View Full Version : ?? A New Investigation into 911??

01-13-2008, 12:08 AM
Ok, well not sure what to make of this, just popped on digg.

Apparently due to massive outcry in Japan about the war, Japanese funding of the war, and Japanese public questioning of 911 Japanese Parliament have officially opened their own investigation regarding the events of 911.

I saw this via digg and as of yet have not found an official translation of these videos. If any of you speak Japanese please help on this one. Do not shoot the messenger as I do not care about conspiracy theories, but the war and it's continuation concerns me greatly. I thought this was both huge/shocking news.


There is a lot more video showing up all over the place, I'll post more when I can find someone to make more sense out of it.

Again, please don't shoot the messenger.

01-13-2008, 12:30 AM
Good luck. A lot of them still deny their own country's war atrocities in WWII -- not the best record for exposing the truth.

Wild Cobra
01-13-2008, 01:03 AM
Good luck. A lot of them still deny their own country's war atrocities in WWII -- not the best record for exposing the truth.
Yep, I'm sure they had their own "john kerry's" who cut off ears, played with prisoners genitalia, etc. that wasn't sanctioned by their government also.

I'm sorry everyone. I couldn't resist...

Extra Stout
01-13-2008, 01:13 AM
It does not appear that the entire Japanese Parliament is sanctioning an official investigation into 9/11; rather, it appears that a single member of the Japanese Parliament is a Truther.

01-13-2008, 01:41 AM
What the hell is this stuff I keep hearing about "truthers"? I hear this stuff all over the internet, I'm very confused about what the hell this is.

Anyway it seems to be used in a derogatory way on youtube, forums, etc. Truth is a term that should never be used in the sense of craziness. While their views may not be mainstream, they may even be crazy, but I don't see why anyone considers these people "truthers". Who made that name up?

If we keep using that term are we going to call everyone who seeks the truth or questions an investigation(s) "truthers". That's a strike on vocabulary to me, in 10 years when something happens that isn't properly explained a person may claim to want the truth. Will that same person just be derided as a "truther/nut"?

The whole inclination of this is a bit disturbing to me. Discourse and discussion should never be labeled as outlandish or crazy.

Extra Stout
01-13-2008, 10:21 AM
What the hell is this stuff I keep hearing about "truthers"? I hear this stuff all over the internet, I'm very confused about what the hell this is.

Anyway it seems to be used in a derogatory way on youtube, forums, etc. Truth is a term that should never be used in the sense of craziness. While their views may not be mainstream, they may even be crazy, but I don't see why anyone considers these people "truthers". Who made that name up?

If we keep using that term are we going to call everyone who seeks the truth or questions an investigation(s) "truthers". That's a strike on vocabulary to me, in 10 years when something happens that isn't properly explained a person may claim to want the truth. Will that same person just be derided as a "truther/nut"?

The whole inclination of this is a bit disturbing to me. Discourse and discussion should never be labeled as outlandish or crazy.
Many 9/11 conspiracy theorists, after making their saintly claim simply be "trying to find the truth," will rationalize and disregard any countermanding evidence against the hypothesis that the United States government carried out the 9/11 attacks. Thus, the term "Truthers."

01-13-2008, 10:36 AM
Many 9/11 conspiracy theorists, after making their saintly claim simply be "trying to find the truth," will rationalize and disregard any countermanding evidence against the hypothesis that the United States government carried out the 9/11 attacks. Thus, the term "Truthers."

Plus they're all fucking whacked.

01-13-2008, 10:39 AM
Yeah Truthers is misleading, whatever happened to just calling them psycho?

01-13-2008, 12:17 PM
True, I'm thinking it was the dude in the grass knoll down the block from the WTC.

01-13-2008, 01:30 PM
Uh oh, better count me as one who lacks sanity. I live in Dallas and have been to where JFK was shot many times, I don't believe the Warren Commission and their "magic bullet" theory one bit. I've shot many guns and I've never had a bullet do what they said it did.

Where are we again? Anyone who has intelligent and thought out discourse regarding a government finding is now crazy, now that is what scares the hell out of me.

01-13-2008, 01:59 PM
Yes, if you think that two planes packed with jet fuel impacting the buildings at hundreds of miles per hour, plus burning in the buildings was not the cause of the towers collapsing and that there were pre-positioned explosives set off to collapse them and the same government people say is dumb can orchestrate it and no one of credible character come forward to expose.........thats.......wait, damn, do people really believe that stuff???

01-13-2008, 02:32 PM
Yes, if you think that two planes packed with jet fuel impacting the buildings at hundreds of miles per hour, plus burning in the buildings was not the cause of the towers collapsing and that there were pre-positioned explosives set off to collapse them and the same government people say is dumb can orchestrate it and no one of credible character come forward to expose.........thats.......wait, damn, do people really believe that stuff???

No wouldn't say I believe that, but I do wish even the 911 commission could explain why World Trade Center 7 fell down in 6 seconds. Popular Mechanics has explained that it was a weird design or some such. Then they provided an equation to calculate why it's strange design could explain it's collapse. So many scholars did this equation and found that while there is a possibility of collapse, it should have taken closer to 3 minutes for the full collapse.

01-13-2008, 02:55 PM
I had heard that the Popular Mechanics article was pretty good, never had the chance to read it.

01-13-2008, 03:04 PM
Are these scholars structural engineers? I've read all the running reports from the government and while they can't pin down the exact girder that triggered the collapse, they did a fair job of describing several possible scenarios that could have cause the collapse.

01-13-2008, 03:13 PM

vintage chumpdumper

01-13-2008, 09:26 PM
Wow this is like a new toy! Doing a search on youtube literally opens up a new plethora of fun!


This guy is hilarious!

01-14-2008, 04:40 AM
When did Sequ become a truther?

01-14-2008, 11:12 AM
True, I'm thinking it was the dude in the grass knoll down the block from the WTC.

I knew it, I just knew it. I always said that guy was
slicker than snot. And I'll bet someone saw the puffs of
white smoke and saw him fly those planes into WTC by
remote control. dan, why didn't you think of that?