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 11:10 AM
JM will be trying to cut in line to pay the jizya, and will ask the tax collector if he can be struck on the head twice instead of once.

Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 11:11 AM
Aw, who am I kidding? JM would never be a dhimmi. He'd become a nominal Muslim and say that the infidels who get killed are bringing it on themselves.

11-30-2007, 11:25 AM
JohnnyMarzetti just got fucked by Extra Stout.

That was good stuff.

11-30-2007, 11:43 AM
You'd never post that with your real username.


Is Spurminator your real name?

I didn't think so pussy. :rolleyes

11-30-2007, 11:45 AM
JohnnyMarzetti just got fucked by Extra Stout.

That was good stuff.

Their country and their laws. You all are a bunch of idiots. And I see you couldn't do it yourself. :rolleyes

11-30-2007, 11:47 AM
Is Spurminator your real name?

Yes it is, which is why I am such a hard ass individual.


11-30-2007, 11:51 AM
My name is not JoeChalupa but only my screen name. :spin

George Gervin's Afro
11-30-2007, 11:52 AM
My name is not JoeChalupa but only my screen name. :spin

pu$$y.. :lol

11-30-2007, 11:52 AM
Yes it is, which is why I am such a hard ass individual.


Yeah, calling someone "pussy" makes you a real hard ass alright. :rolleyes
More like a real dumbass.

11-30-2007, 11:53 AM
pu$$y.. :lol


Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 11:53 AM
Some liberals believe basic human rights should be granted worldwide. Others, like me, prefer to genuflect against human rights abusers who might actually hurt me.

11-30-2007, 11:57 AM
There are those who think the USA's continued use of the death penalty is barbaric but that is okay. Go USA!!!!

I know when I was in the service we were lectured about the laws of Japan and any other country on how strict they were and not to expect Uncle Sam to bail you out if you got busted on foreign soil.

Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 11:58 AM
Berlin, 1933 -- A Jewish woman originally from New York was arrested and beaten for failing to wear a yellow star on her outer clothing.

It is German law not US or British Law. Stupid bitch should have studied their culture and laws a bit more.

11-30-2007, 11:59 AM
Too bad republicans don't act on human rights they just like to talk about them.

Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 11:59 AM
There are those who think the USA's continued use of the death penalty is barbaric but that is okay. Go USA!!!!

I know when I was in the service we were lectured about the laws of Japan and any other country on how strict they were and not to expect Uncle Sam to bail you out if you got busted on foreign soil.
In Japan can you be arrested for naming a teddy bear after a religious figure?

11-30-2007, 12:01 PM
In Japan can you be arrested for naming a teddy bear after a religious figure?

I have no idea. But I have a few cousins named Jesus.

11-30-2007, 12:01 PM
There are those who think the USA's continued use of the death penalty is barbaric but that is okay. Go USA!!!!

I know when I was in the service we were lectured about the laws of Japan and any other country on how strict they were and not to expect Uncle Sam to bail you out if you got busted on foreign soil.

It be hard not to bust a nut in japan, :hat . Love them japanese women.

11-30-2007, 12:02 PM
Chicken Hawk! no war for oil!!!

2003 forum.

11-30-2007, 12:03 PM
It be hard not to bust a nut in japan, :hat . Love them japanese women.

I busted many a nut!! But the lines at sick bay got longer the more time we were there. :oops

Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 12:03 PM
I'm ready to break out the feisty rhetoric against political opponents in developed countries, who I know aren't going to hurt me. I'm so principled!

Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 12:04 PM
I have no idea. But I have a few cousins named Jesus.
Let me go assemble an angry mob.

Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 12:11 PM
There are those who think the USA's continued use of the death penalty is barbaric but that is okay. Go USA!!!!

Any foreign person who dares hold such an opinion is an idiot. It's our country and our laws. If a woman from Belgium comes over here to teach schoolchildren, and names any stuffed animal, cartoon character, origami swan, or other inanimate object after any Biblical character, she deserves the death penalty, and besides, she is a stupid bitch for not studying our laws better before she came.

11-30-2007, 12:17 PM
When in Rome, do as the Romans.

11-30-2007, 12:22 PM
When in Rome, do as the Romans.

When in Greece, do as the Greeks?

Does that mean Joe chalupa will pour hot feces on little boys?

Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 12:27 PM
When in Greece, do as the Greeks?

Does that mean Joe chalupa will pour hot feces on little boys?
Arab men, since women are kept away hidden, have casual sex with one another instead. I guess we know now what Joe will be doing should he find himself in Riyadh...

Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 12:29 PM
Really, when one takes a close look at the "idiosyncracies" of Arab culture, the notion that Iraq was ripe for moderate democracy was among the most ridiculous and outrageous lies promulgated by a government in recent memory. They are at least 300 years away from that.

11-30-2007, 12:38 PM
Cornbits and Cabbage chunks in Riyadh vol. 3

starring Joe Chalupa and his zionist freind Boutons.

11-30-2007, 12:51 PM
Sudan is just joining our ally Saudi Arabia in proper handling of uppity women.

Oh, Gee!!
11-30-2007, 01:05 PM
I wonder if she'll get credit for good time.

11-30-2007, 01:11 PM
Cornbits and Cabbage chunks in Riyadh vol. 3

starring Joe Chalupa and his zionist freind Boutons.

Brahahahahahaha!!! :lmao Brahahahahahahaha!!!! :lmao

You the man!!!

11-30-2007, 01:12 PM
Arab men, since women are kept away hidden, have casual sex with one another instead. I guess we know now what Joe will be doing should he find himself in Riyadh...

Brahahahahahaha!!!! :lmao Brahahahahahaha!!!! :lmao

You the man!!!

Extra Stout
11-30-2007, 01:14 PM
Brahahahahahaha!!!! :lmao Brahahahahahaha!!!!

You the man!!!
Why didn't I get 2 :lmao emoticons like Ignigliokoknokt?

11-30-2007, 01:21 PM
Ignignokt, is that you, maus? Yoni?