View Full Version : ROFL Grant Hill

12-31-2007, 03:15 PM
Mr. December
Paul Coro
The Arizona Republic

A fake news release was delivered Sunday to Suns forward Grant Hill, who paused briefly on his first read of the headline.

It said, "Hill becomes the first NBA player named in Mitchell Report."

It was a practical joke by Kerr, but people might start grasping at such straws to explain Hill's season. All it took was a transition month, and Hill, 35, is approaching Suns coach Mike D'Antoni's preseason All-Star optimism for him.

In November, Hill averaged 14.8 points, 2.9 assists and 0.5 blocks and shot 46.4 percent from the field and 30.8 percent on 3-pointers. In December, entering Sunday's game, Hill was averaging 17.6 points, 4.6 assists and 1.1 blocks with 56.6 percent shooting and 38.5 percent on 3-pointers.

"I'm more comfortable and getting more comfortable at both ends of the court," Hill said. "It's more instinctive. I'm developing that trust with teammates. I think it can get even better. December has been a lot better."

He said his season turned after he tried too hard in his first return to Orlando on Nov. 10, when he missed 12 of 18 shots. In the next two games, Hill found his comfort zone and went 16 of 22 from the field.


12-31-2007, 03:29 PM
hate to admit it, but hills been terrific this season. it'd be stupid to deny that

12-31-2007, 03:34 PM
As with many players that join the Suns, that system allows for good players to put up great stats. A lot of the credit goes to Steve Nash and the offensive system. While it's great that Grant has somewhat resurrected his career, his play still doesn't help the Suns with their weaknesses that always get exploited in the playoffs. But, nonetheless, congrats to Grant Hill for playing so well so far this season.

12-31-2007, 04:53 PM
The question to answer is: Will He be able to get to the playoffs in good shape ?
1st: He's averaging about 35 mpg,and He's 35.
2nd: The Sun's fast pace system might not be the best system for a 35 yrs old guy injury prome after 82 games,in order to be in good shape for the playoffs.

12-31-2007, 06:09 PM
A different way of looking at Grant Hill's health as it is affected by the Suns style of play is that even though he plays heavy minutes, because of the style, he doesn't get banged as much because he isn't required to play tough defense and when he attacks the rim it is often in open court transition where he doesn't get fouled as hard as driving to the basket in a half court set. I don't know if he'll last an entire season playing 30+ minutes a game, but the style of open court transition helps him in that respect by not banging on his body as much as a different system that may require him to do so.

Cry Havoc
12-31-2007, 08:08 PM
Good season (great for Grant), but all-star? There are many players more deserving. Not to mention that the pace of the Suns inflates a lot of stats, and his aren't that great anyway.

I do like Hill as a player, I just don't understand how 14 PPG is that great when the team is scoring 110 points per game. Great for HILL, just not all-star quality.

01-01-2008, 12:36 AM
agree with JamStone. those aren't heavy 35 minutes. on offense, its mostly jumpshots which means he gets to stay on the perimeter alot and thus doesn't have to run the full length all the time.

01-03-2008, 01:59 PM
While it's great that Grant has somewhat resurrected his career, his play still doesn't help the Suns with their weaknesses that always get exploited in the playoffs. But, nonetheless, congrats to Grant Hill for playing so well so far this season.

I know where you're going, so this isn't really disagreeing, merely redirecting... While Grant doesn't help with the Suns two main defensive issues - size and rebounding - his play takes some pressure off of Nash and gives Phoenix that third offensive player that can generate offense. He brings a lot to the table and is much needed. He wasn't the only need, and while I like Skinner, I'd like him a lot more if he were 6-11, ranther than 6-8.

The Suns really have two issues remaining, a 6-10 or taller backup center with good box-out ability and a capable backup PG.

Deja vu, huh :rolleyes