View Full Version : The Fake Story About Tony!! It's Crazy

12-18-2007, 05:46 PM
with Heidi Klums Show "Germany's Next Topmodel» famously Nitsche Hana is own information without their knowledge as mistress of the husband of Eva Longoria, basketball star Tony Parker, was shown on the Internet. In one forum, a video was found in which the 22-year-old said: "I have slept with Tony," the magazine reported in "The Star & Style Magazine" on Tuesday. Nitsche Hana was as though Alexandra Paressant has been named.

The 22-year-old said that she was already some time ago by Alexandra Paressant contacted were: "A few days ago she called me again. She said she just sitting with important film people together. I quickly it should send a video. "What was a casting video. "The text gave it to me. They claimed that it is a love story. I should say mandatory sentences. To what Tony did have, of course, I suspected not. "

On 12 December, Tony Parker and Eva Longoria officially denied reports that he had an affair in September with a French model would have been. "I love my wife," said the 25-year-old. 'She's the best in my life, and I am never been happier. "


12-18-2007, 05:51 PM
you're gonna have to try again on this one fred.

12-18-2007, 05:52 PM
It's A Real Article

12-18-2007, 05:53 PM
I tried my best, but still don't understand.

12-18-2007, 05:56 PM
I Tranlate On Google

12-18-2007, 05:57 PM
THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE Baden-Baden (AP) Die mit Heidi Klums Show «Germany's Next Topmodel» bekanntgewordene Hana Nitsche ist nach eigenen Angaben ohne ihr Wissen als Geliebte des Ehemanns von Eva Longoria, Basketball-Star Tony Parker, im Internet dargestellt worden. In einem Forum sei ein Video zu finden gewesen, in dem die 22-Jährige sage: «Ich habe mit Tony geschlafen», berichtete die Zeitschrift «in - Das Star & Style Magazin» am Dienstag. Hana Nitsche sei allerdings als Alexandra Paressant bezeichnet worden.


Die 22-Jährige erklärte, sie sei bereits vor geraumer Zeit von einer Alexandra Paressant kontaktiert worden: «Vor einigen Tagen rief sie mich wieder an. Sie sagte, sie säße gerade mit wichtigen Filmleuten zusammen. Ich solle ihr schnell ein Video schicken.» Gemeint sei ein Casting-Video. «Den Text gab sie mir vor. Sie behauptete, es handele sich um einen Liebesfilm. Ich sollte die vorgeschriebenen Sätze sagen. Um welchen Tony es dabei ging, ahnte ich natürlich nicht.»

Am 12. Dezember hatten Tony Parker und Eva Longoria offiziell Berichte dementiert, dass er im September eine Affäre mit einem französischen Model gehabt hätte. «Ich liebe meine Frau», erklärte der 25-Jährige. «Sie ist das Beste in meinem Leben, und ich bin nie glücklicher gewesen.»

© 2007 The Associated Press. Alle Rechte Vorbehalten - All Rights Reserved

12-18-2007, 05:58 PM
What? I have already hear the story but that just confused me. something about a movie set and actor people? better translation please.

12-18-2007, 06:01 PM
Basically it's a statement by the German model Hana Nitsche, where she explains how Paressant tricked her and got her pics and a video which Paressant then used in the so called scandal.

I'm sure the US media is going to pick up this story in more details (because I'm not translating this :lol )

P.S. Fred please keep this stuff in the Club. Thanks! :)

12-18-2007, 06:06 PM
This is fucking absurd. I mean how can we allow this to happen. I for one have had enough with people taking advantage of celebs for their own personal gain. This has got to stop, Eva and Tony no less, they will live in bliss for as long as the sun is yellow and the waters are dirtied with our own feces and urine. To the Fredcave everyone...

12-19-2007, 12:56 AM
This obsession is getting ridiculous...

T Park
12-19-2007, 01:03 AM
Fred. three words.


