View Full Version : Has anyone used Chantix?

12-07-2007, 07:41 AM
My PPO just started covering it so I'm going to give it a shot.
I know a lot of people who've done pretty well on it and I've heard stories of many other people who have had success using it.

If anyone here has used it, how did you fare?

12-07-2007, 07:50 AM
I was able to quit smoking after taking it for only 7 weeks (the program is 12 weeks). I've been smoke-free for 137 days now. I was very surprised how well it worked, and I had smoked for about 20+ years. :)

The nausea and the dreams were pretty vicious, but well worth the effort.

12-07-2007, 07:52 AM
I was able to quit smoking after taking it for only 7 weeks (the program is 12 weeks). I've been smoke-free for 137 days now. :)

The nausea and the dreams were pretty vicious, but well worth the effort.
Awesome (except for the nausea). I've yet to hear anyone say that it hasn't worked.

12-07-2007, 07:55 AM
My doctor told me he'd had an over 80% success rate for the patients he prescribed it for, even though the overall studies say about 44%.

I found if you eat a LOT, the nausea isn't so bad. Now I'm fighting all of the weight I gained. :oops :lol

Humble Billy Hayes
12-07-2007, 09:47 AM
not to discourage anyone from using Chantix, but there can be some CRAZY side effects. A local Dallas musician named Carter Albrecht went apeshit and wound up getting shot to death due to the side effects he felt from Chantix.


this is an extremely rare occurence obviously, but be aware of it.

Viva Las Espuelas
12-07-2007, 10:55 AM
oh it's great


12-07-2007, 12:06 PM
Yes...because smoking is so much better for you!!!!!!!111

You should not take anything that helps you quit ... tobacco is all-natural, I mean God put it on this earth for us to smoke it! It can't possibly cause you any harm!

12-07-2007, 12:09 PM
this is an extremely rare occurence obviously, but be aware of it.

No, getting shot by your neighbor is not a listed side-effect of Chantix. :spin

12-07-2007, 12:12 PM
My doctor told me he'd had an over 80% success rate for the patients he prescribed it for, even though the overall studies say about 44%.

I found if you eat a LOT, the nausea isn't so bad. Now I'm fighting all of the weight I gained. :oops :lol

too the wife about six weeks and she was just like you with the weight gain, and nausea...but I will settle with her being fluffy over smoking anytime...she was given a little more then she needed and when she felt like she didnt need the pills anymore she gave them to her friends who are all now trying to quit smoking so it was a good chain reaction to see....good luck man...and i dont know how much its going to cost you...but its worth it and you will save m oney in the long run


12-07-2007, 12:15 PM
I think some tend to blame ANY and EVERYTHING on Chantix: "I have an ingrown toenail......could it be Chantix???? My bath water was too cool this morning....my, my -- wonder if Chantix caused THAT???? My neighbor's 5th cousin has a dog who farted yesterday.....possible Chantix side effect???? I was hungry last night at dinner time.....HELP ME....tell me if this is Chantix related

:lmao especially at the woman blaming her menopause as a side effect of Chantix.

Humble Billy Hayes
12-07-2007, 12:17 PM
No, getting shot by your neighbor is not a listed side-effect of Chantix. :spin
Make a joke if you like, but even if there's a slight possibility that Chantix can make people go psychotic or turn suicidal, they need to know.

12-07-2007, 12:24 PM
He was drinking when he was taking it. I don't think drinking with any kind of medication can be good for anyone.

But yes, it does give you some vivid, fucked up dreams. That and the nausea is why I quit taking it. I was exhausted when I woke up.

The risks of taking Chantix <<<<<<<<<<<<<< continuing to smoke, and whoever disagrees with that, well...I don't really know what to tell you. It's not a drug therapy that you're on the rest of your life. The course is only 12 weeks, and I only needed it for 7.

But we've calculated about $700 so far that didn't go to the big, bad tobacco growers, and only $220 went to big bad phamacutical company ... so I don't even know how the holistic people can object. :spin