View Full Version : Shock of the season - must read.

01-19-2008, 11:02 PM
Well, in a crucial game-deciding moment of the game, a foul which should have given Matt Bonner two free throws was MISSED. A MISSED call on a GAME-DECIDING PLAY....MISSED to the Spurs disadvantage Gee! What a fucking surprise! Wow I am so falling out of my seat in shock at the fact that the referees would miss a call that costs San Antonio the game!

Enjoy your bullshit season Houston.

01-19-2008, 11:04 PM
i have no clue what you're talking about.
it was a good clean tackle

Ever Be
01-19-2008, 11:04 PM
It's one game, son. Calm down.
The Spurs will get over it soon enough.
And calling the Rockets' season bullshit because a referee missed a call? It totally makes sense. :rolleyes

01-19-2008, 11:09 PM

01-19-2008, 11:36 PM

:lmao damn I can't get over how creepy that dude is!

01-20-2008, 01:30 AM
Mavs fans calling Spurs fans whiners...interesting

01-20-2008, 01:38 AM

01-20-2008, 01:39 AM
If you get out-hustled by two under-sized rookie PFs and cannot rebound to save your life you have no right to ask for a favorable call

01-20-2008, 01:52 AM
Mavs fans calling Spurs fans whiners...interesting

:cry :cry :cry :sleep :sleep :sleep

01-20-2008, 02:10 AM
A blown call did not cost the Spurs that game. Quit whining.

01-20-2008, 02:20 AM
Did not cost the Spurs the game: agree
Did not affect the outcome of the game: disagree

FromDownTown, I'm all for manning up and playing your heart out, but this is the truth: officiating does matter. As valiant as your attitude is, you cannot and should not deny what is put in front of you. Matchman has a valid point; and you can also look at TD's turnovers/missed free throws. While I am not worried about the Spurs' chances/interested in making excuses, I do feel that the aforementioned reminder is important, and pertinent to every team, not just the Spurs. Obviously, a blown call on a good free throw shooter in the closing minutes of a game decided by 2 points or less is worth discussing.

SpursDynasty, the loss is upsetting but try to tone it down, lest you be subjected to trolling by those with nothing better to do.

01-20-2008, 02:23 AM
Was it a bad no-call? Yes. Did it cost the Spurs the game? No. Should the Spurs have ever put the game in a position to come down to a discretionary call on a play like that? Absolutely not.

01-20-2008, 02:56 AM
Was it a bad no-call? Yes. Did it cost the Spurs the game? No. Should the Spurs have ever put the game in a position to come down to a discretionary call on a play like that? Absolutely not.

Great post.

01-20-2008, 03:33 AM
The Spurs were just missing shots they were supposed to miss. I'm sure they want Houston to enjoy this fluke win during their fluke season.

01-20-2008, 08:11 PM
like I've said many times...whiniest douche-bag on ST...

your BIT is tired SD...

01-21-2008, 08:45 AM

:lmao damn I can't get over how creepy that dude is!

Thats a dude?

01-22-2008, 06:16 PM
To say that the call doesn't matter is HORSE SHIT.

Calls are what make the game. Why are there rules to begin with? TO CALL FOULS AS THEY HAPPEN.

01-22-2008, 07:14 PM
To say that the call doesn't matter is HORSE SHIT.

Calls are what make the game. Why are there rules to begin with? TO CALL FOULS AS THEY HAPPEN.

Don't want the calls to matter? Don't want to take a chance that an official will blow a call late in the game?


The Spurs opportunity to win the game in Houston was in their own hands. They didn't do the things that were necessary to make that happen -- for crissakes, the officials didn't cause the Spurs to get beaten to 2 consecutive offensive rebounds after missed free throws in the last 30 seconds or so of the game.

You're whining about the officials refusing to bail out a team that had failed to execute even simple tasks in the waning moments of the game. It's a soft mentality and it's shameful that you're still whining about it all of these days later.

01-22-2008, 07:14 PM
Mavs fans calling Spurs fans whiners...interesting

What the fuck ever. Does Cuban whine too much? Yes. But it also takes three and a half hours to complete a Spurs game because your guys won't leave the refs alone. Spurs fans have no right to call out anybody else as whiners. Tim Duncan's bank shot isn't the definitive Spurs move, it's the sad pleading eyes that cry out "What did I do?", along with palms up:









01-22-2008, 07:27 PM
I'd submit that all of those pictures can be duplicated with pictures of players from other NBA teams -- Duncan's expressions are more noted, I think, because he's been in the spotlight so routinely throughout his career.

With that said, the incessant complaining from all players and coaches (and owners) during games is irksome to me. I can certainly see that players have reasonable complaints from time-to-time and understand why they go to officials and sometimes have animated conversations about those complaints. I wish they could keep it at that -- or to asking for clarifications on calls they didn't understand. But I'm bored with the constant politicking for calls and appalled that it still works.

With that said, the Spurs are one of the very few teams that, as a group, doesn't take those complaints off the floor and doesn't try to influence game officials by making public statements of dissatisfaction with officiating, particularly during the playoffs. It's one thing to complain while the game is in progress -- to urge officials that they've missed calls (however animatedly) and to plead that things be called differently afterwards -- but it's something else entirely to complain after the game ends by suggesting that the result of the game was somehow unfairly dictated by the game officials.

01-22-2008, 07:33 PM
With that said, the Spurs are one of the very few teams that, as a group, doesn't take those complaints off the floor and doesn't try to influence game officials by making public statements of dissatisfaction with officiating, particularly during the playoffs. It's one thing to complain while the game is in progress -- to urge officials that they've missed calls (however animatedly) and to plead that things be called differently afterwards -- but it's something else entirely to complain after the game ends by suggesting that the result of the game was somehow unfairly dictated by the game officials.

I guess Mark Cuban and SpursDynasty are peas in a pod, then?

Seriously, regarding letting it go once the final buzzer sounds, I remember an interview with Ginobili that ran during G5 of the 06 semis when you guys were down 3-1. He was issuing standard boilerplate about playing better, trying to take it one game at a time, and then said that they were fighting through despite all of the "dubious calls" that had gone against them. His words, not mine.

01-22-2008, 07:36 PM
Seriously, regarding letting it go once the final buzzer sounds, I remember an interview with Ginobili that ran during G5 of the 06 semis when you guys were down 3-1. He was issuing standard boilerplate about playing better, trying to take it one game at a time, and then said that they were fighting through despite all of the "dubious calls" that had gone against them. His words, not mine.

I'd be interested to see that quote verbatim.

If he actually said that, it's just about the only time during the Popovich era that a player has said anything even that strong about officiating in the media.

01-22-2008, 07:39 PM
I'd be interested to see that quote verbatim.

If he actually said that, it's just about the only time during the Popovich era that a player has said anything even that strong about officiating in the media.

I remember it because of the funny way he enunciated "doobeeus cawls" with that Argentinian accent of his.

01-22-2008, 07:43 PM
I remember it because of the funny way he enunciated "doobeeus cawls" with that Argentinian accent of his.

I'd still be interested to read that in print. I don't remember ever hearing him say that.

01-22-2008, 07:47 PM
I'd still be interested to read that in print. I don't remember ever hearing him say that.

I did a google search with various terms and nothing turned up. If anybody has that game on tape, it's there. It was one of the those standard mini-interview snippets they play during a game.

01-22-2008, 07:57 PM
Even taking you at your word on that, it's pretty tame. I think history bears out my point.

And, back to the topic, the reason the Spurs rarely -- if ever -- complain about officiating is because officials rarely -- if ever -- decide the outcomes of games. PERIOD.

01-22-2008, 08:00 PM
Even taking you at your word on that, it's pretty tame. I think history bears out my point.

And, back to the topic, the reason the Spurs rarely -- if ever -- complain about officiating is because officials rarely -- if ever -- decide the outcomes of games. PERIOD.

A lot of your fellow Spurs fans don't believe that regarding our series two years ago. Kind of the way Mavs fans like to remember the 06 Finals.

01-22-2008, 08:08 PM
Fans can believe whatever they want about refs but that still doesn't change the outcome of the game. Fans always make excuses for their teams losing!

Yeah, there's only one game in that 06 Finals that I think the Mavs and us fans have a legitimate gripe and that's Game Five. Three other wins in that series by Miami you can't pin on the refs.

01-23-2008, 01:29 AM

Just think...if Manu's foul on Dirk in Game 7 was not called, we win..right?

There's no expectation of the refs to "bail out" the Spurs. There's an expectation of the refs to DO THEIR JOB BY CALLING FOULS WHEN THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE CALLED.

"Bailing out" the Spurs would be just giving them bullshit calls, much as they do to Dallas.

01-23-2008, 01:42 AM

Just think...if Manu's foul on Dirk in Game 7 was not called, we win..right?

Just think, if Jason Terry keeps his hands off Findog's junk, the Spurs would've ended their season in Dallas. You were lucky there was a Game 7. And Manu fouled Dirk, no question. You guys had overtime to outscore Dallas and you couldn't do it.

01-23-2008, 08:10 AM

Just think...if Manu's foul on Dirk in Game 7 was not called, we win..right?

There's no expectation of the refs to "bail out" the Spurs. There's an expectation of the refs to DO THEIR JOB BY CALLING FOULS WHEN THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE CALLED.

"Bailing out" the Spurs would be just giving them bullshit calls, much as they do to Dallas.

You're making absolutely no sense -- you say that refs should do their jobs by calling fouls when they're supposed to be called, but to support your position that officiating changes outcomes, you cite to a play where Manu Ginobili clearly fouled Dirk Nowitzki and argue that the officials shouldn't have called a foul.

Which is it, you hypocrite?

01-23-2008, 09:56 AM

Just think...if Manu's foul on Dirk in Game 7 was not called, we win..right?

There's no expectation of the refs to "bail out" the Spurs. There's an expectation of the refs to DO THEIR JOB BY CALLING FOULS WHEN THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE CALLED.

"Bailing out" the Spurs would be just giving them bullshit calls, much as they do to Dallas.

So Manu didn't foul Dirk??? :dizzy :drunk :hat :smokin :lol

02-01-2008, 08:36 PM
Just think, if Jason Terry keeps his hands off Findog's junk, the Spurs would've ended their season in Dallas. You were lucky there was a Game 7. And Manu fouled Dirk, no question. You guys had overtime to outscore Dallas and you couldn't do it.

That's not relevant...this has to do with officials doing their job, and how that impacts games.

Not some fake ass jump shooting pretender impacting a game. completely irrelevant.

02-01-2008, 10:28 PM
Can I join the conversation ? What are we talking about, if I may ask ?