View Full Version : Ron Paul should say the following tonight during debate:

01-30-2008, 04:56 PM
...looking forward to watching my dude speak truth to power tonight. these tips are from Thomas Woods isn't really my favorite, but:

1) Ronald Reagan said he wanted to eliminate the Department of Education. That's because Americans are perfectly capable of running their own schools, and don't need to be taxed to fund a Washington bureaucracy that, to add insult to injury, then has the nerve to tell them what to do.

No one on this stage has the slightest problem with any of this. In fact, everyone else on this stage supports Teddy Kennedy's No Child Left Behind Act. And they have the nerve to say they stand for change?

2) John McCain says it's fine with him if American troops are in Iraq for 100 years. With that one statement, John, you have guaranteed that you can never defeat the Democrats in November. They'll have a field day with that crazy statement. There's nothing even slightly conservative about that kind of recklessness. And where, may I ask, are you planning to get the resources for all this? Specifics, please, not platitudes about eliminating waste. What "waste," exactly?

3) Everyone else on this stage has an atrocious record on taxes and spending. Not one of them attacks my record on taxes and spending because they know they can't. I have the highest rating the National Taxpayers Union has ever given. I have voted in opposition against the entire Congress more than all other congressmen put together.

4) The subprime mortgage crisis, the bursting of the housing bubble, all the financial instability we're seeing -- I predicted this years ago as it was gathering steam. No one else on this stage plans to do anything other than tinker around the edges. No one else on this stage even seems to understand what's happening.

5) We were asked in an earlier debate to name three federal programs we would eliminate. That's no problem for me, since I believe in freedom and limited government. I wonder if you gentlemen have had more time to think about that question. I'll make it easier: can you name a single federal program you would eliminate? And no, a $400,000 bridge project doesn't count.

6) Our absurd foreign policy is bankrupting us. It's costing a trillion dollars a year to maintain these overseas commitments. Not only are we spreading ourselves too thin, and thereby making our country less secure, but we are hastening the day of financial reckoning. Entitlements are underfunded to the tune of over $50 trillion. Where is that going to come from? I'm the only one even talking about this. The rest of these men are traipsing around the country promising to hand out loot to every interest group you can name, totally oblivious to our financial situation.

01-30-2008, 06:00 PM
point out that lobbyists are too influencial in the others campaigns and why do they (the lobbyists)have to be so close to them.

01-30-2008, 07:22 PM

looks like I should have posted this one on the Who Gives a Shit Channel

01-30-2008, 08:12 PM
He just went over number 6 more or less...

LaMarcus Bryant
01-30-2008, 08:42 PM
Ron Paul makes too much sense for the normal voter to give him any credit.

01-30-2008, 09:02 PM
I dont even think he's been allowed to speak 6 times...

01-30-2008, 09:16 PM
Well that was a homerun! Good job Ron!

Wild Cobra
01-30-2008, 11:52 PM

looks like I should have posted this one on the Who Gives a Shit Channel
I'm just not going to take thie tim to spell out how I believe your views derive the wrong conclusions in some cases. These are each more complicated issue than I will take time for after four back-to-back Inversions (6.8% IPA's.)

Wild Cobra
01-30-2008, 11:56 PM
Ron Paul makes too much sense for the normal voter to give him any credit.
Except for foreign policy that is critical now with the ongoing terrorism threat against the USA.

No, Right of center people who are unbigoted see him and love his ideals. We just believe differently in foreign policy and national security. These views make him completely unelectable to the typical right of center voter. Everything else, most of us love.

Ask the questions to conservatives here how they feel about his other views. I think you will find most of them positive except his stance on Iraq and foreign policy.

Holt's Cat
01-31-2008, 12:13 AM
How so? It's not like he opposed the Afghanistan war.

And another thing, all of the GOP candidates are flawed in one way or another. I'd say those who are committed to the status quo have deviated much further away from conservative ideals than Paul has with his stance on the Iraq war.

And a preemptive war on the scale of the Iraq war is certainly not in the conservative Republican tradition.

Wild Cobra
01-31-2008, 01:03 AM
How so? It's not like he opposed the Afghanistan war.

Two different wars for two different reasons.

And another thing, all of the GOP candidates are flawed in one way or another. I'd say those who are committed to the status quo have deviated much further away from conservative ideals than Paul has with his stance on the Iraq war.

Isn't McCain the only one left commited to the staus quo?

And a preemptive war on the scale of the Iraq war is certainly not in the conservative Republican tradition.

You are wrong. I guess you forget the half dozen or so reasons we went there. What is it, you only focus on one reason?

Don't ask me to elaborate. If you haven't learned by now, my explaining it for the umteenth time isn't going to make a difference.

01-31-2008, 01:21 AM

looks like I should have posted this one on the Who Gives a Shit Channel

All good points. I just wonder how many Americans understand our long term fiscal position.

Beating the war drum is alot easier.

Holt's Cat
01-31-2008, 01:23 AM
You are wrong. I guess you forget the half dozen or so reasons we went there. What is it, you only focus on one reason?

Well what reason was it, exactly? Hussein had nukes and was collaborating with al Qaida? "Freedom"? Yeah, I forgot them all because it seemed like the President could never own up to the fact that he committed us to one expensive war based on what turned out to be grossly inaccurate, and that which should have been clear at the time he made the commitment was such.

01-31-2008, 01:24 AM
Wait, Ron Paul was at the debate?

01-31-2008, 01:25 AM
I think Ron Paul got to speak more than Mike Huckabee did and the Huckster has actually WON one of the contests....

I thought Huckabee got the shaft tonight as CNN CLEARLY made this a race between Romney and McCain.

01-31-2008, 01:43 AM
I'm surprised anyone else got to speak at the CNN Mitt Romney/John McCain Debate

01-31-2008, 08:04 AM
just don't give up, make sure to vote.

01-31-2008, 08:38 AM
Our absurd foreign policy is bankrupting us. It's costing a trillion dollars a year to maintain these overseas commitments. Not only are we spreading ourselves too thin, and thereby making our country less secure, but we are hastening the day of financial reckoning. Entitlements are underfunded to the tune of over $50 trillion. Where is that going to come from? I'm the only one even talking about this.

:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

01-31-2008, 08:39 AM
I can't vote for obvious reasons, but it is funny that if I could, I would vote for the same guy cbf would vote for :lol

Homeland Security
01-31-2008, 10:22 AM
Our absurd foreign policy is bankrupting us. It's costing a trillion dollars a year to maintain these overseas commitments. Not only are we spreading ourselves too thin, and thereby making our country less secure, but we are hastening the day of financial reckoning. Entitlements are underfunded to the tune of over $50 trillion. Where is that going to come from? I'm the only one even talking about this.
Sounds like this guy doesn't want to keep the homeland secure. He sympathizes with the terrorists. You know what we do to people who sympathize with terrorists. Think about that before you vote for Ron Paul on that "secret" ballot.

01-31-2008, 12:43 PM
Sounds like this guy doesn't want to keep the homeland secure. He sympathizes with the terrorists. You know what we do to people who sympathize with terrorists. Think about that before you vote for Ron Paul on that "secret" ballot.

he doesn't sympathize with terrorists, he just doesn't obsess about them like neocon's do.

get out of that area of the world and you'll see they won't care about us either.

Don't you get it naive person.

01-31-2008, 01:20 PM
I think I could go on stage and own all of these fools during the debate. It was garbage last night. What a shitty election :(

They asked Mccain about the economy and homeboy doesn't even fucking mention it. WTF. He goes on for 2 mins about his POW experience blah blah blah and doesn't mention ANYTHING about the economy.

Then wussy Romney doesn't even call him out. WTF.

Seriously, 4 yr olds could have better debates than these goons.

And then they go on a 10 minute spew about who said what about timetables...STFU. That was unwatchable. What a disgrace to the American people. I'm really starting to wonder wtf it takes, besides money, to run for President.

Viva Las Espuelas
01-31-2008, 04:04 PM
i'm not a full fledged ron paul supporter, but that was crappy that it was basically an evening of mccain-romney. i'd have been pissed if i was huck or paul.

Homeland Security
01-31-2008, 04:12 PM
he doesn't sympathize with terrorists, he just doesn't obsess about them like neocon's do.

get out of that area of the world and you'll see they won't care about us either.

Don't you get it naive person.
You sound seditious to me. Perhaps a weekend getaway to Gitmo might change your outlook.