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View Full Version : My Cotton Bowl experience sucked

01-01-2005, 07:08 PM
Man, I was ready for a great time at the game. We were staying at the Hyatt Regency where the Tenn Vols and their fans were staying, so I got to talk to some players and fans last night about the game. I was talking some smack and being cocky, but I was respectful.(The players were fucking huge) All the players had IPods that they received for making the Cotton Bowl, so my son was showing some of them his new IRiver MP3 player that he got for Christmas, all the players were very polite and resectful too. We had a great New Year's Eve, I did not get too drunk so I woke up in a good mood without any headache. My dad, wife, son and I had some great seats at the stadium, the place was soldout and was jumping. The Kilgore Rangerettes performed in pregame (they were hot), the weather was cloudy, but nice with just a small amt of rain for 10 mins or so, so I was feeling great. Then it happened. Mistake after mistake was being made, fumble after fumble, and opportunity after oppontunity was being snuffed out by TOs and penalties....it was HORRIBLE. This was the Aggies worst defeat in their history of Bowls.....we left in the 3rd quarter(Yes I am a 2 percenter).....

This was not what I expected....I am just glad that I have my Spurs. :)

01-02-2005, 06:24 AM
That sounded like it sucked. Better luck next year.


Don't go to any Spurs playoff games.


01-02-2005, 09:17 AM
Anybody checked the shower rod for AHF?

01-02-2005, 05:52 PM
sorry it sucked for you Jim. I was hoping the Ags would do better.

Aggie Hoopsfan
01-02-2005, 06:24 PM
Here's mine...

It was a triple double for me in that New Year's Day is also my birthday. We stayed at Adam's Mark, my trip went something like this:

* Started drinking with friends about 8 PM Friday, set out for West End and Yell

* Gave some dumbass a bloody nose for trying to steal our beers (he said I stole them - had just bought them from the damn bar), he took a swing, he was drunk, I wasn't, he ended up on the floor

* Got three mug downs between 12 and 1 AM.... One with a random hottie standing next to me when it hit New Year's. Another with a friend for Yell, and a third from a friend of a friend when she was told it was my birthday on top of New Year's (not quite as hot as girl 1, but still good)

* Went to a party in the hotel, got back to our room about 4 AM. What I did at the party, who knows at that point...

* Got up at 8 to ride the train to the game, realized about halfway there I was still drunk (no hangover though).

Then, like Jim, it went downhill with turnover after turnover, but the post-game tailgate was all good.

Slept half the day today after getting home, got up to listen to my Aggie basketball team come from 17 down and win by 2 to move to 11-0. *Whew* Wednesday night will probably be rough (at Kansas), but this team is much better than what we got from Watkins.

01-03-2005, 11:01 AM
AHF, so you are the one that hit me in the nose, you bastard. :makemyday

Hook Dem
01-03-2005, 12:41 PM
Hey guys, you're team was much better than the game they played that day. It's easy to rag on someone when they are down. I will not do that! Your day will come, bellieve me!!!

01-04-2005, 12:02 AM
Tennessee > A and M

01-04-2005, 12:55 AM
Tennessee > A and M

Stunning insight there, Sequ.

Your vast knowledge is wasted on a message board. Go forth and spread the word amongst the taller, unbeliving world.