View Full Version : Manu Ginobili is a warrior

12-20-2007, 02:26 PM
Although dude is shooting poorly (I mean… like crap), looks tired and obviously with a finger still bothering him, he fights.. Hell yes he freaking fights it. I’m really mad at my boy T-Mac, being a superstar 100 times more talented than Ginobili, it seems like the guy just plays for himself, when having a poor shooting night dude just give it up … man I’m pissed… you guys instead of complaining should be proud of having that player on you team. T-Mac having that personality and determination would be just unstoppable. :wakeup

12-20-2007, 02:29 PM
yes Manu has the killer instinct no doubt.

12-20-2007, 02:35 PM
Although dude is shooting poorly (I mean… like crap), looks tired and obviously with a finger is still bothering him, he fights.. Hell yes he freaking fights it. I’m really mad at my boy T-Mac, being a superstar 100 times more talented than Ginobili, it seems like the guy just plays for himself, when having a poor shooting night dude just give it up … man I’m pissed… you guys instead of complaining should be proud of having that player on you team. T-Mac having that personality and determination would be just unstoppable. :wakeup

The guy has so much heart and determination, you cannot fault him. His heart and determination cause him to not use his brain at times, but, as said many times before....ill take the bad with the good.

Manu for president!

12-20-2007, 02:35 PM
I'll agree, Manu is a freakin' warrior and any team would die to have them on their team.

And I'll be magnanimooose here and assume your not sleazy enough to throw backhanded compliments...and that you were just joking about TMAC being 100 times more talented than Manu.

Merry Christmas.

12-20-2007, 02:39 PM
There's no question Manu is a warrior and probably the fiercest competitor on the roster - besides Tim, or course. I'm sure Manu is feeling the pressure to carry more of the load with TP out and with TD just getting back in his groove.

To that end, it's clear that Manu is tired and making mental and physical errors during some situations. That's all on Pop. He needs to manage Manu's minutes better. He needs to make sure Manu is rested by limited him to his normal 29-31 mins a game.

I'd love to see Udoka get some PT during this stretch. I think he could be very useful. He was productive against Mike Miller in the 3rd quarter and Pop sat him down for the remainder of the game. For whatever reason, Pop is unwilling to give Udoka more time.

12-20-2007, 02:48 PM
I'll agree, Manu is a freakin' warrior and any team would die to have them on their team.

And I'll be magnanimooose here and assume your not sleazy enough to throw backhanded compliments...and that you were just joking about TMAC being 100 times more talented than Manu.

Merry Christmas.

Well, fact is a fact, let just say he’s more physically gifted and talented.


12-20-2007, 03:01 PM
Manu is the ultimate warrior, no doubt...
If T Mac (or any of those gifted SG) had 50% of his heart and determination, the Spurs would be in big troubles !

For those who have soccer knowledges, he is a mix between Steven Gerrard (the ultimate warrior on a pitch) and Franck Ribery (the X factor).

12-20-2007, 03:03 PM
The guy has so much heart and determination, you cannot fault him. His heart and determination cause him to not use his brain at times, but, as said many times before....ill take the bad with the good.

Manu for president!

It's the high-risk, high-reward factor. It's that quality that makes you want to high five him one minute, then strangle him the next.

12-20-2007, 03:08 PM
You are wrong! I checked, MANU is still a SPUR! :p:

12-20-2007, 03:41 PM
T-Mac with Manu's heart = Michael Jordan

12-20-2007, 05:18 PM
You are wrong! I checked, MANU is still a SPUR! :p:


12-20-2007, 05:21 PM
You are wrong! I checked, MANU is still a SPUR! :p:

that's what I call a predictable joke.
Still fun though.

12-20-2007, 05:49 PM
oleeeee ole ole oleeeee... manuuuuu manuuuuu

12-20-2007, 05:54 PM
I am on a trip to Houston and the Sports talk shows are all over T-Mac. It is hard to trade a 19 million dollar contract and get value back. I did hear a suggestion that they ship out T-Mac and get Jason Kidd back.

12-20-2007, 06:07 PM
:jack :jack :jack :jack :jack

Hook Dem
12-20-2007, 06:27 PM
http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/6262/649092dk8ev6.gif (http://imageshack.us)

12-20-2007, 06:34 PM
Although dude is shooting poorly (I mean… like crap), looks tired and obviously with a finger still bothering him, he fights.. Hell yes he freaking fights it. I’m really mad at my boy T-Mac, being a superstar 100 times more talented than Ginobili, it seems like the guy just plays for himself, when having a poor shooting night dude just give it up … man I’m pissed… you guys instead of complaining should be proud of having that player on you team. T-Mac having that personality and determination would be just unstoppable. :wakeup

Every time I see someone saying Tmac is 100x more talented than manu or nash is 100x talented that TP, it makes me puke.

I applaud your kudos on manu or any other player in the spurs roster but please educate me in how you quantify talent. I've also heard the suns are more talented than the spurs; hence they are uncapable of winning anything - there has to be something wrong with that.

I could agree Lebron is more talented than manu in many aspects but I would also add that he lacks a lot of things manu has. And I think it isn't his heart, LeBron has heart.

So, I'm looking for answers on this matter. How do you quantify/qualify talent? it's physically bigger? taller? has a bigger foot? has better field vision? jumps higher? drives faster? jumps longer? is good looking? shows his flare on TV better? is more likeable?

I still wonder why people keep voting tmac for the allstar game. That's something I just don't get.

Anyway. Thanks for your response.

Ed Helicopter Jones
12-20-2007, 06:35 PM
Ginobili's been traded to the Warriors???!!!! WTF!!


12-20-2007, 07:19 PM
Every time I see someone saying Tmac is 100x more talented than manu or nash is 100x talented that TP, it makes me puke.

I applaud your kudos on manu or any other player in the spurs roster but please educate me in how you quantify talent. I've also heard the suns are more talented than the spurs; hence they are uncapable of winning anything - there has to be something wrong with that.

I could agree Lebron is more talented than manu in many aspects but I would also add that he lacks a lot of things manu has. And I think it isn't his heart, LeBron has heart.

So, I'm looking for answers on this matter. How do you quantify/qualify talent? it's physically bigger? taller? has a bigger foot? has better field vision? jumps higher? drives faster? jumps longer? is good looking? shows his flare on TV better? is more likeable?

I still wonder why people keep voting tmac for the allstar game. That's something I just don't get.

Anyway. Thanks for your response.

the way you're asking those questions... it's like you already have your own answers.

12-20-2007, 08:25 PM
the way you're asking those questions... it's like you already have your own answers.

I guess... don't matter what I say to support my statement as romain dude says you got your own answers... and reading some of your posts I see how blind you are regarding ginobili... don't take me wrong.. but... as I enjoy watching him play, I know he isn't a NBA elite player.

12-20-2007, 09:09 PM
I am on a trip to Houston and the Sports talk shows are all over T-Mac. It is hard to trade a 19 million dollar contract and get value back. I did hear a suggestion that they ship out T-Mac and get Jason Kidd back.

They should be all over T-Mac. That attitude is mainly the reason he's never gotten past the 1st round of the playoffs.

12-20-2007, 09:11 PM
Thanks for taking the time to reading all my posts - it makes me feel important.

I still would like to know your answers. I don't see your opinion as to why one is more talented than the other and under which parameters. Are you saying im a manu homer because i asked this? him and Tim are the guys that I like the most in this team, closely followed by TP. No secret there. Everybody knows that and I feel as free as others are when they praise TP, bonner, etc. Your attempt to diminish my opinion based on me praising manu is unwarranted. But it is laughable you are saying this guy is 100x more talented than this one. That is laughable. But still no argument.

I have to disagree with you. Manu is an elite NBA player as Tim and TP are too. Bowen is an elite player.

Now if elite for you is who sells more t-shirts then I have no argument there.

Holt's Cat
12-20-2007, 09:16 PM
Manu showed up in 2002 and 3 titles followed.

12-20-2007, 10:22 PM
Manu showed up in 2002 and 3 titles followed.
Actually, 4 titles if you count Argentina's gold medal at the '04 Athens Olympics. :toast

12-20-2007, 11:43 PM
Manu is spying for Nelson. Does Pop know abt it?

12-21-2007, 06:26 AM
Manu is spying for Nelson. Does Pop know abt it?

Manu works for CIA, many sources said he still has contact with former KGB agents!

About hearts, yeap ... Manu isn't as talented as T-Mac, but T-Mac has zero team attitude .

Big starts with that sindrome T-Mac, Vince and ins some case Kober aren't my favorites, that's wahy I'd love to follow LBJ is years to come, because he's more mature and team oriented.

Honorable mention to TP, when he learn to to pass the ball and stop making stupid turnovers; TP will be our next franchise player.

12-21-2007, 08:13 AM
T-mac is being doing the same since He's got to the NBA . Not just after his back injury.

12-21-2007, 09:24 AM
Every time I see someone saying Tmac is 100x more talented than manu or nash is 100x talented that TP, it makes me puke.

yes, i agree. it is fine to say 'X' is more talented, more athletic, more skilled, but if anyone thinks there is 100x difference between NBA level players... sure, kareem is 100x better than jerome james. but if you're not comparing scrubs to top 10 all time players, you wont find any 100x difference.

figure of speech, exaggeration, OK, thats fine, but really thats not how it goes.

and as far tmac vs manu, i would say tmac's advantage is his athleticism, height, shooting stroke, and handle. Manu has more heart, a higher bball iq/fundamentals, and equal passing and finishing ability.

you know, the more i think of it, i'd almost begin to argue that manu's heart + iq are 47x times higher than tmacs, while tmacs athleticism is 9x manus, his handle 5x better, his shot 2x better, and his height .04x better. therefore, manu is 31.6x better!!


12-21-2007, 05:42 PM
You are wrong! I checked, MANU is still a SPUR! :p:
:lmao :clap

12-21-2007, 08:08 PM
I guess... don't matter what I say to support my statement as romain dude says you got your own answers... and reading some of your posts I see how blind you are regarding ginobili... don't take me wrong.. but... as I enjoy watching him play, I know he isn't a NBA elite player.

as blind as houston fans about mcgrady. but spurs fans' affinity to manu has factual basis. manu has delivered in the past. manu will continue to deliver in the future.