View Full Version : Recommended coffee table book

01-02-2008, 10:23 AM

Hilarious. I got this for Christmas and I spend 30 minutes to an hour reading it every day.

It includes maps and "fun facts" about every country in the world...

My favorites include the section on North Korea, which was submitted by the Cartographic Arts and Studies Minisry of North Korea, Greenland ("as anyone who has seen a map knows, Greenland is the largest land mass on earth") and San Marino, where the atlas writers simply bitch about having to waste their time doing a summary of a nation of 20,000 people.

Here's a link to a map with samples for some of the countries.


Cry Havoc
01-02-2008, 10:43 AM
Looks hilarious. Thanks for the rec.

If anyone hasn't seen or heard of the Planet Earth documentary, I highly recommend it as well. Not as funny as this, but amazing all the same.