View Full Version : Sourth Carolina Polls

12-14-2007, 03:00 PM
No big surprise for the intelligent-designed state, Huckabee leads...Ron Paul in double figures....

Huckabee Leading in South Carolina According to CNN, Ron Paul a Surprise

Mike Huckabee 24%, Fred Thompson 17%, Rudy Giuliani 16%, Mitt Romney 16%, John McCain 13%, Ron Paul 11%. MoE = 4%.

The funny thing about the Republican results is that Ron Paul is at 11% here but the Survey USA poll we released just a few days ago excluded him as a choice in South Carolina. The other item here is that there is a three-way statistical dead heat for second place. A win in Iowa by either Mike Huckabee or Mitt Romney could catapult them in South Carolina.

Yet it looks like Romney is going to win New Hampshire so will South Carolina voters remember the results of NH and boost Romney or stick with Huckabee should he win Iowa. Going to be interesting to watch this.

Hillary Clinton 42%, Barack Obama 34%, John Edwards 16%. MoE = 3.5%.

The last South Carolina poll showed Obama would garner 59% of African Americans but because this poll does not have the crosstabbed results yet, we do not know how this poll shaped up. But considering the fact that Obama is 8% behind, he was not polling as well among African Americans as the last poll by Survey USA showed.

US Election Polls (http://www.usaelectionpolls.com/)

12-14-2007, 03:07 PM
We shall see. We shall see. Watch Fred....

Wild Cobra
12-15-2007, 12:01 AM
We shall see. We shall see. Watch Fred....
I like Fred, but I have real concerns about his health. He doesn't ever seem to have much energy.

I'm sure other who spoke good of him early like me have some of the same feelings.