View Full Version : Don't like virtual sex? Get $35

01-30-2008, 12:40 PM
That is, if you bought "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" and still have proof of purchase (yeah right):


If you bought a copy of "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" and didn't like the idea of pixilated video-game characters having sex on your television, you've got some cash coming.

The game's maker, Rockstar Games, part of Take-Two Interactive Software, has agreed to offer as much as $35 to buyers who can show a receipt. Lesser amounts are available for those with less definitive proof of purchase.

The scandal broke in 2005 when hard-core gamers uncovered a bit of code that, once unlocked, portrayed simulated sex between the game's hero and a female character who invites him home for coffee. The so-called Hot Coffee scandal led to a number of lawsuits from aggrieved parents and grandparents, who said they should have been warned, and the prospect of new government regulation.

The title was later pulled from shelves and its rating changed from M -- for mature -- to AO, for adults only.

The simulated sex scene could be unlocked only after downloading and installing a software patch, which was not distributed by the game's publisher.

The "Grand Theft Auto" series has received criticism over the years for its depictions of violence and risqué themes. The games allow players to attack, rob and carjack bystanders and police while exploring and completing quests in imaginary cities.

As of September, some 20 million copies of the game -- released on Sony's PlayStation 2, Microsoft's Xbox and Windows PCs -- had been sold worldwide, 8.6 million in the U.S. Only copies made before July 20, 2005, are eligible for the class-action settlement, though. And only offended U.S. residents qualify.

Rockstar Games agreed last fall to spend at least $1 million and up to $2.8 million replacing the game with an edited version and providing refunds. Lawyers will get an additional $1 million.

The company is settling but admits nothing. A Web site (http://www.gtasettlement.com/) to handle claims was launched in early January.

In addition to the monetary rewards, the company also offers offended gamers an updated copy of "GTA: San Andreas" that do not contain the offending code. The game retailed for about $50.

To file a claim online, click here (http://www.gtasettlement.com/fileclaim.aspx). To download a claim form in .pdf format, click here (http://www.gtasettlement.com/docs/GTANotice.pdf).

01-30-2008, 12:58 PM
that game is badass, but I would take the money if I had my reciept.

01-30-2008, 01:42 PM
People are so damn sensitive about crap like this. So your kid saw some pixelated sex scene, its not going to fucking scar him for life. Seriously, the US is becoming pussified as we speak

baseline bum
01-30-2008, 01:58 PM
I bought it and I have a receipt, but no way I'm going to cash in on that (even though I could easily copy my DVD) out of respect to Rockstar for making such an incredible game. That game has easily earned the $50 I paid for it with all of the time I've put into it.... amazing game.

BTW, it's not one chick. You can bone all of CJ's hoes.