View Full Version : Amare a no-show at practice

01-06-2008, 11:56 PM
What a drama queen.

The Suns told guard Raja Bell to stay home from Sunday’s practice as he continues to suffer from the flu.

But Amare Stoudemire was an unexpected no-show, calling trainer Aaron Nelson before the 11 a.m. workout to say he wouldn’t be at work due to what Suns coach Mike D’Antoni would only say were “personal reasons.”

Sunday afternoon, Suns general manager Steve Kerr said from San Diego that he plans to return to the Valley Monday morning to speak with Stoudemire about the circumstances surrounding his absence. He would not comment on whether disciplinary action in the form of a fine or suspension was under consideration

”Amare didn’t come to practice. He did have an excuse. From there, the matter will be handled internally,” Kerr said.

For the second time since Christmas, Stoudemire – who was named one of the team captains before the season began — followed a Phoenix loss by showing his frustration in postgame interview after Saturday’s 118-113 loss to New Orleans.

Stoudemire, who had averaged 30.8 points and almost 18 shots a game during Phoenix’s four-game winning streak, took only 11 shots Saturday and produced 17 points – his fewest since taking 11 in a Christmas Day loss to the Lakers, where he called out his teammates in a postgame rant.

Saturday, Stoudemire didn’t attempt a field goal in the third quarter against the Hornets (two free throws) and had only two shots in the final six minutes of the fourth quarter – including a meaningless 3-pointer with three seconds left. Stoudemire’s comments were more reserved this time, but addressed the same issues – that in his mind, the Suns strayed from their winning formula and it cost them a win.

“We have to get it together. We’re a veteran team,” he said. “We should know our strategies; we should know what we’re doing and do it. Sometimes you mess up, but overall we should execute the majority of the time. If we do that and play hard, we can win almost every game.

“But if we don’t get smart about the game of basketball, then we can’t win.”

After Sunday’s workout, guard Steve Nash said he didn’t know the reason for Stoudemire’s absence or what to say about it. But on the generic subject of team chemistry, Nash said that inner squabbles can take down a team. “I don’t know if guys are pointing fingers, maybe sometimes I’m oblivious to that to some of that stuff to a fault,” he said. “But if that stuff is going on it needs to be stopped or else we can kiss it goodbye.

“You can’t win at this level if you don’t have great chemistry and you don’t pull for each other and if you’re worried about your shots or worried about yourself or making excuses or pointing fingers at other players. That’s for losers. We’ve been a winning ballclub here and if we want to take that next step that has to be a big part of our character.”

01-07-2008, 12:01 AM
]“You can’t win at this level if you don’t have great chemistry and you don’t pull for each other and if you’re worried about your shots or worried about yourself or making excuses or pointing fingers at other players. That’s for losers.[/B] We’ve been a winning ballclub here and if we want to take that next step that has to be a big part of our character.”

Yup Nash....that's what you get with Amare and Marion....the team needs a new direction.

01-07-2008, 01:47 AM
He does have a point though. We need to go to Amare more often on the offensive end. Too bad our coach is a brain dead retard.

01-07-2008, 02:28 AM
What's so wrong with what Amare said?

He's expects his team to be as good as he believes, and yeah, losing's frustrating.

I'd be more upset if one of my star players said any different.

01-07-2008, 09:32 AM
any notions that the suns are simply on cruise control has been thrown out the window by this report.

01-07-2008, 10:01 AM
Stoudemire’s comments were more reserved this time, but addressed the same issues – that in his mind, the Suns strayed from their winning formula and it cost them a win.

We’ve been a winning ballclub here


01-07-2008, 11:48 AM
Amare needs to take more of an on-court leadership role, and I think it's perfectly fine if he wants to be the focal point of the offense. If Mike D'Antoni wasn't a complete dumbass, he'd realize that when we run the offense through Amare early in the game, he tends to dominate on offense and on the glass. When that happens, we win. The Suns are undefeated when Amare goes for 20 and 10, and I don't think that's a coincidence.

I'm tired of screaming at my TV during the 4th quarter, "NO. NOT BARBOSA. NOT MARION. GIVE THE FUCKING BALL TO AMARE."

01-07-2008, 12:55 PM
What did Stoudewhiner say on Christmas? I don't see anything wrong with what he said after this game, that's just part of wanting to win. He didn't call anyone out or single himself as not getting enough touches.

I love D'Antoni. His ineptness is so nice to see.

01-07-2008, 01:02 PM
If I was D'Antoni or the rest of the team, Amare skipping practice wouldn't make me think "hey, we need to give him the ball more during crunch time!"

He's just separating himself from the team even more.

01-07-2008, 01:52 PM
I think Amare is still pussy hurt for getting ejected in last years playoffs for leaving the bench area after Nash over dramatized the way he got smacked by Horry. ...he needs to quit bitching and start leading by example.

01-07-2008, 01:57 PM
I don't know why some players get upset when they don't win. Some teams are not meant to win 60+..just win your 55, get eliminated in the 2nd round, and go enjoy your summer.

June is for the elite teams: SA, Boston, or Detroit.

The rest need to stop trying so hard. Fluke pretenders.

01-07-2008, 02:02 PM
Going over to AZCentral and reading all the comments by Suns fans, they are finally realizing that playing run and gun and no defense is not going to win you a championship anytime soon. The only one that does not see this is Coach D'Antoni. A big change from the past few years when Suns fans thought that the Suns were the best thing to ever happen to basketball. They thought they were Americas team. Furthest thing from the truth. At least Stevie Kerr has Sean Marks with him to reminisce what its like to play for a true championship caliber team.

01-07-2008, 02:25 PM
I don't know why some players get upset when they don't win. Some teams are not meant to win 60+..just win your 55, get eliminated in the 2nd round, and go enjoy your summer.

June is for the elite teams: SA, Boston, or Detroit.

The rest need to stop trying so hard. Fluke pretenders.


Oh, wait. I just realized who posted this trash.

01-07-2008, 05:45 PM
He does have a point though. We need to go to Amare more often on the offensive end. Too bad our coach is a brain dead retard.

Is this picture in your sig supposed to be a joke? I lose more faith in humanity every day. I like how he has to have a black guy in the background so he doesn't look like so much of a poser.


01-07-2008, 06:38 PM
Defense builds character.

Phoenix needs to hire a coach with a defensive philosophy.

Or bring in at least 2 defensive minded veterans and hope their defensive play is infectious.

Really, the Suns will not win an NBA title until they learn how to defend. Basketball is played on both ends of the floor.

01-07-2008, 08:02 PM
Amare needs to take more of an on-court leadership role, and I think it's perfectly fine if he wants to be the focal point of the offense. If Mike D'Antoni wasn't a complete dumbass, he'd realize that when we run the offense through Amare early in the game, he tends to dominate on offense and on the glass. When that happens, we win. The Suns are undefeated when Amare goes for 20 and 10, and I don't think that's a coincidence.

I'm tired of screaming at my TV during the 4th quarter, "NO. NOT BARBOSA. NOT MARION. GIVE THE FUCKING BALL TO AMARE."
Wouldn't that involve actually running plays instead of just chucking up whatever? I can't see Three First Names going for that...what if the shot clock got down to ten, or something?

01-07-2008, 08:04 PM
guys, quite worrying. coach dantoni already figured out the problem. its the headbands.

01-07-2008, 09:00 PM
I really haven't seen the suns run the offense through amare? I mean the suns offense is a nash pick and roll it seems to me.

How many apg does amare have again? 1?? 1??

Teams would be ecstatic if the suns ran their offense through amare.

01-07-2008, 09:04 PM
Amare does have a point. I think he could have handle it better for sure but him going the 3rd quarter without a shot attempt is inexcusable. D'Antoni needs to make it point to throw the ball inside. Hopefully this lights a fire in them.

01-07-2008, 09:11 PM
I think the Suns chances of going to the Finals rests on Amare. If he plays defense and rebounds they have a chance. So far he can't seem to avoid silly fouls. Is obvious that the running game is fun to watch but against the likes of the Spurs you need to get stops.

01-08-2008, 12:46 AM
any notions that the suns are simply on cruise control has been thrown out the window by this report.

I remember a qoute from Joe Johnson the summer he left for Atlanta. Is not always peaches and creme referring to the Suns team. I remember a game in Miami a few years ago where Wade just went Ginobil on the Suns and Stoudemire and Johnson had some words at halftime over JJ's defense on Wade.