View Full Version : Should sex offenders get castrated?

01-29-2008, 02:54 AM
I am curious to see what others think about this. I am currently writing a research paper in my current events class about this. I feel strongly supportive of this. I feel it will decrease the number of sex offenders if this is done. Cut their privates off if they molest a child. What do you guys think about having a castration law in full effect for first time offenders (and anyone else who commits this crime after the law is in effect)?? Would you support it? Why or why not?

01-29-2008, 02:56 AM
This guy^^

he's bold i tell ya.

Louie Vega
01-29-2008, 03:02 AM
Can we cut their dicks off and shove them down their throats? :clap

01-29-2008, 03:03 AM
I am curious to see what others think about this. I am currently writing a research paper in my current events class about this. I feel strongly supportive of this. I feel it will decrease the number of sex offenders if this is done. Cut their privates off if they molest a child. What do you guys think about having a castration law in full effect for first time offenders (and anyone else who commits this crime after the law is in effect)?? Would you support it? Why or why not?
Sure, and while we're at it we should start cutting the hands of anyone who robs... don't get me wrong, I despise child molesters as much as the next guy, but the current justice system that America has in place, while very good, is not flawless. What if you castrate an innocent person??

Of course, you already have the death penalty in Texas, so why not add castration to the menu huh?

01-29-2008, 03:04 AM
Can we cut their dicks off and shove them down their throats? :clap

Why not. Bastards like that deserve any kind of torture they can get. :toast

01-29-2008, 03:05 AM
Sure, and while we're at it we should start cutting the hands of anyone who robs... don't get me wrong, I despise child molesters as much as the next guy, but the current justice system that America has in place, while very good, is not flawless. What if you castrate an innocent person??

You make great points here. I want to see both sides of discussion on this. Thanks for adding in these questions and points.

01-29-2008, 08:51 AM
There would be too many variables...gender...age difference...you would need to differentiate between the 55 year old who molested an 11 year old between the 18 year old and his 15 year old girlfriend. And isn't anyone under 18 considered a "child"...so that's also something that would need to be clarified...

01-29-2008, 08:52 AM
There have been innocent people convicted of crimes you know...it would suck if in a year, the state says," sorry, the child was mistaken, you are free to go now, but your balls are gone, oops"

Thank about that.

01-29-2008, 09:58 AM
If you want to live in Saudi Arabia, im sure you can work that out. We dont need eye for an eye type laws in America, it sets a really bad precedent.

With that said, i do believe penalties should be stiffer for child molesters. My wife worked for 5 years as a therapist to these guys who were out on parole from prison. It is insane to me that you can have a man who raped 5 young boys, then serves 2 years of his 20 year sentence.

This guy is worse than a murderer in my opinion, because the vast majority wont rehab...they need to be in prison substantially longer than that.

01-29-2008, 10:16 AM
I wonder how many people who are pro-death penalty are anti-castration.

01-29-2008, 11:15 AM
A lobotomy isp robably more effective than castration. And there is no gender discrimination.

Extra Stout
01-29-2008, 11:41 AM
I hypothetically would be open to the idea for incorrigible repeat offenders, but I don't think it has any chance of surviving a court challenge, because of the Seventh Amendment.

Viva Las Espuelas
01-29-2008, 11:48 AM
they should be entered in the BME Pain Olympics.

01-29-2008, 11:49 AM
Repeat offendors... yes. chemical castration, they dont have to cut anything off but they can suppress their sexual urges. Oh... and make them serve their entire sentences, make the sentences longer, and no chance of parole for good behavior (Fuck yeah they're gonna behave themeselves they wanna go out and molest more little kids).

01-29-2008, 11:59 AM
cutting off a mentally ill person's BALLS isn't going to make them sane, just redirect that insanity to something else (i.e. killing instead of sex, perhaps)

Exactly. I can't count the number of times I've heard that rape is just as much about power as sex. You close that door and you open up windows into even more dangerous.

Lock them up, throw away the key. Cuts down on repeat offenses pretty well.

Ronaldo McDonald
01-29-2008, 12:32 PM
cutting off their balls is pretty inhumane, man. it isn't ideal in any situation other than medical emergency IMO. I agree w/ SFIE, just lock them up forever. problem solved.

01-29-2008, 12:49 PM
No we shouldn't castrate them.

Just take 'em to an old, dried up shed. Put them in it. Bolt a vice to a wall. Put their member in the vice - remove the handle. Give them a knife. Light the barn on fire.

Let them do it.

Ed Helicopter Jones
01-29-2008, 12:55 PM
Exactly. I can't count the number of times I've heard that rape is just as much about power as sex. You close that door and you open up windows into even more dangerous.

Lock them up, throw away the key. Cuts down on repeat offenses pretty well.

^^ What he said.

I think when you're writing your paper you need to specify the degree of the crime that would constitute a castration in your opinion. What about female offenders, do you take their ovaries? All these teachers that sleep with 14 year old students, do you castrate (de-ovarize) them?

This paper of yours is going to have to be pretty complex in order to convey a convincing argument.

It should be interesting. Good luck. :tu

01-29-2008, 01:25 PM
Some pedophiles have requested castration...this was a few years ago when I first heard about it, and I'm not sure how things are now...but at the time the ones requesting to be castrated were refused. In fact one guy requested it, was denied it, was released from prison, and then went and molested another child.

01-29-2008, 03:43 PM
Short answer...


01-29-2008, 05:13 PM
So what about female pedophiles??? Do you sew them up?

01-29-2008, 05:33 PM
I wonder how many people who are pro-death penalty are anti-castration.

Me too.

01-29-2008, 05:55 PM
castration is too much.

they should just let them get raped in jail... oh wait, they already do that

01-29-2008, 07:16 PM
Certain problems have no solutions. If someone wants to kill, they will find a way. If someone wants to abuse children, they will find a way too. You don't need a penis to molest a child (women) - in fact, castration will probably result in more mental harm for the offender, and more physical harm for the victims (think improvised "toys"). Would that be better for you?

Sure, you can lock them up forever. Hell, why not make concentration camps for sex offenders, so they can pay for their own life sentence. But why stop there? Just gas them, and eliminate the expense of keeping them alive, even if it's minimal. They're not human, after all.

Obviously, I'm not defending what sex offenders do. If I had a child, and he/she was abused, I would want to kill the person(s) responsible - no doubt about it. But this idea is horrible - it will never end.

01-29-2008, 07:23 PM
Castration won't achieve a damn thing - it is child molester's BRAIN that is damaged, and removing their sexual organs won't change that, so that's treating the symptoms, not the cause. Such people will just find another way to molest.

I'm all for "child molester island" - a place that child molesters are taken to out in the middle of the ocean and never allowed to leave...

No, I really have no answers. Most of the world's problems can't be solved, so it is a matter of harm minimisation. I guess the best way to do that is to impose long sentences without parole. You could free up some space in the jails by letting the pot smokers out.

PS Borosai and I just simultaneously posted almost the same thing.

01-29-2008, 07:36 PM
PS Borosai and I just simultaneously posted almost the same thing.


01-29-2008, 08:27 PM
I like the "ISLAND".... but put all the guilty criminals in it. close all the damn loop holes in the justice system.
let me see an island like CUBA sounds good after to take all the good people out....

Wild Cobra
01-30-2008, 12:54 AM
I am curious to see what others think about this. I am currently writing a research paper in my current events class about this. I feel strongly supportive of this. I feel it will decrease the number of sex offenders if this is done. Cut their privates off if they molest a child. What do you guys think about having a castration law in full effect for first time offenders (and anyone else who commits this crime after the law is in effect)?? Would you support it? Why or why not?
My understanding is that sex crimes only change in the tool used when this is done.

I have no use for a child molester. My only judgement for such people is the death sentence. Then we never have to worry about them again.

01-30-2008, 01:50 AM
I like the "ISLAND".... but put all the guilty criminals in it. close all the damn loop holes in the justice system.
let me see an island like CUBA sounds good after to take all the good people out....

Problem - "guilty criminals". So, shoplifter=rapist. Dope smoker=armed robber. No.

How about all the VIOLENT criminals? Then you could make food drops and watch them fight each other for the scraps - reality TV. Call it "Survival Island". Every year the winner, last one standing, gets to go to "another island" (in reality he gets shot in the head because he's actually the most dangerous of them all).

Sickness is spewing from my keyboard... :dizzy

01-30-2008, 02:56 PM

find this http://www.amazon.com/Sexual-Deviance-Controversies-Tony-Ward/dp/0761927328/ref=pd_bbs_sr_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1201722876&sr=8-3

book or any book related to it. Awesome research and anything related to it. Has all your answers and it'll point you in a good scientific answer.

If you were in SA I'd meet up with you and you could borrow it, but alas, you aren't and I don't want to give you my flu.

01-30-2008, 09:16 PM
Rape is first and foremost a crime of violence.

Rape is the sexual expression of aggression not the aggressive expression of sexuality.

01-30-2008, 09:24 PM
Rape is first and foremost a crime of violence.

Rape is the sexual expression of aggression not the aggressive expression of sexuality.I could be completely wrong, but I always thought that castration was most often looked at as a possible punishment for pedophiles, specifically, and not all sex offenders.

Though there are obviously other factors to consider -- aggression, power, control, etc. -- sexual urges do play a role in pedophilia, more so than in cases of rape. I don't particularly agree that it would be successful as there are plenty of ways to molest children that don't involve the penis, but the core of the argument (as I've always understood it) is that it would eliminate the obvious physiological effects and make it easier to resist the inappropriate urges.

01-31-2008, 02:04 AM
Dumb idea. They guys (or women) are messed up in the head. You get rid of their goods and they'll improvise and use things like screwdrivers, which is probably a lot worse for the victims.

Homeland Security
01-31-2008, 10:17 AM
If criminals get castrated, then where are we going to attach the electrodes?

01-31-2008, 10:45 AM
Pedophiles are very much about the sexuality of it, rapists on the other hand are more about the agression.

I still dont agree with castration as a cure. A pedophile is going to molest a kid if he wants to, regardless of if he has balls or not.

01-31-2008, 11:18 AM
THANKS FOR ALL THE INPUT EVERYBODY! These opinions along with all the research I have done online and in the library should really do the trick. I get so blinded with my hate on sex offenders that I tend to ignore the negative outcomes of castration. I really wanted/needed a different perspective of things. Again thank you! :)

01-31-2008, 11:45 AM
So you will have to castrate half the population between 18 and 25 who have sex with under 18 year olds.