View Full Version : Julia Roberts-OR-Penelope Cruz

01-05-2008, 05:31 PM
Who is more overrated in your book? I was thinking about how much I hate both of these actresses and couldn't decide which one I hate more. I think I hate Penelope Cruz more but think Julia Roberts is more overrated. Vote in the poll.

01-05-2008, 09:19 PM
This is not even a contest. Julia Roberts is the most overrated actress in Hollywood history.

After cute performances in Steel Magnolias and Pretty Woman she went on to star in a few mass-consumption-friendly movies like Sleeping With the Enemy and My Best Friend's Wedding, but more often was part of mediocre-to-horrible movies like Hook, I Love Trouble, The Pelican Brief, Mary Reilly, Runaway Bride, Stepmom and Conspiracy Theory... in only one of these movies did she play anyone other than Julia Roberts: Mary Reilly, for which she got a Razzie nomination.

Then suddenly she plays a sassy leading role in a movie that was basically A Civil Action with a chick, and she wins a fucking OSCAR over one of the best female performances in film history (Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream).

Since then, she's been in only two movies that were even close to decent, and that's been in spite of her, not because of her. And according to Forbes she is STILL Hollywood's top-earning actress.

I haven't seen Charlie Wilson's War and I'm not sure I'll be able to if she's in the movie for an extended period of time. Her ridiculous southern belle accent in the trailer makes even that 3-minutes unbearable for me.

01-05-2008, 09:43 PM
hmm...tough, i never found either particularly attractive.

01-05-2008, 10:17 PM
But how do you really feel about Julia, Spurm?

I agree she's incredibly overrated.

While Penelope Cruz may not be everyone's cup of tea, she's never gotten the adulation that Roberts has.

01-05-2008, 10:28 PM
Julia is the most overrated and its not even close.

Penelope is not that great in English-speaking roles. Vanilla Sky was awful and she was awful in it, to name one. But she is really good in her native language.

01-05-2008, 10:28 PM
If you're going to put down Roberts then Cruz has GOT to go down as well. If Julia sucks then there isn't quite a word to describe how bad Cruz is.

01-05-2008, 10:46 PM
I think they are both pretty. They each have good flix and bad ones. I totally agree with Mel about Cruz being much better in Spanish (especially Almodivar) films.

01-05-2008, 10:51 PM
i think one thing i hate is that both are always made out to be hot, when they aren't. both are relatively ugly/average imo. julia has a weird facial structure and huge unappealing lips while penelope just completely turns me off. blow is a great movie, but i hate her in it.

01-06-2008, 01:33 AM
I have bigger problems with their film choices than I do with their talent.

Cruz is quite good in Spanish films (got a lot of recognition for Volver, but was especially good in All About My Mother), but has been in mostly crappy films here in the states. (Ditto Antonio Banderas, for the record, which I know hasn't got shit to do with overrated actresses, but his career here has never come close to matching his wonderful performances in Almodovar's early films).

And I thought Julia Roberts was legitimately good in Erin Brockovich and a couple of other films (though, admittedly, those other films aren't really springing to mind at the moment), but the Pretty Woman and Runaway Bride shit makes me fucking insane.

Ultimately, neither of them are going to inspire enough hatred OR adoration in me to change whether or not I'll see a film they're in. I don't get the popularity, but I don't lose sleep over it, either.

Condemned 2 HelLA
01-06-2008, 03:58 AM
Julia Roberts is disgusting, untalented and overrated,
Julia Roberts has always been disgusting, untalented and overrated,
Julia Roberts will always be disgusting, untalented and overrated.

01-06-2008, 03:58 AM
Never heard of 'em.

01-06-2008, 04:11 AM
i think one thing i hate is that both are always made out to be hot, when they aren't. both are relatively ugly/average imo. julia has a weird facial structure and huge unappealing lips while penelope just completely turns me off. blow is a great movie, but i hate her in it.

I feel the same way about Uma Thurman. Her character in Pulp Fiction was kind of okay looking but every role she's had since then has been average/ugly. The sex symbol status she briefly achieved during Kill Bill's run made me puke. What she gets to kick some ass with a sword and that gets her on America's hottest women lists? F that.

01-06-2008, 04:25 AM
I pretty much agree with everything Spurm said about Julia Roberts...

Plus, just about every woman I meet thinks Julia Roberts is hot...but I don't know many men that share that opinion. And I don't know many men clamoring that they want to rent her movies...it's always your girl that wants to watch her movies.

There's definitely something about her that women consider pretty that is lost on men. I guess if you can overlook that she looks exactly like her brother, that if you can really stretch yourself and learn to appreciate the mamallian billed look...she's kind of cute in a duckish way... but her face distracts heavily from her tits, and really she's not even that cute because you can tell she's a bitch.

Penelope Cruz is over-rated too....but she hasn't been around as long as Julia, and she's not as annoying....both of them remind me of pets for some reason.

01-06-2008, 09:49 AM
I never thought Julia was hot. I think she's kinda horsey looking. But I did like her in Erin Brockovich and Mystic Pizza.

I think the only thing I've seen Penelope Cruz in was a L'oreal commercial where her lashes 'reeech to de starrrz'

01-06-2008, 11:35 AM
I think Julia Roberts is pretty good looking. In a strange way.

Vanilla Sky is one of my, if not my favorite movie of all time. I hate that it stars Tom Cruise, because i cant stand that fag, but the movie was fucking brilliant. Easily Cameron Crowe's best film, one of the only movies i would consider a work of art.

Penelope Cruz was ok in it, nothing earth shattering, but i did find her pretty attractive in that movie.

Both girls arent anything to write home about, but are ok.

01-06-2008, 01:02 PM
I pretty much agree with everything Spurm said about Julia Roberts...

Plus, just about every woman I meet thinks Julia Roberts is hot...but I don't know many men that share that opinion. And I don't know many men clamoring that they want to rent her movies...it's always your girl that wants to watch her movies.

There's definitely something about her that women consider pretty that is lost on men. I guess if you can overlook that she looks exactly like her brother, that if you can really stretch yourself and learn to appreciate the mamallian billed look...she's kind of cute in a duckish way... but her face distracts heavily from her tits, and really she's not even that cute because you can tell she's a bitch.

Penelope Cruz is over-rated too....but she hasn't been around as long as Julia, and she's not as annoying....both of them remind me of pets for some reason.

I've never found either of them particularly "hot", or loved any of their movies.
But you are right about women having a different definition of pretty than men. I think Julia Roberts is pretty because 1) She is tall 2) She has nice hair 3) she has "smiley" eyes 4) she has a BIG smile 5) she has an adorable laugh. I know men would not consider any of these characteristics "hot". It takes alot more than breasts to make a woman attractive.
Actually I don't think I've met a person who is completely unattractive. The only thing that would make a person "ugly" to me would be personality-wise.

peewee's lovechild
01-06-2008, 01:40 PM
Penelope is fucking great in Volver.

I can't say Roberts ever had a "great" performance. And, don't give me that "Pretty Woman"/"Erin Brokovich" bullshit.

01-06-2008, 02:08 PM
I think Julia Roberts is pretty good looking. In a strange way.

Vanilla Sky is one of my, if not my favorite movie of all time. I hate that it stars Tom Cruise, because i cant stand that fag, but the movie was fucking brilliant. Easily Cameron Crowe's best film, one of the only movies i would consider a work of art.

Penelope Cruz was ok in it, nothing earth shattering, but i did find her pretty attractive in that movie.

Both girls arent anything to write home about, but are ok.
First, you're out of your mind buddy. Vanilla Sky was horseshit. A work of art my ass. You do realize it was almost a carbon copy of the earlier spanish version don't you? It was a remake, and a bad one at that.

01-06-2008, 02:16 PM
This is not even a contest. Julia Roberts is the most overrated actress in Hollywood history.

After cute performances in Steel Magnolias and Pretty Woman she went on to star in a few mass-consumption-friendly movies like Sleeping With the Enemy and My Best Friend's Wedding, but more often was part of mediocre-to-horrible movies like Hook, I Love Trouble, The Pelican Brief, Mary Reilly, Runaway Bride, Stepmom and Conspiracy Theory... in only one of these movies did she play anyone other than Julia Roberts: Mary Reilly, for which she got a Razzie nomination.

Then suddenly she plays a sassy leading role in a movie that was basically A Civil Action with a chick, and she wins a fucking OSCAR over one of the best female performances in film history (Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream).

Since then, she's been in only two movies that were even close to decent, and that's been in spite of her, not because of her. And according to Forbes she is STILL Hollywood's top-earning actress.

I haven't seen Charlie Wilson's War and I'm not sure I'll be able to if she's in the movie for an extended period of time. Her ridiculous southern belle accent in the trailer makes even that 3-minutes unbearable for me.
Add to that the Gawd-awful shriek that her fans call a laugh

As for Charlie Wilson's War, the combo of Roberts and Hanks makes it a definite must avoid

01-06-2008, 02:49 PM
Are you talking about overrated in looks or acting?

Julia Roberts has a really great smile I think that makes her prettier than she is. Penelope Cruz looks like a female Manu Ginobili to me so no comment on her...:lol

As for their acting, they're both average at best. I don't think Salma Hayek can act to save her life either, but for some reason she's more popular than Penelope Cruz....

01-06-2008, 04:41 PM
First, you're out of your mind buddy. Vanilla Sky was horseshit. A work of art my ass. You do realize it was almost a carbon copy of the earlier spanish version don't you? It was a remake, and a bad one at that.

Remake or not it was a very good movie. So many people get all up in arms about it being a version of "open your eyes" but who realy cares, how many version of bob dyllan songs have been done, and done really well, the same can be said about any good work of art, it was obviously good the first time, good enough that someone wanted to remake it...The movie was very, VERY well done.

The music was fantastic, the acting was good, the story was great...all around a really really good movie. I've neve watched a movie and felt as emotionally tied to it, as i did to the characters and story in that film.

I guess im horseshit, but i still think it was my all time fav film.

01-06-2008, 05:28 PM
I can't decide who is worst

01-08-2008, 01:37 PM
Maybe this will sway the vote in Penelope's favor.

Kori Ellis
01-08-2008, 01:45 PM
Are you talking about overrated in looks or acting?

Julia Roberts has a really great smile I think that makes her prettier than she is.


I think her smile is what ruins her looks. She has a huge giant horse mouth.

Kori Ellis
01-08-2008, 01:46 PM

01-08-2008, 02:19 PM

I think her smile is what ruins her looks. She has a huge giant horse mouth.

I couldn't agree more. Her smile is pretty scary as is her laugh.

01-08-2008, 05:46 PM
I too dislike Julia Roberts. I think ever since Pretty Woman, she has been overrated.

01-08-2008, 06:33 PM
I like Julia Roberts. She's a good actress.

01-08-2008, 07:08 PM
Maybe this will sway the vote in Penelope's favor.


01-08-2008, 08:21 PM
They are both ending their careers. Most famous for being a Hooker.

Horry For 3!
01-11-2008, 01:51 AM
This is not even a contest. Julia Roberts is the most overrated actress in Hollywood history.

After cute performances in Steel Magnolias and Pretty Woman she went on to star in a few mass-consumption-friendly movies like Sleeping With the Enemy and My Best Friend's Wedding, but more often was part of mediocre-to-horrible movies like Hook, I Love Trouble, The Pelican Brief, Mary Reilly, Runaway Bride, Stepmom and Conspiracy Theory... in only one of these movies did she play anyone other than Julia Roberts: Mary Reilly, for which she got a Razzie nomination.

Then suddenly she plays a sassy leading role in a movie that was basically A Civil Action with a chick, and she wins a fucking OSCAR over one of the best female performances in film history (Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream).

Since then, she's been in only two movies that were even close to decent, and that's been in spite of her, not because of her. And according to Forbes she is STILL Hollywood's top-earning actress.

I haven't seen Charlie Wilson's War and I'm not sure I'll be able to if she's in the movie for an extended period of time. Her ridiculous southern belle accent in the trailer makes even that 3-minutes unbearable for me.
I recently found out that my grandfather dated Joanne Johnson (Joanne Herring now as she got married for the 2nd time) back in college for 2 months and knew Charlie Wilson. Pretty interesting to me.

peewee's lovechild
01-11-2008, 12:59 PM
I recently found out that my grandfather dated Joanne Johnson (Joanne Herring now as she got married for the 2nd time) back in college for 2 months and knew Charlie Wilson. Pretty interesting to me.

Are you sure it wasn't a guy dressed up to look like Joanne Johnson??

Did she/he ever take pictures with the Union Jack drapped over her/his ass?

01-11-2008, 02:04 PM
I think Julia Roberts is pretty because 1) She is tall 2) She has nice hair 3) she has "smiley" eyes 4) she has a BIG smile 5) she has an adorable laugh. I know men would not consider any of these characteristics "hot". It takes alot more than breasts to make a woman attractive.
Actually I don't think I've met a person who is completely unattractive. The only thing that would make a person "ugly" to me would be personality-wise.

I just don't see it...to me she looks like a bitch. I don't know for sure that she is one...she might be the sweetest girl ever...but she just comes off as one to me. I know she's been in some bad relationships, and I know she's been very generous with charity...but to me she just seems like a bitch.

I agree there's more to looks than breasts, and I agree about personality having a lot to do with looks...but in her case IMO her breasts are better than her personality and her looks.

I know literally dozens of women that IMO are way prettier than Julia Roberts that think being told they look like her is a huge compliment...or that wish they looked like her. And some of these girls blow her out of the water. I've never understood it.

The truth is...if there weren't so many people saying she's the model of beauty...there probably wouldn't be as many people saying, are you kidding me?

01-11-2008, 03:28 PM
Penelope is good in spanish movies. watch volver, she is a good actress. I don't know in english, maybe she sucks

01-11-2008, 09:29 PM

:lol Well, you picked an unflattering pic! And that's her laugh, not smile :)
