View Full Version : Missing Tim exposes a weakness at the low post position

12-05-2007, 03:47 PM
It was never a good time to bring this up. However with Duncan's recent injury, it seems to be as good a time as any. Obviously everyone knows the Spurs have been traditonally an "inside-out"-type of team. Having arguably one of the top PFs of all-time at that position has made this formula a wildly successful one. The Spurs 4 championships to lay claim to that fact.

Still, I've always been fascinated as to how the Spurs immediately evolve into an "outside-in", "perimeter-only"-type of team, whenever Duncan leaves the floor or, in the case of now, is out with an injury.

This brings me to my point. Ever since the retirement of David Robinson, the Spurs have never really had any other backup, low-post option. Of course, Tim's contributions at every phase of the game (offensively and defensively) could never be duplicated or replaced by any one single player.

Yet how nice would it be to have a backup player who, could provide some low-post scoring, rebounding and defense? At first glance, the down side of having such a player is he would get very little PT. Making this either an occasional need only, an expensive luxury, or both. The upside is such a player could hit the floor with Tim, on occasion, in a small-ball-type scenario. Thereby, maximizing playing time and creating other lineup mismatches.

Probably the closest they came to having such a player was last year, when they acquired Melvin Ely. Of course, he never received any significant PT. Part of me was hoping Ely could have been salvaged as such a player. Of course, there simply was not another roster spot available for that.

I know some on this board will offer up and lament the departure of Luis Scola as someone who could've done these things. While a capable scorer in the post, I don't see Scola having the ability to provide the adequate low-post defense and rebounding.

I wanted to query the masses to get feedback on this.

12-05-2007, 04:15 PM
scola,scola,scola,blah blah,blah.....
The Spurs never had a backup at that position nnneeevvveeerrr. Much like Shaq's backup or Dwight Howards backup or..............salary cap man.....how nice it would be to have a backup point guard or spell Bruce or............................
Cmon man, senseless "what if" wonderland of pixie dust and unicorns.....
so go query the mass debators! out.....

12-05-2007, 04:22 PM
I can't think of too many teams that have reliable post scorers just sitting around on the bench. The Spurs were blessed with an embarassment of riches with Tim and Dave together -- few teams in league history have ever been so blessed. And during that time, it's not as if the Spurs kept a stable of additional low-block scorers around.

The primary back-up bigs during the Twin Towers era (Will Perdue, Malik Rose, Samaki Walker, Kevin Willis) weren't exactly guys who could maintain inside-out offenses.

12-05-2007, 04:24 PM
It's little wonder that missing the best PF of all time from your lineup creates a weakness. Nobody has backups that are able to dominate a game, if they could do it they'd be starting somewhere.

T Park
12-05-2007, 04:35 PM
I think Splitter helps his problem a tad next year.

IMO Oberto is a decent back to the basket player in the rare times I've seen him go iso with it downlow.

Hes a heady guy who can take a nice little hook or fade away.

12-05-2007, 04:39 PM
Being an effective low post scorer in the nba is really hard and there are very few players who are consistent and effective low post scorer.

Players like Ely aren't efficient enough on the offensive end to change a team offense. A marginal low post scorer like him can't change a "perimeter-only" offense into an "inside-out".

Having a marginal low post scorer as Duncan's backup could help Spurs a little but if this low post scorer isn't a good defender, it's not worth it.

12-05-2007, 05:26 PM
We're not going to win much without Duncan regardless, so why fake it?

12-05-2007, 05:37 PM
We're not going to win much without Duncan regardless, so why fake it?

And there's that.

12-05-2007, 06:25 PM
I disagree. We are capable of winning without Duncan. However, we always need at least 2/3 of the Big 3 to be truely successful.

Is Pop willing to extend Tony and Manu's minutes.
Do go with Tony early on, then Manu late?

On to my original train of thought. Senor Spur started talking about searching for our next prolific low post scorer.

Do you think we should begin looking for Tim's replacement?

12-05-2007, 07:00 PM
I disagree. We are capable of winning without Duncan. However, we always need at least 2/3 of the Big 3 to be truely successful.

Is Pop willing to extend Tony and Manu's minutes.
Do go with Tony early on, then Manu late?

On to my original train of thought. Senor Spur started talking about searching for our next prolific low post scorer.

Do you think we should begin looking for Tim's replacement?

There is no replacement for Tim Duncan.

The Spurs might win some games without him, but they won't win a championship without him.

12-05-2007, 07:09 PM
There is no replacement for Tim Duncan.

The Spurs might win some games without him, but they won't win a championship without him.

As always, FromWayDowntown speaks the truth.

"Declining" years or not, this is still Duncan's team. Any Championship hopes begin and end with him.

I'm so relieved that he wasn't seriously injured.

I think that Duncan's absence will show more than just a weakness in the low post. Duncan's absence will show how much his presence on both ends of the floor makes all the difference for this team. He doesn't need to be the first line of offense, but they always go into him first when the game is tight in the 4th. And he anchors the defense.

I love Parker, Manu, all of them. But without Duncan this team doesn't have a chance to repeat this season.

Ed Helicopter Jones
12-05-2007, 07:13 PM
There is no replacement for Tim Duncan.

The Spurs might win some games without him, but they won't win a championship without him.

Uhhh........errrr.......ummmm........what FWD said. That's the ticket!

12-05-2007, 07:44 PM
Please stop saying Tim is in his "declining years" - he's 31! He may not be putting up the stats he used to but that's just saving himself for when it matters.

This is where Scola would be useful. He can score in the post, no doubt about that. But he wouldn't replace Duncan's all-around game. Anyway, he's not here so who cares, eh?

Time for the role players to shine. I think we may see some Horry tonight... ;)

12-05-2007, 07:45 PM
WTF? I thought Bonner could play power forward?

12-05-2007, 07:53 PM
Please stop saying Tim is in his "declining years" -

Ruff, I put the word "declining" in quotes because I don't buy it either. People have said it, which is why I used the quotes.

I'm with you. Duncan does not need to put up the numbers he once did, this team is balanced and there are others to score.

Duncan will rise as he always does, in the second half of the season and in the playoffs.

12-05-2007, 08:24 PM
It's a wonderful thing to have Tony and Manu shouldering the scoring load. In fact, I would worry if Tim was having to shoulder the bulk of the scoring load by himself. However, make no mistake about - this is STILL TD's team. The Spurs can't even spell championship without him. Now if we could just get someone to help him rebound!

Spurs Brazil
12-05-2007, 08:37 PM
I think Splitter helps his problem a tad next year.

Maybe in 2 or 3 years. He's a good player but he must improve his post game

He doesn't have much moves