View Full Version : Setting The Agenda

01-14-2008, 09:26 PM

The choice in this election is simple. If we want a president who will lead America to the big, bold changes we need and change the conversation in America, Democrats should choose the candidate who has led the field in ideas and shaped the conversation in this race so far.

In this campaign, John Edwards has led on the issues -- the other candidates have merely followed.

But don't take it from me -- let me share with you some of the things people are saying about John.

As Paul Krugman writes today in The New York Times:

"On the Democratic side, John Edwards, although never the front-runner, has been driving his party's policy agenda. He's done it again on economic stimulus: last month, before the economic consensus turned as negative as it now has, he proposed a stimulus package including aid to unemployed workers, aid to cash-strapped state and local governments, public investment in alternative energy, and other measures."

And as Christopher Hayes writes in The Nation:

"The fact remains that the Edwards campaign has set the domestic policy agenda for the entire field. He was the first with a bold universal health care plan, the first with an ambitious climate change proposal that called for cap-and-trade, and the leader on reforming predatory lending practices and raising the minimum wage to a level where it regains its lost purchasing power."

In this campaign, John Edwards has led the other candidates in standing up for progressive change.

As Ezra Klein writes in The American Prospect:

"Much more so than Obama, it was Edwards who forced a new style of politics, untethered by the fear and timidity of the 90s,adamant that liberalism was an electoral boon and economic justice a popular sentiment. Knowing they had to defend against his challenge, both Hillary and Obama edged closer to his appeal.

"It left the Democrats in a much stronger position overall, and forced them to argue for, and commit to, a much broader and more inspiring agenda than we otherwise might have seen."

In this campaign, the other candidates have followed John's lead in talking about the special interests -- but the special
interests understand the difference between rhetoric and reality. That's why corporate lobbyists are united against John

As Kevin Drawbaugh reports for Reuters:

"Ask corporate lobbyists which presidential contender is most feared by their clients and the answer is almost always the same -- Democrat John Edwards. One business lobbyist said an Edwards presidency would be a 'disaster' for his well-heeled industrialist clients.

'I think Hillary is approachable. She knows where a lot of her funding has come from to be blunt,' said Greg Valliere, chief political strategist at Stanford Group Co., a market and policy analysis group."

Here's the bottom line in this election. We need a president who has the vision to put forth bold, progressive solutions to the challenges facing America in the 21st century. John Edwards has shown he has that vision -- and he has led on it throughout this campaign.

01-14-2008, 09:41 PM
Yeah old John is pretty generous with other peoples money, isn't
he? What you want, he will get it for you, if you will just vote for
him. He is phony as a three dollar bill.

01-14-2008, 11:19 PM
Yeah...why dont we all just cut and paste all the positive crap said by others and ad's for each of our own candidates. That'll convince 'em...ayup.

Cut and Paste...for when you just can't fucking think anymore!

01-14-2008, 11:23 PM
Edwards is a good everyman candidate because he looks like Jack Tripper.


01-14-2008, 11:28 PM
The corps and their DC whores are very nervous about Edwards anti-corp talk. They will swift-boat him and destroy him. I like him, but he's unelectable.

Hillary and Obama are part of the DC establishment, less threatening, and know where their money comes from.

01-14-2008, 11:30 PM