View Full Version : Technical question to NBA rules experts.

12-20-2007, 06:08 PM
Here's the question:
Does the NBA do Steroids drog tests ramdonly to players?
Here´s why:there´s something not right about D.Howard's muscle´s size these last 3 years.
I Saw the guy once in Orlando and watched some Magics games in his roockie year, and his arms were more tham half the size they're right now.
And I know for a fact that no matter what you eat or lift in the gym,you're not gonna grow so much muscles in only 2 or 3 years without some extra help(meaning Steroids)
Again: Does the NBA do steroids drog tests?

12-20-2007, 06:35 PM
Well Howard came right out of high school. He was still a kid and he has grown alot. I would be willing to bet a lot of money that he hasnt used any illegal or banned substances.

Vinny Del Negro
12-20-2007, 06:37 PM
I do not believe they do, but I don't have any official source to back that up, and could be entirely wrong.

As for Howard, I would be extremely surprised if he did any steroids....he just looks natural for his frame. There's a certain unnaturalness when you look at people who do steroids that is hard to pinpoint. Dwight just looks like a guy who works out. Sometimes people grow fast...see David Robinson.

12-20-2007, 06:51 PM
And I know for a fact that no matter what you eat or lift in the gym,you're not gonna grow so much muscles in only 2 or 3 years without some extra help(meaning Steroids)
wait, what? how in the world do you know that?

and, if have actually followed howard, he has always been ripped beyond belief:

high school and rookie year:

compare to just 10 months ago, all star weekend 07:

then compare those to how he looks this season:

the only thing i notice is more tone and a bit more width/mass in the shoulders. but thats to be expected from an 18 year old starting an nba lifting program. if anything, the kid could probably be even bigger (but they probably want to keep his size in check to maximize his mobility and reduce wear and tear on his body) kid simply is and has been a physical beast since day one, the best one since d.rob.

12-20-2007, 06:54 PM
This guy looks up to David Robinson... I'm pretty sure he's clean.

12-20-2007, 07:01 PM
I'm willing to bet my middle nut that D12 is clean.

12-20-2007, 07:06 PM
Tony n' Manu do LSD

12-20-2007, 07:11 PM
Tony n' Manu do LSD

The NIDA-5 drug test doesn't even test for LSD. Unless the NBA wants to waste money on the big bad drug test that will test you positive for Tylenol and Ibuprofen, then athletes probably aren't even screened for acid.

12-20-2007, 07:24 PM
The NIDA-5 drug test doesn't even test for LSD. Unless the NBA wants to waste money on the big bad drug test that will test you positive for Tylenol and Ibuprofen, then athletes probably aren't even screened for acid.
where do you think both creativity comes from? :devil

12-20-2007, 07:31 PM
And I know for a fact that no matter what you eat or lift in the gym,you're not gonna grow so much muscles in only 2 or 3 years without some extra help(meaning Steroids)

Nonsense, i know for a fact that you can. When i was 19 i was 6'0 tall and 155 pds. When i turned 20, I started lifting weights 5 days a week about 90 min a day consistantly without hardly ever taking any breaks and in about 9 months i had put on roughly 35 pds of muscle. My arms grew immensely in that time. No steroids, or HGH, just protein shakes. It can be done if your work ethic is strong.

12-20-2007, 07:41 PM
I disagree with the OP about Howard specifically, but the Collective Bargaining Agreement does prohibit players from taking "steroids, performance-enhancing drugs and masking agents" and provides that "a player shall be required to undergo testing for Prohibited Substances at any time, without prior notice to the player, no more than four (4) times each Season."


Holt's Cat
12-20-2007, 09:17 PM
It would appear that the drug of choice in the league is THC. It used to be coke and the Spurs held their own in that department.

12-21-2007, 09:34 AM
ok, but do that test search for other quimics or drogs on your body besides coke?
Coze I know there are several diferent types of drog tests. And the ones wich search for coke don't nesesarly are able to find steroids as well.

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
12-21-2007, 09:41 AM
Howard's just a freak of nature ala David Robinson...

That said, I was surprised how Shaquille O'Neal, still dwarfs him in comparison, from the All-Star game last year when they had a dance off. He made Dwight Howard look like he scrawny teenager.

12-21-2007, 09:46 AM
Howard's just a freak of nature ala David Robinson...

That said, I was surprised how Shaquille O'Neal, still dwarfs him in comparison, from the All-Star game last year when they had a dance off. He made Dwight Howard look like he scrawny teenager.

Coze Shaq is getting some fat on top of his muscles.

12-21-2007, 09:49 AM
ok, but do that test search for other quimics or drogs on your body besides coke?
Coze I know there are several diferent types of drog tests. And the ones wich search for coke don't nesesarly are able to find steroids as well.

The most common drug test is the NIDA 5 test and it scans for THC (weed), cocaine, heroin and other opiates, amphetamine and meth, and PCP. Steroids are probably tested for in a similar way. The way drug tests work is that your hair, blood or urine is screened for metabolite markers that indicate you have used that particular drug. So whatever the steroid marker is, they just have to screen for that marker.

12-21-2007, 10:28 AM
Nonsense, i know for a fact that you can. When i was 19 i was 6'0 tall and 155 pds. When i turned 20, I started lifting weights 5 days a week about 90 min a day consistantly without hardly ever taking any breaks and in about 9 months i had put on roughly 35 pds of muscle. My arms grew immensely in that time. No steroids, or HGH, just protein shakes. It can be done if your work ethic is strong.

No way you gained 35 pounds of pure muscle mass in 9 months, it's impossible. Those muscles condained a lot of water and little bit fat.
Muscle mass growth is slow process and it should be done in this way. In other words = easy come easy go.

12-21-2007, 10:34 AM
Dwight Howard IS a freak of nature - and a good kid. He's widely known to have a very strong belief system rooting in Christanity. He's doesn't smoke, drink or even curse. While he's on record as saying he wants to be the best, I doubt very seriously if he would use any sort of illegal drugs to enhance his performance.

12-21-2007, 11:31 AM
Steroids are tested by the nba.
The list of prohibited substances :

The fight against doping isn't really strong in nba.
The nba isn't a member of the world anti doping agency and doesn't respect the world anti doping code. The world anti doping code set rules about the anti doping fight : number of tests, procedures of tests, list of prohibit products, suspensions...
nba rules are way more soft than world anti doping code rules.
Example : If you take Steroids, Suspension from the nba are : 10 games the first time, 25 games the second time, one year the third time and life suspension the fourth time while suspensions in the world anti doping code are : 2 years the first time and lifetime the second time.

When nba players played fiba events, they follow the world anti doping code. If a nba player is positive to steroid in August while playing Olympics with his NT, he will be suspended 2 years but if he is positive in November he will be suspended 3 weeks (10 games).

12-21-2007, 12:38 PM
nba rules are way more soft than world anti doping code rules.
Example : If you take Steroids, Suspension from the nba are : 10 games the first time, 25 games the second time, one year the third time and life suspension the fourth time while suspensions in the world anti doping code are : 2 years the first time and lifetime the second time.

Big difference though, most often the world (Fiba or Olymplics) will find out after the players have retired. NBA will find out while players are still playing.

Look at Marion Jones case. She participated in 2000 and found out that she used it in 2007. What is the use of it except stripping her medals and erasing the records?


12-21-2007, 12:57 PM
Big difference though, most often the world (Fiba or Olymplics) will find out after the players have retired. NBA will find out while players are still playing.

What you said is just plain wrong and makes no sense at all.

12-21-2007, 03:15 PM
there are a whole bunch of cases on international competitions, where first level athlets get suspended for positive drog test,and most of them are for muscles or metabolism boosters/enhacers.
And I'm talking about elite athlets here.

Extra Stout
12-21-2007, 03:40 PM
Here's the question:
Does the NBA do Steroids drog tests ramdonly to players?
Here´s why:there´s something not right about D.Howard's muscle´s size these last 3 years.
I Saw the guy once in Orlando and watched some Magics games in his roockie year, and his arms were more tham half the size they're right now.
And I know for a fact that no matter what you eat or lift in the gym,you're not gonna grow so much muscles in only 2 or 3 years without some extra help(meaning Steroids)
Again: Does the NBA do steroids drog tests?
I personally put on 25 lbs. of lean muscle between the ages of 20 and 23, on a workout regimen that pales in comparison to what NBA athletes do. I am hardly an athlete.

Maybe you're just not virile enough?

12-21-2007, 03:46 PM
Maybe you're just not virile enough?

I just don't need steroids to get bigger or stronger. I'm fine with my 190 lbs.

Extra Stout
12-21-2007, 04:27 PM
I just don't need steroids to get bigger or stronger. I'm fine with my 190 lbs.
I didn't either. I guess Americans just build muscle more easily. It's probably because we're just better than Argentines.


12-21-2007, 04:29 PM
I didn't either. I guess Americans just build muscle more easily. It's probably because we're just better than Argentines.


yeah right,that's why you guys in SA need TWO Argentinians to save the day for you all. :lol

Dave McNulla
12-21-2007, 08:21 PM
I Saw the guy once in Orlando and watched some Magics games in his roockie year, and his arms were more tham half the size they're right now.
my arms three years ago are more than half what they are now. and i'll bet that my arms now are more than half what they'll be in three years.

12-22-2007, 07:18 AM
my arms three years ago are more than half what they are now. and i'll bet that my arms now are more than half what they'll be in three years.

And I bet your brain we'll be half the size it is NOW, if you keep smoking whatever that shit is called. :smokin

12-22-2007, 07:56 AM
Since the human growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland, I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised that Dwight Howard has developed, since his growth was predicted by just about everyone. The whole argument for picking him over Okafor before the draft was that he was going to grow into his frame and become a monster. Surprise.

12-22-2007, 08:05 AM
Since the human growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland, I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised that Dwight Howard has developed, since his growth was predicted by just about everyone. The whole argument for picking him over Okafor before the draft was that he was going to grow into his frame and become a monster. Surprise.

Anyone can grow,that's for sure. And there are people whose body's can actually develope more muscles and frame tham others, but, what I'm talking about is the unnormal way and how fast.

12-22-2007, 08:17 AM
Anyone can grow,that's for sure. And there are people whose body's can actually develope more muscles and frame tham others, but, what I'm talking about is the unnormal way and how fast.
But the abnormal way you are suggesting is a replication of what naturally occurs in the bodies of people Dwight Howard's age. If he were putting on this kind of mass at 35 like Roger Clemens, I'd understand the question. His body is secreting that hormone naturally; there's no reason to supplement it. What's the measuring stick? The only thing holding someone back from gaining muscle mass at that age is usually their frame and their metabolism. When Shawn Bradley was that age they couldn't put any pounds on him because his body burned up all the calories they fed him. I don't know that HGH would have helped him. Regardless, it's a far cry from Howard. Everybody knew Bradley was going to be pretty skinny no matter what, and anybody that looked at Howard when he was 17 knew he was going to fill out because his frame was so big.

12-22-2007, 05:26 PM
Howard is NOT on any drugs, plain and simple.

Dave McNulla
12-22-2007, 06:12 PM
And I bet your brain we'll be half the size it is NOW, if you keep smoking whatever that shit is called. :smokini hope they let you graduate one day.

see, if my arms are the same size today as they were three years ago, then they are more than half the size that they were three years ago

x > x/2

take your time...