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View Full Version : MMA question (to all the fans)

12-29-2007, 05:33 AM
I've got a question about the MMA and well accually about the fighters.

I do not know much about it.

My question is if can anybody explain me whole situation in fight sports?
And if there is possibility to name the best fighter of all.

I'm amazed how Fedor can win even if he is not that fast. He is smart fighter and always can find a way to win. But all in all I never really saw a fight in good quality. Is there any chance I can see the best fights?
(maybe torrents?)

I got that interest not long time ago. Earlier I thought this fights were just stupid, but my 2nd best sport (no1 basketball) is boxing.

So I'm waiting for an insight from you guys.


btw. I've got a colleague who looks like Fedor :)

12-29-2007, 09:43 AM
Fedor is an amazing athlete who proves you don't need steroids to reign supreme.

Your best bet is to get a subscription to www.netflix.com and rent some PRIDE and UFC DVD's. Subscriptions are cheap and the service is awesome. I have subscribed to that site for years.

Here is the names of the DVD's Fedor has fought on


Best fighter is very subjective!

Mirko Cro Cop
Matt Hughes
Georges St Pierre
Randy Couture

Just to name a few...

And if you want to learn about MMA do not go to MMA forums. :ihit

Read sites like....


But stay away from the forums...

The MMA posters on SpursTalk are smarter than the vast majority of the idiots on the main forums on MMA sites...which is why I stick around here even though I am not much of a basketball fan. :spin

12-29-2007, 09:48 AM
My question is if can anybody explain me whole situation in fight sports?

And what do you mean by this?

12-29-2007, 11:50 AM
Fedor's good. Make sure you check out Wanderlei Silva's fights. They are all exciting, with the added benefit of watching 2 Rampage fights if you watch all of his fights.

There is no true "greatest" fighter in MMA right now, because MMA hasn't really matured enough to the point that one person has a pure and true "all-around" game. Though, that is changing. Over ther years, there has been people who have one-sided skills that have been dominate, but the newer more well-rounded fighters have been showing up and showing that you need more well-rounded skills to dominate.

12-29-2007, 12:19 PM
There is no true "greatest" fighter in MMA right now, because MMA hasn't really matured enough to the point that one person has a pure and true "all-around" game. Though, that is changing. Over ther years, there has been people who have one-sided skills that have been dominate, but the newer more well-rounded fighters have been showing up and showing that you need more well-rounded skills to dominate.

Well said.

Especially since where entering what is in my opinion, the third growth stage of MMA. Where fighters are now beginning to cross train in everything instead of just specializing in 1 or 2 areas.

12-29-2007, 03:25 PM
And what do you mean by this?

Well I mean we've got few federations right? (accually different sports)

What diferences are there between them? The rules.

Well to what I've seen the UFC is the most contact in punching meaning right while in Pride the most important is grapping (I said it right?).

Thanks for the answers so far :)
I found the Fedros fights. Tommorow probably will download the CroCop vs Fedor fight (I've seen highlighs on youtube). It was looking real great.

From the source I'm dowloading it will be difficult to find UFC fights like Jackson, Liddell or Silva. But I will try later on.

I would love to try a MMA or boxing training - they are the most demanding from you and the body even if the other sports (cycling swimming athletics or basketball and many more) takes your body to the limit.

12-30-2007, 02:09 PM
Stay away from sherdog.com forums :lol

12-31-2007, 05:47 AM
Yup I've got to find a time to spend on different of my interests ...

MMA is one of tehm but not the first or second :) Although they all have something in common

12-31-2007, 09:57 AM
Here is a basic rundown of the leagues...

K-1 is in Japan. K-1 is the most popular international organization. They are huge in Asia.

WEC is American and is only in Las Vegas , they do not travel. They are owned by the company that owns UFC.

PRIDE was in Japan but went bakrupt due to awful managment and was bought by the company that owns the UFC. The bankruptcy had nothing to do with popularity. Japan simply cannot keep up with the UFC PPV's since in Japan they don't have PPV's. Not many American fans are willing to get up at 3am to order a PPV. Plus a lot of other things happened behind the scenes. PRIDE has since been shut down.

UFC is the top dog and was the first real MMA organization. They have the best collection of fighters by far.

They basically have all the same rules now.

There are many others but they are much smaller.

Well to what I've seen the UFC is the most contact in punching meaning right while in Pride the most important is grapping (I said it right?).

I wouldn't focus on this so much. Everything is important.

12-31-2007, 12:01 PM
Something else that new fans ask...

The gloves are between 4oz and 5oz. They try to make them uniform weigth but its too hard since a glove that fits a 135lb guy won't fit a 260lb guy.

They are simply to protect the knuckles and do nothing to protect the hand from breaking. The reason they aren't bigger is because it would affect grappling.