View Full Version : ....and now a word from Thomas Jefferson

01-23-2008, 09:50 PM
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies....if the American people ever allow private banks(the federal reserve is a collection of private banks) to control the issue of currency....first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

01-23-2008, 11:14 PM
We need an official Ron Paul spam thread.

01-23-2008, 11:39 PM
the girders were stressed

01-23-2008, 11:47 PM
They weren't?

01-24-2008, 12:03 AM
Runaway inflation supports the chumpdumper doctrine.

01-24-2008, 12:23 AM


01-24-2008, 09:15 AM
What inflation?

Does the Fed now control the price of oil? Food? Chinese imports?

01-24-2008, 10:37 AM
they are hiding inflation by screwing with the interset rates.

01-24-2008, 12:29 PM
What inflation?

Does the Fed now control the price of oil? Food? Chinese imports?

No, they control the interest rates the USA pays on the money it borrows for itself from the Fed.

So yes, they in fact do control inflation by the printing of money, of which they then loan to the American people at interest.

Low Rate + More money printed = more inflation.

Its deceit to somehow pass this off as not the Feds fault....and misleading to think that are not at fault because they dont directly control the price of oil. food, etc...

What they do control is the value of the dollar. And its been artificially kept at "par" for a little less than 20 years.

So now, instead of experiencing the natural ebb and flow of the USD value over your lifetime, you were gained monies at an artificial value your entire life only to see the necessary correction in value in a short, painful, near-dibilitating timeframe.

My prediction....all is going according to plan. The artificial stimulus to the dollar was well-planned and well thought out. The Fed never believed the economy could keep up with the borrowing rate....and when it seemed the economy COULD in fact keep up, they lowered interest rates to tap into the dumbass American addiction to credit-spending thereby accelerating what they already knew was the end-game of this sort of plan.

The complete degredation of the US Dollar.

Why would they do that?

Simple...with the ever-decreasing value of the dollar and the imminent switch by the World Bank from the USD as the world's currency, it forces the American government to default/declare bankruptcy on the money it has borrowed from the Fed thereby causing the mass sell off of of every foreign-held American assets across the globe.

The Dow crashes to the floor, everyones 401k isnt worth the paper its printed on and the US economy goes into the shitter....literally.

Being the uneducated, moronic lemmings that the American people are, theyll cry in their beer and to their government for help! And ask that it does something. The irony to all that is that it was that same government that put them in their position, with themselves to blame by allowing/not knowing the inevitable collapse.

Well....we all know what happens when the fucking retards of America come together under one slogan of need....whether it be "security" or "economy" it requires the willing capitualtion of the American Idiot for the government to garner more power and sway over us.

Whats the end game? I have my theories, but Im just a moonbat with no ground to stand on.

You draw your own conclusions. Ask yourself, "What does the government with immense power over its people as is, want from them?" Answer is....MORE FUCKING POWER.


Now, flame away!

01-24-2008, 02:39 PM
It is pretty sad that when a dangerous economic situation is on the horizon everyone looks to a bank chairman to save the day. He cuts the price of his bank note, and all is well; repeat as necessary...

I'm sure the Founding Fathers didn't have that in mind when they created the country.

01-24-2008, 03:17 PM
It is pretty sad that when a dangerous economic situation is on the horizon everyone looks to a bank chairman to save the day. He cuts the price of his bank note, and all is well; repeat as necessary...

I'm sure the Founding Fathers didn't have that in mind when they created the country.

Yeah, it really worked during the Carter administration,
didn't it?

By the way does anyone care to define what a
recession and depression is? And tell me have we
reached those benchmarks.

01-24-2008, 03:35 PM
"A recession is when you lose your job; a depression is when I lose mine."

A recession is usually defined as negative real growth for at least 2 quarters. I don't think there is an exact definition for a depression other than a really bad and long recession.

As to whether we are and have been in a recession: it depends on what the inflation rate is, because it sure ain't the CPI index, and the Fed conveniently stopped reporting M3 in 2006.

01-24-2008, 04:06 PM
"negative real growth

negative growth is an oxymoron, is that babble synonymous with "contraction"? contraction meaning the measured amout is smaller absolutely for a given period than it as in the previous period.

01-24-2008, 07:44 PM
"negative real growth

negative growth is an oxymoron, is that babble synonymous with "contraction"? contraction meaning the measured amout is smaller absolutely for a given period than it as in the previous period.

:madrun semantics :yield :)