View Full Version : Another coach jumps on the Roy bandwagon

01-15-2008, 10:47 AM

Many thanks to Newark Star-Ledger reporter Dave D'Alessandro for passing along comments made last night by Nets coach Lawrence Frank regarding Trail Blazers guard Brandon Roy.

Like many NBA coaches around the league who have watched Roy on tape, then devised game-plans to stop him, only to be left exasperated, Frank was as complimentary as any coach about Roy before Monday's 99-73 win by the Blazers.

When asked why more people league-wide don't know about Roy, Frank was, well, frank:

"I think it's because being the Pacific Northwest has something to do with it,'' Frank said. "I'm not overstating this: This guy is as impressive a young player as we've seen all year. The thing that is amazing about him - he has such a great pace to his game. He's never out of control. He makes great decisions. He's never rushed. I tell you what, he's one impressive player.

"Plus, he's the leader of that team in his second year. And his emotions on the court are great. You never see him freaking, or show unnecessary emotion. He's very, very impressive.''

Frank said he is also impressed by Roy's varied arsenal.

"He can hurt you in the pick-and-rolls, he can hurt you in the post, he can hurt you in spot-ups, he can hurt you in the wing,'' Frank said. "And he is a very good passer. That ball is in his hands. Even though Blake and Jack are the point guards, he is really the point guard. And as a result, now you have Blake over his last 10 (games) shooting 60 percent from 3, you've got two of the top 3-point shooters in Blake and Jones. But it's really because of Roy's ability to get in the paint and make plays. He's really good.''

This is one reason why I think Roy still has a shot to make the Western Conference All-Star team. He won't get voted in by the fans, but when the coaches vote for the reserves I think Roy will score highly. Although Frank won't get to vote for Roy because he is an Eastern Conference coach, his comments have been echoed by nearly every coach around the league. These guys spend so much time watching film and crafting game plans to stop Roy, yet Roy continues to excel on a nightly basis. And the coaches know better than anyone who is playing defense, who is making teammates better and who is a bear to stop in crunch time.

In other words, by now, the secret is out: Roy has vaulted himself into the elite among NBA guards.
