View Full Version : Awesome Video

01-28-2008, 03:29 PM
Comptroller General talking about the coming economic crisis.

He is touring with both liberal and conservative economist. They all are in agreement.

This is a must view.


01-28-2008, 03:46 PM
there was an increase in 144 billion and he says the war only for that year was only 100 billion. I guess the war really doesn't put a dent in the debt......yeah right.....

01-28-2008, 04:17 PM
there was an increase in 144 billion and he says the war only for that year was only 100 billion. I guess the war really doesn't put a dent in the debt......yeah right.....
100 billion compared to 700 billion or the 50 trillion fiscal obligation is peanuts. But what does he know, he's only the CPA for the USA.

01-28-2008, 04:39 PM
For the Medicare/Medicaid component, NO politician has, nor will have the balls, esp not a Repug president, to stand up to the vested interests that are pocketing the 100s of $Bs of Medicare/Medicaid. btw, throw end-of-life care, too.

That's exactly the "catastrophe" of the US health system, including Medicare/Medicaid, will never collapse: too many powerful, super-wealthy vested interests depend on keeping the scam going, and they have the power and know-how to keep the scam going.

The nursing home/assisted living bills are exploding at the same time capitalists are buying them up, cutting for-profit services, cutting staffing, and pocketing $Bs. $3000+/month cash-flow is way too much cash for the capitalists to pass up. Same for-profit rule as the rest of health care: charge the highest price, deliver the shittiest minimum product.